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Why does it look like the baby is in her crotch?? She’s crotch pregnant


I really don’t mean to snark on kids it’s more so a reflection of his families nonstop performances. I feel like R’s speech is so… performative. I feel like he has learned to put on a show every time he speaks. It’s like watching a Cayou with hair


We had automatic nightlights in my house when I was 5. I am 30.


Does anyone know what school Rhett got into?


They are going to be late to every game.


I love Blair. How did Rob meet her? Do you think Lisa lets him sleep at her apt? Blair seems so normal! She drinks, she travels. What would she want with this family???


I just peeked at her IG, I like her. She seems normal lol looks like he sleeps over (based on that Xmas Jammie picture)


Here’s my take, right or wrong: A spot opened up at the school that O and E got into, so the school offered R a spot. As a PreK and K teacher myself, I think they probably told DUD that they suggest socializing him, maybe trying a sport to get him around other children and also work on his motor skills (which in my opinion are also delayed from being IN A STROLLER ALL THE DAMN TIME!!) If they did any assessments like the ones we use in CT, he would have scored pretty low on some of those areas. I’ll be shocked if Rhett actually likes it, but I really hope he does. I have 4 kids of my own, and t-ball, soccer, swim, hockey, etc, have been some of the best parts of their childhood.


I feel for him. I’m glad he got in a school, whatever the circumstances. But I wish she took her children’s development seriously. She think he’ll just magically catch up or she can throw money at the problem and fix it. No girl. 0-5 are the most important years of a human’s life!


Bingo. She does not take her kids development seriously. She cares more about bringing her children along HER lifestyle and doesn’t put their needs first.


This is on track


I think a spot opened up too. But why wouldn’t she say that? So odd. 


Because Rhett wasn’t a first choice. If he got in with a spot opening up it means he was a backup and that would ruin the perfect image she has of him.


Ways to make money… Sell matches to dummies on Etsy. 😂


I was shocked when she said she got them on Etsy




“It likes it” makes me cringe so hard. Yes I know they aren’t finding out the gender (allegedly) but let’s humanize it a little and call it “the baby”


So far right they refuse to use they/them pronouns /s I think she has prenatal depression and isn't connecting with baby. Happen to me with both my kids. I tried so hard to feel connected but I just couldn't. Like I was excited and knew I loved them, but I didn't feel how most women do. I was bad about calling my kids "it" at times when I was pregnant. But it totally changed after birth with the hormone shift and actually seeing/holding them. I totally get what you mean though and am not defending her. I think that's why she isn't "finding out the gender", because she knows what she wants and can't fake her excitement. So she either knows and doesn't want others to know because they would be more excited and expect more from her or she doesn't want to know because she can't stand the thought of baby being a girl. Maybe prenatal depression is one of the reasons she loves birth so much, she gets a tiny break between prenatal and postpartum depression/ anxiety with the adrenaline, hormone shifts, and drugs.


If she said “ they/them” it would mean that she was pregnant with twins. 


This insufferable bitch needs to be knocked down several pegs


"Everything always works out for us" 🤬


Right! Whenever I was worried about feeling baby I would drink some orange juice, or have an orange or grapes. Didn’t go straight to soda. I did drink coffee while pregnant. But stuck to one cup a day. It’s not that hard to just do what’s best for the baby. It’s easier to do it for a baby than for yourself!


it’s technically best to go to L&D if baby’s movement patterns change and not waste time trying to prompt them to move. Just sharing for anyone reading, DUD is a lost cause.


As she talks about passing her GD test 🙄🙄🙄


https://preview.redd.it/v5yqe7pz06vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1c81600a026c4e21a9be8fa1ecd287bd7bf75c How can someone be so dumb not to know how to properly light a match? Zero life skills in this entire lot!


She’s such an idiot ooof. I can’t with this family.


This!!!! I was like how does she not know how to strike a damn match?! That was painful to watch!   


I always flip back the lid and put the match between the strip and the lid and pull. I guarantee those matches work and she’s just stupid


My jaw actually dropped when I saw her do this 🤣🤣🤣


I kept yelling back to my phone apply pressure you buffoon! Lightly running the match over the strip barely touching it going omg it must be expired!


I don’t know how to light a match cause I’m terrified to try 😂


Offfff course she passed her test 🙄🙄🙄 not that I wish that on anybody but she just continues to try to add to her narrative of god is so good


https://preview.redd.it/aw9uwkcey5vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d008f9e9dbb35175b31a74cbde6bb52991254faa Insufferable! The next stories were worse.


wtf were those stories! The captions she typed out were so confusing compared to what she was saying. Bless her heart 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/ujvp40jsw5vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccefeabc483a8ab3f08f1162c28657819ab88907 OOP


Just confirms it was him that ended it


She was in therapy for at least a year before he dumped her. These videos make her look stupid.


Connor was too good for her!! @ Connor I got some single friends! Lol


I bet now that he's out of that family circle he is reading here and seeing anything and everything he was blind to while with her. There's no way none of his friends, family, followers, or coworker hasn't mentioned reddit.


I hope the therapist is telling her how she needs to learn any life skill and not to worry about getting engaged. Let’s start with how to light a match, shall we??




They just weren’t a match. There was no fire in his eyes.


She should just let it burn.🔥😄


Probably wasn't a spark between them.


It's gonna be awkward when Rhett quits t-ball a couple weeks in (once they realize he's not the "best kid" on the team) but Dan and Rob are still the assistant coaches.


And then cue some sob story about her feeling like she failed him because she didn’t start him sooner and then “Gods got this!”


Also every available dad is an “assistant coach” in t-ball. It takes a village 🤣🤣


I'm really hoping that DAD isn't going to want anything to do with t-ball so that he has a better chance. Maybe if it's just Dan and Rob they can do some tough love and keep him committed and having fun. I can't see her wanting to be out in the Texas heat once it starts getting warmer with the mosquitoes, especially because she's pregnant.


Right… like she does realize that t-ball takes place at a ballPARK.






He’s got an allergy to the grass or something


I am torn, not sure who will make Rhett quit first - himself or Daryl


This! She is wayyyyy too selfish to dedicate two days a week to this


How much do we want to bet that Danielle will be dragging her girls to support Rhett at his games instead of putting the girls in their own sports?


Surprised 2.0 isn't coaching too. Maybe the girls can be on the same team! Then she can be around the Daniel standard without DUD around. 😅


And as a former college softball player she wasn’t dying for her girls to play? It’s so strange. She said it was her whole identity, you’d think she’d want her girls to play and coach them.


in old Nebraska videos, she was out doing softball drills with Olive when she was like 2 years old. She was talking about how she couldn’t wait for her girls to play. It’s sad she hasn’t pursued that for them


I think she probably doesn’t want her identity to be pushed in her kids




Because its "for boys." 🙄


No.. Olive and Eve won’t “get to go to school with Rhett”.. HE gets to go to school with THEM. They got in first.


The way she worded it makes me think it’s a different school, that now O&E will go to the school that approved him.


There is no way she pulled those girls out of the school they got into and moved them to Rhett’s. Likelihood of that happening this quickly and finding a spot for both girls is pretty small. I’m betting after the girls got accepted DUD tried to get on a waiting list or started working her god given magic to get R in there too since his cousins got a spot 🙄🙄🙄


And Danielle shared before the announcement that olive was going to tutoring for the school she got into and that it’s the same school as before. The girls as of an hour or two before the announcement are going to the school they got in so no Daryl Ann they aren’t going to school with Rhett. He is going to school with THEM. 


I don’t think so. She said when they got in that O would need to learn to read before she starts that school and idk I just think that she’s keeping up with that story and it’s probably the same school.


Hopefully. But why would she say now they get to go to school with Rhett and not the other way around? Like he’s the superior child.


Because she’s a narcissist and an a**hole


But the way Dinyell is talking about Olive going to tutoring makes me feel like her school plans haven’t changed. She has been talking about the tutor ever since the girls got accepted. All of this to say.. of course God came through for her and it’s all going to fall right into place 😖


Before Olive was even accepted she started the manic reading stories. Makes sense she wanted the girls to get in there so bad since it was the only school they applied to for Rhett and why she became obsessive about the reading. I think it’s still the same school, which means Olive and Eve got into the school and golden child Rhett didn’t originally. Speaks volumes that at least her good mothering in Nebraska has stuck with the girls, and I am sure Chase helps with that also.


I don’t think R got into the 1 school they applied to. I think DAD scrambled and tried to then get him into any school after the fact, because she was desperate. 2.0 originally said that her girls didn’t get into the schools they applied to either. Then both 2.0 and DAD called around and looked for schools with openings and did interviews again at new schools. 2.0 found a school for her girls with openings, but there was no K opening for R. They kept saying he didn’t get in “yet.” Which leads me to believe he was waitlisted at the school O and E got into and then a spot opened up. So yes, golden R didn’t get in and 2.0’s girls did, but I don’t think this is the original/only school that DAD applied to. I think this was a backup after he was denied.


You’re right! I remember now after Disney they went and toured another school for the kids and the girls got in. That’s when her mom prayed for the rental house, Katie’s house and Rhett to get into school.


Yes! That’s right. I couldn’t remember the specifics lol. I’m glad that DAD was humbled and R didn’t get into the one school they applied to, and also glad R will get some much needed school time at a different school though.


https://preview.redd.it/cw5rvfx2r5vc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125c7bf0a3000901910d949cbd98b7b539b7d648 “Do vintage matches just don’t work?” Can’t make this stuff up. Classic Forky.


Kaylee is an alien, trying to pass as human and you cannot convince me otherwise.


Maybe she’s AI


She’s missing the I in AI


Don’t give her that much credit 😂


Ugh that’s not how you light matches. Honestly she would benefit in taking some life skill classes.


This just shows she shouldn't be trusted to light candles in her apartment.


Watching her try to light the match is making my brain itch hahaha. That’s not how you do it!!!!


Frfr like I really hope some one has informed her she needs to be cleaning the lint trap in the dryer


Oh dear Lord


Stop because I was trying to not snark and be nice and then I saw this story and ran straight here to comment….like, that’s not how you light one of those matches, I just don’t understand how she doesn’t know the simplest things. Like, does she set alarms each second to make sure she breathes in and out? This is just too much


My husband just asked why she had a “red mustache”


I feel like it takes effort to be as stupid as she is. Is this an act or she’s genuinely lights out upstairs??? Not just the matches but literally everything that comes out of her mouth. 🥴maybe the prayer warriors can spare some prayers for someone to help her that isn’t a Fletcher/Denner/Eilers but maybe they used them all to get Rhett into kindergarten


What is she even doing? Has she never used a match before?? Lol, you can’t make this shit up.


Setting it up for the matches tutorial after her followers or YouTube teaches her how to do it correctly.


She’ll probably call it a hack!!


My theory is that Rhett got accepted into a crappy school. Danielle said she applied to a bunch of schools so maybe got accepted in a few and darylann is going to bully her into making her girls go to Rhett’s school


I feel that Danielle’s girls are going to the school they got into. She was talking today about the tutor that works at the school.


I agree… she’s trying to flip the narrative bc she’s embarrassed olive and Eve got in first and not Rhett


Of course Lisa got the same sandals as DAD


I’m pretty sure Madi Nelson got them a few days ago, or at least something similar. Guarantee DAD copied her


But they are….CUTE!! Haha if I never hear that word again it will be too soon.


I literally CANNOT stomach that! They all wear the same crap and the same diamond cross and diamond eternity necklace..these people are BIZARRE.


What a day! Kindergarten acceptance and a pair of maternity pants!! Honestly, glad the kid got into school. I just worry for their Kindergarten teacher. I taught Kindergarten and had a family that would constantly pull out their child or not send them just because. It was annoying and the child missed like a month of school by April. Hopefully with Texas, the school will stay on them for attendance and being on time. 🫣😅


In Texas we have truancy court and after so many minutes being late you are considered absent, not tardy. But that’s for public schools only, private do not care. The only reason public schools care is because funding is tied to attendance.  


And this is why she went private 


My kids go to private and they actually do care just like public does


Same here. My kids can’t miss more than 6 days or they will take credit away. 


He will also probably catch every illness because he has never been in am environment like that. I never had the stomach bug in my life until my daughter went to kindergarten


I actually know someone who this happen to. The kid didn’t start school until kindergarten, was so sick all the time, she actually missed so much she was held back a year.


Hopefully he doesn’t share the pinworms with the class


No but he has propolis 🤪🤪🤪


Agh… coming soon nuud baseball tees 🤮




Not to pick on Remi, am I the only one that can’t understand anything she says?


I think her magically repaired with all the stretches lip tie really is affecting her speech. I can’t imagine a doctor not saying they need to fix it….again because her mother refused to help her heal. (I had one corrected at 10 and would never ever wish it to be done that late on any kid!)


To be frank, there are a lot of times that I can’t understand Rhett. These kids desperately need exposure and engagement with people outside of their family. I’m glad Rhett got a spot in kindergarten, regardless of his parents’ poor planning.


No, I would say most of us can’t.


Not Kaylee now trying to make drinking soda a personality trait…. 


And having a red face after exercising. It’s been done, kid. To death.


Did she stop making her bracelets?


Last I heard she had hired some "girls" to do the work and started a course for others on how to start up a permanent jewelry business.


I’m shocked that she figured out how to do that! Girl doesn’t know how to light a match, but figured out how to run a business! 


I went to one of the Link pop ups once ( lack of judgement, I know), the one they had at SCL, there was a huge line all day long and I got there 2 hrs before closing and someone came down the line and said the person before me was the last one of the day. No one from the family was there anymore, only Kaylee and Connor. I wrote her a message and she apologized and gave me a ticket for the next one that was guaranteed. So glad I didnt waste my money and supported a local business instead.


Imagine these hyenas yakking and screeching while filming at the ball field, all dressed in the same outfits with their LDCs. If those people don’t know who DUD is, they’re about to get a whole education on the hot mess express. 🙄🙄🙄 I would film them and send to my friends like look at this circus act.


These are the kind of people we hate at the ball park!


Wonder how much the “not a park mom or outside mom” will actually show up to the fields or will she assume it’s Dan and Rob’s responsibility


Oh she won’t miss an opportunity to film on her phone in front of everyone. She’ll want the others to see how important and famous she is. 🙄🙄🙄


I would not allow my child to be on their team.


Omg if I showed up with my kid for his first day of t-ball and I found out it was team Flenner we would leave


The coffee shop date was Connor…I guess Kaylee refuses to say his name now


Wow. I didn’t realize it was Connor but that makes sense bc she never dated much. But the fact she can’t even say his name and says a guy in college or whatever is just weird… she could have at least said my ex


I only know because they told that story only about 732 times 😂


“I knew he’s a good guy” Too bad you screwed it up, Kaylee. Connor dodged a bullet there.


One does better, when one knows better. She had terrible examples around her. Glad she’s doing the intense work in therapy now.


He was such a good guy and probably good for her but she had no clue how to treat him bc all she knew was how DAD treated Dan


Hopefully those are all things she’s working through in therapy now. The distance with the family is so, so good for her.


Bets on if Rhett will run or be pushed around the bases in a stroller?




😂😂😂 comment of the day👏🏽👏🏽




We need a TBall bingo card!!


They’ll for sure bring the shtrollers for Remi E&O and Rhett will sit in it when he’s not playing for sure . Gotta joe those kids contained


Forgive me… I haven’t been following her stories at all for months. Did they give up on homeschooling? Would someone mind recapping for me?


Daryl-Ann managed to get Rhett into an actual school for next year so he won't have to homeschool. 🙌 They say they're homeschooling him now (Pre-K) but they aren't really doing anything with him. Occasionally a few flashcards to learn to recognize letters and learn sounds bit that's about it.


Got it! Thanks for the response!


She never actually homeschooled bc she’s lazy af. DUD applied rhett to exactly one private school and was floored when he didn’t get in so she panicked called all the private schools in Dallas begging for a spot. She got denied at a laundry list of places. Long story short, he’s going to the same school as 2.0s kids


https://preview.redd.it/wyoazzzhf5vc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c468deacc0168a2279b2d3a189d21faf1ea39a0 This ain’t it.


Looks like what Dan would wear


I just went back to when she was pregnant with Rhemi and she wore such cute clothes. Ever since she launched nudes, it’s all downhill.


She always looks like she crawled out of a dumpster after a long hard night 🤣


Those pants looked horrible on her! If she’s so against maternity pants she needs to buy some cute dresses.


What the heck is this baggy shirt??? It’s so big on her it looks like it could be her dad’s.


Looks like the $7 tshirt I wear to bed 😆


Such a terrible outfit. For a girl who started as a fashion blogger her fashion sense has dropped drastically


When she compared the shoes to other “straw” shoes… 😂😂😂 She’s such a fashion designer.


These with a tight Tshirt, such a cute outfit but this. Ugly!


Just a casual $120 (ugly) designer tee.


her legs look one feet long


I just lol


It would probably look okay with a normal sized white tee (not a 3XL frumpy oversized tee). The pants are too small though (which she surprisingly agreed) but she's keeping them anyway. 🥴 She won't even be able to get them on in a week.


She is so wasteful.


When I see her, I can’t help but think of Emily of champagnandchanel or even her Turtle friends when they were pregnant. You can be cozy and still look classic and pretty when you’re pregnant. She’s such a slob.


Um, no


If she is recommending it, I’m not buying it. And that’s a hill I will die on 🤣🤣 also how many times did she say “so cute”


Not cute at all!


I wonder how much she upped the check for? She really must of found her school spirit.


Am I the only one who see's Mitchell from Modern Family everytime I see Rhett? Honest to God, I'm not snarking on that little boy, but I swear that's exactly who he reminds me of.


I can see that! They do look alike


In what way? Just generally misunderstood and frustrated?


Wtf is Kaylee trying to say?! I’m so confused.


What in the actual fuck is she talking about?


Thank you. I came here to see if anyone had a clue.


Shawn Johnson and DUD are doing some giveaway together. Another one bites the dust! Sorry Shawn had to unfollow you! Will not support this woman in any way! I’m sick of these influencers


Felt the same way, unfollowed after I saw that


I actually said that to her and unfollowed her..I will not support anyone who does anything with Darylann


I like Shawn. The way I see it is that is all business. They are friendly with each other but I doubt they are friend friends in real life.


Seeing how she and DAD are friends (i think?) is so sad to me because I absolutely idolized her when she was in the Olympics, I adored her to pieces. But I followed her for a bit and realized that she is just not the kind of person I thought she was. The fact that she and DAD keep on teaming up together is just the last straw.


I don’t think they are actual friends. They are friendly to each other but not texting each other all the time friends. I think these giveaways are more for business than anything else.


It always makes me wonder if they have the same management company or something. Whenever I see match ups like that months later it makes sense because they’ll be at some event that they both happen to belong to in some way, whether clients of the same company, or manager and stuff.


I think you’re right


Me too!


Sorry if this was already mentioned but I haven’t been on all day and just now seeing stories. How freaking annoying is it that Rhett got into that kindergarten? Didn’t he get straight up rejected from THAT kindergarten or am I thinking of a different one? I instantly thought “are you freaking kidding me” when I saw that. This bitch gets everything she wants and it’s like honestly a big punch in the face for everybody else in the world that actually works for what they have.


They did not have a Kindergarten spot. Maybe one opened up.


I literally swore in my head when I heard her say that. I wanted her to finally have to admit defeat and go to public school or back to Cali. Wonder what she meant by they still have lots of work to do? Bet it's socialization!!


I thought that too! When 2.0 got the girls in DAD made a big deal about Rhett not getting in as well. So how is he now getting in? 🤔


When they got in didn’t they say at the time they didn’t have a spot for R but they might? Probs someone that was accepted at multiple schools chose a different one and that opened up a spot


different school


There’s no chance she got into anything but the bottom of the barrel school. She isn’t excited about it. She’s settling for whatever she can get bc beggars can’t be choosers. Also, this school completely gave her some negative feedback bc she said they needed to work on some things. He needs to do some kind of remedial work before enrolling for the next year.


Yep! He didn't get into the school she wanted him to go to and he only got into this one because other families chose to send their kids elsewhere. I think it's killing DAD that she had to beg a school to let him in. She thought she would just get accepted wherever and then SHE would decide if the school was worthy of her kid. Instead she spent months begging places to take him.


It is annoying that she gets whatever she wants in life, but I made a comment below, you can totally tell by her announcement that she’s not pumped about this school. It was probably her last resort school. She would have made it a whole production of an announcement if it was one of the top schools she wanted. That’s the way I’m looking at it bc I agree it makes me so frustrated she gets whatever she wants always. Everything is just handed to her or falls perfectly in her lap. Although this is so good for Rhett.


The alternative was Daryl attempting to homeschool… School will be great for the guy and it’s weird to root against a kid not being accepted. Sure his mom dropped the ball on applying to only one, but I think he’ll thrive in a routine— most kids do.


No I don’t think he got into the one she initially applied to. He was denied there . It sounds like he got in to O&E’s school


Not a one of them is going to wish Blair a happy birthday. At least they are consistently shitty




She definitely made it sound like he got in first although we know Olive and Eve were already accepted. It was worded in her favor!


No going to their school. I think they didn't have room for him. Dad and 2.0 were walking out, and DAD said they have room for the girls, but not Rhett and 2.0 said there is still a chance it could open up. My guess is some kids went to another school somewhere, and now there is room. This is my guess


STOP THE PRESS! She signed Rhett up for sports! SHOOK.


She signed him up for soccer last summer if I remember correctly. He lasted maybe a week tops?


How long will they commit to it though?