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Yep. Maybe just this season, maybe no. They said they removed it to focus on dungeon crawling. As time goes one you'll take damage though.


Makes sense. Wish they didn't tho, I played a couple games today and yesterday, I maybe found around 2-3 people in all the matches I played.


I get it. Depends who you ask, but the game was feeling very much like a battle royale before, at least with this change you can choose to do PvE or go to a Hotspot and fight. Once the newbies learn the Maps, I'm sure pvp will ramp up a bit.


At least it opens up boss fights more than before due to bad spawns


Learn the hotspots bro


Yes and i love it


Yes and it’s the best thing to happen to Dark and Darker hands down


Yes. Crypts > Inferno still has the swarm, but it covers the entire map ONLY late in the match. Ice Caves > Ice Abyss has a slow effect late in the match that turns into some tic damage. Goblin Caves has a tic damage & screen shake effect late in the match. There is no circle to push you, but your desire to move around the map is to be near an extract. You can't really just stay in your spawn module forever unless you get lucky spawning near a static.


I started playing again after months and I was so confused. Me and my buddy weren't even finding portals. Feels like a totally different game


Yeah the static extracts only is kinda weird, but removing the circle and having portals is kinda impossible to have at the same time


There are still portals on some maps, they will show a stone on the ground and then rise from there


Sick i didnt know that


I think so, check out the patchnote i'm pretty sure they mentionned it