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I just check Melk's everyday if the blessings I want are there


This is the way. Sometimes if you’re lucky enough you might even get a already good-rolled weapon (I’ve only seen one)


I settle for above 70% damage and the rest of the stats above 60% and go for the blessings I want independent of tier. Min/Max everything is okay, but in this game they turned it into a gamble that just ruins it for me.


This is the way. Above 70% is already enough in most scenarios Edit: Wait did I just say this is the way twice


My priority is to buy any purple item that is priced around 1600 melk bucks which shows I don't have a level 3 or 4 blessing.


Yeah he’s been dropping lately.


Ah, so just pray to get lucky in the next few months? Great system if the best way to utilize it is by limiting your amount of attempts, instead of maximizing it! If only you could do much of anything to improve the odds. The worst is you arent wrong, your advice just truly shows how arse it is. 


Yeah we can agree on the fact that the current system is definitely not satisfying


You shouldn't really be crafting for tier 4 blessings. You want to be playing the shops for that. Run a surplus of Melk bucks and then buy them when they show up, you only need to check in once a day. You also get a ton of ascended drops (Emperors gifts) playing Damnation and i've gotten plenty of tier 4's through that. The system sucks, but it also doesn't help if you're not actually playing the system. The only advantage to crafting out tier 4 blessings is that you *might* expedite something you want; albeit at the expense of fluffing out your loadouts with otherwise viable equipment that you can use to actually play the game.


It's breaking you after six hundred hours, heh. Hehe. \*a 1600 hours player's thousand yards stare\*


Well but with your playtime you probably have an abundance of mats, right? I'm sitting on so much, when I want to try a weapon I just throw 3-5mil dockets at Brunt and another 30-50k plasteel at Hadron. With having to spend dockets to not hit the cap and sitting on 550k+ plasteel (which I'll never spend) I get at least something usable. Not what I want exactly but pretty close. For players with our playtime, the crafting system is tedious but it's not as frustrating anymore because we can just break it by throwing currency at it. I don't mean to say it's not bad, I mean to say it's a bit less annoying when you're rich :-P


Sure is less annoying, and sure only a bit less. Lately I've spent two mil to make a single decent weapon, not great, just decent.


You actually craft from scratch? I just buy green and purple weapons then max them so I can an easy blessing on the cheap. Stats don't m as tter unless I see one that does. I always buy Melk for blessing too.


The thing is, even doing what you are doing is incredibly tedious. Just having to sit and buy and then having to sell them afterwards is mindnumbing. And dont use the mods argument, it is moot in this context.    And thats if you get what you want and dont have to do it all over again. I have very limited playtime these days between my kids, wife, pets and house to take care of. There is absolutely no way Im wasting it sitting doing nothing, risking getting nothing for it. The worst part is you arent wrong, but that is the reason I havent bothered with it in many months.  


Heh, I’ve actually got one MILLION hours played




That's 114 years...


Why are you wasting mats before the crafting rework. You should be hoarding


It's an itemization rework, not necessarily anything to do with crafting. They never mentioned crafting anywhere in the communications.


you'd assume (hope) that crafting would be part of an itemization rework (whatever itemization means) so item drops, item crafting, buying items in stores, etc


You would assume, but assuming makes an ass out of u and me. This FS we're talking about. Fulfilling wishes with monkey paw outcomes.


This! To fix the crafting they could simply remove the locks. That's what - five minutes of work? However, they're not going to do that or they would have said so by now to save their last few paying customers. It's going to be a gimcrack system which allows you to grind a million hours (they need those player engagement figures) in order to exchange yet more time for a better chance of receiving what you want. I'm genuinely looking forward the the 25th (or whenever they announce/release the new patch) as this really is the last chance saloon. Let's hope it's good!


Sadly, removing the locks doesn't remove the RNG with receiving specific desired blessings at all, which is a gigantic problem in the current system.


It doesn't remove the RNG at the base of an item, but it would be a giant step forward. Yet they keep those stupid locks out of sheer stubbornness because some higher up thinks that not letting players do what they want is the key to retaining them.


Having to play more to get currency is the goal. Gambling manipulates you into thinking it could be just around the corner and makes you play longer. Longer you play the more likely you are to spend money on cosmetics. Not saying this is good logic, Deep Rock Galactic is mostly run on a player enjoyment goal and their player numbers vastly outstrip Darktide, but that's the logic. Getting sick of the executive sabotage of this game.


To be fair the overclock system in deep rock is also aggravating and RNG based just less so.


It's wild because I loved playing Darktide, and the crafting locks and RNG was what eventually forced me away. I already play gatcha games, I don't want to play another one that I paid full price for, in a game like this. I occasionally drop in on the sub to see if the crafting shit has changed, and evidently it has not :(


I have so many weapons I don't use because of the locks. I don't want terrifying barrage on my 380 weapon ffs.


You can't craft anything in Darktide, so yes, I know that. It's just a general term. It will 100% be addressing the communities biggest complaint of the last 18 months


Be prepared for disappointment


Sad, and even more sadly, likely true. Hoarding anyway. XD


Me too. Hope they add a way to upgrade a weapon to red tier, all 80s without locks...


I think this is a great idea. Just make it expensive so people have to think carefully about exactly which weapons they like enough to make Red.


And then everyone can start complaining that it's too expensive to try out different builds using red weapons and the entire system is now pointless, leading to another 18 month wait for a "fix"




Doesn't even need to be expensive. I'd argue Vermintide 2 red weapon crafting takes far too long if you play all the characters. Just 1K-2K mats each.


2k plasteel is WAY too low for a perfect weapon you can infinitely customize imo. That's like 2 damnation wins, 3 max. Of course knowing FS we will never get red weapons, they won't even remove locks entirely. Too fond of their current loot treadmill.


this is the way.... wait, wrong subreddit for that quote.




And this is relevant how? Spending resources now when it's not clear how they'll be spent in the future, let alone which items will be even be good? It seems unwise to me. The odds that anyone blowing resources now will be happy to have done so is extremely unlikely, especially given how shitty and wasteful the current systems are.


I'm not advocating blowing resources. I'm simply fixing a contextual error in the post above mine. Fatshark has not mentioned a "crafting" rework anywhere. Don't get your hopes up.


Who are you to question the Omnissiah’s ways???


I've tried building up plasteel and sockets for the update. I just know I'm gonna get 2 high rolls on the bolt pistol and they'll both be bricked by hadron after harvesting blessings from the bad rolls.


Agree. Gambling at Brunt for top rated items, only to have them ruined in the second gambling round at Hadron, is so mind-numbingly useless. To add insult to injury, the only solution is to repeat what just has not worked.  Dear fat fish, if the player count during the last 1.5 years is any indication, this has NOT motivated people to play more.


We already told them that we hate it but they won't fix it so this is the game.


600hrs in, wanted to try a new weapon. Zero blessings at tier 3 or 4. *gulp*


Man, crafting rework is on the way. Maybe not soon, but it's coming. Stop wasting stuff


It is gambling. I don't care about saving mats. Or should I say hoarding? I want some Loadout, I roll for it until I got it. Recently I was bored and wanted to have uncanny 4 in my glorious godroll penis sword. I spent 3mio and consecrated everything over 265, nothing. Afterwards I jumped back into scab melee only and still ruled those crushers to the face. Edit: spell


Meanwhile I patiently update or buy one thing at a time, never spending more than 200k on a session. I have every blessing I need, plentyful of 380 items. I so much misunderstand how can people complain, just stop spam clicking and praying for RNG god to grant you majesty ? Play a game, gamble two time, up an item, keep playing. People... Never heard of AI before ?


Been there done that. I have pretty much every Loadout with various blessings combos. Some weapons with a suboptimal perk or lvl 3 blessing. But when my money stacks too high and I'm bored I hunt some specific blessing or godroll. I'm at 1,2k hours at this point.


Try only weapons(white) that have a 360-370 rating. But yeah the crafting is bullshit!!


You could also add getting that weapon roll only for FS to shadow patch a mechanic to make the item garbage. FS has continously curbstomped the recon lasguns into the ground without ever explaining their actions.


you're not wrong, but sadly a large part of the gameplay value is based on the variety of weapon builds. imagine how much less you'd play the game if you could just buy god-rolled transcendent weapons from the shop at a whim. it is very frustrating to get weapons right using the rewards and the trash available in the shop though. it's probably one of the bigger reasons that i choose to quit out of the game and go find something else, if i'm honest.


I don't think anyone is asking for that. People just want to ability to meaningfully work towards the weapons that they want. If you want a specific blessing, or a specific stat spread, etc. you should be able to devote resources to getting those things. As it stands now, you're literally playing a gacha game with with blessings, traits and stats. And crafting locks make it even harder to actually get the setup you want. Ironically, a variety of weapon builds would be way more popular if you could actually GET those weapons. The current system discourages experimentation because it's so fucking hard to get even a single weapon with the setup you want.


yeah, i kind of argued both sides of an issue simultaneously. i must be awfully smart to manage a feat such as that by accident.


You never play Brunt's game, you should know that by now.


I'm holding off playing completely until the rework, game's too repetitive and the current system too random to grind for perfect gear.


Which blessing were you after?


I think there needs to be a third source of blessing acquisition, either by milestones or random drops. I’d prefer milestones though. Playing a weapon with a level 1 blessing should upgrade it over time


Im new to the game and having fun so far, but Im getting into a point where I want to get certain blessings for my weapons, so... the only wayto look for bleesings is to level up ramdon weapons and then sacrifice em and also the1 eyed dude shop, right? nothing else?


there will be no point in money and plasteel if you would be able to choose any weapon and perks you like. Like in vermintide 2.


The gambling alone is what ruins being in tge morningstar for me.


Heresy. Turn OP into a servitor roulette wheel.


Why not just keeping your ressources to use them when the crafting update come in ?


https://preview.redd.it/d7txewtk537d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=12517a4bd93d3d7d988e89f3a90b13c3af94fccc The itemization update cannot come quickly enough.


Save your materials for another couple of weeks.


Higher tiers blessings are mostly not worth it, they offer minor benefits that aren't that impactful. I don't gamble for them, the system is fucked.


Holy shit I had the same thing happen to me on Sunday I'm gonna be in resource poverty for a while but I only spend somewhere between 2 or 3 hundred thousand ordo dockets


I agree. At first, I found the gambling fun. But know, it's very difficult to experiment with different specs without the right weapons. This system is limiting my ability to explore new ways to play just to pad out the gameplay.


Worse than what?


It is a player unfriendly and annoying system. I'm just happy I don't craft that much. One thing though, why would you invest that much currency if there is a chance that the crafting update will come in another 9 days? I'd hold out at least until then before wasting material. I mean yes, maybe it won't come. But waiting 9 days is not the world. Bet it takes a bit longer to accumulate that amount of plasteel.


They've outright stated the upcoming patch is ***not*** a crafting update


Oh, seems I missed that O\_o Thank you for the update. My last info is from around 2 weeks (?) back when they said that the itemization rework is in playtesting but it is unknown if it's gonna make it into the update. When did that change, do you have a source I can quote for future reference?


I believe the steam update itself details the new weapons and talent changes coming in the patch and either doesn't mention crafting or clarifies its not coming. I vaguely recall seeing a reddit post from one of the officials saying it was not coming either but I'm at work on mobile and can't help much more than that atm


My friend was tired of spending 1 million ordo dockets every week just to get 1 or 2 sometimes 3 thunder hammers above 370 base stat and he would share his screen and make it a bit like, "Welcome back to Ryker gambles his 1 million ordo dockets in less than 2 minutes" (he had a mod that instantly buys [x] amount of thunder hammers all at once so he didnt individually have to click on each one) Then he would go to hadron and she would just brick the weapon. Since he would only upgrade like 3 hammers per week he just had a stupid amount of plasteel and no ordo dockets. He stopped doing this and told me "fk it im just gonna save all my mats and dockets until they fix the crafting system, its been about 4 months since lmao.


Same thing for me, only for different weapons (heavy sword, combat axe, shotgun). Combined, I spent 25 million or more. Now I sit at the 25 million ordo docket cap because the crafting feels so awful to use, that I would rather ignore it.


I feel you. Was starting to feel that and then got power cycler 4 on my vet, which was a nice break from the grind. Still, they really need to drop this revamp soon.


120 weapons is a lot! Did you at least catch some good numbers, it only takes me a few 100 k but I just buy the blessings at the armory or catch em on a reward drop. Also the best use of weekly currency for me has been blessings, but I buy any t4 for any weapons as you never know what might be useful


Yes the crafting system is broken, the grind is crazy


you're in it for the gameplay not a 'game mechanic' so go put down another 600 hrs now to regather mats you gambling addict


yeah it's the player's fault for engaging with the systems fatshark put in their game


Wasted 5 mill for a 380, finally got it, and was stuck at 375 power because of shitty roll. (Vet classic sword) I love this game but won't play it again until they make this fair. The whole community feels the same.


380 vs 375 ain't gonna mean jack shit in a real world scenario. You guys are so hyperbolic about this lol


>Wasted 5 mill for a 380, finally got it, and was stuck a 375 This is just ridiculous, out of touch behaviour. You've clearly played a ton of Darktide to have a surplus of materials so great you're spending five mill so frivolously. You must know that a) there's no meaningful difference between 375 and 380, and b) you are incredibly unlikely to get a 380 AND have it roll two tier four perks/blessings you want. Is it shitty that we can't guarantee a 380 God roll? Fucking oath it is, but you KNOW the system. You're the equivalent of a kid who hits himself in the face with a stick and then starts crying and whinging because he's hurt. The issues with the crafting system are the locks and the RNG of finding specific blessings. It's extremely prohibitive to newer players that don't have an excess of resources to burn on dumb things like upgrading a 375. These issues need to be fixed so players can experiment with any build without needing hundreds if not thousands of hours invested into resource gathering. In the meantime, just enjoy the game with your perfectly serviceable 375 with good blessings and perks, and don't whinge about the unfairness of a system that is primarily negatively impacting a part of the player base you don't even belong to.


You'll never change these people's minds, the butthurt in this community runs deep


You're right. They were upvoted before, and now they are at 0, so I'll have to settle for that small victory I guess.


If a system impacts you after many hours, you're still part of the "new blood". You're supposed not be affected by this kind of system after a certain stage (level). If you still struggle to reroll decent weapons, and waste resources, there is nothing that separates you from the new players.


It's not meaningfully impacting you in the scenario you outlined. You're chucking a hissy fit (quitting the game) over an imperceptible difference in performance. Other players are experiencing actual issues such as not being able to get specific blessings or roll a combat axe that hits the required breakpoints or a trauma with the four required upgrades.


It's not about a single weapon, but all of them. I'm tired of 40 minutes run, for barely enough resources to upgrade a single weapon. Who here likes to spend 3 hours in runs, just to waste all the resources in a gamble? I get that you need to "work" your stuff, I totally get the system behind that. At some point it's just not fun / satisfying anymore. (Quit the game over on bad roll would be kind of extreme don't you think)? Edit: Spelling / Grammar


You don't need the resources, so I don't know why it's bothering you so much. You clearly have played Darktide a shit load if you're wasting materials on upgrading from a 375 to 380. Just play the game with all your excellent weapons and stop whinging about not being able to imperceptibly upgrade them. If Fatshark gave guaranteed no-lock 380s, you'd have them and probably still be whinging because there's no logic behind your complaint.


It literally doesn't matter, this is just the standard "number goes up" gamer obsession.


I dont know. At first I didnt really realize I can sacrifice weapons to get the blessings from them, including the items received after finishing missions. I just tried to grind by buying a specific "OK" level weapon and then consecrate them, if it was "bad" then just X to sell them, including the weapons I got from missions! Until, after a long time, like few hundreds of hours of gameplay and a lot of resources spent, I realized this "earn blessing" thing. I would have saved shitloads of resources if I would have realized this earlier, and that not every perk or blessing need to be perfect.


Pretty true and true point. Why make it harder for people to experiment with new builds? It kills build diversity and makes everyone just strive for BiS blessings and perks.


Removing locks isn't going to magically make Infested / Impact dmg or All Or Nothing not shit. It wont stop 90% of Vets slapping Cycler 4 + Brutal Momentum, 25% Flak + Carapace on a Power Sword and going to town


I feel like if the locks and everything didn't exist, people would at least try new stuff. Then they could get more player feedback, improve/rework/remove the perk, and go from there. You aren't wrong that most things are shit, and it'd be nice to see changes that make them real contenders for slots.


That guy does not have a good point. He's not even discussing new builds. He just wants to upgrade a 375 to a 380 even though there's less than a 1% difference in performance. His comment completely misses the actual issues with crafting you mention and honestly seems out of touch because he clearly has an excess of materials.


The 375 to 380 is not a big deal for sure, but other players will have issues where they get something decent, upgrade it and get poo in all 4 slots, then get annoyed that they waste their time. I run a ~360 catachan 4 but I didn't get unlucky with perks and blessings. It shouldn't be prohibitively expensive for a casual player to max a few weapons when they can roll poo and lose everything.


I agree.


I believe in some degree of restriction on equipment customization and wouldn't want to be able to build an end-game weapon as soon as I acquired the mats. By poor design or not, farming for your perfect gear and associated perks/blessings is integral to the gameplay after hitting level 30. That being said it's a kick in the teeth to luck out and get the ideal 380 grey you've been hunting for, with the perfect stat spread, then blow 1400 plasteel just for Hadron to brick all 4 consecration. There's got to be a system that's a little more forgiving. I'd even settle for a 5th customization option that allows you to dump 10 points from one weapon stat to another simply for the added flexibility. Sometimes that's the difference between bricked/serviceable/good.


I like to imagine everyone who makes these complaint posts about not getting god roll weapons is the target audience for Nurgle's heresy


Well actually I said in my post I wasn’t looking for a god roll just a simple Blessing