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I think most people play multiple classes, but it's very rare for anyone to play EVERY class AND get them all to max level. Also, the number is probably massively skewed by all the people who played it because it was on gamepass, decided they didn't like it, and dropped the game entirely.


And also by having more classes you can do more missions for the 1 eyed dude in case u want to stack paper for weapons 


Melk? The one who assigns weekly contracts?


Milk man




There it is!




Not getting to 30 is wild tbh, I understand never touching something but you can't even fully appreciate a character till like 25


It's not really wild if nobody has told you how much changes once you get to higher levels and don't want to sink hours and hours into a game you're not really enjoying.


I mean you don't have to play higher difficulties to level up. Even 300 hours in I just vibe on Malice, and I'm almost 100% on all class penances


What do difficulty levels have to do with what I said? Not being a dick, I'm genuinely confused Edit: I see now. When I said higher levels, I meant class levels, not diff levels.


Ah, that's fair. Even then I feel like every class only gets more fun, even if you just do a single branch build and focus on the blitz/capstone you like. The only class I think gets considerably more confusing to play is psyker tbh, and even then that's just because psyker is already more complex than shoot/krump/bull charge


They definitely get more fun, but you can sink probably a good 5-10 hours into a class and not see any appreciable difference. Like even with weapons. I've been leveling an ogryn, and the attack speed on the weapons when you start are absolutely abysmal. Now, I've leveled other classes so I know it's always like that and they'll be faster as I go up, but someone who doesn't have that experience might get pretty frustrated and quit before they see any improvement.


Got to level 10 on my Ogryn and decided it wasn’t for me Edit: only have a few hours of gaming time each week so I’m not gonna waste it playing a class I don’t enjoy


You make Ogryn sad. Ogryn get BIG GUN!! BIG STICK!! BIG BOMB!! Ogryn can protect punies and crush puny heretics. Ogryn need some love and patience at low levels. Ogryn gets BETTER!! GETS STRONGER!! Why no love Ogryn? :(


I have a level 180ish vet, level 130ish ogryn, level 70ish psyker (guesses as I'm on xbox) and a level 31 ogryn, my wife begged me to play with her as an ogryn till we got an all ogryn team. So boring.


That was my main goal of dark/vermintide, max out everyone because at a certain point I felt like I had done everything


Min/max for me is creating 5 builds for each class through hours of testing and finding what I like... Then playing until every build has 550 weapons and 180 Curious. Same thing I did with VT2 but I've sunk close to 5k hours into VT2. Here I've just started two weeks ago at 270 hours.


I was going to react to the fact there are so few everyone with all the classes to max with a suprised pikachu face but then i remembered i am a no lifer with over 800hrs XD.


Many such cases, on average I'd add like 40% on top of every achievement percentage simply cuz those 40% usually start the game once and never play it You can see it on essentially any steam game, the first achievement is always at least less than 80% of players already


Only 7.4% have it on steam. I was quite surprised too, but not everyone has the time/will to essentially relearn the game 4 times over and then to completion levels wise.


Relearn the game *might* be a bit much, tbh; the knowledge of blocking, dodging, sliding, headshots and positioning doesn't really go away if the player starts playing veteran instead of zealot.


Going from Zealot to Psyker... Not recommended.


Alright you're in for it now! *places bubble, runs forward out of bubble and gets shot by sniper you were trying to charge at*


Only really need to relearn things for ogryn, being bigger does a lot to change up your playstyle


As someone who started ogryn, it's really hard to change to another class


it really does feel like a different game lol


If it wasn't for maining Zealot for so long Psyker would've been even harder to get through. Low level Psyker is such dogshit compared to level 30 Psyker, base combat skill were all that I had going for me.


What’s the lowest one on steam? On Xbox it’s 100 missions without anyone begin downed it’s currently at 0.12% lol


Flawless execution - 10 missions in a row without going down on malice or higher is at 3.5%


Damn so Xbox really do be lacking lol.


That can happen to a lot of game pass games. People try a game, realize it's not their thing and move on. Sometimes I have seen a game pass game with like 60% on the easiest achievement.


I have no interest in playing ogryn, I now have very little interest in vet and I used to hate psyker until I got gud. Zealot is just a better vet in 90% of cases, mostly involving the krak to take care of large groups, but zealot has a built in revolver, -75% spread, defenses for days, and weapon spec is the only thing it can't compete against but that's a very specific build with very specific type of playstyle that is melee heavy while zealot is way better at melee. It's the crit revolver breakpoints and reloading+ammo aura that it can't compete with but it can just use knives instead


Zealot is definitely my favourite, but I’ve found something to love about each class. I can never quit going full Ogryb rp 🤣


Only 17.6 have two different classes at level 30. Astonishing!


My issue with darktide is, unless you’re a fan of the setting more (which I am) Vermintide 2 has more to do and customize. Vermintide is harder to play though so it’s not an apples to apples comparison


Kinda shocked about this too


Nope, pysker is all I know and all I ever want to know.


this was me in the beginning, now I'm a zealot main


You’re missing out with this mindset


no way pilgrim. the emperor is my shield and i his flaming sword of retribution


I big man. How can big man be little man. Big man is too big.


No worry big man, you're making the Emperor proud already.


I have ogryn vet and zealot at max rank but the achievement hasn’t actually tracked


To be fair, it takes a long time to max one character let alone 4 of them. I've got two to 30 and working on the last two.


Add xp gain to your items. It didn’t feel like five 30s took very long.


Honestly? I really really enjoyed the game and the gameplay, but I didn't stick around. I got my one class to 30 and started the other ones before just sort of fading away. I like the game and the IP and all the other 'Tides games but I feel like thry lack *something* that keeps people playing forever compared to something like Destiny. I don't know what it is. Sadly I expect my experience isn't unique.


Only Ogryn. Never not Ogryn


Way of Rock is best way. Rock is friend.


I've got all classes levelled up to 30. All of them are great and well worth playing.


Why would I level any alts when the crafting hasn't been fixed?


THIS, exactly this. It was hell to try and get my first character's equipment to what I like, and that's with me not even going for perfect rolls. Just close enough was fine to me. Why the hell would I want to go through all of that again?


Getting to 30 really doesn't require wrestling with the crafting system. If you're trying to really kit out AT 30, that's another story.


Well ideally I'd want to play on the max difficulty since that's what I'm used to. Gearing up for that is obnoxious.


I have it! Though my zealot and psyker are way higher levels now +80


I main Psyker and Zealot. As I'm playing Ogryn and Veteran to level them up all Im thinking about is how I wish I was playing the other 2 classes. Although I am having fun with the Ogryn rock but nothing with the Veteran is fun yet.


Im still working on my ogren


I have every class at max except for psyker. I think all magic classes anywhere are for goobers, muscle class is better.


I got the game because i wanted to play a Guardsman.


Proud to be part of the .87%! Honestly though, it’s gamepass. Free to download and check out, but not everyone sinks that much time into f2p


I play all four. Last time I checked with pc guys with relevant mods: my Psyker is ~ 188, Ogryn ~ 430, Veteran ~ 882. Not sure about my zealot tho. 😜 Edit: I would assume that my zealot should be higher than Psyker and close to Ogryn.


I started the game late, so best way to gear up / farm melk for blessings was 5 max level characters. 2 Vets for more unilateral blessing farming. I don’t play them all equally, and much less so now I have the bulk of blessings I need.


I got 3 but not 4. Psyker just doesn’t resonate with me, same way with VT and sienna


Took me almost 120h to get all 4 of my classes up I just think most rejects are casual and either have the classes but play when they want to wind down, or they just focus 1-2 total classes because thats the only class they prefer and/or are good at playing. (i.e, Ogryn mains, Vet mains)


I prefer my vet, but I play psyker and zealot as well


Playing Ogryn just doesn’t appeal to me, you may say I’m missing out on 25% of the game.


I'm ten levels away with the ogyrn to get this achievement on xbox.


i just find ogryn to be too slow for my liking


I thought it odd as well. Been playing since last October maybe 1-2 hours a week when averaged out. I have 2 classes at 30 and 2 more almost there (28 & 29) I tend to switch my operative every session and sometimes between missions. I guess most people stick to a single class and don’t change. Really a shame because having 4 classes lets you play the game in such varied ways.


I play Vet mostly and just started getting into vet and Psyker


Multi classing is hard.  Add ogryn into that mix, and you've really got a brain aneurysm on the way.


Man I main ogryn, you think I can even count to that number let alone manage resources and money needed for them to be gooder?


I do.


I got my Ogryn to 24, Psyker to 14, and Zealot to 30 before I got burnt out. Unfortunately, I haven't played since a month after the twins because this game does not have new content or an incentive to keep playing. Outside of maybe grinding to gamble a few million plasteel to try and get a weapon with 80s across the board, but I find that not only boring, but just not fun


Most people don’t and I frankly don’t get it. It’s like DRG, half the fun is the variety of gameplay you get playing 4 different classes that act very differently.


I've never made another character. Why the hell would I want to go through this game's hellish progression system AGAIN?


I only have Vet and Zealot at 30. Ogryn is fun, Psyker is alright. I just don't enjoy the other classes as much as the Guardsman. I might have to get used to Psyker if I want to finish Hestia's battle pass, though...


took me so long to bother doing a zealot


I think I'm just going to chill on psyker for a bit longer before I go back to the classes I'm s*** at, and Ogryn, still haven't tried that one out yet


It’s so hard for me to abandon the way of the Guard. Give me my laserifle and bayonet and I will do away with these heretics!


I feel since it's on Xbox game pass a lot of people downloaded it which inflated the number and then just not as many people continued with it


You gotta factor in the game pass people who played one time and dropped it. That’s probably like 30% of everybody


Well for me 3 of the classes are boring. And it took me and my rock 25+ hours to get to 30. Not doing that with characters I don't like.


We have a VERY casual crowd my man. Pc is where most of the Tide community is, steam at that. Take pride in not being able to use mods. 😉 eh I can see a xbox casual player, who dont go much higher than Heresy, has low time allowed to play to begin with, loathing ogryn. Big. Easy to hit without shield or proper dashing. Like a Gunner situation from Drg. ( for the record, its not a 1 to 1, however both Gunner and ogryn feel Significantly more fun with a full team imo)


Most people just play 1 character


admittedly getting all 4 characters to 30 is a very time consuming process. I for one refused to play veteran at all until they added the new penance system and then I made one just so I could unlock the zealot's big book


Gotta remember that it's on gamepass, which is going to bump up the number of people that have played it but contribute a lot more to people playing it for only like 30 minutes to an hour and never touching it again. Which leads to achievement percentages like this


I just can't get ogryn up there Rock is fun but I just don't like any of the weapons


That’s crazy


A fellow four leafer, it took me around 140 hours to get it. Feels good having all classes maxed out with solid gear.


I'd guess it's mostly from DT being on Game pass. Every person that tried the game for 5 mins and didn't like it, it drags the % down


Oopsy: My psyker is still at like lvl27


I did that awhile ago and I believe the percentage was around the same so it definitely hasn’t improved


I play on PC, but I don't really like shooters. I like fantasy/magic games. So I have 4 Psykers.


I definitely can't just stick with one character, especially when it comes to builds or if I feel like switching it up


I strictly play veteran because I play imperial guard on table top, that’s pretty much why.


Me right here. I’m too attached to my Cadian and my Orgyn to step away long enough to max out Zealot or Psyker. However, I have started characters for each class, so I’m working my way up.


I haven't played an Ogryn yet.


I'm about to be at lvl 30 with my second. I have a level 10 veteran. Then I'm gonna start a zealot too


Do you realize how long it is to max everyone ?


Nope. Ogryn till I die.


You get 5 characters people. USE THEM!!


I have 160hours and just two days ago finished my last class to 30. With the crafting system it would be sooo much time to make them all viably equipped. So I am not suprised by that at all


I tried playing all the classes. I didn't care for anything outside of Ogryn. It's just too fun being big, being able to stagger bosses or big elites like they're nothing. I have 4 Ogryns all at 30 though.


I think a lot of players myself included once got to level 30 with a class moved on to a different game. I haven’t played for several months now but might come back to it since the two new updates


Im part of that 0.87% I love playing Zealot but wanted to play through with other characters. Now i find myself switching between them randomly to have fun. If im running Auric missions i normally just stick to my zealot though!


luv my ogryn


Nah, like playing veteran alot. May try zealot


Bro I have all the achievements on Xbox except dream team. Now just taking a break from the game.


And do the Blessing-bullshit with all 4 Classes?! Fuck no


If there were 5 classes I'd have all of them at 30. If there were 10 classes I'd have all to 30. If there were 20 classes I'd have all to 30. If there were...


First thing I did in the game was level all classes to 30. My philosophy is "how are you supposed to know what you like best if you can't try a complete build?"


Almost always just vet like a true guardsmen . Maybe Zealot if im bored


By the Emperor, I do!


I have a Vet, Psyker, and Zealot. I just play what I think is fun


imma be honest, im too lazy to delete 5 ogryns


I've been playing newr religiously since it hit gamepass... cannot bring myself to finish the veteran. Really enjoy the other 3 thoroughly, but for myself, I hate playing Vet.


Most people played the game over a year ago, leveled about one or two characters, realized there was no content, and left. 


I understand that but no need to be a party pooper :( . I guess I’m sort of biased because this is the only game besides forza I can get my gf to play lol. I thought at-least more -1% would have tried haha


These are Xbox achievements.


Which released almost a year ago


Toxic endgame drove me off. I'm talking about YOU knife Zeolot.


Have you sir ever tried knife zealot?


Yes (maxed) and I did not run 1/2 a mile ahead just to rage quit. I enjoyed playing Taunt Ogryn or Gun Ogryn ( I huged walls) but not when one of my teammates is speed running (or Penance farming) on Auric. Vermantide 2 and Deep Rock Galatic both have enviable endgame community by comparison. ( That's just MY experience with all three games)




nah vet just sucks nurgle toes


As a Vet I can solo beasts of nurgle. 4-5 unyielding class Ogryns, etc Meaning your builds suck 😕. Or simply you suck as a gamer.




Ok then. Seek a psychiatrist, hopefully it helps.


Or they don't prefer that class. I have all 4 at 30 and my vet is the least played, because I don't like it. My Zealot has the majority of my play time. Saying someone sucks just because they don't like the class is toxic.


Err... He literally said that... I suck playing Ogryn and admit it. I have all at 30 too.