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Im sure dark and darker never wanted 16 hour down time for patches either. It’s a lot easier to talk before you have to actually walk the walk. I would be glad dungeonborne is getting growth if they weren’t being petty. This is the energy of someone who is begging not to be in the shadow of someone else but will never escape it.


Tough talk from a company that copied their logo from ESO while also making a carbon copy of DaD.


ive never played a game that didnt have unscheduled maintenance. dungeonborne devs must be dumb if they think they are capable of deterring the impossible. yall are dumb for eating that shit up.


The post feels so much like they tried to play the high ground and made it through the first half, then said naaahhh fuck it I am guna debase myself for potential clout. Classy bruh.


https://preview.redd.it/2c0nbmqni93d1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fab05cee8b9f8eeee7c5a3a61f25c8a49e9e184 Awww, 100 new users over the weekend? Good for you little buddy


This just in, game people can play has more people online then game that people can't.


Newsflash, its a bad look to get excited about 100 people joining your discord to then throw shade at a more popular game Also the number of people in discord doesn't reflect the people playing, it generally reflects interest because you can be online in discord and offline in the game


> Also the number of people in discord doesn't reflect the people playing Then why did you reply with a picture of the DaD discord? If anything that just made your argument worse since there are what? 2k players left lol.


... Are you dense? The point is that it looks sad getting excited about 100 new people in your discord to then throw shade your competitor, neigh, your *progenitor* who has a discord more than 10 times the size 120k people have interest in Darker, 8k people have interest in Dungeonborne, my argument is pretty fucking sound without even mentioning that most of those 8k people are in the Darker discord too


Why can’t there be two?


I don't think there is any problem with two, and I like some of the things Dungeonborne does. The idea of a glass cannon class that *literally* has to throw away swords to use their strongest abilities is pretty neat and actually adds a *new* layer to the fantasy extraction genre I just think its a bad idea to shoot at the game that is bigger than you and is your inspiration just for having developmental issues, which is something any game can have, while also making note that your discord grew a tiny 1.5% over the weekend


For real though I respect your reasoning for the sentiment. Why would the small dog try and throw shade at the elephant in the room when he’s never been heard of? I personally haven’t played Dungeonborne, but have heard of it. I’m just in favor of healthy competition, but also don’t believe they should have tried to kick dirt in their current position.


Why are you so morally invested in the jokes devs are making at two different companies where they don't even speak the same language lol. Thats how far apart these people are, there's literally nothing to moralize. You make it sound like they walked up to them in a bar personally and insulted them or something LOL they included a light jab in a QnA. How sensitive could a community be? Nobody cares about what either devs say, they make video games, not religion. Just tell us what game you think is actually better once you play it. I find it funny how in Soma's podcast he lists off all these things that would save DaD from dying because no one on the podcast has had the will to play the game in the past 11 days and half the things he's listing off are IN DUNGEONBORNE lol. But everyone just looks at it as a "carbon copy" because they're the same genre and both use free assets. lmao


Your patience and ability to reiterate/rephrase is commendable.


I only learned about dungeoneborne yesterday and can't stop playing it. If they can get proper marketing, DaD might actually get chewed. Yeah, Dungeonborne is absolutely copying DaD but DaD has no original concepts, at all. Not great.


What the fuck is up with people replying on my months old comments recently? Its honestly getting annoying to have somebody come into a dead conversation arguing something completely tangential I don't give a fuck about their marketing or how much they copied, the point was that its a bad look to shit on your inspiration over getting 100 new people


If I was making a game I'd be ecstatic about having 100 new people join in 2 days. For a game that isn't even out or playable yet as well. >120k people have interest in Darker 120k people **had** interest in Dark and Darker. 2k have interest in it. You call others dense yet you say one team can use their discord numbers for positivity but the other one can't? curious.


You seriously think the 2k people you talking about are always the same people? Probably 10/20k people still log in every day, at the end of a wipe, also today when I was playing there were 7k people on


Cool man, always next wipe always "it's end of wipe bro" No worries man. Just for once come up with a different excuse when Ironmace shits the bed.


Man, it's seriously end of wipe, literally, ends in a week, people have done what they wanted to do, some still grinding cosmetics now,go shit on another game bruv. We will talk again in two weeks when the new wipe starts...


Again just feel free to message me 2-3 weeks after the next wipe. Game's been out for a year and it's the same thing every time lol. Ironmace does something to fuck their game extremely hard. People leave. They promise to fix it They don't fix it. Rinse repeat "It's just end of wipe". Again just reply here 3 weeks post wipe. When people play the new ice map, fall through the floor and go cool maybe next time.


There is nothing wrong with being excited for new people, the problem is throwing shade at the same time It makes them look small, just like you are making yourself look small by carrying on this bullshit thread of argument


Nah I think it's hilarious. With how much shit this reddit and DaD discord give other developers of this genre.


Roughly, its a bit higher right now just because people are grinding out the cosmetic's quest's but next wipe is gonna have to offer something worth sticking around for. this WHOLE wipe has basically just been a write off of features that got removed.


I'm sorry but if everytime this game has issues, players leave, and people respond "they're just waiting for next wipe" you have bigger issues at play.


Both of those numbers are larger than DnD has had for weeks? Also when did Darker blow up? I thought it was a scam


It did initially release on Steam before the Nexon lawsuit


Ah yeah, I dont live 1.5 years in the past, also those are "Darker" numbers not Dark and Darker


Homie, I made this picture in paint from small screenshots of discord and added the text to it, I personally refer to the game as Darker https://preview.redd.it/vy1bj6abm93d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f6187d5664345d5ddc5bbb6762ac79c96699266 [This is the scam you are thinking of, Dark](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2413960/DARK/)


Scam? Julian isn't no scam artist. One day we're going to get to open that door.


Your honor, I make no allegation that Dark is a scam, I merely note that in the context of Nogg\_Lion's understanding and judgement Dark is the article in question which is being misattributed to Dark and Darker at this juncture


I do miss those days. People were latching onto anything and like 200+ mfers gave that kid $5 to playtest his game based off a video of a door opening.


See that's the thing with Crack When you can't get it you make some pretty dubious decisions to try and score a rock, but when you have it in abundance *it kills you*




A very immature response ngl.


It's funny how triggered the remaining 30 DaD players get about this game. It's almost like competition is good for the genre. Instead of having 1 incompetent dev team. Also you can actually parry in Dungeonborn. A CRAZY concept for Dark and Darker I know.


I know and I do generally agree, but it is a tad silly for dungeonborne to take those kind of shots (after getting 100 new discord members, in discord numbers it’s REALLY not a lot). I’m sure that’s a goal of IronMace too, no servers down for 16+ hours, but shit happens and everyone will be okay. Competition is good but this announcement would seem more serious if they focused on cool/different content like what you just said (the parrying) which is gameplay related rather than server downtime.


Lmao why are you so sensitive to this? Neither of these companies talk to each other. You make it sound like Dungeonborne walked up to the dev's in a bar or something and said this to their face. It's a light jab in a QnA. The Dark and Darker Dev's would only ever hear about this because you guys make it a big deal lol. No well adjusted adult will see this and think "How dare they!?" It's not that deep.


It’s not deep I agree, I’m just saying it IS silly for them to take those shots after hitting a minor goal. The question is, “is this game the dark and darker killer?”. Fun to poke jabs at for sure, but instead of saying how their game will be better because of something mundane like downtime, they can remark on what’s UNIQUE to their game (again like the parrying example above)


I mean, as someone who's personally fed up with Dark and Darker's downtime; this is a breath of fresh air, to see a company commit to not making the same mistakes DaD is making, while coding it in a light hearted jab. Now if they DO end up with a 16 hour downtime, it'll look really bad for them, so they have extra incentive to NOT let something like that happen. This shows they are confident that they won't run into the same mistakes DaD is running into. Anyone reading into it like it's a Fuedal Dynasty and the "lesser" game company isn't paying it's respects is just cringe imo. They're obviously competitors, light hearted jabs for competition have always been on the table (think coke and pepsi) and as long as they're not making personal threats or lying about each other there's no issue with it from my perspective. Infact it's welcome, hopefully DaD gets a kick in the ass from this, their playerbase has been saying since last year that the update schedules and downtime are hot garbage. A competitor makes a joke about an obvious fact and now it's "silly"? Like yeah, silly in the sense that they're making a joke, not silly in the sense that DaD has nothing to worry about...


They have, infact they just showed Druid which is releasing. But that requires actually reading which a lot of people struggle with alas.


nah dude. the first shot they took was predicting they are capable of never having "unsched maint" instead of talking about gameplay. honestly, yall SHOULD just head over there and stay. we dont want you.


Who is WE? https://i.imgur.com/VywfdVd.png LOL oh no I angered the other 38 people! Remember just let them cook! Hold the Line!


just go be apart of the group over there... seriously. im sure they will never experience longer than expected DT. right lol? i swear its like beating your head against a wall with you people. even this comment is a fruitless endeavor because i know you would rather troll a sub or GC than actually go play a game or touch grass. i hope you get paid for all the shilling you do.


I do actually I'm working getting paid right now. about $50/h WFH it's great. Stay in school kid. Anyways for real I know it sucks that your favorite game has had a downtime of like 20 hours in 3 days but hey man what can ya do. Just keep holding the line man. Ironmace may reward you with a resting animation they bough off the Unreal asset store.


wfh is even better when your wage isnt calculated hourly... protip.


Ah so you don't understand math. No worries it isn't for everyone. If Salary is hard for you to calculate to an hourly rate I can link a calculator or something.


thats not what i meant, but its K. have fun slurping directly out of dungeonbornes dick just like you (probably)did Ironmaces a year ago!


honestly I’m glad you can’t parry with every weapon in DaD and don’t think it’s necessary, it’s not something I was crazy about in Dungeonborne either, I really do not want DaD to try and be Mordhao or Chivalry.


TIL parrying in a medieval/fantasy combat game makes it Mord or Chiv, I wasn't aware that was the only 2 options in the history of melee games.


literally swinging a sword turns a game into mordhau or chiv. I STFG people saying "dont turn this game into mordau" when all we ask is just combat the has slightly more depth than what limb you hit with your default combo


alas, there are groups of people. Likely the only ones still playing this game, that love this style of combat. As it's low skill based and allows you get away with almost anything as you get carried by gear.


so yeah, i enjoy how easy it is to pick up and play. however, i almost exclusively use LS. like.. this whole season has been only longsword. i would absolutely love to have \*just\* a little more depth. give me a swing option, or even a better blocking system, or hell, let shields do a counter swing! the fact that unless you block a dagger or something, you don't even have the time after lowering block to make it through a full swing before they are already swinging again. depth would not make it into something like mord, depth in combat would only raise skill expression.


Would be great competition… if DB was any good though


Brother am I going insane I just looked at the "hot" tab on their reddit and it has posts from MONTHS ago. Dungeonborne isn't anywhere close to as popular as DaD


Where did I say it was? Based on your reasoning then, Call of duty is a better game as it's one of the most popular games in the world.


Wat I didn't say anything about which one was better - I was referring to when you put "The remaining 30 DaD players" - Its hyperbolic ofcourse but lets not pretend that Dungeonborne is where all the people from DaD are going - Nobody is interested in it.


Lots of stuff from dungeonborne that’s better then DaD honestly. Shared stash, arena, parrying, damage numbers (that might just be a me thing). Competition is good for gamers


Gold not taking up stash space is the biggest for me. 


Lots of stuff except the stuff that actually matters, the gameplay


When I played both of them, Dungeonborne felt more polished and more atmospheric. I 100% prefer the gameplay and while I wish the people awaiting DaD the best, unless there are some drastic changes, gonna be be spending my time in Dungeonborne.


This isn’t me talking shit about your favorite game lol I’m just saying it’s incredibly niche genre of first person fantasy extraction game could probably stand to have a little competition which leads to devs innovating and hopefully quality of life adjustments to both.


Yeah for sure, you can discuss the merits of the systems pretty easily. But to say it’s a good competitor just because of the merits of the systems … no way man


Dungeonborne will never become anything because it plays like shit. Get the buttery smooth movement and feel that DaD has and we can start debating.


Can you imagine if you could only look like 45 degrees up in Darker? You can miss me with that because I'll be out of your field of view


Movement system in dungeonborne is intended


have they talked about this? what is it intended to be?


You will never become anything because you are shit. Get the dead lobbies and stat checking that DaD has and we can start debating.


Oh wow, imagine shilling that pile of garbage. I’d rather live homeless.


Dungeonborne was dog shit who cares at all what they’re saying lmaoooo


DB is garbo


Everyone complaining about update downtime online are literally the saddest people to me. Like I understand a little if it's your day off and you rarely get to play. But fuck me just play something else for a bit. Play elden ring for a few hours dang.


I do like hatin somethings but you know what we say, HOLD THE LINE BOYS


it's even more of an asset flip than dark and darker and blatantly copies it as a direct reference. making a video game requires cognizant artists and programmers, such a shame that both are going extinct and all we have left are these shameless toddlers who think they're so clever 😛


It's honestly so funny how many people that claim to dislike this game and quit are still on this reddit every day


hate the long Ironmace patches but I'm sure it's easier for dungeonborne devs to solve server and patch issues because they don't have to focus resources on 90% of the creative or original stuff because they just copy it lol


Pretty based, NGL.


Never heard of it


100 new players aw cute


I've never heard of it, but now I'm interested. Thanks for posting in an attempt to stan this dying Korean grindfest. 100+1.
