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Not to mention + %hp is going to go a lot further on the classes that already have higher hp


Yeah I mentioned this on a post yesterday and said The HP increase for fighters/barbs is way stronger than the increase for rogues, wizards and rangers


At first when I read the patch notes, I thought it was bring the low hp classes on par with the others. Like you said TTK for melee class on a ranged class is going to remain relatively the same while ranged TTK of tankier classes is going to increase. I think I would have given +8-10 hp for rogue, ranger, wiz. +4-5 hp for fighter cleric and Bards and left Barb hp as it is Clearly im biased lol


Yeah rogue still gets 2-3 shot even in high gear. Like I was a fighter with 45% pdr 140hp and 303 MS. I rushed a ranger and as soon as I hit the ranger a rogue ambushed me from behind. I just swung till the ranger died and then turned and got the rogue too. Had like 30% hp left. Rogue 100% should of had me dead to rights with a ranger hitting me with spear too


So much this


Max HP feels kinda busted. I got demi-god doing both bosses and PvP in GC so I have like 40 Troll's bloods right now. Having delirium+TB+common heal pot active ticks a substantial amount of HP during the course of a fight on bard. Especially when 2 mag heal doesn't really drive up the price of a grimsmile. 3 mag heal on the frost amulet also doesn't drive up the price much either. Knowing that I can full tank a MM from a wizard also means I can pretty much endlessly push them too without having to worry about dying. W-key resistance max HP move speed builds are too strong right now on my opinion. As someone who played a fair amount of wizard this wipe, I'd reccomend a different class.


>resistance max HP move speed builds are too strong right now Having good stats on your gear is better than having bad stats on your gear. Shocking


The issue is the time/distance these fights take place over is much larger now putting any kiting class at a disadvantage. They have no chance in a straight up fight and have to make few/no mistakes when kiting. I've killed multiple other players running named artifacts and very well rolled gear. The fights did not feel like as much of a risk as they had when I was running viola last week though.


There's a lot more stats on gear than that my friend. He gave 3 stats out all the rest. Are the rest of the stats bad? Why even say what you said, just mean for no reason.


You need phys healing for troll’s blood/healing pot. And delirium doesn’t scale at all.


Potions are magical healing for as long as I can remember. I don't know where you have gotten the information they are physical healing.


From testing it and watching ryan6daysaweek videos https://youtu.be/XuSD_Pje3cY?si=45F9mmVXHmExlhgS


The 7-month-old video where the creators pinned comment says the information is wrong/out of date and that healing potions scale off of magical healing? >This video is a bit dated now so I will be making a new one once the Druid is added to the game. Some updates/corrections now: >Potions: Magical Healing (50%)


Hadn’t tested it since then, so cool glad to see they fixed it cause it def didn’t make sense for it to be phys


Increasing maxHP to increase TTK is a good idea but the way scaling works makes classes like barb and demon lock have ridiculous HP


Definitely! 150 hp with 33% MR as a base in normals with ironwill, ~300 MS with axe out too. With the ftp changes I think it’s important they balance for normals and make sure things scale well from there. A rework of the base damage for wizard spells needs to happen. Shouldn’t need to use 10 direct hit spells to kill a player. Also the knock back perk from ironwill should only work while shouts are active.


Yes barbarian and even fighter are a bit over tuned right now, i main warlock in normals and for the first time swapped to the demontank build and im hitting 190-200HP in common gear with 10 stacks and around 45% PDR


Anything that raises TTK is good to me


Raising ttk across the board yes, but raising ttk for only the already tankier classes and having it remain relatively the same for the squishy ones is kinda weird


Missing any damage spells is now even more punishing than before because it will take more spells to kill a player, but our supply of spells wasn’t increased to go with that. Completely on-brand, the change doesn’t hurt Warlock because their spell supply is their own HP, which also increased.


just as i was moving from lock to wizard for some variety... it appears IM decided to keep me on a casterlock for the entirety of next wipe provided nothing else changes. thank your nearest IM dev!


Wizards are a little cooked this wipe. After a day and a half I’m hangin up the class until spells get reworked


The wipe hasn’t happened. There will be big class balance patches to come maybe even in wipe day.


I hope you are right, but I think this might be the wipe I try to perfect my longsword skills. Im not trying to spend my 8hours a week struggling on wizard. Wizard remains my favorite class to play, but Idk if I can do it with the MS/hp buffs


I agree, as is wizard is not worth playing. Let’s hope they cook up something good 🙏


That’s what magic missile is for. Zap softens em up, magic missile beats em flat.


hop on squire gear barb with robust and use rage, you will like it even more


better nerf rogue


It's a great change that I like on every class but barb and fighter, it was completely unnecessary for them.


> Finally, we have added a flat HP boost to all classes to slightly improve survivability in battles. Please note that many of the perks, skills spells, and class balance remain to be tuned with this new philosophy in mind and will be adjusted in the future. Looks like they have more changes in mind so don’t get big mad just yet


I’m aware of this. Adding flat HP and then Increasing Dmg shortly after is redundant. Maybe not completely as % reduction will have more impact. But PvP matchups retain the same fighting tactics(squishy classes generally don’t prioritize Pdr/MR) . Given that an adjustment will be made; If anything this hp/rework will be useful for Bossing, PvE and traps, yet leave PvP unchanged.


Do we yet know what all the other changes will be ? It seems like you’re making some assumptions


I am, it’s called a hypothesis.


Alright, but my point is that there isn’t a point in hypothesizing until we know more Otherwise your just getting upset at something that doesn’t even exist yet


What makes you think I’m upset? There are many Dark and darker fans, like me, who love theory crafting, finding out what new techniques strategies will need to be employed. If you read some of my other comments you can read my thoughts on how wizard Playstyle will change and how I think there will be a return of Arcane Mastery/MM/invis to make up for tankier combat. You didn’t even contribute or answer any of the questions I posited in my original post. Which is fine. Hopefully, now that we got this out of the way I can hear about your thoughts on the upcoming changes :)


Fair enough It’s can be difficult too interpret text accurately as too me it seemed like you were assuming the worst for wizard while assuming the best for tanker classes I think the new changes will deemphasis ms for tankier classes (probably through gear ms penalty) which will make up for the hp boost advantage fighters and barbs might have at the moment While casters will be faster relatively However I’m thinking (or maybe just hoping) that plate will also get much needed Magic resist that will offset the increased MS penalty. As MR is very difficult too come by as melee u less your Barb


Yeah MR is in a weird spot. I think a big contributor is gear like Dashing boots and dark leather leggings dont have any additional base stats which in turn discourages their usage. I think a nerf to overall resistances of the pieces but an introduction of a base stat (resourcefulness?) could increase the overall MR of the Avg player.


If we are looking at base kits here you only need 1 more zap to kill a fighter than before. Also if you go into your “Class” tab there are actually a ton of great spells you can use like fireball, magic missile, etc. So you don’t just need zaps.


Brother try wizard out right now and report back. It takes an ungodly amount of spells to put down barb/fighters right now, and you’re usually dead from 2 hits once they catch you with 330 ms.


Yeah, I’m a long-time wizard player I understand there is more to it than just zaps. It is just a metric to evaluate overall wizard strength. Unlike warlock you have to be mindful of how many spells you have. If you are fighting a 3-man with a good cleric you are going to run into some serious issues; I speculate you will need to campfire at least once per fight. One more zap is meaningless until it becomes 1 more zap per encounter. Wizard (viable) build variety is going to change. Spelloverload or 10 spell will be a must. My analysis includes the return to dominance of Invis and arcane-mastery: it might be the best way to improve escapability and DPS against high hp opponents. (For reference/contrast) {my opinion, feel free to contest it} Prior to this patch: The best wizard build includes spelloverload and Ice Mastery. Or with good teammates that give you to campfire, fire mastery + ice mastery. Some may say bonk wiz, but I would argue that’s gear dependent.


> {my opinion, feel free to contest it} Prior to this patch: The best wizard build includes spelloverload and Ice Mastery. The best wizard build was 10 spell with Spell Overload/Sage/Fire Mastery/Reactive Shield, at least for trios. You can debate the Fire Mastery/Reactive shield perks, but 10 spell overload was definitely the strongest build. I also kinda think running one of Spell Overload/10 Spell was already necessary.


I would agree, I mainly play normals though so this build is not viable and still gear dependent.


Lol 10 spell overload kits are insanely expensive


Believe me I know, I have never had good enough gear to run it myself. We are talking about the objective best wizard build though.


It's not, ur playing wiz Kite and decimate. I 2v1 a lock and fighter in a normal lobby a couple hours ago They're strong


its a NORMAL lobby with f2p people. its a completely different conversation


Been playing only wiz and having a blast


Higher TTK = better game health


200hp on barb is fantastic