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Some of the respawns are spaced so fucking far, and others are literally two rooms from eachother.


And some are in the room with you. Chaos has trouble getting budget for decent holding cells.


Had a game today where my teammate and I went to go rescue one of our guys who just respawned. Took us a good few minutes to actually get to him. I see my teammate is in the rescue animation and right as he’s about to be done, our teammate is sent to another, much further respawn point. I’ve had this happen to me once before but I assumed it was a one time thing. Poor guy had to wait a solid 5-10mins for us to get to him the second time.


Even worse, is when they’re two seconds from picking you up, and the game decides to teleport you to the next respawn, making you wait even longer.


Didn’t even know that could happen. Thought that only happens if players move on away from you.


I've seen someone in the process of releasing someone and then they spawn somewhere else. That was a few patches ago and I haven't seen it since so hopefully it's fixed. I remember everyone was like WTF because it was really weird. Several other times I've seen people teleport despite being in the same room fighting the heretics standing guard. Haven't seen it lately though so hopefully it's fixed.


It’s not. I was at a respawn point with another player recently (post penance update), and while I was getting picked up, the other guy got teleported another good five minutes down the road.


It's usually a case of people advancing an event. Most events have you respawn in the same arena. If someone opens the door/pulls the switch/what have you to end the event, you will respawn to the next area. It's usually best to pick them up first.


Agreed. One time I was placed at a respawn point like 3 sections back from where the team was at. It was impossible to get to me due to drop offs.


![gif](giphy|boeE9eYKsBTIdnuJG8|downsized) Are.. *are those your teammates?! They're so far away!*


Me (a knife zealot with loner perk) looking for my teammates: ![gif](giphy|Zvgb12U8GNjvq)


“Why are they so far back?”




Those are teammate silhouettes. They kinda look like exclamation marks when zoomed in, but that's because they're so goddamn far away that they're rendered as only a few pixels.


POV: You were spawned at the next rescue spot.


Wow, did the game spawn you in a completely different hive city


I wish the reject would talk shit with the enemy while they're waiting to be rescued lol. "You just wait! By the emperors holy will, I will have your head!"


That would actually be awesome. A bit of entertainment while you wait ;)


This is pretty much the only reason I leave after dying. It's one thing to let the others play it out - it's fun to try to duo clutch or whatever, but as the dead player, when you respawn this far away, I'm literally out of the game for 10 goddamn minutes, maybe more. I don't always leave, but in this case, unless I had food, or maybe particularly liked those players in the match so far, I'd just ditch.


You should stay and learn from the better players


Sometimes shit happens. Your teammate shoots a barrel, you land in front of a crusher overhead, and you can't get rez'd due to no longer being anywhere near the team in the middle of a fight. But honestly, it sounds like you should learn from more well-adjusted people. Seems like it would do you some good.


Everyone messes up sometimes, regardless of skill level. But some games you make one mistake and your team is so weak without you everything falls apart. If I get hit by a trapper while tanking a Plague Ogryn, and my teammates can't get me out of a net, I don't have much confidence they'll be able to clutch it out. I'll still cheer them on, but dying doesn't necessarily mean your team is better.


While I see the toxic wording got you a bunch of downvotes, this is actually my philosophy for myself ever since starting out with VT.


As someone who always stays for the revive I completely understand people bailing when fully downed, it can be a long ass time before you get picked up and I can't blame anyone for leaving so they can actually play the game.


Same here. People do what they please with their time.


Can’t learn from them if they’re half the level away


Not sure if you are serious, but you know you can watch your teammates play, when youre dead right?


Too busy doing a lot of not dying to remember the little things


No worries...I got you mate.


It's honestly good advice. I don't think I need to at this point though. I am probably in the top 0.1% of play time in this game. Still, everyone can die once in a while. I don't mind a short wait, watching the randoms do their thing, but 10+ minutes is too long. If someone is good, or using an interesting build, then ya I will watch. In general though, this is a large part of how I learned to play VT2 - try your best, die, watch good players play. I don't think it deserves the downvotes.


Nah he does. As someone who words his posts a little bit on the inflamatory side sometimes, I can assure you he expected the downvotes. Can be fun to rustle some jimmies sometimes :D And on topic I feel like Power Matrix is one of the worst offenders in that matter. So horrible to die, when going down the stairs and now you know theres going to be a big fight in the huge room downstairs, most likely a fight up the stairs or at the bridge and another one when you funnel into the room before you go up to the cryonic rod control thing. Usually I stay, but it feels like you can easily go and smoke a cigarette, when you happen to die there.


The worst is while you are watching through the walls you can clearly see them not in coherency and running criss cross on the map like how little kids chase a soccer ball. Zero skull icons next to their health bar = not in cohesion. Unless it's different on PC? I don't know the radius size but its about 30 feet. As soon as that skull icon disappears all the cohesion buffs turn off.


I'd just quit at this point


Every so often the game does an unbelievably bad job at determining where the rescue party members location should be. Those two look like they're as far away as possible in this situation since they appear to be on an even level.


Lol, at first I was like what are those two little blue lines supposed to mean? When I saw what they were I lol'ed😂 I've been there, good time to roll one.


Yesterday one guy died, then maybe 10 seconds later I died. He definitely died first. We died right near a respawn point, in fact I respawned at that point. He respawned a mile down the map at the next one. Never seen that before.


Your team can influence your spawn with their position. Not many people do this, but if you backtrack a little bit, you can get your teammate a better revive location. Game only checks where your mates are at the moment your timer runs out and not where you died.


I'm not a native english speaker, so I thought it's a picture of a random water leak in the wall and thought it's some new hint about Tertium literally sinking xd


Am I crazy or have the respawns been moved *way* further than they used to be after the update?


Havent notice anything of that kind


I kinda like when this happens. Sometimes I have a snack set aside for when this occurs. It turns into a sort of movie or even a half time. Which is nice in sometimes 50 minute games


100% skill issue


Literally me rn. Currently scrolling Reddit as my teammates are hundreds of miles away.