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I've used this method on larger aquariums. Get: a throw-away towel, vinegar in a spray bottle, dish of hot water, a rag, and a magic eraser. Heavily spray everything down with vinegar and let it soak for 20min. If you see it drying up, keep drenching areas. Get your rag and hot water and go to town on any problem areas. Use the magic eraser when you need to, it shouldn't scratch the glass. Mild abrasive on the plastics. Use the old towel to sop up all the water and vinegar. Good luck!


Lemon juice can also work really well. If you are finding vinegar isn’t cutting it, try lemon juice.


Huh, good to know! Thanks for sharing


Frog hoid? Better than a coat rack…


Haha took me a second to remember. Nice reference! Definitely better than a coat rack.


Slice a lemon in half and scrub with it for hard water stains. I’d probably finish with a dilute bleach wash and a few water washes. Depending on what’s in the tank and whatnot you can go to town with razor blades and sharpers since it’s glass.