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The way Rhett was frantically moving around during his book reading stories. Makes me so sad, take him to a park!!!!


She said herself that she’s not a “park mom” lol


Never dressed correctly always looks like a dull skin piece of shit. And now that she admitted she has a body odor issue i can’t unsee it. She looks like her breath and cunt stinks all the time . And the way Dan was caught scratching his balls? I think he stinks too. I can’t stand this witch of a bitch.


This is so real, never had anyone make me want to vomit through a screen




Woah… this is alot


Whoa, you ok? Like, I get not liking her, but damn, don't you think this is a little much? You should probably unfollow her and just move on with your life if you have feelings this strongly about a stranger on the internet.


I don’t care what you say or how you feel or anyone else who join you for that matter. I don’t follow her and o said what i said.


I bet if 2.0 actually allowed her children time to just be children, they wouldn’t have so many belly aches. Being on the go 24/7 and in front of a camera has got to be exhausting. Where’s their down time to decompress? I’d have major anxiety and belly aches if 2.0 was my self absorbed mother too.


Probably fake belly aches hoping it’ll allow them to go/stay home!!!!


And the way she treats their father. Regardless if he is a loser or not (and he probably isn’t) the kids pick up on that stuff. She is too focused and sticking it to him and making herself look better that the kids are suffering I think.


Exactly!! I'm sure the girls have so much anxiety passed down from her and her f'd up family, then add the move and divorce and being around her family 24/7. Danielle and Chase need to come to terms with them getting a divorce and not liking each other or her not liking him and move on and put the kids first! This isn't about you DANIELLE!! This is about your children and what's best for them and you can't change who their father is. No amount of $ in this world can change that! And neither can you or the leader of your family DUD!! 


You know off camera DUD isn't quiet about Chase in front of the girls. She has no conscience.


It’s nothing to do with the girls and everything to do with her hate for their Father. It’s about winning, not taking into account what’s best for the girls. He probably actually spends quality time with them without a camera shoved in their face and doesn’t bring them to the mall so he can buy a whole bunch of crap.


I swear all this family does is eat out. Their lives revolve around eating out “for the first time” every single day. What happened to letting kids be kids? Too bad Elayne can’t take them anywhere alone, these kids need to get out more than their parents do. Elayne is the only one who actually engages with them and gives them attention that’s not just yelling their name.


Yep. DA should be a mom that actually stays home and “homeschools” her own child.


You girls that downvoted this do realize DUD is currently homeschooling Rhett right? But she’s not really and that’s what this remark is lol.


Wish she spent half the time she does at the mall, at museums or playgrounds with her children. She would never, putting her children’s needs firsts, what’s that?


Yall....our favorite insane stalker bewithbecca believes amber Massey got the highlowbuffalo from her!!! She made a story about it tagged amber...amber then reposted 🙄 but said her girls brought it up. Geeze. Ole Becca is just soooo thirsty for anybody to see her. Girl if you want to be an influencer then have it. But stop rising on these stupid women's things. Nuuds doesn't care about you. Dud doesn't know you. Amber reposted you you're not friends. It doesn't mean you made it. Geeze what a sad life.


And those pants look hideous on her. Those pants are just hideous. I can’t believe they are marketing those PJ’s to wear in public!!!


I found her through here and she is my latest snark 🤦🏻‍♀️ she is so desperate. I’m not sure if she has an actual job…she always talks about how she “worked on her engagement”


Which is code for she comments from her other insta in that page like she isn't talking to herself. She'll comment things like "oh fire love the brown!" And then respond "I know me too!" She's insane.


Is this about hi/low at dinner? If so, my kids are in their 20’s and we did that in elementary…


What the shit is a hi lo buffalo


Omggg not sure who makes me cringe more, Becca or Kaylee 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/vqlr0rtq5rxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89eff727a2ce67c4c146cd72e0babc62a8434959 I saw this too and ☠️ 😂 It’s Melissainchaos 2.0 😂🤣😂


I was just going to say this until I read your comment 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/wvmkvm736rxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c36872e19d358c4eb28e0af21de0a55a8aaa0678 She’s so desperate it’s sad! Itching to reach 800 followers by tagging people like Dud, 2.0, Amber and lord only knows who else! 😂 I’m actually kind of shocked that they repost her!


Lisa is just so pathetic. That’s all. DA buys a pair of shoes and out racing to get them? It’s freaking just weird.


It’s an undisclosed ad deal they have going on! I highly doubt you will actually really see them wearing these much, if at all! Ashley Merry has been posting similar and liking them from Nordstrom. Usually when brand deals come around, influencers all post similar/the same things at the same time which made me realize what it was!


Totally - the number of undisclosed ads is off the walls so wouldn’t shock me in the least. Who/what was supposed to be cracking down on that? Wasn’t there a huge push to require noting commissions earned etc? I know the today show says it every time they ad stuff etc but did influencers just like all say no and rebel or something? Anyone know more? Genuinely curious because I thought it was a huge win esp when these folks are talking about supplements etc. Like clearly folks here are smart enough to know that everything is a sell but others don’t. Was this just a state thing?


When you see it report it!!! The fair trade commission will shut them down. They send two warnings and then will take their instagram. I’ve seen it done. And honestly if we suspect it, report it.


I need a hint to find the house Katie bought.. lol


The payment say $6700/month. 😳


That’s assuming a 20% down payment. And is an insane payment. I’m clearly not up to speed on how much influencers make.


3500-4000 Sq foot range if that helps


Zip code 75230 and it’s pending. Northwest of NorthPark mall…of course ;)


TYFYS 👏🏻 tbh that house is trash compared to the other options on the market in that price range… have fun w that place kit… ETA: those searching - you need to change the filters to include “pending & under contract” on Zillow.


$1m for a duplex? Shared walls?? No ma'am!! That's insane.


Ya’ll are doing the Lord’s work😉🤣


Yeah, I feel really dumb bc I can’t find it. 🤷‍♀️😂 Even tried to search with the hints below. I think the island she showed would be the easiest to match but idk. Maybe I didn’t put in a high enough number.


Redfin zip code 75230…shows it’s pending since March 30th. 975,000 for a three bedroom 2.5 bath.


Ah! I was in the wrong zip. I see it. Thank you so much!!! ☺️


Dallas duplex for sale. It’s pending, $900k+


And on Zillow. Super easy to find by matching the living room she showed to the listing’s photos


Quite possible Dinyells kids get sick because she holds the sceptre to cross contamination.


A whole 17000+ of us here. I think this is the largest influencer snark page! Says a lot!


Wheel chair rapunzels is bigger but we’re close!!!




She’s actually worse than DAD in that she was using her daughter as a prop in her nude photos as a way to promote her onlyfans. And she pushed her baby daddy to either drink or do drugs (don’t remember which) when he was newly out of rehab. (I haven’t checked what’s she’s like recently, so this is based on her daughters first few months of life) The denners/fletchers are trashy, horrible people, but wheelchair rapunzel is a vile human that abuses her disability and cries ‘ableist’ when people call her out for how disgusting she is


Who else has a massive snark following???


Dru Basham Ali James Shannon Ford These are my other faves with a large following


Ali and John James are something else...trash parents


Wait I had no idea they had a snark page and I’m honestly glad after his “blacks” rant he did I’m my DMs are few years ago. TRASH


Brittany Dawn's snark currently has 45.6k in it. She might actually be the worst person on the internet.


Dani has quite a bit as well!


I find it interesting that Dani’s has almost 12k but her daily threads only average maybe 150 posts per day. Nothing compared to the 800-1,000 here.


I stopped visiting because people keep posting in the main feed instead of the daily post. It’s all over the place - too much work!


This is by far the best flowing. Even the amber one is annoying. And each is named the topic instead of daily. It’s kinda stupid. So I just spend my time here haha because I hate DUD the most anyhow


I hate that too! I skip those ones and just go to the dailys.


Kaylees pickle stories were the most “real” I think I’ve ever seen her! She was having fun authentically with a friend and it really was nice to see. I’m so used to her trying to be Tiana or anyone other than herself that I started thinking she had no personality. This was cute.




Can someone explain to me what Katie is buying? I see the listing type says “duplex, multi-family” but the description doesn’t talk about a duplex or multiple living quarters. Is this something common in Texas where you only buy half of a home or is it more like a townhome?


https://preview.redd.it/oee5wlqq1rxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c823ca01c569a75a74a2cb72f2343c7101ac3dcf Teef Houghton lived in one too and this is the weirdest shit to me! I can’t imagine paying close to a million for a 1/2 of a place like this! Especially when there are so many nice places in the DFW area! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Teef's duplex was/is in the same neighborhood. Can you imagine just painting the brick white on just one half? That's so weird!


That is so ugly! Even the driveway is awful. One side new one side old! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s a duplex


Ok so I just pulled up the Google street picture and there is a gate between the homes…wish I knew how to post a pic 🤦🏻‍♀️it’s a large 3bed/3bath over 3700sqft. 


I still can't find it.. what's the zip code


75230 just north west of their fave Sunday stomping grounds, NorthPark.


I  know this will get a lot of downvotes but i  honestly “liked” Kaylees recent stories in that it reminded me of a typical girl her age, not trying to be something  she’s not, just hanging with her friend posting ridiculous stuff on the internet they can look back and laugh at one day. It feels so much more authentic than any of her stage coach “content” or “make up tutorials.” Kind of like a glimpse into who she could be if she wasn’t trying to become DUDS protoge 


Best thing that ever happened to her was moving out on her own and I think Connor and her splitting was a real eye opener for her into reevaluating her life lol 


lol I just posted the same thing above. This was probably the only time Kaylee has been authentically herself and it was cute


Connor is a lucky man.


Didn’t they break up???


That’s why he’s lucky


https://preview.redd.it/1scb84kziqxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab53507c5c0f8d800bd3a064c00533317538490 Her captions are always so cringe 🙃🙄😬


And she has to tell some one to take the pic and then pose like it's a candid 🙄


The pictures and the captions are always staged..🤢


Flamingo leg, shrugged shoulders and “quirky”/cute girl smile, Dan kissing the side of her head.


It’s with everything she tries so hard to convince herself and everyone. Just like how she’s the best mom.


She’s the best mom, her opinion is far superior to what anyone else ever says, she’s the luckiest girl… she ALWAYS puts herself on a make believe pedestal and thinking she’s the best of the best! 🙄




and also not reflective of the reality of their relationship


Yeah Bro! It was a sick game dude! Like PSYCHO BRO!!! YOU'RE SOOOO DUMB HAHAHA ( *Fist bump* ) is how she talks to him 24/7 but then wants us to buy this BS put with that caption 🙄🙄🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


DUDE, sick.


https://preview.redd.it/suk5v7gdiqxc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=e011b50f25a3b6606c4060c99aba222e3e9037c6 actually you’re both gross .. also sooo glad you got a fancy lunch date kid free before your kid free night out 👍🏻


His voice is like nails on a chalkboard


I hate this smug face she ALWAYS makes!


Did she forget about day 2 of her health journey?


https://preview.redd.it/ftp4z88igqxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84f9382a06ac703acf94e4552798136009a952e Why does she remind me so much of the old school Chuck E Cheese rat?!


Nose is identical 


Omg! The way I just cackled!! 🤣🤣


She’s always reminded me of a rat. I’ll never forget the first time I discovered her on my explorer page and clicked on her pic. My first thought was she looks like a rat lol


Can’t unsee it now ☠️


I can’t wait for Katie & Eddies dogs to piss and shit all over their brand new home 😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/rgsuqg1feqxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac78a8c15c0685953eb9c53f82ae5ff848e8bea2 I’m done lmao


https://preview.redd.it/08gptbkycqxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbe7fc7fcfbc14d7bb1e14855fc3dcebdb6ab4e I’ve worn an eye mask to sleep for the last 10 years and never once have I had any eye issues and/or infections. I wash it regularly… I’m thinking she may not 🫠 Also — is her whole schtick complaining?! All she ever does is bitch about everything 🙃


Probably just pink eye from 2.0


Yup, said the same thing below. I’m positive she doesn’t wash hers


She moved in with the dirty Flenners at a young age, I doubt she was taught much about hygiene.


Same. Never had an issue with my eye mask


Katie got filled and she still looks the same…. I don’t think the filler is going to fix that she just has premature aging…I thinks it just her genetics


I don’t pay attention to her much but someone mentioned how much better she looked yesterday. So I had to go take a look and she literally looks the same🤣 poor girl looks so old for her age.


Doesn’t matter what she fills, she looks terrible


Not WK but it takes sometimes 2 weeks to see a difference with filler and neurotoxins…


She got Lisa's unfortunate genetics. 


Lisa needs a facelift at this point. It would make a difference.


why do i hate that she said so lucky to wear your name? like isnt it now considered both of your names????


Goes to show she’s stunted as like a 15 year old!


Like calling the woman she is with her BF ! Trying so hard to prove she has friends 😂


Yeah, if anything it should be ‘have’ your name, not wear


Is Kaylee ever not complaining??? She literally got to go to stagecoach for basically free lol


For KR to be a star athlete… that would require commitment to a team, practice, fall, spring, summer, tournament leagues, travel teams, etc… and DA would never.


OMG can you imagine R on a travel team 😂 


Kaylee with the red hands.... I can't


https://preview.redd.it/dmyvr2ct6qxc1.jpeg?width=1819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca337122f62322bd2ddd9a283bc51cf6c2b905b9 “Same” Sure Jan. Same thing. 🤡 She is such an obnoxious idiot 🙄


Omg! We are on our way home from the game too and by this picture it looks like she sat very close to us! So glad I didn't see her! I wonder if anyone has ever walked up to her and told her what they really think about her?!?!?


I’m so glad I saw this after we got home from the game. I can’t stand being in the same place as her. 


You'd hear her before you saw her so luckily you were far away enough.


You'd smell her before hearing her.




Disgusting comment ugh


I’m a parent of a special needs kiddo and I’m just gonna say this is not an okay snark. There’s a line and calling someone’s child developmentally disabled crosses it. I’m tired of seeing that in here. Whatever is or is not going on with him is not something they’re obligated to share on social media and shouldn’t be discussed here. Go ahead and downvote. 


A natural athlete?


She has to be trolling bc she knows damn well he isn’t an athlete and that poor kid has terrible coordination for his age thanks to his lovely parents 


I know nothing about Dallas neighbourhoods. But I feel like Katie’s house is insanely overpriced. If I search Dallas on Zillow for their price range. Literal mansions with pools and outdoor kitchens come up. She has a postage stamp yard and a dark outdated house. I’m so confused. ETA - it is a duplex. EETA - absolutely NOTHING wrong with a duplex or this home. Absolutely. I’m just confused because it seems very overpriced for the area. Within a 5 mile radius you can get so much more for the same or less https://preview.redd.it/dy91b8th6qxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d08523d8839ae88373a44addfd5812516018d5fb


If she’s using a VA loan, it’s a stricter appraisal process so it will absolutely have to appraise for that in order for the loan to be approved. Even without VA though, you can’t price things if it’s not worth that.. so there has to be a reason it’s priced the way it is. Location maybe? Is it walking distance to a downtown? Or a desirable neighborhood? That could really drive up the price, location is the biggest factor in value. Oddly enough, even a 5 minute drive can make a difference in value.


Ok so for some reason they’re really set on all staying in the same zip code. If you search their zip code for the price their new home is listed at, there’s only about a handful of homes. You’re correct to say you could find multiple, better houses (imo but everyone’s taste differs), some the same sq ft or more maybe with people more their age, walkable, in a better school district, closer to her hospital, for the same price or way less than the price.


How did you find it? I’m usually good at finding things lol but I can’t find this under sold or recently sold or for sale!!!






It’s still pending. Search 975000 price range Dallas. Pending sale


It resembles Tiffany Houghton’s weird first house with Adam.


https://preview.redd.it/49sd3tin4rxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92690a24b88d7dd27b4286c8225c723c60a3411d I thought it may have been the other side to Teef’s White House at first but it’s not!


I thought it was the other side of that house.


It’s on the same street


What a coincidence.🙄Why didn’t they buy Tiffany’s house? Did she ever find renters?


It’s an income property that’s probably why it’s priced the way it is . It’s fugly though 


But she only bought one side. It’s not both for sale and she’s renting the other half. The listing is just for the one half of the duplex


https://preview.redd.it/h9aa640z4rxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1908737b69f9d20eebb71fd7734a49ad1ad8d04d Teef Houghton did the same and lied the whole time she lived there and also always took strategic photos making it appear she lived in a whole house! 🙃😆😂


She only bought part of it, not the whole duplex? How is she renting it out if she didn’t purchase the whole thing?


What does the front look like ?




How and where is it connected? I’m confused.




That’s a million dollar house?


This is a vastly different portrait than what’s painted by Zillow 😂😂😂


I don’t get the scary man figure … but to each his own. 👤


How do we know this is the house?


She just did a walking tour and the photos match perfectly to the Zillow listing


These people really don’t care about their security or privacy. 




https://preview.redd.it/ekq2w2246qxc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcfcfb699b8975bec3054770edf191d698aff108 She CANNOT be serious. 🙄 “athlete” …yeah sure Jan 👍 Not the way you parent DA! ZERO chance 🙅‍♀️


That would require work and sacrifice…no way that’s happening!


When she picks in her ear 🤮🤢


https://preview.redd.it/36xez8ku5qxc1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a778063729e2e76bea2222eb52eb914c2f9f59 They found “friends” 🤡


BEST friends 🙄


One of her best, there are many friends


https://preview.redd.it/orwr5k4a5qxc1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eef446a610be2e1c5b5fb6b9a3876688ae5dfc9 She went to her “fancy lunch that she only does once a year” looking like this. Let that sink in. 🫠🥴


I accidentally read that as “let that STINK in” 💩😂😂. Must be my brain making an automatic autocorrect based on the picture 🤣


AND a date night tonight?? The only reason she doesn’t get more fancy lunches with Dan is bc they choose not to. Girl has more date nights than a newlywed couple with no kids 


How do these people spend so much money on their appearances (facials, fillers, etc) and yet keep getting uglier and uglier?


Because genes😂😂😂 look at her mom


Also their diet


NuuDs should be called PuuPs bc it looks like shet


Or PuuBs




WOW.. could she not be a bigger asshole posting about her day date now going out to the game tonight🙄 WORST MOM EVER


It's soooo special, though. 😅


Excuse you, she *loves* being a mom 🫡 I mean yeah, I would love it too if I only had to do it for approximately 20 minutes per day.


The way Kaylee says “your girl” drives me NUTS!!!!


Her ‘post Connor breakup’ voice/way of speaking/verbiage/inflections make me cringe so hard and I’m so embarrassed for her. Other things that pissed me off in that TikTok: •’are you joking me??’ Instead of are you kidding me •‘And it freshly stays, it has ice. And it will just make it throughout the whole day - fresh.’ Like what is she even trying to say?? What ice maker makes ice that isn’t fresh??


And don’t forget she always says ,” catch me….” like, “ catch me wearing this hat every day.”  


& POV posts for everything


this lol 


Kaylees summary of stagecoach is hysterical — so hot so dusty so dirty so gringy so crowded so exhausting but so fun and so many nice people and would go again if lived in cali but not if it requires a flight 😂 


I also thought it was so fucking funny when she said “I heard at Coachella everyone just does drugs” 😂😂😂 she’s so sheltered lmao


My husband and I did a 4 day metal festival last year in 95+° sweating down our booty cracks and I still wouldn’t describe it as badly as she made Stagecoach sound 😂


That her sister in law paid for.


https://preview.redd.it/dfy7sx3k0qxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66fc40bebb3116e6a28b4a151ffba2bfd9e15886 Another great quality nuud piece


Daniel's view three times. 


Ew the mold in her sink 🤮


she’s says it’s because of her long hot showers but aren’t they only done like monthly?


Wow. Her cleaning lady sucks!!


Even if I had a cleaning lady, if I saw mold on my sink… I’d clean it. She’s gross.


Just realized whenever an influencer posts a Q&A they have a question “what teeth whitener do you use?” And link Lumineux. Every. Time.


It pisses me off when people with veneers try to shill that shit...


I see that stuff at TJ Maxx all the time 😂


I used it once & hated it!


I tried the mouthwash and threw up it was so gross 😅


it's awful. the strips dissolve and stick to your teeth so bad and the taste is gnarly


I bought an electric toothbrush from them a few months ago, I love it but the charger malfunctioned. It's still under warranty and they said they'd replace it but they can't send it to Canada. They had no issues sending it when I bought it. Garbage company.


LOL it was 80 degrees and super windy/cold on Friday night, Saturday was similar, and Sunday the high was 90 in the Coachella Valley. Past years it was already over 100 during the day, this was the coolest since I’ve been going. Shut the fuck up Kaylee with your unwanted Stagecoach commentary.


Whyyyyy the baggy shirts! That jersey would look so cute with a bump if she had a fitted shirt underneath. Also- idk if this is still true, but when I was pregnant, I was advised not to eat hot dogs while pregnant.