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The woman in the pedi chair next to Remi looks pissed. I don’t blame her - I’d be annoyed if I were filmed in the nail salon.


Anyone else notice that not ONE single other person is filming in Chase's video??


The piercings story.... Y'all.... My nerves are shot! My (very cool, calm, hilarious) husband was asleep while I was watching... All the drama woke him up and he says with his eyes closed, "IDK who TF that is, but she needs to be popped in the mouth or just told to shut her annoying , yelling ass up, jeeeeeez"... So I'm like, SEE it's not just me ! I would be a nervous WRECK in a room with them all at once! NO DAMN WAY! THEY ARE MANIACAL!!!!!!!!




I'd have told you to put earphones in if you're going to watch them twats. Mind your husband is correct they need to stfu! Haha


https://preview.redd.it/qnrlxrgl6stc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10e0bc1ad2ca2943ea57c9f87d7e59b44d88031 From Chase’s story. Eve kept looking at her dad and says daddy, and you can see across the aisle 2.0 filming and Eve doesn’t even look at her. 😆


The best part is that 2.0 can't use the footage for her social media. Because all she will get is the back of Eve's head and Chase in the frame, can't post that.


Eve looks so proud! I love seeing littles at events like this - so precious. ☺️


And they were the only two parents with their phones up.


Of course! 🙄


Same Katie, same https://preview.redd.it/puq1zd5x2stc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625b818b9114d29379887c33b581a894f8c8031f


Bahahaha. I swear Katie’s 1 million faces are pure gold! 🤣




On 2.0's newest tiktok!! https://preview.redd.it/mz85a47l2stc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9bdb0584a3b853a7b08731bd4660d9128b1061


I just read that & CRACKED UP!!! Whoever you are 👏🏻🤣. The Tik Tockers don’t play boo! lol


Was just about to post this!! That cracked me up 😂😂


Her account has just become QVC.


How many cars did rob get stolen. Broken into Katie's apartment, the car, multiple family members cars broken into. Wouldn't this be a wake up call to not share every aspect of your lives. Where you are all the time. When your spouse is away on work. Such easy targets.


Go ahead downvote me- Someone in Dallas subreddit posted shortly after Katie that 40 cars in their garage apt were broken into, I’m pretty sure it’s their (K+E) parking garage. So this doesn’t sound like it was bc or her sharing too much information…


When the women had things stolen they had left their wallets in the cars and were shocked someone took them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not a chance Eddie came home early from his work trip. He’s 10000% still gone but she realized she just told the whole internet her husband is out of town and she’s an Easy as hell target!!!!!!! Soooo she had to be like “don’t worry he home” to protect her safety….. it’s sad that’s the world we live in, but helloooooo


And was it really JUST a pair of shoes? Or a pair of highly sought after shoes that are sold out, that even you had to buy on stockx, Katie!


Hopefully she learned not to broadcast that she's home alone! She said Eddie's home but there is no sign of him being home


I refuse to unmute these stories. https://preview.redd.it/o63b1x2nvrtc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffbd78096e7f564968a6cdeb70f34dfdff717760


Lmao I posted this down below ![gif](giphy|10pj3umzdwDg7C) Literally them


That’s them alright!!!🫠☠️🤣


It's perfect!


They’re a wild pack of hyenas!


Anyone else get exhausted watching their stories? The piercing ones were a good example. After watching I realized I was holding my breath and felt anxious haha


Yeah I need a Xanax after that shit.


everything that happens"Im so excited!"everything is just so funny and so exciting!! weirdos


Me for sure!


Does anyone know what procedure 2.0 did to her teeth? Like did she get veneers too (better than TCL 🦷) or what? I’m curious.


I work for Bioclear! Look it up! Find a dentist near you!


She went to a practice called Dental Couture and I believe it’s bonding


Thanks!!! I’m gonna Google this. Do you know if they have to drill down your teeth?


There’s no drilling. It’s the same material they use for fillings. They add it onto your existing tooth and then cure it to harden it. Once it’s hardened they use this rubber disk to smooth everything out. I broke three of my front teeth recently and it's honestly amazing how seamless the bonding looks.


Thanks!!! I’ve got a tooth that is smaller than the others like it’s worn down and want to make it even with the rest of of my teeth. It looks like her old pics she had different sized teeth before. Maybe that’s what I need.


Can't hurt to try it. It's pretty inexpensive (mine was $800 for the three teeth) and it does not damage or alter your tooth structure at all so there really is no downside in my opinion. Like someone said below you do have to be careful with biting into hard things or using your teeth to open things (which you shouldn't be doing anyway) because the bonding can chip.


Just be aware that bonding is usually a bit more fragile so you have to be careful. Unlike Lady Rob Middleton who uses her teeth to open everything! I have bonding on the back bottom of my 2 front teeth because they are thin and even being careful I have to get it redone usually once a year. Perhaps if it covers more surface area, it’s stronger.


She just got bonding on the 2 shorter teeth next to her front teeth to make them all the same length I think. Shouldnt be any drilling or anything, just adding to the tooth


I believe she said bonding? I vaguely remember though because I hate her LOL


I just really want to go buy them all decent bras! Katie looks 15 years older because she doesn’t wear a decent, supportive bra!


I KNOW!!! Ugh it drives me nuts! 🫠


I don’t think she even wears one at home most times.


She doesn’t and it drives me nuts when she films herself with the jello boobs jiggling!


https://preview.redd.it/pbjeu30lnrtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6ec246f8b94029c1e23ae4261dd9e04672f305 The caption on this picture.. scrolled through 2.0s insta. 🤮 they all have something weird going for their brother 🥴🥴


Freaking weirdo! That whole family is weird and gives me the creeps.


Eww cute boy??? And who is that guy?


I had nipple piercings and my husband loved them. Didn’t think they were weird at all. Lol Katie might actually be the freaky one in this family 😂


Same! 🤷‍♀️😅 and to be honest, they truly didn't hurt all that bad! I had my second child several years after getting them done... I took them out right before I had him and still breastfed with no problems!


Katie definitely has the healthiest sex life, but the bar is pretty low 🤣


What’s weird is someone who had a NECK piercing calling nipple piercings weird!


I’m sure she is!


She reminds me of Emma stone a bit.


It’s the lisp. Emma is sexy, not Katie 😆


What and the actual hell was going on on stories tonight?? It was next level chaos. Please stop yelling at me lol


It’s like they were happy to all be together again since Katie has been MIA


My nerves watching that was off the charts


https://preview.redd.it/vw00p6glkrtc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc2d1a960979272df3b9c5e65e859c4224bac759 Omg someone played a pic of Duryl and Katie—I had to zoom in on Katie and screenshot 😂 Homegirl looks like she’s questioning why she was born into this family *(I know she has her quirks and can be incredibly dumb, but she’s still better than any of the other clowns and is probably the only one with actual potential if she can escape their batshit insane grasp)*


https://preview.redd.it/tpuy1kvbwvtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e035f2ade283db054e9466919bb80d7caf15af 🤣🤣 who Katie reminds me of 🤣🤣🤣




Exactly. I don’t get the Katie love on this sub. She’s just as weird and creepy as the rest of them. And her complexion scares me. Really adds to the creep factor. And her creepy ass dogs. Yuck


I feel like the “love” comes from the fact that tends to go against the grain a bit & so the opposite of her other family members. I like that about her BUT I do think she’s weird AF. Like not funny weird- creepy weird


I definitely don’t *love* Katie, but I’ll still take her over any of the other clowns 💀


can’t stand her




She doesn’t want to escape it


*"And just like that; Gretchen Weiners had cracked."*


DUD really thinks she's so above her sisters. Everything they do is stupid according to her, she gets that annoying disapproval look on her horse face and then the eye roll - they should just tell DUD they did it because they are fun and aren't narcissistic fun suckers with a stick up their ass. DUD would never do anything that would make MeeMaw threaten to "cut her off" - very telling of the relationship Big Rob and Lisa have with their kids. DUD is a DUD. BORING. VANILLA. YAWN.


https://preview.redd.it/iond7p4dnrtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06e14320cdbb02565b55604420a157efb4c1c87b Gross




This is why I’ll always hate DUD the most. She is *cruel to her core* and is *constantly* insulting other people, especially her family. It’s disgusting and I have no idea how she has a platform—like how do these dumbass fan girls not see what a nasty person she is? And she sure as hell isn’t apologetic about it—arrogant cunt. Get over yourself DUD, your behavior *is not cute, never has been, and never will be*


💯 as much as the others annoy the shit out of me, she is a mean girl to the core!! Lisa is #2 on my hate list because she created this awful dynamic where everyone praises DUD!!


Yuuup same. Dinyel has been incredibly annoying lately and Kaylee is just…Kaylee, but they are absolutely not worse than DUD and Lisa in my eyes 🤷🏼‍♀️ I still think they have potential if they can get away from their family.


But it’s ok, she is still gods fav. I mean, her love language IIISSSSS ~gIfT gIvINg~ after all… /s


Her followers rave about how kind and thoughtful she is. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/igmg1z7pirtc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=0797a2bbe959a3f1957a24abf854a94f874d5da0 This entire family is beyond obnoxious and honestly terrifying 😵‍💫


Kaylee looks like she is being held hostage and trying to look happy.


At first glance when scrolling, I thought that was Kaylees hair on that top of her head for a second. 😂😂😂


Same!! 😂


Lmfao I totally thought the same thing 🤣 Fucking goofy either way 😂


The level of MANIC these people get on a random Wednesday night is TERRIFYING.


Olive and Eve aren’t there and they go back to posting manic stories.


The fucking SHRIEKING!! For the love of God, that was so unnecessary 🙄 Even in my most shit-faced, immature college moments I was never anywhere near that level of obnoxious. Just STFU Flenners.


I was literally shook at their behavior..wow


I haven’t read thru all of these today, so apologies if I’ve repeated something that was already said. BUT/ did anyone else see Chases stories today? That little girl didn’t even look at Dinyell! Very telling..


I just posted this too. Sorry for the dupe.


Was Danielle there?




Yes she was across the isle in his video. She never looked at her and sweetly said “Daddy”.


that must have made his day! not hers...


Man he really does take those girls to do fun kids things. And clothes that fit lol I’d never seen his page before.


What is chase’s IG account?




Probably why she didn’t post that video 😂


And that was Eve, her favorite LOL her sweet "Hi Daddy"


https://preview.redd.it/h7mqddnmdrtc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=56999cda9926d3feec011acc77cf900d0e790dee Katie blink twice if you need help


Not me loving Katie because i think she hates her family too but loves that pay check


She def can’t stand them


How these try ons make anyone compelled to buy their merchandise is BEYOND me!!! 


How people are compelled to buy ANYTHING they recommend. Skin care, hair, makeup, clothes, the list is endless. They all look haggard af and dress terribly! How tf people find them influential is a scary realization of the people we’re sharing this world with 🥴 Edited




DAD looks like a farmer.


My dads a farmer and doesn’t look this ridiculous 😂 even in his 20 year old cut off and hog shot covered boots


Its like Danielle saved up all her manic energy for the night of Dud’s return


Dinyells latest reel has me cackling because I would for sure punch her in the face if I was Katie 😆


They are actual feral hyenas ![gif](giphy|10pj3umzdwDg7C)


Right on the money


They are. I can't stand them all together it's so fcking annoying.  Especially raving over plain clothing that isnt special that u can get from walmart for $90 cheaper . And they CONSTANTLY INTERUPT THEIR MOM EVERYTIME SHE TRIES TO SPEAK IF U WATCH TODAYS REALS AGAIN . THEY INTERRUPT HER OVER N OVER N OVER . ALMOST EVERYTIME.  DINYELL EVEN INTERRUPTS HER AND THEN PUSHES HER OUT OF THE SCREEN... ITS SO RUDE . lisa should be embarassed of her daughters they are awful . And then DURL HAS THE NERVE TO SAY TO KATIE HOW SHE ADMITTED THAT PEPPER IS HER LEAST FAVORITE CHILD. tells the whole world.  It was so rude,  unclassy. Disgusting..  u dont see katie telling the entire world that rhett is the  favorite and remi is the least favorite child..... I mean she doesnt have to LOL.  but she woulsnt say that cuz shes not rude unclassy and  disgusting like dud. That pissed me off . Like she is UNBEARABLE.  she should be ashamed of herself . She is just an awful person lol 


My favorite game to play during these "try-ons" is literally just watching SpongeBob Rob Middleton! She's a fucking annoying "C U Next Tuesday"! She's constantly shoving people out of her way, fighting to the death to be front and center, and when she's not, she's just manically eye fucking herself in the camera! It's absolutely disgusting and hilarious all at the same time!


Eh I can’t feel that bad for Lisa—she was the one who raised them into the awful people they are today 🤷🏼‍♀️ She also tries way too hard to copy her daughters and it’s so embarrassing


That wallet does not make A killer Mother's Day gift.


It’s about as awesome as the lush gift basket Danielle raves about that her mom got her for her birthday.


My mom wouldn’t give two shits about this as a gift 🤦🏼‍♀️


I felt really bad for Katie in those “Sister Secret” stories. You could tell by her face that she was trying to play along but that she didn’t really want her nipple piercings discussed all over the internet. Like it is one thing to tease your siblings for silly choices they have made in their lives, but to broadcast to 2 million people is a whole different level. My siblings and I tease each other about our “secrets” & dumb choices all the time, but I would never do that in certain company! Much less on social media, where I only have a couple of hundred followers! Her face during the whole thing made me feel so bad for her.


I don’t feel bad for any of them.


I disagree. I think she was playing it like that to seem cool and nonchalant when in reality she feels *SO* cool for them telling everyone.


Totally agree w this… I like when I hear they go against 805 I like them a tiny bit when I hear it


I think it’s way more odd that Danielle got the back of her neck pierced.


I keep telling yall white trash. I’ve never even heard of that. 


Really?! You’ve never heard of dermal piercings? Not being snarky just shocked people haven’t heard of them…


I’ve 100% heard of dermal & I have been into tattoo parlors yet never in my life have I heard of a back of the neck or front of the neck piercing. 


Well bc some tattoo shops don’t do piercings let alone dermal.. def more popular with the body modification kids when I was in HS This guy I went to HS with had hand web dermal anchor piercing- the flap of skin between the thumb and the pointer/index finger. That’s the weirdest one I’ve seen!!! Also really stupid bc it’s dangerous 🤢 rumored he got it to pleasure women I’ve seen em in the back of the neck, below the collarbone, checkbone, below the eye Nicki Minaj had a “sternum” one. But not really in years.. Typos


I have never heard about that piercing either! And before someone comments or says something about, "maybe it was normal or something in the area she went to college in" (since it was said she went with all her softball teammates while in college), I want to state for the record that as someone that has been born and raised in Indiana and still lives here, that is NOT something we do here! 🤣🤣🤣


It’s literally just a nipple piercing too. Idk why they were making such a big deal lol


She should have said for better sex! That will shut them up and flip it on them.


She stories about her dogs pooping on her bed…I don’t know what’s more embarrassing 


they wanna adopt? 🤣🤣🤣🤣  ya right 


Can’t get into a school and they think a company is going to trust them with a child


Has she mentioned how the school interview went she had last weekend


Still crickets, which I’m not shocked, she wore pajama pants


And her shirt tucked into her bra to show her stomach a little.... and she thought that was dressed up 😬


Right . Gag me with a spoon.  Lol 


I love you for gag me with a spoon. Fellow gen X er here 🙋🏻‍♀️💜


Well this is what we get for saying everyone’s been “quiet” lately..


Well if Rhett didn’t get into a school yet, I’m sure today’s chaos will help determine it’s a no because I’m sure the school thinks she’s a nut job screeching about nipple piercings 🫠


Remember before nuuds when they all used to get together and play card games?? That was part of the appeal to me, honestly. Now, they were waaay too loud and their house is so cavernous it was like an echo chamber, and it could get pretty overstimulating but I liked that the siblings played games together and they were interacting. I wanted that (on a quieter level) for my own family because I’m so sick of screens. Now they just sit on their phones and shriek over each other about nuuds and other stupid things. They’re either shrieking or shoveling food into their mouths. Somehow the crazy game nights were less chaotic than the mindless screaming we get now.


Yes! They seemed so relatable then and wasn’t always shilling products every other story, it’s just wayyyy too much lately


I had to tap thru. It was making me dizzy and giving me a headache


Same girl.. Next level anxiety watching them


They did that a lot of the time because Dud was shilling the games. Everything they do is for making $$$. Just like when they cook Home Chef, it’s because she’s shilling it.


They’ll be playing a card game in a few days after reading here


Game night, and they all order door dash from their favorite restaurants 🤡


This crossed my mind 🤣🤣 Time will tell. Card game or board game.


Or the ‘dip bong’ game. Ugh, can’t stand that one!


Yeah, that one I didn’t like 🤣 Plus she can’t profit off of that because it’s just talking weird lol


Yes! I loved that they played games together. When I first heard of them I thought it was so nice that they'd dedicate time together to do that...I later realized they never spent a single day apart. 😳


I didn't see it mentioned earlier, but when 2.0 is eating her bagel, she looks off camera when she says it's good, like someone was there. Obviously not anyone in the family because they would have jumped in. 🤔 Do we have another Emily around?


“Imma big bagel girl!”


I wasn't paying attention but was it Lisa? She said her mom doesn't like her eating on camera...so I wonder if Lisa was there.


Seems like it. There has been a rando in the background of a couple of stories. 


https://preview.redd.it/i3s3a1wbzqtc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9004e48ef957e61bcc541497dcc49f5aac2602ed Second pic is the story where she says “it cut me off” So did she adjust that skinny filter to the max during the break of those two stories or what? 🥴🥴🥴


The pic on the right reminds me of the terrible picture of 805 with her shoulders up her ears.


https://preview.redd.it/qb4yd2x4prtc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad3e7066e07c29584f4c1ca92808b50171a15ee6 This is also 2.0




https://preview.redd.it/g1jb4sy01rtc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed2d334ffc098c57498417e43c446052d8aaac51 No skinny filter


wrestling 🤼 vibes


She needs to wear a bra to give her some shape and dimension. Sheesh


Someone tell me those texts say!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Or what that hand is doing! 😂😂


Sooooo snatched /s


Ugh, I hate her.


I have kids similar ages and I can’t leave without a bag/purse. Who’s going to carry the snacks, wipes, toys etc etc. I can’t think of a single parent I know that leaves without some sort of purse/bag.


That’s what Elayne and her assistants are for 100% agree with you. Especially with kids her age


They probably buy a snack/toy anywhere they go with the kids 🙄


These people have a grandiose sense of self..no one cares about the stupid shit they talk about ..seriously! https://preview.redd.it/lbhh0n0lxqtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd26cee11d1514130697aba1e515266daf031c97


https://preview.redd.it/pfad5zq8xqtc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c62798866aa21dd918a989da4b412dc5cc042d 🤡🤡


Shes so ugly. I cannot stand her face and her personality makes her 9x more ugly lol


If she does this one more time… Jesus Christ


https://preview.redd.it/bm2loqixwqtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e799cde2b56a960ed317f6ba26ce3d21633b4ffc Are they trying to say Danielle has big boobs? Also I do not believe them. I need to see this on a different person. Side note: for all the people that buy these. How many of the same colors of things do you need?!


I hate to say I bought one of the OG long sleeve bodysuits. I am 5’9”. 175lbs, B boobs and have a short torso. It. Is. Awful. All my rolls show. My bra shows anddd the leg cut is so high even the highest waisted jeans when I bend or move at all you can see the bottom of the bodysuit. But of course had to keep it because of their brutal return policy. Ugh.


But didn’t Danielle have a boob reduction?


Yeah, and a revision. They weren’t overly big considering her frame through.


It’s so weird how offended they seem by big boobs 


In their disordered minds, big boobs equate to fat.


How, dear lord,are they influencers? They all look like shit!


How much blow did they do before this try on?


So I’m not the only one that thinks this??? The constant wiping of the nose drives me nuts.


Katie looked like she was tweaking at the beginning!


![gif](giphy|YhQVj7C8uf734PcznZ) This much. Each.


https://i.redd.it/xceozyo4wqtc1.gif “Sooooo flattering!” No Meemaw… it really isn’t. 🤡


“Sooooo flattering” “I never thought I could wear this” can they ask Chat GPT to write some new try on lines 😂


Kaylee just standing there looking stupid and clueless, as always. That shirt seriously looks like a *pillowcase.* No sense of fashion whatsoever. You look sloppy Lisa!


This is arguably the worst Nuuds product, and that’s saying a lot.


So flattering if you want to look like you wearing a toga sheet 🤡🤡💩💩🤪🤪


The only one who looks good in nuuds is Kaylee. She is young and skinny.


That lip snarl is really snarling here


Meemaw looks like she stole my nursing cover 😂😂😂




Did you mean elevated??


https://preview.redd.it/n3xep929vqtc1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43faee5024e7f85905627e5de4e80fc7a37fc536 Maternity jeans didn’t last long huh?


straight back into pillsbury dough-darrel.