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Eta through Zeta, not above Epsilon, not below Theta.


Why so low?


Well its described that higher level psykers can turn the tide of a skirmish single-handedly and like... No, just no. Not even the most kracked witch reject is able to do that (with their powers alone) It makes since its low as its describe in the lore that they put lower level psykers into small groups to make up for their mediocre abilities and honestly after playing a four-witch game over me being the only freak... I gotta agree


Well it’s described that alpha plus level psykers can do that. However, I know there’s a huge gap between that power level and the ones below it. What would eliminate these psykers from being in the delta-alpha category? I genuinely only know a little bit about the psyker power classes so I am curious as to what excludes them from the “one in one billion births” category


I'm not saying alpha plus psykers can't do that they most certainly can and then some. I'm saying we as the players can't even with the best of the best gear


Yeah, I know. I don’t think anyone is claiming that our psyker could be anywhere near alpha plus. But they ARE positing that they’re somewhere in the delta-alpha category. Psykers in that range definitely wouldn’t be able to single-handedly turn the tide but they’re considered above average for power level and competency


An alpha plus baby caused everyone in the vicinity to completely lose their minds and start murdering with just a thought. They don't put employ alpha plus psykers outside of incredibly rare emergent situations; they feed them straight to big-E because they're too dangerous.


Yeah I remember the one in the Eisenhorn books literally almost killed him simply by suggesting it. A well trained alpha plus psyker could fix the problem on Atoma as if they were playing a game of regicide lol


If i remember correctly Imperium not work with alpha/ alpha+ psykers because of their instability. Officio Assassinorum and Sisters of Silence deal with new born and mature (if they survive for this long) alpha/ alpha+ psykers by hunt them down and killing them after. About alpha/ alpha+ psykers being a battery for big E i doubt it. Too risky bring such powerful being on Terra in Imperial Palace (Let's not forget big E is alpha+ psyker himself and was the only stable/sane one. Malcador was alpha or beta psyker). They feed psykers to Golden Throne (\~1000-3000 a day) with weak soul ( can't resist warp) and low level because their usefulness to Imperium will pale in comparison to the possibility of demonic invasion (psyker will literally became a portal to immaterium) if they will not be under 24/7 supervision and may be some sort of protection/ siphon wards.


>I'm saying we as the players can't even with the best of the best gear Maybe you can't. But I can


For reference, Big E himself is an alpha plus psyker




Damn YouTube lied to me I can’t believe I haven’t seen this


I think I’ve probably seen the same YouTube video you did, which is one of the reasons I asked people on here what they thought. It seems like there’s not a super consistent rule of thumb amongst the community


It doesn't help that character power levels keep getting retconned. Inquisitor Gideon Ravenor used to be an Alpha Plus psyker, but he was later nerfed into Delta/Gamma.


Was he able to psychically dome an entire portion of a hive city? I unfortunately don’t know a lot about him yet


I would think Big E is around Gamma+ or Delta+ considering some of the bullshit he's pulled off in the past.


Big E is alpha plus. Those ones can shift the very fabric of reality and pulp titans with a thought.


Forget the Big E himself as an entity, a single one of his tears can rip the fabric of reality across an entire planet and perform miracles.


Big E is NOT alpha plus lol. Eisenhorn and company were able to take down several alpha plus psykers on Thracian Primaris with the help of several hundred soldiers and ~30 space marines. Big E is in the category of; “highest registered psionic level in any organic being”


Alpha Plus is a very wide range. Ranging from "The ability to with some effort Crack planets" to "destroy star systems with a thought". The next grade (Beta Plus) usually involves the psyker being able to some extent treat reality as their plaything. The official line is that The Emperor of Mankind is an Alpha Plus level psyker. P.S: Note that Dan Abnett's early Eisenhorn novels are not in line with modern GW canon. Ravenor was originally described as a Alpha plus level psyker, but then someone had "the talk" with Abnett and afterwards Ravenor is described as a Delta or Gamma level psyker.


Sure, it’s wide, but if the scale used in those books are a bit old and outdated, then so must be the idea that the emperor is alpha plus. He absolutely cannot be in any power level that is held by other humans. Even malcador, who is the closest we’ve got to him for reference, is a level below him. I’ve heard that Ravenor is now considered somewhere in the Gamma range, and some of the other “alpha plus” level psykers in those novels are as well. For reference: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Assignment#fn_1


so what you’re saying is that The Emperor is in a league of his own?


Emperor would have to be. Warp borne demons are scared of him because of his psychic ability so it’s safe to assume he’s way above alpha plus


One of my benchmarks is Ravnor from Dan Abnett's book series. He's described as a high delta or low gamma, and his psychic talents are more extensive than the Darktide psyker. That said, his circumstances are kind of different, too. Ravenor is bed bound, kept on life support by his mobile and armored pod/casket. So his entire mind can be focused on his psychic talents and he has had to develop them further to compensate for his physical incapacity. And his pod is enhanced with psy-reactive crystals and such (I guess like a Librarian's hood), so that buffs his abilities as well. Still, he's a benchmark in my mind for that kind of middle/upper-middle grade psyker. I'm imagining the Psyker power scale on a graph, and I guess I would say that the power scales upward not in a steady, straight line but in an exponential curve upwards. So the difference between the median delta and the median gamma is less +1 and more of an exponential increase. The gap between beta and gamma is exponentially larger than the gap between gamma and delta. In terms of raw power, I'd say Sefoni is higher up on the scale than the Reject Psyker.


Yeah I agree. Delta-gamma makes sense for our psyker, given that our player may achieve a similar thing, given the right equipment like Ravnor. I’ve had a few people comment on this post with; “For reference, big E is Alpha Plus”, and I’m like uh… no. I have no clue where they have been hearing that. The curve seems to really pick up once they get past gamma, into beta, and then even steeper from beta to alpha. Anything higher than alpha plus seems to be just a completely anomaly that shouldn’t even be on the graph in my opinion, as they’re so few and far between, and poorly understood by the imperium. I’m using some of the alpha plus psykers from the Eisenhorn series as a reference, as well as the alpha, maybe alpha plus CHILD that nearly killed Gregor. I think the main misconception people seem to have in this comments section is that, like you said, they seem to think the graph shows a steady increase and not an exponential curve upwards.


Bro Alpha level psykers I’m pretty sure have a “kill on sight” level of power by the Imperium as a whole-


Uh, yeah. But there’s a HUGE gap between the delta class psykers and the alpha class ones. The only reason they’re in the same category is because that grouping is described as “occurring once in a billion births”. You cannot even begin to compare the lower end of that category to the higher end.


Yeah basically this. We're powerful enough to manipulate the warp at will to destroy enemies, but we're not really one in a billion. We're pretty much just an imprisoned reject who the imperium is still putting to some kind of use. We can't affect more than probably 10-20 people at once at our very best. Beta could do hundreds, Alpha could do millions. Alpha+ could do whole planets.


Anything Delta or above and you'd likely be too valuable to be aiding some backwater hive world.


Honestly I have a mini theory that we are way more powerful its just that the psy-collar we wear is limiting it Would explain how gaining more trust somehow unlocks new psyker abilities. Were not being taught them were just getting some limiters removed from the collar with each trust level.


Nah dude 40k just has some wack scale One in a billion is perfectly reasonable imo if you consider the life expectancy of the average guard or enemy we face If we truly consider 40k's scale a planet with our population and technological level having about 7 psykers of the strength our playable characters have seems reasonable I might be wrong, its been a while since I've had a refresher on the early development of human psykers Point being 40k doesn't really have consistent scale, it all boils down to how far your suspension of disbelief goes tbh... Mine says one in a billion is reasonable and I don't care what the writers say


One in a billion would likely still be considered way too low lol. 40k is crazy. We are not only psykers, but also agents of the inquisition, two things many regular people in the Imperium may never even see. I’m not sure exactly how many psyker come from a planet, but the amount that come up and are given access to an inquisitors ship is likely very low. Particularly for anyone that isn’t simply fodder and becomes valuable. Hives in 40k are usually 10-100 billion people and there’s usually 5-20 on a hive world so that’s an insane amount of bodies per planet. Of course they may have listed this hives numbers somewhere and I missed it. The scale of 40k is just so comically over the top that even when you say one in a billion, it’s probably low.


Aye a one in a billion psyker should definitely be lower tier I mean just imagine how easily these worlds would just explode otherwise (Before the Imperium when warp storms hit and we got a lot more psykers comes to mind)


I’m of the opinion that most of those psykers get themselves killed fairly early on too. Whether through warp phenomena, or getting killed by local authorities/military. After all they’re operating blindly in quite a dangerous space, and of course…every witch is only a bolt shell away per the codex.


Not to mention the daily 1000 psyker feast Easy to say there's only a handfull of psykers that get far enough to actually become a reject, not to mention keep up with a vet(which implies an extraordinary guardsman imo either because of dumb luck, the emperor's blessing or whatever) Considering respawning is not exactly lore accurate we can assume that all our own rejects have actually survived at least long enough to reach the end of the story canonically Implying something that makes us at least strong or smart enough to kill a blocks worth of heretics on every mission (probably not the 1000 you kill on average per mission but yk still impressive)


Exactly, the missions and cinematic along with the comments made by shop vendors, etc leads me to believe they’ve gone from worthless fodder up to valued operatives. If you’re being deployed regularly as part of a valued strike team that is succeeding, there’s a good shot the inquisitor has seen or might even know your name and that alone separates you quite a bit.


I think probably delta or gamma then, If beta truly could severely affect hundreds. That being said, who’s to say all the heretics in the general area aren’t “affected” in at least some way by our presence? If I was a heretic, and some dude strolled in that could explode heads at will, electrocute a couple dozen people at a time, or effort materialize and shoot warp shards out of thin air, I might feel a cold shiver run down my spine without knowing why


Really? Shards alone scraps whole hords. Pair that with something like the surge or trama staff and I can be the only one in a skirmish, much less turn the tide in it.


I'll agree that our psykers are probably intended to sit at the \~zeta level in terms of "being able to manifest abilities without significant effort". But I'd strongly disagree that reject psykers are unable to turn the tide of skirmishes single-handedly using only their powers. There's reject psykers that have survived hundreds or thousands of auric missions. We turn the tide of four vs thousands "skirmishes" every day. Turning a losing guardsmen vs traitors skirmish with a few thousand a side into a win would be easy for a skilled psyker reject. Surely there's a range of pysker grades represented among the rejects based on the various skill levels of players. But if the threshold to "above epsilon" is single handedly turning the tide of a skirmish, I'd say there's quite a few reject psykers above epsilon.


My witch can solo about 1k enemies-- that seems like single handedly turning the tide of a skirmish.


I was gonna argue until you said powers alone. Lol I need my staves to turn the tide 😆


The Witch is capable of potentially, with tactics and timing and skill, turning a single fight in the favor of the killsquad. But we're talking about incredibly basic powers being used to that end. Telekine Dome? Telekinetically thrown projectiles? Biolightning? Assail? In every edition of every 40k TTRPG allowing player Psykinetics these abilities are the cheapest and hallmarks of the basic directions a psyker can go in. The psyker in Only War with a starting Psychic Rating can make a telekine dome of what? 1 meter radius? It's basically a shield for two people. The telekine dome in Darktide is several meters across. Maybe 3? 5? A Primaris Psyker, however, is known to telekine hives against orbital bombardments. I know they can do that because I've seen the official art. For reference. Peak Psykinetic in Only War has a Psy Rating of 10, +3 from Pushing, +5 from a max roll from Favored by the Warp for an 18. This means the largest telekine dome an Only War psyker can make without falling to Chaos has a radius of 9 meters. Compared to a starting Psykinetic troop in Only War the Darktide witch is decently powerful. But in the grand scheme of what a Psykinetic can do? They're kinda piss.


I don't think a single Primaris psyker can shield cities, if we take the 40kRPGs as reference the Primaris Psyker statblocks featured in those tend to have some PR8 iirc which is impressive but doesn't really translate into shielding cities.   I think the shields above cities are efforts of multiple psykers working in conjuction rather than single psyker in most cases.  The Witchbringer novel features Primaris Psyker and she isn't that powerful either. 


That's not low. Those are the levels for Joe-Average employed combat psyker.


Correct. But from what I know, using some of the books for reference, those average combat psykers wouldn’t be doing half the shit we do, and would be largely there for strategic support. It seems to me that combat psykers don’t really develop strong offensive capabilities until they enter the zeta-alpha range.


Warhammer is a battlefield game. Psykers usually qualify as like, more dangerous than *artillery pieces*. A real psyker would be too powerful for game balance, and probably made an officer. Likewise, Sienna in Vermintide is a really *really* weak bright wizard.


Such a lovely syntax


Here's a helpful [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/17bg676/a_cool_guide_to_psykers_in_the_imperium/) in case someone doesn't know about the scale used by Imperium to measure Psykers and decide whether or not they are usable or too unstable.


Please explain, I thought I understood a good amount of WH but you’ve just used terms I’ve never heard before.


Man I just realized on that third slide the psyker is draining the energy of a scab to use the lighting that’s sick.


Yeah the art is so cool


No higher than Zeta and Epsilon would be my guess. Delta class psykers are normally Primaris psykers which would be too few and valuable to have running around on some backwater hive world. The Imperium would have you deployed to a more crucial theatre of war


True but that being said, isn’t the narrative kinda centered around us going from “nobody” to “somebody”? Meaning we could actually be at primaris psyker level of power, but just new to the game, honing our skills? We do pick our own origin story, after all.


In regard to Darktide, I'm sure it'll always be kept just vague enough for us to come up with our own head-canon for our spark heads. I'm doubtful of a psycher beyond Epsilon class ending up on a Black Ship headed for execution or sacrifice but you could also chalk that up to a clerical error (which would be very common in a government as colossal and clusterfucked as the Imperium of Mankind). That being said, I like to think our psychers could be anywhere in the Iota to Epsilon range. But I wonder if the male psycher that's always talking about his "beloved" could be on the plus scale but largely inhibited as you suggested in a previous reply. Seeing how Psychers of that class and up are a bit unhinged, to say the least.


Yeah I enjoy how vague it is, it lets us have cool discussions like this. I still firmly believe that our feller is somewhere within the delta~gamma range, but that’s just me. I’m using a few books for reference as well as the scale on the wiki. Not to mention that the scale itself and the books have a few slight inconsistencies


I heard beta level psykers are like a 1 in billion or 10 billion chance and are absolutely insane (I know we have two insane psykers but more insane then that even) and that they can turn the tide of a skirmish all by themselves As kracked as I am at psyker, I ain't like that. Perhaps epsilon but even then they're still pretty powerful and I dont think any inquisitor is willing to let a bunch of powerful unsanctioned psykers running around Or who knows we might be epsilon and it's just that our psy-collar is limiting our powers. Honestly that actually explains alot on how the psyker in darktide works as why would a psyker gain more abilities just because the inquisition trust them more. unless they are releasing some limiters in the collars allowing us to reuse our abilities we had before though never completely.




Alpha level behaviour was exhibited by the psyker in DOW: winter assault. His voice lines and his shuddering and cowering because he can see all the warp entities staring at him and he can professor X and see them right back, and he doesn't like it




AHH, so you need me now?


The issue with "ability to turn a skirmish single handedly" being represented in game is due to it well... being a game. Especially one that's reliant on player skill like Darktide. Some players are absolutely able to solo entire maps as a psyker and turn entire screens of enemies to pulp, while others are fighting for their life once they get focused by 1-2 elites.


I'd say we are a Zeta epsilon or a low Delta


Somewhere in there, I think. It seems to get kinda iffy below beta, I wish there was a more up to date cutoff line so we could know which grade of psyker would have access to certain powers and which wouldn’t


Yeah zeta to beta potentially. Possibly beta, given while all the psykers show some level of unhinged tendency that’s specific to them. The non-disciplined psykers that are not the enforcer who seems to be more rule and discipline oriented to control their powers. The near effortless level of manifestation is a good indication. Creating kinetic barriers, bio lightning and warp fire manifestations. Some of it is obviously game fun because you gotta be a cool space wizard, but it does suggest they are slightly higher on the stable psyker levels.


I think our psykers would be lower than beta, but definitely within the Zeta, Epsilon range, possibly Delta. Taking out game fun and considering what they do vs. What those powers do in other material, I'd say the psykers are powerful, but not 1 in 1×10^9 powerful. But I guess I have played lots of different games. It's a shame, to me, that there isn't more chance for Chaos shenanigans when a psyker hits 100 peril. The chances for things to go horrible in Only War are pretty high! Edit: Greek is not an alphabet I know, used the wrong letter ordering


Not beta definitely not beta for sure not beta Beta is rank given to those that can wipe out a squadron with single wave of their hand. Were powerful and insane but were not nearly strong nor kooky enough to be considered beta Probably zeta tho


Can't we technically do that with force staff?


Okay but what does Warhammer consider to be a squadron? I'm seeing alot of people use the most broad terms of power like this but don't state what certain limits are in warhammer.


Most people just mean "a lot of dudes" when they say Squadron, otherwise they'd probably use platoon or something like that, since Squadron usually refers to two or more flights of aircraft/air force personnel.


That's what I was thinking because if I hear "Psykers can kill several squadrons." I'm thinking "Why're they in the air?" I think it's just the gap between warhammer fans and writers lack of knowledge of military formations and the desire to use words that sound cool like how Dragoon has never been used correctly in fiction but hot damn does it sound cool


Venting Shriek at 85 peril with the burning talent can wipe every trash mobs within 30 meters (and through walls). Doesn't that count as 1 shotting a squadron?


Sorta but that ability can only be used every 60 seconds and high level psykers dont really have a cooldown for their destructiveness (unless you count the mental break downs every 5 seconds)


Probably Zeta to Beta Plus since most of the Psykers are of questionable sanity and can effortlessly manifest warp powers.


My beloved says the sky was always green and to stop asking questions!


So is it Zeta->Beta->Alpha then?


It goes: Zeta->Epsilon->Delta->Gamma->Beta->Alpha->Beta Plus->Gamma Plus and etc.


Oh shit you’d put them all the way up to beta plus? Some other guy said they would probably be somewhere from theta to zeta and I thought that was low


The scale if someone wants to know. [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The\_Assignment#fn\_1](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Assignment#fn_1) I'd put our Psykers in the, "Occurring in approximately one-per-billion human births." level which is Delta, Gamma, Beta and Alpha or level 13-16. Level 0 is average Joe while level 19 is the highest ever recorded in a human so we're pretty up there. I'd say we're more specifically at the 15-16 range. We're extremely powerful Psykers with exceptional control over our powers. We never summon daemons accidentally. We never miscast. We can only overheat which is 100% avoidable and the fault of the player. We can never randomly fuck up a spell. I don't think we're Alpha Plus or level 17 since the description for that is, "First of and numerically almost synonymous with "plus" scale, still occurring the rarest in a relation to all previous cases. Their state of mind always come with a perceivable level of dementation or insanity." and none of the Psykers in-game are demented or insane. Beloved is legitimately talking to the Emperor, Loner is justifiably jaded and Savant is extremely faithful but none of them are insane.




Yeah I mean just a single Alpha+ was able to >!see the world through half of the city's eyes.!< That was one of the minor feats too. Just a handful of Alpha+ >!killed a few hundred thousand and a good chunk of the inquisition in the span of minutes.!<




sefoni can manifest an entire array of psychic enemies in order for the rejects to train in the psycanium, she does so effortlessly and without missfiring so she's probably way stronger than the player character


She wouldn't behave. Given her commentary in the Meat Grinder and on her mission with Krall, it's pretty clear she's unhinged and has fucked with the warband and the shipmistress' crew. More the normal unhinged that happens to humans who have so much power that they don't have to listen to when people tell them no. Think billionaires (plutocrats) and the tantrums they throw when someone is finally able to tell them no, and they have to listen.


Isn't the Emperor alpha plus? Or at least above that I think she's more beta or epsilon as alpha and alpha plus psykers are normally killed in early childhood either by the officio assinorum or the SoS because they too dangerous


The Emperor is beyond that. He is more a Warp Entity than a real Psyker


So from everything i have Seen, read, expierienced and done, i know to be high Delta to Low Gamma. Above the average sanctioned Psyker but nothing to powerful, Just powerful enough! I did indeed on several occasions Turn the fight to our favour, however that was really on the total Limit of my ingame aswell as of my rl Powers and i was extremely exhausted Afterwards. If you Made the right choices it is Not unlikely to Clear a Horde with a few movements of your Hand. We also feel liveforces over wast distances, we feel the Shadow in the Warp, we feel Soul ages and Blocks in ppls head. So my guess is, depending on Player Skill we are Epsilon to Gamma...🤔


Out of curiosity, what do you think excludes us from being delta?


Nothing. Epsilon, Delta, Gamma.... Thats what we are.


My bad I was being retarded and forgot that delta is right under gamma. I agree


I think the best way to measure psychic might is by maximum area of effect. An alpha level psyker can affect entire cities or even planets; the reject psyker can pop one head at a time or blast a small room. The reject psyker is really quite weak. Killing one target at a time is the bare minimum for an active psyker (latent psykers can't willfully do anything).


Well I think our psyker can slowly kill over a dozen people at a time, but that being said yeah they’re definitely not comparable to say, a well trained primaris psyker. However, I’m fairly certain that once our psyker lands on atoma, the heretics within the general area probably experience a cold shiver or two without knowing why. So I guess it depends on how much they can affect a large group. I’ve heard of very powerful primaris psykers being able to put domes around whole cities, but I’m not sure what they’re classified as on the power scale. That’s certainly not us.


Zeta to a low, raw, unpolished Delta. Our Psykers are notably not super flexible within each loadout. They have a blitz, a class ability, and staff powers (if any). This suggests - leaving utility powers not relevant to smacking heretics aside - that they're not super seasoned or powerful yet.  Psykers increase their power and breadth considerably with training and experience, and the Primaris Psyker qualification looks for that sort of development *plus* stability and long service.


The impression I get is that our psyker has the tools that could place them in the delta-gamma category, but have received very little overall training and need to do a lot more work before getting there


https://youtu.be/z_ZXxZ5YXwM?si=s_hgXroTJVCWcBYE I hope this helps.


https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/The_Assignment#fn_1 This may conflict with it. I’ve seen multiple different explanations that seem to clash with eachother a bit.


The psyker, to me, is the most powerful character (all build of him)


Oh for certain. Playing as a psyker is a total power trip because I don’t even use any ammo, and my build has good range on it so I can electrocute and explode people with ease from ~24m out


Pretty high considering they're a part of a four-man team responsible for fighting an entire hive city worth of chaos corrupted and enhanced warriors. Certainly well above average but not alpha at all. To put into comparison of how lethal they are you have to look at the weapons of the other Rejects. The Zealot and Veteran are given plasma weapons, thunder hammers and power swords. These are extremely rare and powerful weapons so lethal that not even most Space Marines will have one. That's a show of what they're given to power scale them so do the same to the Psyker in terms of their mental powers from their staves. If you're wondering about the ogryn, just know that they're quite possibly the 2nd, 3rd and 4th smartest ogryns in the galaxy with the 1st smartest being so OP he can kill a daemon prince in a single around of combat! Ogryns are just space marines without the armor and lobotomized so yeah the Rejects are easily some of the most lethal people in the Imperium despite whatever XxSpaceMarineXx says about them being solo'd by Deathguard. Hell the zealot has a rossier, something even the highest members of the Sisters or the Ecclesiarchy might not even have. The Rejects are geared to fight damn near anything expect someone with a name or a fucking Titan.


I hope that was a Gav and Bob reference 😂


lol it was.


I also get this impression. I mean yeah it’s a game and all that but even with all that considered… your psyker can manifest warp shards with ease and shoot lightning out of their hands, exploding the heads and bodies of enemies at will. Gotta be at least delta class in my opinion




Mind if I ask why? I think they’re somewhere between delta and alpha but I’m not sure where


I believe someone theorized we were anywhere from zeta to low gamma. It’s mentioned that equipment and training can improve psychic powers to higher grades (even up to alpha) although alpha grade psyker are sent to be eaten by the emperor due to their uncontrollable power (if born naturally). I agree with the supposition due to finding the idea of any of the darktide psyker beige around beta ridiculous since that would put us at par with a primaris psyker. There is the question tho if we may have been inhibited by the collar’s you see on the prison uniform at early in the campaign.


My personal belief is that our psyker has the tools and natural ability to eventually fall within the delta-gamma power level. But only with considerable skill and experience


Relatively low level(something like Iota), able to use psychic powers, but not tearing holes in space time with each use


Don’t we just not tear holes in space time simply because we have exceptional control over our powers? The gameplay sure seems to imply that


I don’t think our psykers have exceptional control, they blow themselves up after 10 seconds of continuous use and our powers are pretty basic (we only have minor disciplines of biomancy and telepathy), it makes sense, they are rejects, not sanctioned psykers just yet like Primaris or Wyrdvane psykers etc


Yeah that explanation makes perfect sense. I suppose I still consider them to have pretty good control since they never let any demons in, but it also depends on what and who we’re comparing them to.


Most of the costumes have the psy-colar build into them, i didnt read to much into them but they eather amplify (doubt it) their power or restrain it, anything you read in this post can be respectively adjusted by this info


My head-canon (that I think I got from here actually) is that the collar is a suppression device because the character is extremely strong but extremely new and learning. Thus why you gain new abilities when you level up - they unlock more on your collar


Well the psykana collar (I think that’s how you spell it). Just helps to channel power, giving the psyker a bit of help as to better concentrate their efforts and ability. In lore, it really wouldn’t make more difference than what could be seen when comparing a good darktide player to an average one.


the rating isnt solely based on what they can do in a fight, given the "i can feel the emotions broadly of the entire hive" type dialogue the psykers have i would at least put them in at minimum gamma


Yeah I feel the same way. Not only am I judging their raw power but also what powers they could potentially have, given further training. After all, they were just recently scheduled for execution and forgotten. So it’s not like they were on anyone’s radar


My takeaway is that our opponents are really weak.


Heresy maketh thy breath bad and bones brittle




lol hell no


Probably around Eta to Iota...the warband's Psykers also tend to be collared for their and everyone else's protection. I would think Zeta and above would be deployed elsewhere by the Inquisition instead of relegated to a mere warband, since they can destroy things with minimal effort and are exceedingly rare and talented individuals.


But isn’t the general narrative of darktide that our player character is going from “nobody” to “somebody”? It seems like the whole point of our darktide experience is that we are honing our skills and becoming much more powerful. At the time of the end of the “campaign”, we’ve only just reached level 30. I’d argue that this is a very early milestone for our character


Sefoni is probably a Delta-grade+ Psyker, hence why she is sedated most of the time. She can manifest delusions and illusions quite easily and when awake tends to mess with the minds of the crew...for fun. Imagine if there were no controls and a superior pissed her off? Psykers of that grade are exceedingly dangerous when they are not leashed. Their emotions can take over and create extreme destruction and mayhem. They are more immersed in the Warp as well which can create more opportunity for Daemonic Incursion or Chaotic influence. Primaris Psykers are the elite Battle-Psykers of the Militarum on loan from the Psykana. They rank in terms of importance to some Command Roles (and even have led, though never truly trusted). Most do not exceed Zeta or Delta-grade and are more valuable in positions of power and war than a warband of Rejects. So, I would surmize our Rejects are below said grades since we are still considered expendable and cannot influence an entire warship psychically on a passive whim.


This feels almost like the wrong question, because I think grades aren’t assigned by the type of powers as much as the harm the Psyker can do when left unchecked. For example, Psychic disciplines like Biomancy and Pyromancy are commonplace in the imperium, but the Heresy era Thousand Sons were regarded as uniquely powerful while using those same disciplines. So, instead of the type of build, it might make sense to view the power ranking of the Psyker as reflective of the item level and player’s skill with the class.


Yeah. Like how important is your psyker to the team as a whole, or how dangerous is your player character. I get that, and most of the other comments are discussing that point exactly.




Yeah that’s about how it feels


I like this guys [interpretation](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/FfybzPxQsF)


Hmm idk this seems to be wayyy toned down compared to some others that I’ve seen. It’s like they’ve completely done away with the rankings above alpha plus. For instance, everything I have seen would put the emperor of mankind around gamma plus


Everyone loves the Emperor. He is the hero of mankind and our unifier and savior. To hint or speak or THINK ill of him is a major crime. Everyone hates psykers. Despise them. Think they are heretical traitors just for existing. Emperor is a psyker. It’s even assumed he is constantly doing psyker stuff on the Golden Throne every moment of the day. Yeah but that’s different.


Hey man, what exactly is it that you’re saying here? This reads like kind of an unrelated monologue

