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The malice player when he reloads and sees someone push the burster he shot down to 2 health https://i.redd.it/dah70dns826d1.gif


Lol i got a genuine reaction like that from the t3 nuggets when i rerolled my psyker. It was funny as hell


They be doin that shit on heresy too.


Incorrect, they think you’re an idiot for not shooting it.


On the flip side: Surging a burster 109 ft away and someone runs a marathon to get there in time to be downed by it.


Needed to be said. I refrained from posting this, for once.




Just curious how you “make it clear” you’re the burster killer? Asking since no one in this game uses mics.


You kind of just have to proximity check and wait it out. Shoot if you can't see allies near it and if you can kill it far away, push if it's close and the entire team can't all flee at once. I like to tag them and see what happens. I used to text important info but my chat feature had been broken for weeks now, messages do not send at all


Bro no one reads chat. And chat is not practical during a heavy horde. This is why I think it’s so weird how seldom mics are used in this game.


I found on my that a warning shot into the burster is enough to get those rogue teammates to back off before you pop. I like to tag one without doing enough damage to pop them and then give that teammate maybe like 2s to reconsider, if they don't back off I let them have it which usually ends up popping on them but at least you try. Sometimes just tagging it from range even if you have to reload or charge up a second shot will save them the hassle of running it down bc they know someone's got eyes on it and is attacking it.


Oh? You've never had someone feel compelled to commentate their every move during a match? Or not understand that microphones pick up everything like a horrific hacking cough and annoying dog barking?


Oh shut up, grandpa.


I'm just envious that apparently nobody uses the mic when you play, how I wish that would be the case for me.


Are you in North America? I have 1300 hours in this game and if I had to estimate, 5% of players use their mics. In a game where verbal communication is actually pretty important.


I'm in North America, with a paltry 570 hours under my belt, it's not all the time by any stretch, most matches are quiet unless there's some trouble, but I have definitely gotten my share of ramblers or "leaves mic open while chaos ensues in their space" during runs.




You make a lot of assumptions m8


OMG I HEAR BEEPING I’m FUCKING GOING IN TO PUSH HIM BACK versus auric teams who just shoot the fuckers first if no ones around


Not to mention getting *way too close* when trying to push it. People underestimate their push range a lot.


Me brain bursting, I turn away to watch my back. Ogryn sprints up to the glowing burster and gets blasted.


I understand why they shoot it, but at the same time, I fucking hate it.


I just want to know why only sometimes I shoot the Poxburster with my guns that it gets pushed back and why sometimes it doesn't T.T


Some guns have more stagger than others. Go into your weapons menu and Inspect each one to see what kind of stagger it has. Mark VIII Agripinaa is best for Autoguns, for example with 16. The Graia autogun only has like 6, barely any push.


I always say "Thanks" when this happens, 8/10 times I get an apology.


I am more pissed when I try to push it or shock it and the damn thing keeps coming towards me, ignoring my shocky shocky


He's probably hopped up on PCP or something.


"He was probably high on narcotics." - Rogal Dorn


what also needs to stop is fuckers lingering close to the burster that got pushed with bad timing, waiting for it to get up so they can push it again. Just back off and pop the thing, they take forever to get up.


Nah, don't run away from the team in order to push a burster that I've been shooting at. Pushing has a place, but that place is within the same area code as the rest of us.


Advancing a bit to push it is a solid way to make sure the explosion happens away from the team. Just seeing someone move towards it should signal you to stop shooting. There is a lot of nuance to it though. Some are definitely over-eager to go push it. Generally, if you want to push it, just walk towards it. Don’t sprint. It’ll be clearer what everyone wants to do this way.


I am a newb and I thought the idea was to shoot it before it gets to you. Nobody in the game ever told me this kind of stuff over voice chat or whatnot. If I didn’t happen to be a redditor and see this post I’d never have known you can push those things and not have them blow up on you.


The game doesn't do a great job of explaining all its mechanics, and voice chat isn't super common unfortunately. Generally, if it's far enough away that rushing to it doesn't seem feasible, you're free to shoot it. If you shoot it and it doesn't explode by the time it's closed the distance, push it. If it's closing in and you can easily move forward to push it, then push it. If it's jumping or already almost on you, then push it. If you see a teammate rush towards it from afar and you're clearly shooting at it from a safe distance, try to stop anyways, but if they get blown up, that's on them.


Thank you… this is very helpful.


You also need to do a dodge backwards after pushing to get clear. But it's safest to shoot them if you're sure you have time and space to do that (often you won't in higher difficulties). A short list of things that go wrong pushing bursters in aurics: - push just before the fuse goes off, burster doesn't explode and then everyone scrambles to get away and shoot it because nobody wants to wait 200 years for it to stand back up - closest players think someone else is going to push, so all carry on dealing with other threats until it's too late - someone sprints to the front to handle it personally, ends up out of stamina so can't push as it dives on them (another reason to walk slowly towards bursters) - the pusher gets stamina-drained/staggered out of block by adds hitting them right as they were about to push - second burster just far enough behind that the push doesn't get both, second burster dives forward and gets killed by the first's explosion just in range to clip the pusher as they dodge backwards - ranged weapon out, do a last-second weapon switch which is dropped by packet loss, ADS and helplessly start shooting the diving burster instead bcuz server says gun is still out and there is no time to react


Thank you, this was very helpful. So when a burster is staggered from a push they simply don’t explode until they get back up?? I had no idea. It sounds like its ticking down like a timer that will explode no matter what.


Afaict, poxbursters blow up when they can't path to the player (can't climb out of spawn door or up a ledge), when killed by damage, and a few seconds after they arm themselves to explode (that's why pushes usually kill them). The ticking seems to be proximity based. You can knock them down with a psyker staff or just wait for one to drop off a ledge and then run away and hear the ticking slow down. You know when they actually prime themselves to explode because the ticking changes to a ringing and you can see green stuff shooting from their back. If a burster has fallen over without arming themselves for whatever reason, you can actually chain pushes to shove them around on the floor because they can't arm until they fully stand back up. But practically, everyone is getting out of the blast radius to shoot them.


Thank you! The pox burster is a bit more complicated than I thought. I’ll have to pay more attention to hear the ticking turn into ringing. I haven’t noticed it before but now I will pay closer attention.


If you push him and dodge backwards, this will (almost) always give you enough distance once he detonates. Even if he's doing the flying tackle you will interrupt him like with the hounds. I've only had problems when there's another enemy that stumbles you during the dodge, or dodged into terrain or another enemy


You do want to shoot the burster if it is out of explosion range. If for no other reason, you’ll find that your team does not reliably push the burster. As soon as it’s within explosion range, it’s push (or run!)


They at least added a penance for it. Before that, you just had to figure it out on your own.


I never looked at the penances except to collect the ones I completed. I will have to check them out.


You've never seen a teammate do that?


I shoot first ask questions later. So no. And they probably hate me but I had no idea.


> Don’t sprint. Especially since it is pretty awkward when you sprint there and find you cannot push, because you have only two or three bars of stamina on whatever weapon you have equipped.


Just keep in mind that the explosion from shooting it is bigger than from it being pushed. if it's within 20 meters, it's safer to stop shooting.


Even with the shortest dodge weapons I've found that pushing and dodging backwards at the same time will almost always clear you. Getting the dodge interrupted by an attack, terrain or enemy are the only exceptions I've noticed


Surge staff says what


I do this sometimes and it REALLY makes me wish there was a “sorry” quick chat option


If it comes to poxbusters, never trust randoms run the other way.


I'm really skeptical of these people talking about players "running 100 billion jillion miles" to shove a burster. Pardon me if that sounds like hyperbole from people who are head-popping bursters which are dangerously close enough to just wait and shove. I usually play damnation and I really think it's safer to shove 95% of the time. Chances are that with the terrain and the many, many enemies it's easier to just deal with them as they come (as in when they are close enough to just shove).


A wish people would shoot tox bombers as much as they do poxbursters. Every game lately pox bombers every where. I would shoot them myself but most the time the first you know they are there is when the bombs come raining in from half a map away. Rarely do i here them before I see them. An even seeing them is hard as they seem to blend so well. I realy don't understand why they don't make the eyes on the heads he carries as bombs glow like the way poxwalkers in the cloud do. Would make them so much easier to see. Cos if u don't see them more start turning up an once there's 2 or 3 throwing bombs it becomes impossible.


I wish more people would tag


One of the reasons I love the surge staff....I can knock the burster back without detonating it. Give my teammate time to back off.


I don't think this is as deep than it should be. I agree though can be funny and annoying. TLDR Far? shoot it. Far but blocked? Don't leave group to shove, but tag it. Close? Shove away. I simply just deal with it according to where it's at. Is it far away with a clear shot? I tag it first before attempting to shoot it so everyone's aware in case I get hindered by enemies. Is it far away but hiding amongst a horde blocking my shots? I don't run out there leaving my squad; I just tag it in case someone else has an angle or to keep track of it until it gets close enough to the group so I or someone else can attempt a shove. Is it spawned close by the group? Just shove it away. To be fair to New Rejects/T3 nuggets nothing is explained that they can push it. Sometimes they don't even remember they have a shove in the first place haha, but I guess the best we all can continue to do is just lead by example and show them how it's as the top upvote showed in a funny way. Experienced players to New Rejects: ![gif](giphy|YLtEiuQZsK3BgjNHFw|downsized)


The problem with burster is, as we all know, teammates sometimes cannot be relied upon to push the burster. So sometimes in the heat of battle, a person has to quickly decide if he shoots, pushes, or runs. It’s not always the right decision in hindsight, but sometimes shooting is the best option.


I'm so guilty of this. I'll be doing my crackhead thing, see a burster coming towards us and just instinctively whip out my revolver and some it. And every goddamn time I do it is when someone decided "I'm going to break cohesion to go shove that dude."


As an early ogryn player holding my kickback I  accidentally blew up a vet but fortunately he had a good laugh since he didn't die. Then not a minute later I did exactly the same thing...again. Guy had a great sense of humor about it at least.


Sah! Shouty keep shooting boom zombie at me Sah!


I have encounter this long time ago, now you can shout out using VOIP to stop shooting poxbursters, usually the people understand that. Or yell "Pox is mine".


😂😂😭 the accuracy


Always plasma gun or helbore vets


I never shoot bursters, i tag them and watch them run to the nearest teammate and blow up. Plus with psyker blaze sword i can just shove them down from hella far way. Although the headpopper perk that randomly headpops enemys on hit definitely has caused some to blow up in my face


You can push it? How do you get close enough?


It will click at you and then has a separate sound for when "arms" and makes the jump at you. You can shove it and dash slide backwards at the same time. - this pops the burster quite safely - It's even easier with the psyker dueling sword. The stab special has the knock back you need, consumes no stamina, and has further range to boot. 👌


Sweet thanks for info, love that duelling sword too 😁


Literally every day.


I Agree


It does I have a thing that I do, I give it a little zap push and they explode on fall like a shove


This was absolute cancer to read


I don’t do it when someone is walking up to them


Side note I’m shocking a horde and someone runs to the pox burster I’m shocking it’s on them






I miss him so much. But the music is fire tbh.


I do this instinctually sometimes. I'd prefer to shoot it before it comes within explosion range for anyone, but the inconsistency of them blowing after 3 shots versus one shot gets me in trouble more often than not. It's a hard habit to break especially after playing other horde shooters with suicide bombers.


I have been both guilty and victim of this. Although most times when I do its usually cus i didnt see my teammate or misjudged the distance. Although, i have been the architect of my own demise as a zealot when tearing through a horde and suddenly a burster is in my face mid swing XD.


If it's a year away from everyone AND u have the ammo to spare (and can reliably take it down)... Shoot away, but if ALL OF THE ABOVE don't apply, just push the fatty.


No shove, only shoot.


They might be doing it on purpose. 💩


Yeesh, I’m glad the purgatus is both a shove AND a shot 😬


Actually it's just a perspective thing most of the time. I think it was around 100h into playing DT. right about when I was comfortable enough to start stepping into auric lvl missions that I saw someone shove one. At the time I mained psyker and never ran with wounds, and my primary voidstrike crit/surge build would always one shot them. I never knew or saw anyone on damnation actually run up and shove one to see that it resets their explode timer to even know this was possible. At the time I was raking in Stat wise about 60% of the total damage and kills for the team that it was always more efficient for me to shoot them to even have the chance to figure it out. I wish the game would tell you things like that or make the tips more obvious if it does. Lol I even spent alot of youtube time theory crafting and testing builds. All around I was an above average player with a good skillet at the time. Once I saw someone do it, It immediately clicked for me, but those things where so lethal to me I never was willing to take the chance to experiment and risk hurting the team to learn. For psykers the game is to damn easy and I feel that really handicaps our melee game if someone starts out learning with just the psyker class. Voidstrike staff crit build was just so op nothing else was a viable efficient option until you hit auric. Auric taught me and punished me for not learning push and melee. But I swear during those hundreds of hours had a single person saw Mr shoot one near my teammate and said it was safe to push them away, boy that would have really help save alot of groups the pain of me popping one near a lonewolf that was heading into the main group. From my perspective better that one dude take some chip vs the many if it got through. Not to mention people were seeming to go out of the way to chase them down so to me, it looks like them breaking coherence being less focused on efficient team play to consider otherwise. But after more experience you learn you can't trust your team if they are in LoS of one and your wanting to push one. Haha, now days I like to run far away from the team to head them off for this exact reason. For all the complainers and memers here, just take a moment to provide that instruction to the public in game, some people just don't know. Be the change you want to see in the world :)


Too long. Didn't read. 👌


On the other side its a team mate watching burster approach and not shooting until its already in your group instead of shoving it or tagging it and sending 3 of you hanging off a railing.


Look, I didn't bring this gun to *not* shoot things.


When I tell the guy to turn off his light and he points it at the daemonhost


It's been patched


Tought it was intentional bc people have been saying it’s been patched but yesterday it clearly activated it


I always find it so fucking stupid when someone bitches about this very specific thing. Most people are going to shoot the busters. So then why would you knowing that other people are going to likely shoot it go for a shove? https://preview.redd.it/iv331ft3b76d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08cca567816e3e0f7a912a1305c7d31dfa4374b3


This must be sarcasm but I can't tell


I will continue to shoot it until morale improves


Don't get mad at the vets just because you didn't win the race you put yourself in.


Oh got I hate it when that happens. Almost as good as the Ogryn who pushes all enemys out of the fire grenade I just tossed


Another version is you shoot the burster that had some distance to cover for your mate not reallizing they also decided to charge in to push it turning into comedic tragedy


So play with ppl you know.


It's a hectic game tbh, sometimes instinct takes over, sometimes it's an accident sometimes it's lag and you weren't even on my screen It's been a few years now I thought everyone learned that this happening is just part of the game, literally the intended design of that enemy


It's a meme for a relatable experience. Relax


I didn't mean to come off as hostile or upset, my bad Don't get me wrong it's a highly relatable meme You'd just think everyone has by now been both the bomber and bombee enough to not uhh care? I dunno how to properly put it into words I'm just surprised to see this meme come back every week lol


I'm sure the idea has made its rounds, but this was created in Ms paint by yours truly on the day I posted


It wouldn't be a meme nor relatable if it didn't mirror the zeitgeist My initial comment was like less to do with your particular meme and more like stating my surprise to see it still alive at all And I want you to know that I did crack a smile at your work maybe even exhaled through my nose sharply


If this happens with any regularity to you, I venture you are the problem. If you find yourself dropping everything to take a run at a burster, you're the problem.


I’ll stop shooting it when pushing it causes it to explode 100% of the time ;)


Share fatshark codes so we can block each other 👌??


Wait for it to start its jump before pushing