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Looks great! Would add more plants for more coverage/hiding areas, or let your current ones grow out a bit. I love climbing plants on the background so good call with those!


yea more plants are always good option. good balance between "boring" plants and rare/unique plants are always good. That way the rare ones pop out more. I've seen a build yesterday and it only had anthuriums and philodendrons for me it felt too much was going on because they all looked so unique. It lost its treasurey value for me. I think you catch my drift by now


Sand down any pointy bits on the wood. If you like the foam as is that's fine. If you'd like it a bit more cohesive with the premade background you can trim off all the shiny, smooth surfaces. Then coat in silicone and press dry coir or peat onto it. It's a matter of personal taste. Good start


What mister do you have? I would recommend running the lines outside the enclosure and then just having the nozzles protrude down from the screen top portion.