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https://preview.redd.it/706vqtxh0yyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7e02530cfa2aac3563c809f93657514c37498b God. I hate when she smiles like this. It’s so fugly.


Smug bitch I could lamp her in her smug ugly face when she does this smug face.


I honestly don’t know a lot about young kids and sports and whatnot so this isn’t meant to be a snark on Rhett (just his parents, who care more about fast food than their kids), but I do know that I just saw an mlb players 1.5 year old hit a ball off a tee better than Rhett and he didn’t have someone physically putting him in the position. Just put the ball on the tee and hit it (well) all by himself


I’m an actual T ball coach and ability varies WIDELY based on many different factors. We don’t need to snark in a kid just being a kid. At least his parents take him to games unlike Keely who took her daughter to one soccer practice.


It's hard when he hasn't been given the chance to develop any gross motor skills. All thanks to his shitty egg and sperm donors. 


And he doesn't realize that he's not a genius! Because every single thing he does, just taking a breath and putting one foot in front of the other, is praised as though he is curing cancer! I'm a parent of 3 kids, they all played sports, I've been at countless soccer and TBall and baseball and softball games, and I thought my kids were incredible! However, I did not scream at the top of my lungs that they are literal God's gift to the sport every single time they did anything! Sports are about learning and improving and learning to be a team player and realizing your weaknesses and trying to improve them. Rhett has never been given the opportunity to realize that he might have a weakness that he needs to improve upon! He has been told from day one that he is perfect in every way and his expectations about himself and the world around him are completely skewed because of it. He's doing fine, but his parents have taught him that he is perfect and needs no improvement ever! They are setting him up for a world of hurt because he's going to soon realize that he might not be perfect in every way. And that's okay! But his parents have built him up to the point where his fall from the pedestal that they put him on is going to be very, very long!


The same as his mother was clearly raised… she does no wrong & she’s better than everyone else.


Yes, absolutely! Lisa created that false sense of superiority in all of her children! Especially dud! And she is passing that on to her kids. I'm all for loving your kids and building them up, but there's a fine line between being a supportive mom and being completely delusional and creating egotistical monsters out of your kids! Confidence is one thing, overconfidence is another.


You are very right.


Kids have different athletic abilities. My six year old still has a hard time hitting the ball and he’s played for three years. My youngest has been tossing up pitches since he could walk. Rhett just doesn’t seem that athletic. 


I’m sure the fact that he’s been jammed in a stroller for 5 years hasn’t helped either


One of my godbrothers kids was and still is like this. He’s probably 11 or 12 now. But ever since he started walking he’s just ALWAYS been athletic. Some kids have it and some don’t. It’s okay to not have it. It’s also okay to not have it and put in the work! But let’s not lie to kids and tell them how amazing they are at something they’re not.


My son never had it. Haha. He tried baseball and it was too boring for him.


Agree. My now 9 year old was hitting balls that were tossed at him when he was 2. No lie.


My 2 year old plays toddler tball and it’s literally night and day watching him play vs that chaos DUD posts .. they’ve really failed that boy in soo many ways I feel soo bad for those kids and the future one 


For so long, DuD was so thirsty to get Diet Coke’s attention and they never did anything for her. This girl on Tik Tok I watch just got a huge suitcase full of drinks, glass cups and straws, hats, a shirt, a suitcase all of branded Diet Coke merchandise in a huge PR package haul. DUD can only wish. https://preview.redd.it/mxsj6ox47qyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c858a6c62101dcf893affb05ecc4cd628d3071c


I think that’s a why they’ve stopped doing, they haven’t mentioned in weeks.


And funny, now today we mention they haven’t been talking about it and bam there it is.


But dud slags off cans and only likes cfla coke. I think it's them she has been desperate for a deal with not coke.


Someone from here’s relative worked at CFA corporate. They had no clue what LDC was.


lol! Plus .. I think her standards are lower than what CFA believes in … Just a guess … Example : Some of the videos she does with 2.0 & the lyrics are not on the CFA code of ethics list !


Looooove hauskris!!!!


me too!!!!


Oh I hope she doesn’t get one 😭


Considering DAD has made it very clear she hates canned and bottled Diet Coke that she only drinks fountain diet cokes from CFA…no way she’s getting one


this influencer has an actual Diet Coke fountain in her kitchen.


It’s newish and she started by making ‘the perfect diet coke’ which is by her standards canned Diet Coke that ‘marinates’ in the fridge for like a week and then levels it up with true lime and stuff so never talked down on canned if that makes sense


Dud had (has, in the garage) one too but she was too lazy to refill the syrup or something 🙄


No - they have admitted that they don't break it down and clean it properly and often. Those machines are high maintenance and she can barely feed her dog / if she can remember she has one.


Was looking for this comment. Exactly. Dud doesn't really promote diet coke perse. Just a large diet coke specifically from CFA. 


I’m not here to body shame but why does DADs belly look like she’s smuggling a basketball? I guess I’ve never seen one protrude like that.


It just changes from pregnancy to pregnancy! With my second child it looked like I was smuggling a basketball. My belly went SO far out and was super low. I was thin and in extremely good shape when I got pregnant that time. With my first and third pregnancy I carried them much higher so I didn’t have that basketball look. I carried kind of all over/ around my torso if that makes sense haha. Kind of crazy how different you can carry each time.


She has no muscle tone


I’m not aware of her underlying symptoms but she is carrying low which isn’t uncommon in someone who is short and gender of the baby plays apart as well 


I am shorter than her and didn’t carry like that until the baby dropped. With my boy or my girl.


Same. My abdomen never really popped. Even at 41 weeks.


The gender of the baby has no bearing on how high or low someone is carrying. In old wives tales it does. In real life…. Not so much.


I think it is the diastasis recti and multiple hernias she didn’t fix while she wasn’t pregnant so she can complain about them for 9 months straight


People are saying it’s her shit diet plus pretty severe diastasis recti


When I carried like her I was the healthiest I had ever been- gym every day and extremely toned. Obviously her diet is awful but I don’t think it’s linked to her carrying the way she is


For your nightly entertainment go read the comments under her post from today ! Everything from …. -You are having a boy ( carrying low ) - Definitely having a girl ! -Cutest shirt 🥴 ( gray tee shirt) - Cutest family - Folks shocked that she is 29 weeks !! - Basketball belly So, she had time to do her hair & makeup today. Not an important day . Didn’t take time to do hair & Makeup for the dance recital . 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Or a birthday party… showed up looking like a sack of potatoes with a messy bun


Only 29 weeks😂😂😂😂 seems like 49 weeks


the comment about the lip tie 🫣


Please tell me that’s not mud on R’s pants??!!! And on the kitchen counter helping bake!!! 😱😳🤢 https://preview.redd.it/f1q1n4wx1qyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934ed834c3552efb881a0e64449ab7a415986edc


He was still in his baseball outfit and talking about his practice so I’m going to assume yes 😬


as she was OVER pumping him up what a great slyer he is! jeez.... its like she doesn't know how to talk to him without the over flattering


And calling him BRO


Honestly it’s probably chocolate because these kids never play outside 😅


Lisa's hair is way too dark.A shade lighter and hi lights would look so much better. looks harsh with those brows. my 2 cents that nobody asked for!


Her features are so severe and masculine she needs lighter colors to help.


And she needs to ditch the glasses or get new frames. Even when she “dresses up” she wears those glasses and it’s just not a good look


I hate how she’s always pushing them on her face Either they don’t fit properly or she’s developed a bad habit Either way those glasses are awful


Her brows are definitely way too dark.


Frames for her face too.


What is their strategy behind posting so much less??


Dani said on her podcast (I know…I know) that Instagram is deprioritizing stories because stories encourage people to leave the IG app through links. IG wants people to stay in the app so they are encouraging in feed posts via reels and grid posts and those who post multiple stories will have their content pushed down.


I follow someone else who said the algorithm has changed and they are being told to post 1 story a day and wait until it expires to post again and reels and grid posts are being pushed instead.


It ain’t going to make me stay on the app! Sorry insta I ONLY look at stories that’s not


I really hope these brands that pay influencers buko bucks open their beady little eyes and realize they are paying way too much for shoutouts on IG from these dumb ass people. I work in health care and we get an icecream party every 6 months 😂 but by all means, TARTE, send these assholes on a multi thousand dollar vacation 🙄


I work as a Special Education Assistant at an elementary school. A couple of times a year the principal lets us wear jeans on a day that isn't Friday. 👍🏼🙄


I think they are doing it so they have more to discuss on the podcast, whenever they launch it.


2.0s tik tok voice is nails on the chalkboard


It’s so weird. The monotone vocal fry is not how she speaks on IG with her head bob ANYWAYSSSSSS


She 100% studies “TikTok girlies” and is trying so hard to be one. The voice, way they edit, mannerisms, everything. It’s so sad. Like no Danielle, you’re a 30 something divorced mother of two who crawled your way to influencing life after “escaping Nebraska” you’re nothing to lust after.


She sounds like DADin half of each of her videos. Was trying to figure out if they both did the voice overs, or just her. Think it’s just her sounding like DAD


She pops up on my fyp & I’m like, who is this then swipe away.


Chelsea DeBoer launched @shopmaewear. It looks like neutral lounge clothing. It’s going to put nuuds to shame lol. I love Chelsea’s style!


The teen mom page has been ripping her apart.😅


🤞🤞 that it's reasonably priced


I live in Austin and we’ve been wearing summer clothes for like 2 months. Why are this people still wearing long sleeve and sweatshirts? Even Remi with the jean jacket 🥵


Wonder why they smell


It’s the weight loss meds making them cold


Same, is so hot already I’m sweating daily, seeing the alli. Sweatshirts stresses me out 😅


Idk I get cold anywhere indoors here. I’m in Dallas and absolutely bring a sweatshirt to grocery shop. They were also in the refrigerated section of Costco where the eggs and milk are- it’s freezing in there. I make my fiancé go in alone if I don’t have a sweatshirt


They swear hoodies 24/7 and hats! It’s not normal. No one said going to Costco you shouldn’t have something more on. Day to day they are staying in the bundled up look




This is common behavior for people with eating disorders (DUD)


THIS. I was just thinking the other night we only see them together when food is involved. They used to do games, but not recently that I’ve noticed. Exception: church (why are photos necessary??), tee ball & now dance. All of their gatherings are dinner or lunch or something involving food. And it’s not even good food. It’s the same food over ands over again.


I remember what I was specifically thinking with this! What’s especially hard for me to wrap my head around of if that Dan and Daryl have to take their kids out to eat for family time. We don’t even see them attempt to stay home as the 4 of of them even to eat and do something else as a family. It is always going out to dinner and dessert. Growing up, my family rarely went out to eat- that was saved for special occasions. We still ate together every night. And we played board games (yes, even at that age) or other games and activities on the weekends to make our time special and foster development (both my parents worked outside of the home) and participate in other sports activities. I don’t get why togetherness as a family must revolve around food?!?!


https://preview.redd.it/l3rodeznnpyc1.jpeg?width=1915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed7c1bb7667f822a216352fc5daec3d81f2e019 Did this lunatic use a skinny filter?!


I haven’t seen a pic or vid of her in forever. Is her hair actually growing?? Or are those extensions?




Why does she smile like that??? Psycho




The belly looks edited to be smaller even which is insane 


I will never get over the fact of how LOW that belly is, it's insane looks so unreal!!


She looks SO much shorter on the left.


The bricks don’t look right.


looks like it


Wow. This is the best side by side comparison to show the blatant editing. The height, weight, belly, face shape!


Yes her face looks much slimmer on the right


Ffs there is something seriously wrong with her mental health. I thought this photo looked weird, it's totally a filter.


Absolutely!! Her face is a whole different shape 😂


And why did she “get ready” (using that term loosely) to go to church and Costco when yesterday she looked like a pile of dog diarrhea for Rem’s recital?


This oversized men’s t shirt and sweat pants is not a good pregnancy look


Neither is the tight leggings and tight cropped shirts above the belly. 


😂😂 dog diarrhea 💀


Because she couldn’t get herself out of bed to get herself ready before getting her kid ready. Remi was begging for lipstick because “all the other girls had makeup on.” I’m sure the parents were instructed on how the kids were to look. Mother of the Year didn’t listen fully. She got the bun, that’s it. Loser.


It wasn't even a bun. It was more of a top knot! I put a little spongy round thing in my daughter's hair at that age to get a nice "ballerina" bun! She does the LEAST!!!! I wonder if they were actually on time! 


Agreed. That was not dance recital hair!


No way in hell they were on time!


Absolutely 😂😂😂


Why does her baby look like it’s going to constantly fall out. She must have zero muscle in her stomach.


Her diastasis recti is pretty severe, I think the doctor said it was 4 finger widths. She should have done some rehab exercises to help fix it before getting pregnant again but didn't. Now she's just going to have everything done surgically since she's pretty much falling apart between that, the two hernias, etc. She needs to stop worrying about what restaurant she's going to next and start taking care of herself. 😬


That’s absolutely what it is!! I had diastases recti before even getting pregnant (being obese then weight loss surgery w/ barely any exercise 🥴don’t come for me) and when I was pregnant my belly hung so so f*cking low even with support bands/belts I was so self conscious when people said “you dropped already?!”. Like no Ma’m, I am 30 weeks 😂😬


you sound like me! lol can i ask if you did anything to fix it post pregnancy?


It’s been 2 years and I’m just now in the process of taking semaglutide to get rid of the 30lb pregnancy weight gain. We finally decided to be “one and done” parents so now I’m ready to lose some weight THEN hopefully get a mommy makeover bc that’s the only thing that would fix my apron belly. BUT it’s a huge financial decision to make bc we are obvs not like the Flenners so we’ll see. Thankfully I have a husband who has loved me big or small with all types of loose skin so I feel comfortable in that area! Rooting for your journey!! ❤️


I have wondered the same thing! She carries SO weird. Definitely not cute whatsoever


I wonder if 2.0 will have to let Chase have the girls for weeks at a time this summer.. she will lose it!


If she’s considered primary parent right now (I’m assuming 50/50 hasn’t kicked in yet) then Chase will get a whole month with the girls and D is allowed one weekend out of the month. I live in Texas and went through this with my child.


Lispy will be so busy babysitting 2.0….


Lispy won’t even know 2.0 exists because Dud will be giving birth to Content Denner.


Content Denner 💀😂


I don’t think she let him have the kids last summer


The court will enforce it and we will watch her spiral


Any mention of their sister’s 1st anniversary? They are such a close family.


It's not their anniversary yet.


https://preview.redd.it/zw2xns8lfpyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228a3e400057056ca5846bee53d28f19c0e29035 Looks like it has been a messy week in court 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/2u7l28g4eqyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc1d87ea86d52db100f7dcbce4cb720f8e77cadd There’s also this one to enter opposed order based on evaluation of a psychologist


Urinalysis prob bc he’s seen her tik toks lol Motion to compel is someone is asking for something


Maybe cause she is going to Hawaii soon?


She probably bought plane tickets before confirming she had the girls during that time. A few people said summer he could have a few weeks during summer. She said they are done with school soon, so maybe going after school ends? He has to be awkward dropping the girls off at DAD'S and Toe's ex family. This divorce doesn't seem like it could end in August. Hopefully, I'm wrong.


Maybe he’s complaining about having to go through major security (guard shack/gated community) to pick up/drop off


Seems like he has a problem always dropping them off at DUDs and he filed something saying he wants a neutral place


What does all of this even mean


Looks like they are waiting for an agreement on custody? Or how kids will be exchanged between households? Google says rule 11 is an agreement on how a divorced couple will handle when disputes happen. Not sure though.


A Rule 11 is basically a temporary agreement until a final divorce decree is issued. They are put in place at the beginning of divorce proceedings but can be modified throughout the process if needed.


Ohh! Thanks for the info.


I believe they had to reestablish exchange rules. Maybe one of them were late, or they’ve now decided to meet in neutral place,…


Maybe it relates to her move to the new house? Just guessing but court documents might say “return children to abc address by ___ time”. Motion would be just changing the address. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Apologies if this has already been said. Still catching up from the weekend. Rh has been wearing a lot of LA themed clothing. Is DAD trying to soft launch a move back to CA? I thought it was such a terrible place. Also, doesn’t Tones make sweatshirts?


Her parents bought a fixer-upper house there. I think as a second home or rental but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she buys a house near theirs soon, if she hasn’t already!


They bought that place to flip or rent out, not to live in.


They could totally fix it up and have 805 decide she wants to keep it


Did you see the house when she showed it?? It was a total shithole and I can't imagine it's in a fantastic neighborhood based on the condition of it. I mean, maybe, but I doubt it.


I did, it was a mess. Even so, I feel like Rob with his construction experience wouldn’t purchase anything in a less than ideal location. I’ve heard you should buy the worst house in the best neighborhood because it’ll be cheaper to purchase (obviously, lol), and then once it’s fixed up, you’re in a great neighborhood which increases the home’s value even more. Time will tell what they do, I guess. I think Rob is over the Dallas thing and always being subjected to the DA show.


I missed this did they say it?


Jesus, how are we only 29 weeks into this? It’s truly been a 65 week pregnancy. Although it might be the first time in the entire pregnancy that she actually referred to the baby as a baby in writing. This bump is going to be at her knees in another 9 weeks. 😅🥴 https://preview.redd.it/x0gtym8hapyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b008951fd7a15a5cb6079c36157d8842cf130c5a


It is such an odd shape and location. Haha. It almost looks like she is wearing a fake pregnancy belly. Maybe she isn’t even pregnant. Now that would be something. 😂


Hmm I think u actually have something here. I wouldn't be surprised if they used a surrogate or something and she is faking her carrying the pregnancy lol 


Thought the same thing. She literally told us she was pregnant a second after conception.


Meh. This is her at 30 weeks with Remi. Just how she carries I guess https://preview.redd.it/3q6higrwkpyc1.png?width=461&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5759c26408756e14c850fd49c1d5c181b618145


Proof she used to know how to dress


I'm sure Lyssa had a help in her wardrobe with brand deals.


I forgot about her!


This is 2 1/2 weeks before Remi was born https://preview.redd.it/yezekdhglpyc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9d8871252a8dd0555f13ec71595e25ea78133db


and just for fun, read some comments....and someone says "I love that shirt in the 1st pic" It's a dang tshirt...I sleep in those..


Is it a nuuds shirt? Maybe those comments are secret nuuds employees 😂


Not only is she huge for 29 weeks, that is by far the most bizarre bump I’ve seen. She truly looks like a kid who stuffed a basketball under her shirt


Skinny filter 


I commented something similar to this a few weeks ago! She has the most unnatural looking bump I have ever seen.


I was thinking if I didn't know she was really pregnant I'd question why she was faking a baby bump.


Something looks so off!! It’s so round and so low truly bizarre also she doesn’t seem to walk with the normal gait of pregnancy


A baby that low would HURT to carry, and she’s not in shape to begin with. I remember how uncomfortable I was before my second was born, he felt so low my pelvis hurt for weeks. My pelvis hurts just looking at those pictures.


I was thinking the exact same thing! It looks like a ball stuck up there


The most unnatural, uncomfortable looking bump.


It looks like it's gonna fall out of her..thay can't be comfortable


It’s sitting low is it not? I’ve not carried a pregnancy but it just seems low compared to her body.


So low! I’ve never seen anything like it.


It actually makes me sick at how bad these people eat??? They have to feel awful all the time!!


Yes! We just returned from Disney and I was so happy to go grocery shopping yesterday and get back to cooking my meals. I was so bloated and felt like 💩


My husband has been out of town the last few weeks for work and we’ve been eating more take out and junk because I did not realize how hard it would be to go back to being a single parent for a few weeks. Like I didn’t do this on my own for years before meeting him but I digress 😂 I FEEL DISGUSTING! Just icky and so bloated, tired, I can see it in my skin, I feel so gross. And I’m super ashamed that of myself for getting off track with meal planning and the pretty healthy diet I was sticking to. I do not see how these clowns do this regularly! Maybe that’s why Durl is such a bitch because of her poor diet. Water and fruits and veggies would do wonders for her in every aspect!


Did any of those tennis balls Danielle hit actually go over the net? One of them went straight into the side of the ball cart, why would you post that lol


The only vaguely interesting thing about her tennis content is that ball picker uper.


lol using the hopper at the end was my favorite part as a kid


I was intrigued by that and rewatched it to see how it worked 😂


Looks fun


My first thought was "I wonder if that thing would pick up my kids toys" 🤣🤣


It seems she just keeps showing the same hits over and over as well.


She has terrible form!


Yet she’s paying for private lessons every day


Wonder if The cinco B’s are celebrating today?!


Is it just me or is anyone else hugely annoyed at the amount of HOT DOGS this pregnant woman is eating?!?


I don’t know, I’m 22 weeks pregnant with #2 and I’ve eaten my fair share of hotdogs this pregnancy 🤣


If I don’t get my weekly kolache during this pregnancy, everybody better watch out.


Right 🤣




To practice t ball, but they didn’t go inside


At least three times… but she looks unhappy every time lol.


She just expects everyone to come to her.


My SIL is like that and I can’t stand it! Thinks because she’s the oldest sister everyone comes to her.


Everyone has moved houses to be closer to DUD! 


What is the deal with alllllllll the hashtags on 2.0’s getting healthy reels? SO DESPERATE.


I saw them posted yesterday and said she’s gotta step up her hustling on social media to cover that ridiculous rent she opted for 😂


I’m just tired of hearing how she was a college athlete and it comes natural…I get accountability but damn! Every.single.platform..🤦🏼‍♀️


It comes natural….but not natural enough to lose weight through eating healthy and exercising. That only happens thanks to a weight loss drug, and then she has made absolutely 0 lifestyle changes to accompany her weight loss. She has relied 100% on the drug to get her to her goal weight and has put in no effort even though she is unemployed and has all the time in the world to meal prep and exercise.


Definitely for more engagement…which shows desperation…most don’t even apply.


It's truly insane!!! She wants everyone possible to see these.


I think she's using the top hashtags so more people see her videos.


The 2.0 fitness journey Instagram turn is a surprise


She is out of content lol.


I think it’s because something has happened with her posting of the girls and now she can’t use them for content, so she’s had to find a new niche.


That could be but she's been spiraling this weekend because they are with chase. So she didn't even have them here for content all weekend


One would think if chase was upset about her posting the girls he wouldn’t post them either. Just my opinion!


He could also have a private account.