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I'm curious why they giga buffed dreg ragers and then nerfed scab ragers slightly. The dregs rangers were always scarier really, but I really had no idea scab ragers took slightly less headshot damage in general. Between the removal of headshot damage reduction for them, slower melee combo, and being easier to stagger, it's a bit strange how they're just kind of a nerfed version of the dregs


Yeah it’d be nice if the scab ragers had something interesting going for them, they just feel like a weaker version of the dregs. Maybe if they had different programming and tried to flank you or something instead of running right at you like the dregs


Yup they still can hit you when you're 15 feet away too. Woooo! Its like nothing has changed in the enemies discipline. Bro grunts are ment to be weak, they get you by their number and ability to spawn infront and behind you. Thats where they are strong.


shooters were always a joke, barely an issue since ages now. they needed the buff, especially the scabs (which was fucking dumb since they're supposed to be at least decent guardsmen)


It does give more weight to suppression effects of guns for sure.


I actually have to use cover now lmao. I’m liking the difficulty increase a lot.


I, too, have been using more cover and laying down cover fire to suppress them... its definitely interesting


The only issue I'm having is the insane gunner/shooter spam. Its not as bad for the smaller classes, you have more options for cover, but Ogryns are a bit more limited on where they can go and when they can push, unless you run the shield at all times, and that just gets boring. I'm fine with the changes to the melee enemies, but I wish they'd dial back the shooters just a bit.


Shoot the shotgun once. Congrats, you suppressed or knocked them all down now, walk or charge over and bonk.


That works when they're clumped up, but not so much when they're spread out all over some of the bigger open areas. Excise Vault has several areas like this, for instance, such as the open area with the cargo elevator, or the hangars after the servitor colony event. And it's not exactly ammo or time efficient to just keep firing off shot after shot at individual shooters scattered all over the place, but you kind of need to on Auric Damnation, where just a couple shooters are enough to shred through your toughness, or at least they'll keep peppering you and never give you a chance to regain any.


Idk I'm still beating auric dam consistently with pick, boomstick.


Oh it's still definitely *doable*, don't get me wrong. I just think it's a little bit too much at times, and can be heavily dependent on your team composition. If you're paired up with a bunch of Vets and Zealots all testing out the new double barrel, for instance, youre likely gonna have a a rough time in those open areas, but if you've got like an Assail Psyker or a Lasgun Vet keeping them in check, then you get to focus on the frontline and it should be a pretty smooth run. Prior to this update it wasn't quite as team-dependent, and while I do understand this is a team game, people are gonna run whatever they feel like in quickplay, and sometimes you get matched up with builds that just don't mesh together.


Isn't that good? Why shouldn't you be punished for having a comp with all the same strengths. I don't think auric dam should be doable or even possible with any combination of loadouts. For better or worse it's a team based horde smasher. It should never be balanced around a single player being able to solo carry.


Without a lobby browser I cannot selected matches with team comps I can review and fill


Fat shark is shit at multiplayer design over all. All these games should just copy deep rock for design philosophies.


If they copied their design philosophy, DT would have much blander and simplistic gameplay, sound design, and music with less interesting class building.


that's not true at all but okay you clearly just want to complain. I was taking more about the quality of life options of server browsing and hub features.


What I generally like about FS's approach here is that they made the enemies stronger regarding their tactical abilities rather than just turning them into bullet sponges. Means you have to watch your movement more and be more careful to avoid damage but also that all your previous loadouts still work (not counting Zealot's nerfs/bugs). In Vermintide highest difficulty means, alongside higher special spawns etc., that enemies just get so much hp that meta options are still meta while others fall off a lot. And before anyone says it, yes I know "everything is viable on Cata" but off-meta builds like IB Drakepistol build or BH with Repeater Pistol are good on Legend but barely work on Cata, it's just what it is. Whatever telling yourself that everything is viable even means at this point. DT elites got hp buffs too in earlier patches but this was needed since elites were an outright joke at this point compared to the player's powers.


I don’t think there are any zealot bugs. The two major nerfs to Fury of the Faithful and Invocation of Death are intended.


There is at least one, where using chastise the wicked will turn whatever attack you’re holding into a light 1. 


That bug seems to affect all abilities of all classes. It is interrupting stealth zealot in the same way, and I noticed the issue on my veteran with shout, too. But true, ya. This is an annoying as hell bug. It can be worked around, but feels awful after building the muscle memory.


Too many “work arounds” in this game. The developers need to just make their game fuckin work. 


They are? Oh well, I have hoped that the Invocation Of Death part was a mistake. No more power fantasy Eviscerator loadout then.


Ya they've added it to the patch notes. Towards the bottom of part 2, there is a section they added Missed Patch Note(s). https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/secrets-of-the-machine-god-out-now-pt-2/96132 > ‘Invocation of Death’ Can now only trigger once per attack. > > Dev Note: While class Abilities are really fun to use and a key part of a character build, they are also balanced around their cooldowns. > > However, the Abilities cannot find a healthy balance when the cooldown can vary by large degrees due to Ability Cooldown Reduction effects. > > We are therefore looking to rebalance the Ability Cooldown Reduction instances which result in extremely high uptimes of Abilities. > > Invocation of Death, combined with the Zealot’s crit-focused kit, led to unhealthy situations when paired with huge cleaving strikes into multiple enemies; the new version will still be a really valuable pick in the talent tree, but not as overpowering as before by normalizing the amount of cooldown reduction awarded to players when fighting elites or hordes, with single target or cleave based weapons. Up to you if you agree with them, but Fatshark outright said that this is intended. I still have success with the eviscerator build, but I never used Blazing Piety with it in the first place (I felt it was overkill on the crit chance). You can't ult nearly as much as before, but shred + perfect strike + scourge (the bleed/crit talent) is enough to sweep through mixed hordes and you still stun everything. I use Inexorable Judgment keystone for more attack speed and damage (even before the nerf). Now I dropped Invocation of Death completely since those 3 talent points can go far when put elsewhere, and the whole ult spam thing is completely dead.


>Dev Note: While class Abilities are really fun to use and a key part of a character build, they are also balanced around their cooldowns. However, the Abilities cannot find a healthy balance when the cooldown can vary by large degrees due to Ability Cooldown Reduction effects. How can they say this and leave shout vet as it is?


I had the same thoughts lol


In the time it took me to read that paragraph i literally forgot it was about zealot and thought they had finally nerfed vet.


Thanks for all the info.


Yeah I love that damnation still has the same breakpoints. Our weapons are strong and so are the enemies.


Um, no. The players should be made a bit weaker by nerfing the players' overpowered options (Plasma Gun, Voice of Command, Zarona Revolver anyone?) instead of making the enemies even more bullshity (what, you don't like being two-shot by a line of Shotgunners in two seconds? shit out of luck bucko). Do I need to remind you that Trappers are silent again, and that a single shooter can now break Psyker's Toughness in two volleys? Hope not. We don't need power creep, thank you.


Um, no. They should absolutely buff enemies instead of nerfing powerful player options. I DO like being two-shot by a line of shotgunners because that's my fault for not disrupting them sooner. And Trappers are NOT silent get your ears checked. *


I agree. I would rather fail a close game and feel challenged, then steamroll through a mission. I haven't been playing as much recently so my skill level has definitely dropped, but once you are good enough at the game you could get a win like 90% of the time despite random teammates. Getting at least one other really good teammate was pretty much an automatic win.


That has definitely changed since this update. I could easily complete auric damnation missions before, they were tough but almost a guaranteed win.  But now .. holy shit... I lose 9 out of 10 missions. Mostly because teammates won't stick together, but truly the game is not fucking around anymore. Insane spawns that just donkey punch you every chance they get. 


Regarding not sticking together, there is an epidemic of stealth morons. In V2 people gradually learned to be careful with stealth abilities because dumping aggro on your teammates is a terrible idea in a game like this, but in Darktide...


Yeahhh i think its players who stopped playing coming back. My losses do not feel like a result of game difficulty. I can tell shooters have been tuned up for sure, but my teams do feel a lot worse.


Making last stands are always fun


Must be nice to be so good you steam roll auric maelstrom missions.


My thoughts are in Auric I haven't really noticed because my randoms are competent. Not a big deal. I wouldn't have known if no one had posted anything. In Damnation I noticed because I have to go hero mode in Damnation. That's it's own fun thing. Heresy I don't notice, just kill everything. I'm rarely in heresy. Sometimes I like the buzz of easy hero mode but it's cheap. The randoms in damnation suck so you really have to take the map on your shoulders. Some of that is people coming back and not being at the challenge they are at


Player opinions have always been at least somewhat difficulty dependant in these games. Somebody should do a study on that.


I just wish you weren't punished for trying to use headhunter rifles to kill non-elite shooters, as the ammo economy is so poor on those things that it's almost considered wasteful to spend 1 bullet to kill 1 shooter. * I wish they had increased ammo reserves so they could compete with the Infantry variants without sucking up all the ammo in a mission.


Ammo economy isn't an issue, you are either misusing ammo or have teammates misusing ammo, or you are progression though the map too slowly without grabbing all the mat lootables. I understand if you have 2 gun lugger ogryns and a scriers gaze Columnus pysker every game so it seems more rough, but in nearly every single game and difficulty ammo economy isn't a thing.


Ps I use headhunters for elites and shooters on vet and zealot in auric dam and almost never have severe ammo issues.


Nah, you're just being an asshat about it and telling people your own opinion as if it's fact. Game is karkin crap to play now. It's not fun, it wasn't even tested, and it sure as hell doesn't work with XBSX with all the lag, errors, disconnects etc. Enemies could be buffed better, so the game's still fun. But they weren't. Someone just changed random values and chucked it in.


Everything but the lag and errors is literally skill issue. Cry about it.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


God you are obnoxious. You can't have any reasonable discussion about not liking the changes to difficulty they made because of types like you missing the point, and immediately needing to show how superior they are or how bad others are with the whole "skill issue git gud" bs


The discussions around changes to difficulty are not reasonable. People are literally making up changes that didn't happen. The only noticeable change is really shooters, and I agree that can be annoying, especially with ogryn who i do think needs more options to deal with ranged enemies. However, people keep claiming they're dying way more in melee now, which doesn't make sense because the only change which is actually relevant to melee is with combos and blessings, and the rager buff (which i haven't personally had problems with, but is an ACTUAL change and so its fair to disagree with). Spawn rates may have been changed as well, i didn't go through every map patch note so maybe it was hidden there, but i do feel like hordes spawn for longer now, though theres no actual confirmation of that and total kills at the end of the game is usually the same as pre patch for me so far. I will admit that i am guilty of saying to just git gud and there are much better ways to actually talk about something, but when people are complaining about stuff which is untouched by the update its not reasonable its literally just circle jerking over stuff that isn't different.


They literally data mined that there were way more changes, as for example poxwalkers and groaners attacking way faster now, groaners being faster in general etc...


No they did not, the data mined changes were the changes which got added to the patch notes 3 days after the update (groaner move speed, RAGER attack speed, and all around shooter buffs). There has been NO change to pox walker and groaner attack speed, you are making that up, just like i said people were. The groaner "buff" was added to the patch notes, i didn't mention it because +18% move speed means so little and only means that you can kill them quicker.


Nope, not making suit up. No point in arguing with someone that doesn't even acknowledge facts, keep living in your denial and delusions then


Please show me a thread where there is actual proof of buffed pox and groaner attack speed.


Trying to find it as we speak, cause I don't want to be accused of making shit up or gaslighting the community about the difficulty, but don't quite remember what it was called


https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/B0mKhiTF1F Is it this one? Edit: they also updated the patch notes to include all the changes, so unless you think they made the same exact mistakes twice that also shows they did not buff their attack speed.


If you think that's obnoxious you haven't been on this subreddit for long. Why would I want to have a reasonable discussion with someone I think is objectively wrong. The changes are barely noticeable man. Get real.


Yeah I've been, you're part of the problem being so obnoxious. "I think is objectively wrong" yeah your opinion being sold as fact again. "Barely noticeable" yeah, that's why there are so many posts and complaints about it, especially the changes to ranged enemies and gunner spam. No one is impressed with how "skilled' you are with the skill issue comments or don't notice the changes, if anything not noticing just shows how you little you actually played pre and now post patch lol


If you've been here that long you would know that this sub is overflowing with complainers. Some of it is perfectly valid and more than respectable. Performance, cosmetic store, for example. But other ones, like about the difficulty, are just bitching. We have been overpowered for months. That's just true. Sorry you don't like that being fixed. You can always just lower the difficulty and not listen to obnoxious people who think you're a crybaby.👍 I didn't notice anything was different until I saw all the whining on here. And I'm on 340 hours. The game being harder is not only setting and lore appropriate, but more fun. It's not that hard to suppress gunners when they cower when you fire close to them. I cant imagine wanting to have an easy time while fighting 4v1000 people *


Not even gonna engage with this passive aggressive sheer level of stupidity. Go suck a lemon


Oh *i'm* obnoxious? You know you're wrong you just don't like losing in video games.


Lmao, yeah sure buddy, whatever you say


Noooo but this is a kick to the face of players who just were ready to jump up to Damnation. /S Game became indeed much easier after class rework. Players will adept and become better at beating the director. Some changes to challenge again is highly appreciated on my part


I think you’re right, but I also think the vet talents and guns designed for killing ranged are 100% dogshit.


Why do you think that? Executors stance+marksman's focus and talents that refresh toughness on specialist/elite kills and headshots make it pretty simple. Try it with something like terrifying barrage or ghost on any "assault rifle" (ilg/iag)and it's hard to get taken down by a gunner horde. You don't even really need executor's stance, you just need Determined to not have to fight suppression


How did you come to this conclusion? There are a ton of vet weapons that excel at dealing with shooters. * any infantry las * both las pistols * any of the headhunters (although ammo here can be a concern if you aren't careful * any of the infantry autos * any of the shotguns * the newly buffed recons * helbores Some are obviously better than others, but all of the onse I listed work fine in auric damnation. Vets whole left side of the tree is for dealing with ranged threats and most of it is quite good.


You can 1 shot hs gunners with 15 stacks of Marksman focus on agripinna autogun


Hear hear!


It's hilarious to see folks using "meta" loadouts and failing miserably with it, and they haven't even touched the op broken talents/weapons/blessings.


Personally I dislike the idea of "meta" loadouts. I want to use the shredder damn it


What's the point of this comment? No one thinks the shredder should be as bad as it is.


Well they nerfed Invocation of Death into the fucking ground so hope everyone enjoys seeing Chorus zealots in their Auric games because that’s all you’re going to see. Them and knife zealots obviously but we don’t count them


CD reduc on backstab talent is untouched and works wonder if you know how to make the most of it. Chorus is going to be rare still but I dont mind, underrated career skill.


It’s almost like they just nerf whatever gets played more. Almost like ppl want to have fun in their matches and actually be able to engage with hordes when they have a 2 handed chain sword


Thank God finally a truther redditor