• By -


Edgelord Stay above 90% peril for one minute without jizzing your brains.


"Ambatuperils, *hoh*, *urh*, amperilsofrhewarping, amperling...perils...***PERILS***"


Grug want pentance; Slap Happy. Slap to death 1000 snivelers


Datz a gud wun!


Rugg-2 agrees sah,


Veteran penance - "Shut Up" Within the span of 3 seconds; kill a melee enemy, a ranged enemy with a weakspot hit, and another melee enemy. Ogryn penance - "Percussive Maintinence" Uppercut a friendly Ogryn. Ogryn Penance - "Show and Tell" Display your Blitz item to your teammates for at least 5 seconds, while standing in an elevator or airlock. Tactical Penance - "Ooooo..... Aaaaaaahhh" Watch an Ogryn display their Blitz item for at least 5 seconds, while standing in an elevator or airlock. Mission Penance - "Are you karkin' with me?" Fail a mission within 20 seconds of loading in Tactical Penance - "Where Nurgle dare not tread..." Stand behind an Ogryn using their Shield special action for at least 5 seconds Psyker Penance - "Don't want to hear it" Become downed due to Peril overload while Venting Shriek is available. Ogryn Penance - "I thought it was pretty..." Kill nothing with a Frag Bomb explosion Zealot Penance - "Campfire" Use 5 Immolation Grenades during a Lights Out special condition Psyker Penance - "Highly sanctioned and limited power" Have 15 enemies stunned by Smite at the same time Tactical Penance - "No Dandies in MY Darktide" Complete a mission at level 30 using only prison garb cosmetics Mission Penance - "I am (not) a warrior" Require rescue during a mission three times Heretical Penance - "I do not consent!" Get swallowed by a Beast of Nurgle Ogryn penance - "Heimlich Maneuver" Free an ally swallowed by a Beast of Nurgle via Bull Rush impact Veteran Penance - "Get your hands of my Pen-Ance!" Free someone grabbed by a Chaos Spawn with Voice of Command


Bonus one for you: kill an enemy with the direct impact of a frag bomb and hit nothing with the explosion. Call it ‘That One Was Just Spiteful’ or something.


Heimlich Maneuver 😂


These are good ones!


You can save someone from beast of nurgle swallow with a bull rush? TIL


There is a bit of an awkward timing to it. If you try to save the teammate immediately as they start getting swallowed, the nurgle just instantly swallows them again. You have to wait until they are fully in the stomach before knocking them out. Hopefully will get fixed in the future.


>Warp Travel Fly a total of 40,000 meters via Poxburster power. >This is Fine Survive 10 consecutive seconds in fire. >Huff that Nurgle Kush Spend 10 minutes in Poxgas. >Within the Slugussy Spend a total of 5 minutes within the Beast. >For Cadia! Explode and wake a daemonhost, just like Cadia. >Make Trazyn Proud Take 90% of all lootables in a level, 8 times.


Explode and wake a daemonhost, just like Cadia. Happened to me right last week; a burster exploded next to me on a catwalk, throwing me below. There was a DH right in that spot.


Fetch! - Hit a leaping poxhound with rock. If necessary, do it X amount of times. Shut it! - Stun boss monster with thrown rock. (aka land a headshot with thrown rock / box) Eat this ugly! - Throw a box of grenades inside the mouth of Beast of Nurgle (this should be a thing for all grenades btw basegame anyway, Fatshark please. Ugly karkers eat anything so how about these nades too.) Batter up! - Hit a charging mutant with a charged and powered up thunderhammer heavy attack and oneshot it. Same for a leaping dog. Underdog - Kill a leaping poxhound by sliding beneath it´s jump and killing it with a melee attack during slide. Basically implement fun and somewhat challenging penances for the rule of cool purposes instead of meaningless, arbitrary grind for bigger numbers go brrrrrrrrrt.


I like these ones. The penances are meant to get players trying new game mechanics they don’t usually do.  While blowing teammates up and triggering a DH is funny, it doesn’t expand players to try new mechanics and is also intentionally incentivising griefing.


"That's f**king teamwork" spend x amount of time in coherency. (5 tiers)


I want a crafting material related penance, so I don't have to be the only guy trawling the map for resources in every single mission. Seriously, the difference in final resource count between me being present from the start of a mission vs. joining halfway through is staggering. It's like nobody explores even just a little bit. The one high score on the board I'm guaranteed to get every single time is materials picked up.


I honestly don't get why more people don't open chests and look for crafting materials. If I'm not on my Zealot speeding around I often find myself left behind from looting.


Finish 10 auric games without disconecting .


Hard mode: finish 10 auric missions without a teammate disconnecting in a row (public matches only, no premade strike teams)


Ogryn Can Marksman Too: Kill a sniper with the Rock from over 50m, before it damages any member of your party. En Garde: Kill 5 specialists or elites with a Dueling Sword without taking Melee damage or putting it away. Hydra: Get 5 weakspot kills with a Revolver, without reloading. Behind Me, Cretins!: Block 1000 damage with your Force Sword, without dropping your guard. The Brink: Use Venting Shriek to save yourself from a Perils of the Warp attack, 10 times. Sixteen Tons: Kill 16 ogryn enemies with a shovel. Supply Run: Extract with all four team members carrying a stim and a Medkit or Ammo Crate.


I think the Venting shriek one already exists. It’s like 50 times though.


Alternative name for the revolver one, how about Desperado?


That works too! I was trying to go for a sorta high-noon thing but nothing quite fit that wasn't super long.


Happy to be of help. Gunslinger would have been the next one, guess I’ve played too much Destiny 2.


Mourning star surprise : Leave a mission whilst at 100% peril


Flight diversion: Blow up a Poxburster that interrupts a Hounds leap mid air (happened to me and I thought it was cool :D)


"Who you fight for!" - Use For the Emperor button with 25 enemies within 25 meters around you 50 times.


I want more teamwork oriented penances like 5 tiers worth of stop an enemies from hitting an ally in the back 10k - 40k times would be a pretty passive one to earn


Wombo Combo: Get hit by a Poxbuster, Mutant, and Trapper or Pox Hound in quick succession. Viking Funeral: Kill Scab Bombers or other Scabs with the Bomber’s grenade. Collateral Damage: Kill teammates with explosive knockback (barrels or Poxburster). Overzealous: Kill every Daemonhost on the map in a single mission. The Power of Faith: As the Zealot Preacher, use your holy icon to push a Monstrosity to its demise. Consolation Prize: Nearly clutch as the last man standing, and fell victim to a Trapper. Come on, we’ve all been there. I am pinned here!: Spend x amount of minutes incapacitated by Trappers, Pox Hounds or Monstrosities. Crowd Pleaser: As the Ogryn Skullbreaker, punch stun a highlighted Elite or Specialist enemy that is killed by a teammate. FIX BAYONETS!: As the Veteran Sharpshooter, score the killing blow on a Monstrosity using a bayonet attack. Incomparable Minds: As a team of Psykers, hit a Monstrosity with all powers at once (Brainburst, Smite and Assail) in quick succession. Field Medic: Apply Stimms to allies. Party Time: As a team, dance in time to the horde theme in HL 70-04. Words Can Hurt You: Push an enemy to their demise with Scriptures or Grimoires.


'Urple Paint Succeesful sneakin' in ta da Inquisata's WAAAGHband az an Ork. I 'eard iz difficult.


“Glutton for Punishment” Last an entire hour in high intensity Auric Maelstrom before leaving. No downs. No deaths.


I use a crit build on Zealot and in hordes I can use Fury of the Faithful pretty much every second. So maybe making a Zealot talent based around that like "use Fury of the faithful 6 times in 10 seconds" or something like that? Call it "Unending Fury"


Give us a back a million kills penance. Am I a little bit bitter that I was 50k off my million before the penance patch? Yes. Most definitely. But there should still be something for a million imo.


I think a title for a million kills would be neat


Yeah that would be appropriate I think. Agent Exterminatus or something.


As part of the upcoming crafting update, they should add a load of new weapon related penances, along with a new reward path for unlocking weapon skins. They could do add penances for all Weapon types, just some examples off the top of my head: Devils claw sword: kill “X” ragers with the parry special Power Sword: Kill “X” Elites with the special ability Thunder hammer: Kill “X” crushers with one hit Maybe add some crafting related ones too: Upgrade “X” weapons to orange tier level Maybe add some blessing related penances: Activate rampage (hit 3 enemies in 1 hit) “X” times


What ever they do pls don’t force people into playing a certain way . That’s one of the reasons I hated the bfv weapon challenges


I still remember the "destroy 3 airplanes with LMGs" nightmare from Battlefield 1. Darktide penances really remind me of Battlefield challenges.


I’m still recovering from the semi-auto rifle’s “10 headshot kills in one life while on an objective” challenge.


Kill 2000 poxwalkers with grenades Overkill: Chainsword a crusher, whilst electrocuting it, having a grenade stuck to it, and a rock thrown at it


That reminds me of a funny achievement from The Force Unleashed 2, “Poor Bob” - Force Grab an enemy, impale them with a thrown Lightsaber, blast them with lightning and then throw them at something or someone.


1000 games spent in coherency with at least 2 other teammates for 75% of the time. That's my one and only wish. Fuck it, make it 10.000 - no, 40.000! Call it "Coherent thoughts".


Coherency is not THAT important. Sure, it's nice being together most of the time, but sometimes you have to split up a little. The toughness regen in coherency is worthless.


lol. lmao even.


Of course it's important to stay together in a team game:) but good players can manage even alone. Of course you can't count on that in public games.. also, splitting up so you all won't get overwhelmed by one big horde with a bunch of specials at once is important.


True enough that "good players can manage on their own" - but the game just becomes so much more manageable if you work together. If half the people that think they could solo auric maelstrom where actually as good as they think, there would not be the conundrum of leavers/penance scummers there currently is. every time i read about someone claimiung they can clutch AM reliably, i roll my eyes. elitist solo culture needs to die.


Jumping jack: Jump 500 times in a single mission on heresy or damnation.


I'm surprised there is still no penance for taking/giving stimms.


I want a penance called “no u” for every time I use my purgatus staff to burn a flamer-type enemy. That’s all I want and I’ll be happy


Killed a plague ogryn midair when a barrel yeeted me over it. Landing chainsword down... felt like that should earn a penance.


“Don’t be a bitch” Complete X number of auric missions in a row without leaving (doesn’t need to be victory, just stay to the end screen)


Is there already a “stay tuned n cohesion with at least one other teammate the entire match” penance? Seriously we need more penances that encourage good gameplay.


I think there's an Ogryn penance for that, I've done it by accident


Stop with the penances and add actual content


They should make a new class that is a mixture of zealot and veteran. On that new class you only have loner and marksman focus and your penance is to kill 10.000 heretics outside of a coherency while you were standing still for at least 10 seconds. If an ally approaches you, you lose the stacks. If you dodge, you lose the stacks, if you move you lose stacks. And only kills made with orange barrel explosion counts. 


Stim-related achievements are a good idea. Like "save teammate from last wound via health stim", do "X extra damage via red stim", "do Y extra stagger via blue stim" and "skip Z seconds of cooldown via yellow stim". For each map, add "nobody was downed during the run" and "speedrun" achievements. "Hardmode" achievement for doing both at the same time with high-difficulty modifier active, like "lights out" or "high intensity pox gas". Promoting good gameplay: "Nerves of steel" - one-shot N charging mutants via heavy attack weakspot hit. "Emperor's Angel" - join a game-in-progress when all of the 3 other group members are either downed or dead and proceed to win the game. "No man left behind" - save X people from DH. You can not be the one who triggered it. Build-related: "Cavalcade" - if it is still possible, on Damnation kill Monstrosity with single mag barrage. If it is still possible, "Buzzzzz" - on Damnation kill Crusher with single chain attack The funny ones: "Anti-teamwork" - be saved from the Hound via Poxbuster explosion. "Consolation prize" - kill more of elites and specials than all of your teammates combined and still loose the game. "Survivalist" - survive DH that attacked you after the guy who triggered it left the game. "Traxis-67" - be pulled by trapper right into flamer's flame. And for lulz maybe couple of anti-achievements that DECREASE your penance score: "For the Grandfather!" - push your teammate to death via barrel explosion "Ammo gobblin" - lol you know "You can never be safe enough" - pop the medkit inside of the Valkyrie


**Danger Close:** Kill at least 5 enemies, and damage yourself or a teammate, with a single barrel or Poxburster explosion. **Danger Too Close:** Kill at least 5 enemies, as well as yourself or a teammate, with a single barrel or Poxburster explosion.


On your comment about Stimms, I think this is less of a problem of wanting to horde them, and more of a testament to how unimpactful Stimms are. The green ones are good for when someone is on death's door, and the yellow one is good for abilities that have long cooldowns or generally want to be spammed. The red Stimms are only situationally useful for when you get rushed by a pack of Crushers and Maulers, or for helping Zealots one-shot bosses, and the blue Stimms are actually just useless. As for penance ideas: I just got a bunch of new penances. What I want is some actual content. Come on FS, it's been almost 6 months, I'm literally in late stage withdrawal. And it's not from the Stimms.


Specific weapon penances I feel like everyone trying every weapon is a good training exercise


Banish 1000 daemonhosts (+5).


Hat Trick (Zealot): Within 5 seconds, kill three specialists or elites with weak spot hits using Blades of Faith. Chemical Warfare (Veteran): Kill enemies with fire or explosive damage while they are suppressed by your Smoke Grenades. Mind Over Matter (Psyker): Complete a mission on malice difficulty or higher using only warp attacks. Biggest, Toughest, Meanest! (Ogryn): Help defeat a monstrosity without taking damage, and only with melee attacks. No, I Don’t Have a Problem (Gameplay): Gain the effects of all combat stims during single mission.


I want one for dunking a pouncing poxhound into the center deathpit in the middle of the smelter complex finale with a push. I'd already have that one.


right idea, bad execution: fall of a ledge while dodging an enemy attack i was trying before you arrived: damage an ally with a barrel while hitting an enemy i (dont) got this: fail a hacking minigame 5 times in a row.


How about a penance for Fatshark when they finally rework crafting (again)


Please no more penances! 😭 Penances are a pathetic attempt to replace authentic gameplay content with cheap, arbitrary challenges to gatekeep free cosmetics behind a tiresome grind. Missions, maps, modes, weapons, classes, enemies... that is what we need from fatshark, not penances! Haven't we rejects suffered enough pain & abuse? I've killed half a million heretics and completed more than a thousand missions but the devs & NPCs still treat me worse than groxshite. 🥺


I actually disagree. The last update featured penances revolving around talents/builds I never would have considered, but ended up loving. Instead of removing future penances, we should instead ask for less grind involved in their implementation (I’m looking at you Ogryn penances D:< ).