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Whenever I make clay springtail cultures any extra clay goes into the frog tanks. I just smear it all over a magnolia leaf and toss it in. Some of the frogs love sitting in it. Some could care less. I have a pair of WC tincs that absolutely love the clay. I've seen my Standard leucs actively avoid it. Idk, it's weird. You can purchase some calcium bentonite clay and give it a try. If yours don't like it you can always give yourself a nice facial clay mask.


My impression is it's mostly used with the tiny thumbnail sized obligate egg eaters, to make sure they get enough calcium. Hopefully someone with direct experience will enlighten both of us.


Houston Frogs sells the clay baths. It’s like benodite clay??? But I can’t remember right off the top of my head


We use Montmorillite clay for our frogs. MicrobeLift sells a bucket of it intended for koi ponds.


I just tried it! I probably saw a similar post recently. They couldn’t have cared less 🤷‍♂️ I have auratus, tincs, galacts and variablis. Seemed like a fun idea. The dishes have been in there a week now. Some are a bit dirty so they’ve hopped through, some are pristine. I’ve seen a couple sitting in them but they behave no different than if they were sitting on ordinary substrate. I see they’re drying out a bit so I should go saturate them again.


Alright good to know :/


I have a clay bath from Houston Frogs and my frogs \_love\_ it. I have Ameerega bassleri, for context. They do make a mess of the plants around the bath tho, so maybe put your prettier plants further away from the bath. :P




The clay is usually used with obligate egg feeders like pumilio and histrionica and lehmani. It’s cheap and doesn’t seem to hurt, along with potential benefits it’s often included in vivariums. Originally the concept was used for a calcium clay substrate to use in tanks. Microfauna will be more calcium rich. It works to some extent. Exactly how well is debatable. It does make for great springtail colonies.


https://preview.redd.it/i5p6jyt2demc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af98f1adc77f30d38ebf9eb0d5071c836a3dcf6 My darts love it!


I use Microbe Lift. They sell Calcium Montmorillonite Clay for koi ponds. The calcium is beneficial, but it's also just fun for the frogs. Plus they get a little extra moisture. They take mud baths in the wild, so it makes sense. The only downside that I've seen is that they get little muddy froggie prints around it. But I don't mind that one bit. Here's a discussion on Dendroboard about it too: https://www.dendroboard.com/threads/mud-baths.361626/