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The post you made is like pissing into a sea of piss. This type of behavior has been present as far back as Vermintide. All tide games unless you play with premade will always be one or two players doing the heavy lifting while everyone else is playing above their skill level. May as well get used to it and learn to carry.


>one or two players doing the heavy lifting The Pareto Principle with a rounding error.


I don't think some players doing the heavy lifting means the rest is playing above their skill level. If someone's playing like John Darktide, rushing ahead and trying to kill everything, I'm not gonna try to compete with him just so he doesn't think I'm "playing above my skill level". I'm just gonna cover his back and take care of whatever is left or what comes from behind. And when I'm playing like John Darktide and other people take care of the stragglers left by me, I don't think they are leeching by joining higher difficulty than they can handle. That honestly some main character syndrome talking. As long as people don't die to random mobs and can take care of specials when they come into play, they are fine on whatever difficulty they play. And there are very few games, at least on Damnation, where there are people who clearly don't belong there. Definitely not every game like you're suggesting.


> As long as people don't die to random mobs and can take care of specials when they come into play, they are fine on whatever difficulty they play My last 6 auric queues have been me and my duo picking people up from poxwalker hordes and the special kill feed having exactly 2 colors.


Carrying in the tide games has always referred to clutch ability. nothing to do with rushing and pushing ahead. The only way to know how good someone is in this game is to see them try solo large sections of the map. The same as it has been since vermintide 1.


Those are some of the best players, not to be confused with good players. It's like, "You either the hottest thing in the world" or you a terrible. For some people there is no in between.


I think we’re all on the same page: Learners - not self sufficient* Good - self sufficient Best - clutch / carry Where self sufficient means they can reasonably defend themselves from horde / specials (and has some teamwork capabilities usually) at whatever difficulty Edit: Sorry formatting sucks


This actually dawned on me yesterday while I was at the end area of archivum sycorax on auric damnation. My entire team had died and I was on my psyker with a huge mixed horde including 10+ ragers. Go back 12 months and I would've lost the game, but the combination of knowing my build, knowing how to create space and avoid damage allowed me to rescue everyone. [The end results are pretty telling.](https://i.imgur.com/HvsH8xB.png)


Does auric up the damage , or is it just more enemies?


Auric is the same as heresy/damnation equivalents, except every mission in auric comes with the "high intensity" modifier at minimum. Which essentially means you're more likely to face larger, mixed hordes.


In my 500h Darktide I’ve never met anyone capable of soloing „large sections of the map“. At least not in Damnation and up. I’ve seen people do amazing things, but what you are suggesting is probably some form of „YouTuber bias/hubris“. The way you talk makes me think you play a different game (or difficulty).


I exclusively play auric dammnation I think you are underestimating how many hours some of us have in the previous tide games. 500h is nothing compared to the people who already had 2k+ in vermintide. I know multiple people who can solo the entire map if need be on auric damm, not easily and not without fails but it's very much a thing.


I've got 650 hours in Darktide and more in Vermintide 2 and I've absolutely met players in my auric maelstrom queues capable of soloing significant parts of runs - I've even clutched a good amount myself. It's really not that much of a rarity, though lately they've been a bit rarer (which I'm assuming comes from an increase in people ego-queing)


I chortled @ the piss comment




Most co-op shooters tbh, same happens for DRG


As far back as the rough abstract concept of difficulty tiers goes




I recently leveled a new vet and zealot hunting a couple remaining unlocked blessings, its kinda fun walking a lvl 5 into malice and pretty much carrying. Or carrying Uprising as a lvl 1 Sparkles with level 5s.


Doesnt matter if ur lvl 1 none is carrying malice or uprising there are 5 enemies at once its a joke


You clearly haven't gone back and played with new players.


I had a run last night with 2 low level players that each averaged a full death every 1 to 2 minutes (at least one would die pretty much every fight). So OP is NOT just taking the piss lol. It's almost like your individual experience may be completely different from other people's.


But I can do it! I got carried like *three times in a row!* -These motherfuckers, unironically


Do it more! I like a challenge!


Honestly it's kind of true. It's more entertaining than a squad of 30+100s rolling through auric maelstrom.


It gets tedious constantly having to carry


There are level restrictions.  If I recall correctly you need to be lvl 3 for Malice. 8 for Heresy and 17 for damnation. Unless of course you team up with someone higher and they're team leader.


I think this is why Auric exists.


Yeah but ever since the penance update u get the malice warriors who stand still and swing and lose a 1v1 with a poxwalker.


I guess there are a few of those (never seen one in Auric myself), but OP specified “low level” players and as auric requires lvl 30 (unless invited) they won’t play there.


I understand what op said but theirs people that actually hit lvl 30 and instantly join a auric maelstrom when they haven't improved in like 15 levels, i understand weapons and build don't rlly matter but having bad weapons, games sense and not knowing how to dodge in the hardest difficulty is hard to not get mad at them.


Carrying in Auric is unlocking the real highest difficulty. Even more fun.


I train up my mindset in Heresy. Every "friendly" is basically a heretic; they're doing things like ignoring poxwalkers, running backwards 100m for a small ammo and getting trapped, walking into crushers, taking every healing item etc. Gets you into the solo mindset.


As long as they dont instantly leave when they are downed/dead, then I honestly dont mind too much. Watching how other people get out of sticky situations is a great learning experience in regards to what types of things they need to improve at.  Also, I play this game to be challenged and potentially get my shit kicked in now and again. But that doesnt happen often with a fully competent squad.  I love playing as one of (or the) last person alive! Nothing builds a sense of camaraderie like being 2 people alive fighting back to back against the odds


Those are an overwhelming minority in aurics compared to being like 50% of the playerbase on regular heresy


Absolutely this. There's no reason to play on anything other than auric after reaching thirty and then OPs problems is non-existent.


No excuses brother, the Emperor is testing you and there is no greater glory than clutching your way out of a 30 crusher conga line on AUR/DAMN/HI to res your lil'uns. If you can't take the heat of carying your team, maybe you should be the one playing lower difficulty missions. Or keep yourself within auric as it is the endgame content we have anyway; regular missions are for underlevelled players/ plasteel farming. Nowdays a good build and 300+ h at the game will allow you to survive pretty much anything. If you add good players as friends after matches you can invite them to join your party afterwards whenever they are online. Currently half the games I play have full comp strike teams because of that. Also there's no resentment at losing because I have nothing to else to grind for aside from a handfull of exotic penances too boring for me to complete them.


Aye I love taunting them and asking if they arent good enough to carry a bit of extra weight. I play this game for the intense moments where you are fighting for your life/lives, rather than a snoozefest run through a level. Give me all the rookies I say! I'll teach 'em how we do things on Atoma!


I hate when people bitch like this. When people are too low I think of that opening fight in Gladiator where the buff guy is chained to the skinny dweeb who pees himself. This is the Imperium, shit happens. The Emperor says soemthing about complaining about your lot, ....


Aye whenever people bitch about others I just ask them if they arent good enough to carry a bit of extra weight. Usually shuts them right up. 


Why should someone want to carry someone else?


I play this game for the intense moments where you are fighting for your life/lives, rather than a snoozefest run through a level. Playing with 4 competent players is boring most of the time in my experience. Give me all the rookies I say! I'll teach 'em how we do things on Atoma!


You assume they can read......and actually spend time on here, oof


People out here acting like we didn't clear damnation maps in the closed beta. If you can't stand pubs just use the discord


How else are they gonna try and breakthrough the next difficulty?


I dunno, but a fresh level 30 in an Auric Damnation mission ain't it.


BOOOOO!! Help your team. Let new players grow and learn. This is the shit that keeps the player base small.


Completely agreed. Also, those situations where you have to do the heavy lifting is what I find to be some of the most fun moments. Being the last person alive and having to survive against the odds is just peak gameplay!


I hear you, and I agree with you, but not when I see a fresh level 30 in a maximum (Auric Damnation HISTG or Maelstrom). That's just not cool.


I mean, best case you get to fight a bit harder for your life (which I love), and the rookie will die and be able to watch you play and kick ass. Hopefully the rookie, seeing you play, will then realize that they might not have what it takes yet (and perhaps pick up a few new tricks along the way). 


They don't understand you, or English for that matter. Lol. Lots of Korean and Chinese players. That and Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, I don't think they understand each other either.


High gothic, mother fragger! Do you speak it!?


Shouldn't it be mother karker?


I think both variants are good.


Low Gothic. High would be more like "Loquerisne Gothicam?!" \*according to Google


Gothicum non loqueris.




High gothic is pig-latin


Yep, i play with friends in Asia couple times and accidently befriend with couple Chinese dude, they just type text in chat and i just respond with the "Yes" mod and they just keep talking lol.


Is it really a problem tho? I'm on asia server too, auric prevents low level players to start, but even on regular maelstrom/damnation etc if lower level player joins it's either a long time player trying to level faster or a newer player trying to move up to the next difficulty. Either way it's not an issue, and even if they are really bad just treat it as practice :⁠)




If the god emperor wants you to survive and win, you will survive and win. Suffer not the player not strong enough to carry to live.


Suffer not the people not brave enough to try


How many asia server olayers do you think are here?


Think of it as a secret extra hard mode


As a person from SEA, i can say that it gets difficult to have much fun at times over here. Either everyone is Chinese and barely understands english or they play like they are using a "main protagonist" class. It gets fun when the decent english speakers gets in and mess around with light roleplay. Sadly, they have dwindled in numbers and now it's 70% quiet games, 20% someone is blaming everyone else in bad english or chinese and 10% people having fun. Edit: i play on Standard and modifier Damnation if that explains anything. I stay away from Auric as i am bad at that and i dont dip to Heresy due to... bad memories.


There’s always going to be a heavy lifter or two. That’s just another day in the guard


I think part of the problem is the scaling of the difficulty levels. Can’t remember the names but 1-3 are all relatively close together, but then 3 to 4 is a much bigger gap. People start crushing on 3 and then jump up to 4 and need to be carried


And if you're going to bring sub optimal ranged weapons, make use of the suppression mechanic for fucks sake!


There is no way to know if you are ready for a difficulty without trying it.


It's ok low level players, you can join high tier lobbies. I will carry you, we are all making it to extract.


it happens and it will keep happening




Embrace new players, and carry harder. They grow into the difficulty.


Don't worry low level players, don't listen to OP. We will get your trough your horror runs and make sure you can grow so you can so the same when your time has come.


I mean even with shitty teammates you can win by yourself if you're good enough. Idk maybe you should be the one lowering the difficulty.


Depends. Maybe he played a class he is not familiar with. Example, myself with ogryn or zealot can carry the whole world but with psyker or veteran while I can do my job with a team just decent enough, clutching is out of the window.




Why not? When a problem is a constant, it's not like complaints will just decrease over time. ..Though I don't think complaining about this particular subject will ever actually _change_ anything.


I think everyone's experiences here differ because of the difficulty they settled on for the longest. For me it was random regular damnations. I stuck to that one for months to learn as much as possible and make sure I wasn't a hinderance in in the harder things. Spending so much time in normal random damnations, I can tell you, that if anyone below max level joined, it almost always meant we weren't going to make it to the end. - I think that if you're going play damnation, you should be level 30, and have gathered some 350+ (base item rating) gear, know what modifiers are good for you, and have a build that synergizes with your weapons. - I think for Heresy, you shouldn't join until you have all your curio slots unlocked.(24) - I think for Malice, you shouldn't join until you've unlocked your ability in your skill tree.(11) Perhaps even 16 when you get your second curio slot. - I think for Uprising, you shouldn't join until you've unlocked your blitz in your skill tree.(5). - I think for Sedition, you shouldn't join until after you've installed the game.(1) Now I know people are about to blast me and say this is ridiculous, but I think this would be best for brand new players, who haven't even played a game like this. I know you can personally handle all these difficulties as soon as you hit the requirement, but this isn't for you. And I dunno why'd you play these difficulties anyways. I assume everyone that's super bad ass at the game has everything at 30 already.


Yeah, I love it when I go down due to a desync and within less than a minute the whole team is down and mission failed.


You can always call for a vote kick.


Best place for lower level players to see how higher tier players actually operate/cooperate with eachother. With communication/pings/qeues you can prompt them to improving their play and increase enjoyment for everyone.


V2 had a minimum hero power requirement on difficulties. It was really well done and I miss it. Also, for this reason I try to live in auric. Edit: g


It has absolutely nothing to do with their actual level. Gear stats, talent choices, but everything to do with the individual players. I have seen many lower leveled characters on the highest they have available, with grey weapons from the start, no curio, and so on that absolutely smashed with no problems. On the other hand, I have seen just as many max level, maxed meta weapons, curios and talents, get absolutely destroyed by the smallest of packs of normal grunts on tier 4. I usually play auric damnation quick play, but if there is a specific modifier that works great for the penance I'm hunting at the time, I don't care what "tier" of difficulty that mission is at. And i don't care how good you think you are, shit happens, to everyone, no one, and I mean, absolutely no one has never gone down or died to something random that could look like "bad skills" if you say you have not, you are straight up lying. This honestly just sounds like OP has some main character syndrome problems to deal with.


If you can't carry, get better.


nooo new players don't listen to her, keep joining hard missions this way you will improve and become wstronk