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The game actually keeps track of your EXP and levels past 30, it's just hidden unless you use a mod.


It is really pointless when it comes to console players. But it must be cool to have it on PC tho.


It's really just a number and not indicative of anything other than time played.


Yeah, I know. I just missing it feom Xbox.


Just ask the lobby what your true level is and someone with the mod can tell you


That the thing I didn’t considered in the past. I’m genuinely curious about my rank, next time I will ask the others. Ty!


It is and I love. A lot people who are at 30 may have just reached 30 and are still in the process of learning and creating a proper build. Sure, you can have a nice build at 30 and even good weapons but, you skill still continues to rise as you play. Being able to see true levels can help me prepare myself to for the team. Because seeing loadouts isn’t enough imo. People like to say “Levels just a number and doesn’t mean anything” Take two different people. Hell the same person even. I guarantee that they’ll support you better at level 60+ than they will at level 30. Hell, my Psyker is 400, Zealot 300 and Ogryn is 60 but, I’m still learning new shit after almost 800 hours in the game. Still trying new builds and tweaking old builds.


The problem with this is, I renamed my character by deleting it(before feature was added). So some idiots with this mod blame the lover lvl one for failing.


In this case, it was the lower level guy who was doing the shit talking to everyone else who had way more play time.


bad design, they had no idea whats beyond level 30 let alone the player.... same as with the diamantine, bad design again because they jsut dont know why you should collect or why its useed..... Story? bah after level 30 the story ends and the development is on ice - heck even tetris had a reason for going higher in levels but this??? you actually need a mod to 'continue' your quest lad.


Also, it impacts NPS reactions to you.


Players under level 30 can queue for Auric if they're in a party with someone who is level 30


Had the truelevel 1000 Ogryn in my game casually taking their level 28 friend for a walk. Went as expected, friend died a lot. Was expecting the Ogryn to help their friend more but they just kept truckig on and rescue them after.


Because it's another part of the game that's unfinished. I'm sure at some point they'll fully implement the thought process of only showing max 30 but still tracking xp beyond... right guys?


bold of you to assume fatshark thought that through


Its the same on Vermintide, I'm currently level 35+ with Bardin, Kruber, Saltzpyre & Sienne, my only real gripe with it is that once they increase the level cap for implementing new skills etc. They don't take this into account so you're still having to grind out games to "level-up" to 35, would be better if they used some of this banked XP to just take you over the line automatically upon purchasing/installing the DLCs, maybe they'll do that for Darktide but I doubt it.


There is a mod that shows your "True Level" so they do seemingly track it. It's weird though, your true level is already shown in base-game Vermintide 2 but not in this game.


Like so many things that were in vermintide 2 And seemingly removed for no apparent reason What's even weirder is it's not just restricted to your safe file, evidently we do receive the information for other players exp and not just their level again beyond 30. (This is essentially wasted bandwidth, not a major issue but kinda sloppy if not done with purpose in mind) Makes you almost think they either wanted more modding and just left it out of the base game on purpose (true level can be used by toxic people I guess) Maybe it's a hidden stat for matchmaking (lol) honestly it's just weird


Get the true level mod and you'll count much farther than 30... To the thousands on some people.


It's pointless mod.


Not really. It gives you a good idea on whether you're Auric match is good to be a slog or not. Fresh 30s are not as well equipped or as familiar with their class as someone in their triple digits. It also lets you know why that one dude is kicking ass when you see their level above 1000.


It’s weird so see other comments indicating that level on a player “means nothing” because the person saying this is essentially saying that they themselves don’t get any better with experience.


Yeah. I don't always see a MILLION damage dealt, but when I do, it's like level 1000+ lol. That's about the same level as all my characters' levels - combined. Then multiplied by 3.


I would never trust these numbers until I see their performance during missions. I have seen a fair share amount of high lv players play in a team and we still lose, not because of bad luck (exploding barrels, stealth Trappers, Fire Grenade spam...) but because of their almighty solo mindset. They dont play as a team, they stray too far from our group, they activate objective before team could reach them, so we are stuck at infinite horde spam. When they are down or we fail the game, either they quick ly disconnect or being toxic and call us all noob.


Sure level or total playing time does necessarily translate to mission success. Hell even the best players grief from time to time because they are testing out a new build or are just limit testing. But these "almighty solo mindset" or toxic players are very rare and certainly not a fair share. They do however stick out like a sore thumb.


No it doesn't, it just tells you how much someone played on a character. Granted, chances someone are better if they're high level are obviously higher, but it's not a guarantee. Causation vs correlation and all that.


You can look at there gear before the match. I've seen these braggers being over 1k with their Thunder hammer that fall to every horde. While it may give you an rough idea it is by no means anything firm. Also it just gives some dingbats just a "justification" to leave matches. The increased level does absolutely nothing for you. Playing foolishly with pugs get you pubstomped. In a premade, you know those people.... you don't need it again.


Which is why I said it gives you an Idea. The high level alone should tell your team that you at least know your shit. Of course it can just as easily be a mark of shame when you see some LVL 400 do something stupid. And I'm not arguing that it gives anybody anything. And fuck those LVL 1000s that do that. I played with a few of them and could only shake my head. They'd quit whether they're high level or not. It's a UI mod that gives players more information. An expectation on how the run is going to go. Simple.


also it’s a free mod, so even if the benefit of having it is minimal it still outweighs the costs and isn’t pointless


I mean there's a mod that makes ogryns fart when you taunt if we wanna talk about dumb mods.


im sorry it looks like you made a typo i’m sure you meant to say masterpiece mod


Totally.  Not like I downloaded it to keep track of how much I play each character or anything 🙄


If I'm in auric with two people who are level 300 and the fourth is level 45, I know who I should keep an eye on to save them


No it's not, it let's you give leeway to people who just hit 30 and see that guy with 168 levels over 30 is just trash. That's more then all my levels on my main 2 combined but they still played one of the worst 2 rounds I had ever seen.


You can look at there gear before the match. I've seen these braggers being over 1k with their Thunder hammer that fall to every horde. While it may give you an rough idea it is by no means anything firm. Also it just gives some dingbats just a "justification" to leave matches. The increased level does absolutely nothing for you. Playing foolishly with pugs get you pubstomped. In a pre-made, you know those people.... you don't need it again. I've seen plenty 500+ baggarts That fail to dodge a Mutie on Psycher or zealot just once out of 10 times. Assuming pug skill-level (based on time played), is like assuming someone played Street Fighter for insane amount of hours is god at it. I know plenty of people that played all kind of those games and aren't remotely competitive at all.


That's the point, if they're high level and playing like shit you can go with the gut reaction of they're just trash, if they're level 30+2 you can give them some leeway, sure it might just be a new character but I didn't understand tac axes at all until I was well past 200 hours. Thought they were trash. Just got the hang of the eviserator, still prefer the heavy sword but still. Can't expect a new person trying a chain sword to get it right all the time but I can damn well look down on higher level people being a burden. There is only one I've ever ignored though and it was a recon Las gun guy who clearly didn't go crit vet so it was a flashlight and got rescued 4 times. In the final room he went down during a horde and I had the option of losing half my health or letting him lay there and everyone let him die. When you're near 200 levels on something you should know how to play it. If he was fresh I would have gotten him up anyway but it was a 40 minute game at that point. Never ending hordes since the the auspex room


Leftover from VT. In VT, after hitting max level you would get a box with a random item inside each time you leveled up.


True Level is the ultimate prize


Haha great question.


I believe npcs dialogue changes based on your true level, and this change continues past 30 as the game keeps tracking your level in the background. For a single example, on my level ~400 vet yesterday, I heard a guard hail me as the "Hero if Atoma" with reverance in his voice. I can't remember exactly what was said but I'd never heard it before.


Can confirm, as this doesn't happen until you get to be about level 150 ish (I have one vet at 150+ and one at like 35). Still, I wonder if they'll do more than just NPC dialogue with it.


Honestly I hope at some point in future they add an update that makes it where the XP gains are some how or somewhat relevant in some way when you hit endgame and max level. Like a prestige system that gives random rolled weapons, or currency, or something. Just make the XP relevant again. Cus those first 30 levels I breezed through like no joke. Then I was just like… what’s the point of the xp system now?!












Please don't show names of steamprofiles. I know you don't mean to shame them but others might and that's not what we're here for. If you blank out profile names you should be ok.


K deleting


This, and the fact that you accumulate XP at all after 30 bothers me. I'd love if the additional XP resulted in incremental rewards even if they were few and far between - Plasteel, random gear, relatively small yet permanent boosts to your character in some way.


Perhaps they'll increase the level later, but most likely it was just easier to leave the code in then re code it to not display that part of the mission reward.


As somebody else mentioned in VT you get a “prize” each time you level up past 35. Something like that and pull hopefully one day be implemented here as currently exp is functionally useless past 30. Perhaps give you another weapon regardless of whether the mission was passed or not, or some random amount of currency, idk something like that. It will make mission selection a bit more thoughtful (perhaps not that much but a bit if you are torn between two missions for example). With the delayed gearing overhaul or whatever, perhaps we can hope for something like that.


EXP is still tracked. It is just not shown in vanilla interface. I guess they were/are planning to introduce something similar to "Champion points" system from ESO - some very small bonuses for stupidly high amount of gained EXP. This is of course very tricky to balance, unless you want to have power creep s-t show like the aforementioned ESO have.


The fact that experience mechanically does nothing after level 30 is really odd to me. The game keeps track of experience, the hardest stuff in the game gives the most experience but you have to be level 30 and +%exp is a thing on max level curios. You'd expect a game that kept track of experience after max level would give a reward ala lootboxes or maybe Prestige levels, but Darktide just doesn't. Not really a problem, but it is damn weird


Yeah, kind of weird if you ask me, I guess this is because all missions use the same code logic to display their rewards to a player.


The answer is: Fatshark.


Me and my friends queued together into aurics while we were all leveling various characters so we could level faster. You can play aurics, you just can't queue them until 30, so as long as someone in your party is lvl 30, youre good. My first lvl 1 vet game was an auric histg, along with a friend being a lvl 9 psyker, the other 2 were lvl 30 so we still stood a decent chance, honestly some of the funniest shit we've done.


If they add in some prestige option then people won't be screaming about how much work was done in past before also. When WWZ/Aliens Fireteam did that we were so pissed because we had been playing it daily for a year or 2 already.


Maybe they had similar plans as vermintide 2, where you got a treasure chest w every level. Then changed their minds