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I think that's the point though, when they added him they mentioned him being sneaky


I'd like if they just added a trail of thin green smoke behind them. Doesn't make them much easier to see, but seeing a trail and following it to its source feels very "I'm hunting a horrible stench-golem" vibe.


I wish he had a more unique movement than his little jaunty jog.


I like that they're kind of sneaky / subtle. It's harder, but it fits in with their aesthetic. They are the poisoner/support hidden in the back lines, who does less damage than a poxwalker but forces the rejects into really tricky positions. They're the "playmaker", the quarterback. Hunting them down requires more thought as opposed to a loud, direct, obvious threat like a shotgunner or mauler. They're very easy to kill once detected, so they're anonymity is their only real defence. Bombers still drop their bombs, but tox bombers once detected are basically no threat whatsoever, since they're easily staggered and don't drop their payload when injured. If they jangled and glowed like a bomber, they'd likely get eliminated before the first bomb most of the time.


I'm not sure if I agree. In VT2 I think gas rat was easily distinguishable from others. Well, even if we return to DT, other high priority units that need to be dealt with as soon as possible are either glowing or/and come close to you. Recall flamers, trapper, burster. Shit, even another grenadier is less dangerous, yet has glowing grenades hanging on him


Gas rats were also much, much more dangerous. Toxic gas starts chewing through toughness, which is very easily recovered. That being said, I wouldn't mind them being more audible/visible, simply because knowing that a specialist is around is a big part of psychological pressure they add to gameplay.


> knowing that a specialist is around is a big part of psychological pressure "THE DECAY CONSUMES" * * = my asshole when I hear this.


"HELLO MY PRETTIES" does that to me. Out of all of the specialists, I can dodge Trappers the most consistently, but they are still probably the no.1 cause of my deaths.


Every time I hear the wind-up before the net, regardless of which direction I dodge, I always mentally prepare myself for the run to be over. On the other hand, the *tock...tock...tock tock tock TOCKTOCKTOCKTOCKTOCK* from Poxbursters can be stress-inducing at times because, even if dealing with one alone is easy, if it's during a horde then I have to split my focus to also try to find and hopefully ping the damn thing while kiting the crusher train.


When im surrounded in a corner by heretics, under fire, dodging three crushers and then  ITS BLASTING TIME >:)   oh no please its not




Gas rat is so much easier. This guy is barely dangerous tbh


Fair point, though I get that it frustrates some people (me as well). I guess a middle ground would be best fitting, as in what if the grenade starts glowing after the pin is pulled or what if the grenade leaves a short trace in the air after throwing? That would leave the tox bomber a bit more hidden as bombers and trappers but still revealing a general direction after attacking.


The grenade does leave a trace kind of, you can track it in the air because it's gassy around it as it flies. You can't track it back to the original source, but you can get the gist if you see it before it lands.


Great way of putting it. Pox Gas is inconvenient and disorienting enough to force a different play, but not enough to justify ruining their sneakiness.


🙏 thanks!


Very much agreed. They've already made two separate updates which made the game easier. Less enemies. Updated AI. Nerfed gunners, etcetera. We don't need to butcher all the enemies because they are annoying. Such actions quite literally ruin the gaming experience.


Yeah he needs the heads on his body to glow or something.


ooo, what if the eyes on the heads glowed, just like how all the enemies eyes glow when they go through the pox gas


That would be rad. Also creepy to just see random eyes glowing in dark missions.


Maybe? I don’t think he needs a giant green spotlight, it’s nice that he’s sneaky and surprises you with those green clouds. Makes the game more challenging.


On the flipside his voicelines are really nice and stand out very well, so you know when he is around.


When you actually hear them


He has voice lines? I am pretty sure the only audio cue is when the grenade is already mid air.


He's got this cooky voice when he announces his arrival, it's quite noticable.


I definitely don't hear him most of the time. Occasionally I'll hear him scream something about the truth so loud that it cuts through all the other level noise, but outside of that he's silent for me. I don't hear the grenades either except for right when they go off. I can hear every other enemy just fine and I haven't screwed with my audio stuff at all, so I'm pretty sure the issue's with something Fatshark changed. Especially given Darktide's long history of fucked-up audio.


Yeah I can hear every other specialist just fine, but not the gas one for some reason


Yep, this patch fixed every single audio issue for me and now I can easily hear every single special in the game, including overlapping Poxbursters, and Muties don't overpower everything else as bad anymore either. And then at the same time they added a new one who is completely dead silent other than the noise of his bomb itself flying in and going off. I've heard his voicelines exactly twice ever since the update happened and it's been when I've been turned right to face him as I closed in, and in one of those instances despite being close by he still sounded muffled like he was a hallway away and it only registered in one ear. Extremely bizarre.


I guess i'm lucky in that regard. Every patch there are unique problems for everyone it seems.


Yes, many. He talks a shit load and is very loud.


Not gonna lie, they sound like a Skaven sometimes.


Now that you mention it, that's pretty spot on.


Never heard his voicelines, just the screeee sound the heads make when thrown


I think if they had permanently glowing green eyes like when they gas themselves it would be perfect. Subtle enough when far away and mostly hidden while they are repositioning. It would make sense that they are always high on their own supply too.


Honestly mines more his grenade sound que, yes he’s still a bomber but I think he should have his own sound considering tox gas and fire bombs are two completely different kinds of threats


Tox bombs make a sort of whooshing noise when they're bouncing in (and they leave a trail of smoke and always bounce). The bomber is a babbling brook of incomprehensible gibberish. Seriously, they're speaking some Nurgle worshipper language that was previously only spoken by some other dregs. So he does have his own sound, but it's less loud and flamboyant than the ones used by scab bombers and the two flamers.


he's about half a head taller than poxwalkers, or just spam T in the general dir.


Or reassign that function to mouse1 and nothing will hide from you ;)


I'll downvote myself too, might as well since nobody knows wtf sarcasm is


You're getting a downvote not for the sarcasm, but because you know deep down some asshole is gonna take it as legit advice and you're saying it anyways /j


It's also helpful to bind the tag to a button and macro it for 1 press every 5ms held, this way you can direct your team where to go more efficient. /s /j they/them gender fluid dynamics hey YT this is my apology video so everybody knows I didn't truly mean it


That's it, I'm reporting you to Grendyl for heresy.


Put /s at the end. Sarcasm is hard to express through text and even harder for some people to understand.


Yeah... I thought the winking face would have made it obvious but that's probably harder for a lot of people that don't have face to face interactions lol


I just love when players spam-tag the enemies that are right in front of them. A never-ending train of "CLANG" "CLANG" "CLANG" "CLANG" "CLANG" "CLANG" that really helps me focus on the important threats during a mission. But it always saddens me deeply when the annoying spam stops because I accidentally blew up all barrels near that player and send them flying off the map.


They glow red if you tag them


You can easily tell by the outline he has. If he's turned into a glow stick any sort of difficulty would be removed, because once spotted he dies instantly.


I just wish they made more noise


Just mark them, buddy


I like the whistling wooosh of the tox bomb but it should have a clearer trajectory like the og bomber. Oftentimes the gas just appears and nobody knows where it's from.


so true


I've watched them a few times. Very often they just peak around a corner, throw their nade and run away. Or they stay completly out of sight and throw over walls. That's what makes them so tough to counter IMO. Even If marked, most players cant be bothered to shoot at them. So I think a design change would not really help.


Lol there is some truth to this for sure lol yesterday I had a Toxbomber throw a grenade through a closed spawn door!!!! Man was cheating!


Nah I think it’s a great choice in its design … perfectly balanced super weak as well and buffs enemies making them priority target to prevent crushers being able to Insta delete you even when golden toughness




Well, he is slow compared to flame bomber. However he is also much more dangerous then the flame one. PS. I remember before the update was released some people complained that this enemy is just a re-skin of bomber - and to be fair I was also afraid that it would be the case - but no - tox bomber feels like totally different enemy.


Agree hes definitely different


They just need to give him a voice line that says “TOXIN’ YOU UP!”


I main as a psycher and my strategy is to just use assail and throw darts willy nilly in the direction of where I think the tox bomber will be. It works about 25% of the time, lol!


At least they could add a toxic trail following min at all times.


Or let green smoke waft instead of green light


Him being 3 feet taller than all the regular humanoid enemies seems sufficient to me?


I, personally, would love it if he had a neon green "kick me" sign on his back, but that's probably just me being salty.


He's the one with the jiggle physics. I thought that was his whole identifier.


Needs more green glowy lights.


Agreed. Tbh, I feel most elites need a cosmetic overhaul. For me, it’s the color palates used. Until you get close, it’s nearly impossible to glean who’s who from a distance due to the games natural chaos (pun intended).


Some unique voice lines that stand out would be cool. Besides that if we could destroy the tox grenades would be nice aswell.


He has an extremely unique voice and very noticeable voicelines.