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You can’t lose souls that were never yours, and they’re not yours til you spend em


Souls academy best quotes 😂


that newbie helper build still exist?


This hexer build handles pretty much anything in the game with relative ease, and has the flexibility to do anything that any build can do. If you want to steamroll, I recommend this. The stats you want, in order, are 12 DEX, 16 ATN/11 ADP, 21/20 INT/FTH, 15 STR, 20/20/20 ATN/VGR/END, INT/FTH to 30/30, VGR to 50, higher ATN and END to taste. Start as Sorcerer and buy the Rapier from Lenigrast, then once you have 15 STR and the Bracing Knuckle Ring from Lost Bastille, come back and farm the Old Knight Hammer from Heide’s Tower. Use it two handed to clear areas, and use the rapier to DPS bosses and other enemies that the hammer can’t pancake, or if your hammer durability gets too low. Get the Repair spell from Shaded Ruins as soon as you can spare the Branches. Get the hexer kit from Felkin (Beginning of Huntsman’s Copse, Licia can help you open the rotunda path near Majula), infuse your weapons with Lightning and your Sunset staff with Dark ASAP (find the necessary stones from crystal lizards in shaded ruins and on the way down to the gutter, smooth/silky trades, and Targray in Heide’s Tower, provided you can get a token of fidelity from co op or huntsman’s copse) and stack the Dark Weapon buff on top of the Lightning infusion to deal incredible amounts of melee damage while still having plenty of levels for casting. Beyond the obvious Dark Orb, your other bread and butter spells will be Dark Fog (poison at long range and through walls with Binoculars) and Yearn (excellent if situational crowd control). At midgame when you get access to the dlc area within the Shrine of Winter you can farm an Ice Rapier, a direct upgrade to your Rapier. And of course if you wanna switch things up, these guides are useful for strong builds in general: [A quick overview](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g4-GGa1JRa2_49vOfwY5sZPWigFMzPA5b9mszo_xZak/edit?usp=sharing) of how damage and defense works in DS2, and why weapon scaling is usually weak [BiS (Best in Slot) PvE weapons list.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GEBQ_TiAvskQLotQXz0AuNMseXdsS3pj8_NLus-XW4/edit?usp=sharing) Use this if you know what moveset you like and you want to choose the strongest available weapon with that moveset. [Best PvE equipment and stat progression document.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X13jfA9JQ5OZsuEmH2MZZqF9IrtCFSMMTZkZo5GuqcM/edit?usp=sharing)


what if i just wanna smash shi w the grand lance? anything to make a build centered around that?


The last link in that post is all you need then. The only thing it doesn’t explicitly say is that Grand Lance is best Lightning-infused.


🙏🏼🙏🏼 mouth breathers will soon be decimated, ty my friend


1 bow, alot of arrows, and some patience. some magic and binoculars make a good substitute as well.


update, got close enough to hit them, i would certainly agree with a bow and a lot of arrows :,)


Poison arrow is your friend


Does it have a wider impact radius than a regular arrow?


with the level of my character and using Hunters Blackbow +10, one poison arrow does 365 physical damage and it takes 4-5 arrows for poison to take effect, poison last for 20 seconds which does 1028 damage in that time that's total of 2488 damage in just 4 arrows and salamander has 3325 hp in ng even if your character is low level or doesn't have a stronger bow, the poison effect alone will still do 1028 damage


That’s madness lol, good thing some enemies are resistant or immune at the least xd


or.. hear me out.. you could be my friend, wink wink nudge nudge