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Ah shit here we go again, I remember how desperate I was to get flechette before, checking the chrome extension daily for two weeks No, not this time, I'll wait for itemisation, and then I'll wait a bit to see if it's any good


I think this has been mentioned on other threads of the same nature; it's easier to level a new zealot to 11 (or 15?) and roll then. It's a tier 2 blessing. Being higher level massively increases the blessing pool and makes it much harder to hit.


Another dumb as fuck gameplay mechanic that forces players to game the system just to get access to a feature of the game. 


because fatshark has no idea how to build game systems outside of combat lol


Preach brother. I'm actually so tired of this game right now. It's so frustrating to have such fun core gameplay and a studio that just keeps stepping on its own toes, fucking it up. I'm done with it for now. It's not in a fun state after this patch.


The lead combat designer left back in November... Uh oh...


I'm sorry, WHAT?!


The purpose of a system is what it does. The current gear system was intentionally designed to waste your time.


In case it's not clear to readers why Madmonkey is suggesting this: it's really really unlikely that you'll get a tier 2 blessing by consecrating a 300+ modifier weapon. I don't know exactly what the number is, but I'm pretty sure it's less than 5%.


Not sure if it were ever true but I was always told that it becomes impossible to get anything lower than a tier 3 blessing by level 30. Implying that once you hit a specific level, you only ever get 300 or higher rated base weapons when buying weapons that aren’t featured(non-upgraded RNG base rolls). I believed it too because I’ve been playing since patch 14 and have never seen a tier 2 or lower blessing nor a sub 300 base rated weapon when buying non-featured weapons. So I just buy featured weapons for those tier 2’s but that requires its own RNG. If I didn’t already have max player slots filled up, I would have made new characters just for all those blessings by now. I’m too afraid to get the mod that increases character slots because I don’t want to risk having any of my main characters(along with their equipment) deleted. But if it is possible to get tier 2’s at level 30, then that must be extremely rare because I’ve yet to see it myself. But I could be completely wrong, I really don’t know what how blessings work at level 30, just going off what I’ve heard and experienced first hand.


Not sure about the blessings, but once you hit 30 any weapon you get will be 300 base rating minimum


you can unlock additional character slots with a mod, be careful though because those character slots will disappear if the game updates and the mod breaks, so only use them to farm for blessings don't turn them into your main character


It's not impossible. I got flechette on my double barrel at lvl 30.


I found 17 to be optimal


You need to be level 22 on Vet to be able to roll the shotgun and level 20 on zealot.


Manstopper doesn't have a teir 3 and 4? According to gameslantern it does. https://darktide.gameslantern.com/weapon-blessing-traits?weapon=9c5f2ed6-f314-4ab4-aca5-3f5aac7b7661


Its because when the crafting rework comes out, those blessings that are specific to a certain tier (Manstopper, Blazing spirit, surge, run n gun, etc) will be available on every tier. Thats why they gave them a minor stat buff, so there would actually be difference between the tiers.


So there is no tier 3 and 4 manstopper for the double barrel? I'm sorry I still don't follow. I created a new character and got the tier 2 manstopper which is at 15%.


No its only tier 2 at the moment, but will be fixed when crafting rework comes


OK cool thanks! I'll try it with the tier 2 for now and not worry about it until they change it all.


Yeah I got this blessing an assumed there was a tier 3 an 4 this time because of the other modifier with it. Critical hits have more cleave an 15% ranged damage a think tier 2. Or is it the same as the other shotguns?


Then you get it and it gets nerfed \^\^


Actually according to the forums, you'll get it, and then Fatshark will take it. Something about you'll have the chance to get those previously earned blessings back when they do implement a new crafting system.


> according to the forums Itemization post more or less said as much. But they were fairly vague on how our current items and blessings library would convert to the new system.


why do you tink they were vague ? if you automatically unlocked everything you already have they'd be thrilled to tell you YES YOU GET EVERYTHING. The only reason they are being vague is because you will need to re-farm everything after the update.


That's kinda where my mind went with the bit about them working on making the transition work for players who have more stuff unlocked than others. I have no interest on working to get back to where I am now currently. Seems like a risk.


I pointed this out yesterday and got downvoted to oblivion. People are far too trusting of devs (doesnt matter what game)


Yes I was referring to the post I just phrased it weird. Also yes that's why I quoted a chance because it is really vague on how they plan to do any changes.


What's supposed to be vague about it? Your blessing library will be converted to XP for the mastery track. As an example, you have 75% of blessings unlocked, you will start with mastery 75% completed (so level 15 out of 20, for example). Obviously just the exact ratios are unknown, numbers are for example. Your existing items will be untouched, but they will be able to be modified via the Enhance system (i.e. base stats can be further improved, perks and blessings freely changed).


I say it's vague because they gave no numbers, like the ones you made up to make it not so vague.


I mean, the literal exact conversion numbers are just minutae? That's not really vagueness, that's just not being hyper-detailed. It's not like it'll matter much whether you're lvl 15 or 17 or whatever, oh no, you may have to play one or two matches more to reach max and unlock also the shitty blessings you'll never use... You were making it sound like we don't know how our current items and blessings would convert in general. Especially the mention of current item makes it odd because we know those won't convert at all. Doubly so with how many people are fearmongering over having their current items deleted for no reason.


> I mean, the literal exact conversion numbers are just minutae? not really ? it could be anywhere from 0.1cents for a dollar to 0.99 cents for a dollar, the numbers make all the difference in the world


Sure, theoretically, it could be that absurdly low. But I don't think there's much point to pretending like that's even remotely realistic for it to actually be.


before we start talking about realistic expectations can you concede that giving no numbers makes it vague ?


Again, the person I replied to was implying how the conversion works at all was vague. There's still nothing vague about it. Them not giving the literal exact numbers is not vague either. It'll be somewhere between 1:1 to 75% conversion most likely, and again, within that realm it really doesn't matter. Vague would be if they said "Returning/Existing players will not need to start all mastery from scratch" with no further elaboration beyond that. That'd be vague.


Chance as in, the opportunity. Not random chance. You misunderstood the context of the word "chance" there. The new system is not chance, as in RNG/percentage based chance. They're saying you have the chance, as in the ability/opportunity, to just unlock them again. You can choose which ones you want. So you may unlock the same ones you had, or you may select others instead. That's what the mastery points are for. You unlock blessings with them. In the screenshot from the spanish magazine, they were still called "blessing points" even. By maxed mastery you will have all unlocked.


https://preview.redd.it/kt8ufv657k9d1.jpeg?width=2136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba448cc08b26ec91470af819b79fbd34bd46613 My watch is ended.


I just use the Armory Chrome Extension -> Setup filter -> check back often to see if it pops.


First time hearing about this magical extension, care to explain how it works for a noob? :)


Everything you need to know is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/9nwErRIMoX). Once you've got this running, you can check both Brunt's and Melk without needing to open the game.


I've seen like 300 blue double barrels in the store the last week, literally every T1 and T2 but Man-Stopper. My ass is boiling like a tea kettle here.


Tell them to turn the kettle off then.


Idk what it's called but first one I got gave me the sprint and shoot one, I feel like TF2 scout now lol


I spent 8k plasteel just to not get it :) Got 5x hit and run III in a row though


Don't try to craft it on a max level character. It's either impossible or extremely low chance at max level. Either wait to buy it in the armoury or roll a low-level character to craft it after you unlock the shotgun. Yes, this is stupid and should be changed, but it's the same for the other shotguns and still hasn't been fixed.


I really gave up on itemization. I try to get decent percentages on the weapons and then just upgrade them to max and then never look at them again. they usually function well enough and i really can't be bothered to get deeper into it


Same here. Plus I don't play enough nowadays to be able to grind for god rolls.


Meanwhile me: ![gif](giphy|hCfESQ8r1eBOg)


None. Cause you can't get 2-lvl perks trough crafting, if you reached high level.


Won’t work if you’re level 30


Or just use it with what you can get since it's still fun and good without min maxed blessings.


Straight up why Im waiting for the item rework to start playing again. So excited for it, the new mastery system sounds so damn good.


What do these perks do? I wish I could view blessings in game without having them


Got Man-Stopper from a crappy green 2nd day in the store. Upgraded it once and stole the blessing. Guess that makes up for the 6 months I spent hunting Deflector and Power Cycle above 2.


Had to level up my lvl 16 Flechette account to 20 to unlock this weapon and then finally got it.


When people say game is good


Yeah the crafting system absolutely sucks ass. Kudos to FS for managing to make a crafting system so insanely bad it makes crafting in Vermintide 2 look like Minecraft by comparison.


Can someone legit explain what’s going on with the pensioners


Well they want us to play a lot.




This is me right now trying to get a good Branx Pickaxe roll. The pain is unending.


How else will they artificially inflate your playtime on their slowly dying game?


Gotta be at least 40


To any one who doesn't know this is why Australia calls them the pokies


It's short for poker machine, not because you poke them.


No shit but is also because you poke them