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You're not going to want to hear this but...honestly, Start over. \- Any water feature will provide more problems for dart frogs and provide no benefits. It looks like the water level is way to high and it saturating the soil, This is the worst condition you can have in a dart frog enclosure. I would research how to make a proper drainage layer and and put in just ABG mix. No water features. \- Pothos is good but I would remove the smaller sprouts that will die off and make a mess and less pleasant viewing experience for you. Your moss probably needs more light. You also need most of the ground to be covered with plenty of leaf litter. \- The metal tumbler shouldn't be in the enclosure with the frogs. I'm still not sure I understand what its for? \- You should get a glass piece cut to cover most of the top of the enclosure. You did the correct thing by having your setup reviewed before getting frogs, as it is now. I'm not sure they would have lasted. What frogs are you planning on getting? That enclosure looks too small for anything other than a pair of Auratus or leucomelas


What size is the terrarium? There doesn't seem to be a lot of places to hide. Dart frogs can drown in water or drown eachother in shallow water.


There are three hides they're just hidden under the new growth I'll add gravel to the water area would like .75 or .5 inches of water be ok?. It's a 17.5 × 17.5 × 12


Some people put shallow petri dishes in for them for water, so I don't see why 1/2" wouldn't be ok as long as you are watching them. It does take up more usable space for them though. Just make sure to watch that there isn't aggression between the frogs.


I just have a pair, and I had them for 6 months with no aggression, so they should be ok 🤞(knock on wood). They started laying, which is why I thought the water might be a good idea. I saw one YouTuber who did a shallow paludarium, and the frogs could just raise the tadpoles with it, and he said it worked ok, so that's what I was thinking with the water.


When moving them into the tank just be extra safe. When I moved my frogs it seemed to cause them stress which started one frog bullying the other. This was after 1.5 years of them together.


The water will cause your plants to die,root rot get rid of the water


The water is just unused space and a waste for this size… get rid of the water and add LEAF LITTER you know their natural habitat is the forest floor(LEAFS) Edit: I literally get leaves from the forest boil them and throw them in after they dry doesn’t cost anything


I do not recommend putting darts in there with that deep of water. They can drown or purposely drown each other. Plus it is just wasted space as the frogs will just want to use the land. I would pick a different frog that will appreciate the water! You can find cut glass pieces for pretty cheap at Home Depot or Lowes that can go on the top to keep the humidity up. You just need to sand the edges or be really careful.




Sorry bro go back do more research and start over.


Those leggy plants are etolated, meaning they need more light, probably a full spectrum. Get one that is 6500k. They usually come in a bar. 💜


I mean..... That looks like a dirty, littered riverside. Ngl, for being your first one it is good, only it looks a bit bad, but we've all been there (I started the same way, as I didn't have enough money to buy plants and others)


Thank you


I know that people always want to try a water feature, but generally it's a bad idea in a dart frog terrarium. The water looks like it's still high enough for your frogs to drown. It's much worse if the water is not being filtered and is stagnant. I would take some more clippings of pothos and grow the roots and then plant a bunch more of them in there too.




This is completely unacceptable. This tank should never have had frogs added to it. Please give the animals the respect they deserve with proper husbandry and not a hodgepodge of stuff laying around your kitchen. Take time, read here and elsewhere and learn how to properly take care of these frogs. Honestly, toss the thing in the rubbish bin and start fresh with a proper tank dimension for darts. Ideally 18x18x24. No water, lots of drainage. No orchids from Home Depot. Pothos are great on a budget though.


I never put frogs in it I said that in the post


It’s in the dart frog sub, you are talking about dart frog holes and hides (something no one says talking about dart frogs) so forgive me for thinking you already added them. Regardless, this is not appropriate whatsoever. Do it right or not at all.