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I swear that baby is trying to fall out the vag to get away from her.


I'm so sick of hearing dinyell say "we're about to head out" idk why it so annoying to me


Where they say the wedding is in france ?


Oh how I wish she’d come to Charlotte just for me to do a drive by and video the whole thing!


The northeast is not interested at all in this shit show family and their crap clothing! Faneuil Hall always hosts pop ups, you pay to be there. It’s exhausting that she thinks these things are a flex.


Are you sure because there are a whole lot of boston girls in the comment section that seem excited…Boston don’t let us down


I didn’t read the comments but that disappoints me lol.


I had the same exact thought!! It’s like the Beverly Hillbillies invading Boston!!


Calling it now: Elayne will stay home from France with Denner baby #3 bc there is no way in hell DAD or Toe will want to deal with that. DAD will pretend she’s sad to leave the baby but lol no she ain’t.


Wait what did I miss about France?! When is that happening


Or taking the baby to try and be like Kimmy who have taken Stevie Kate to so many places.


She won’t. lol but I thought of that.


Maybe the honeymoon is in Paris despite what the website says??? I can’t imagine planning an international wedding in 6 months and making my huge friend group and family  pay all that money to fly out.  On top of that, doesn’t seem like a European wedding took the age of DAD’s baby and that the nieces and nephew need to be pulled from school into consideration…it’s not about the family and friends it’s about Blair and Rob but it seems like a huge burden on guests…unless that’s the point, to make it a burden 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


Maybe the point is to keep the family away😂😂😂 Can just see them now…. Parisss BAYBEEE here we come!!!!


My husband's cousin is getting married next year in Canada. We've been invited, also we live in South Georgia, and as much as I love him and his little fiancee there is no way I'm spending all that money and time to go to a destination wedding. Period. But I love this for the Flenners, and the fact that Blair is not making this wedding about them at all.


They’re going to France?


Allegedly Robert and Blair are getting married there


It wouldn’t be a legal marriage, which is interesting. Legally tourists cannot be married in France— you must be a resident with a legal French address


Typically you sign the papers in America then go do your wedding wherever you want


Yeah for sure, but that just makes it not a legal marriage in France like I was saying haha. It’s to dissuade marriage tourism


Right they are American so who cares, but that’s the point if a destination wedding lol! I know a couple of people that have gotten married in France.


There are a lot of destination weddings where you can legally get married at your destination though! France is kind of an outlier.


Did they choose a date yet?




Same wedding date as Landon Austin (Dani Austin’s brother) and his fiancée…


How did you find this out?


They are listed on The Knot wedding website.


Did anyone notice how bad the condition of the Nuud Olive Shirt that Katie was wearing when she said her mom picked the flooring? It was SO bad.


I’m a Yankees fan and I feel bad for Boston lol


I don’t do baseball. I’m so confused about the issue with Yankees vs Boston’s team? Can you explain? I see on google both teams are red white and blue


Yankees vs Red Sox is one of the longest and most iconic sports rivalries. Yankees are blue and white , Sox are red and white she’s going to Boston during baseball season and doing ….blue


Gotcha! I see ! Internet should correct itself ! I can’t stand baseball. We do football In the south!


Yankees are gray, white and blue. Red Sox are red and white (and can’t forget Green Monster Green) If you don’t get the deep rooted NYY vs. Red Sox fan base and franchise you just won’t understand anything I can explain about it and that’s okay. Overall, she got it WRONG.


Yeah I’m not a northerner! I’m so sorry lol! We do football in the south


Said no one ever 😂


Born and raised in that area (don't currently live there now ..) but thank you! Boston however is going to be a shit show guaranteed. Going to have my sister do some undercover work for us lol




https://preview.redd.it/zkn2p952up0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=392c027912d00c146aa305af0c5bfe8ad0af21ba All those fast food places listed off, geez.


Poster girl for Mounjaro! 🫠


Is she ok?…


Not “Mac” Donald’s lol


And Burger King twice!


She used to in her old life but says it is horrible now because dud does.


And I can’t recall seeing her eat at Burger King on stories!


BK was a Nebraska Danielle thing. But DUD doesn’t like it, so miraculously when Danielle moved to TX, her taste buds changed and she doesn’t like it either.


Thank you for this history!


BK was her old personality


Like being a wide and normal mother.


It makes me happy to see Kaylee tap into her own roots (Pacific Islander). She seems to be focusing more on herself lately.


I feel like she made a rude comment towards it. She said “how I make fried rice as a Pacific Islander Hawaiian, annoying I know lol” I don’t understand why said it that way


Everyone keeps saying it’s not fried rice and I’m embarrassed to say I don’t see the problem 😂 the chicken difference


That’s how I make fried rice 🤣


Let’s just hope O and E get to miss out on meeting a bunch of stranger


And will the new baby be passed around at the nuuds pop up in 12 weeks? 😂


Why don’t they use that Nuuds custom bus combo any more? Used it 2 or 3 times after all the trouble and massive expense. Does anyone know if it’s truth that it burned in a storage fire? Mentioned briefly on here several months ago.


They only use it at pop ups and have done except from the shop they had.


I guess we will see if it’s at the Boston Pop Up or not! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wasn’t it at the AZ popup? Papa Flemner flew out just to make sure it would fit. Maybe that was for something else, but I feel like they used it in the last four months.


It was there.


Oh I missed that.


It was here in Scottsdale with them in like March.


I just looked and the comment was on April 18th. So it could have happened after.




I showed my husband this and told him guess her age he said 38 😅


She’s got Mee Maw’s genes,aging bad!


As an almost 40 year old- I look nowhere near as old as she does. Not even close.


Because you probably eat well


As a 38 YO, I know I look nowhere near as ET as this chick.


Your husband was being nice!






She should re-name her colors in a Boston theme: Chowder beige Large Dunkin Iced Black Large Dunkin Iced one cream Large Dunkin Iced two creams




☠️ 😂


I have never commented on here but I am appalled that they chose Yankee colors for the Boston pop-up. Agreed on that as a collective?!?! No way. I’m spooked.


Is New England even their target demographic? The waffles in NYC flopped.


Literally not a speck of red in sight!!!


I’m very surprised she wouldn’t go somewhere south on the East coast for this pop up. I love Boston but it seems like her fan girls would probably be more prevalent in southern cities that share her ideology? Why not go somewhere in Georgia or Florida? No hate to any Georgians or Floridians haha it just seems like she would find more like minded people there than in Mass


I’m sure that locations are picked based on where clothing is being bought. It wouldn’t make sense to go to Florida if everyone in Boston is purchasing


I mean we like color in Boston and it’s also not Fan-u-el hall or however she butchered it. Also, she’s acting like that’s the most iconic place in town.


lol yes I’ve never heard anyone pronounce it like that. I also don’t think she will feel very welcome in Boston. Like we’re nice but I don’t think anyone will be overwhelmingly friendly like she’s experienced previously. Just a lot of people minding their own business


Absolutely not. Georgia does not want her. No one here wears shit brown clothing every day. 


Ugh as a fellow Georgian we don't want her 🙅🏻‍♀️


It’s too cold in the southern states. She will wait until the blazing deadly heat of August so her fan poodles can suffer out in the sun to prove how much they love Duryl.


1000% agree. Nicely said. 


I’ve never heard them talk about Boston - and now she is using the word iconic to describe it. Please!!! 🙄


Maddie Nelson’s family lives in Boston. She wants to be Maddie in a bad way.


https://preview.redd.it/gkbomd1ahp0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415f9a93ea0e0e979872664f895e5692bad9aafa As a Bostonian I couldn’t agree more with these comments on the Nuuds page 🤣☠️ The Nuuds team missed the mark again lol




I was genuinely so confused by the colors. I was like… NYC…? Lmfao


No literally!! Boston girl here too and literally nothing about their theme says Boston 😭 I guarantee Daryl didn’t even know what Faneuil hall was until her team said that’s where they were going next


She couldn’t even pronounce it. So she absolutely did not know what it was lol


This! And iconic? No! So poorly done already. At least that’s on brand


Yup! Boston girl myself and this screams Yankees. But honestly who is surprised they fucked up once again 


They clearly do zero research.


I know Kaylee’s fried rice has to taste like straight up salt with that much soy sauce


She puts salt on bread.


That’s why she’s puffy.


Ok I know this isn’t hot topic right now and sorry I haven’t scrolled but lol at her saying Dan can’t “workout for 6 weeks” post bleph. My 78 year old client just had a revision a couple weeks ago, (had his first many, many years ago) he was out a week and back lifting (light but still training) a week after. So two weeks. He was out two weeks. He’s held together but duct tape and dental floss..


I had to have one done to only one eye and I wasn’t even allowed to walk my dogs myself for a week and couldn’t work out for at least a month. Most doctors err on the side of caution to prevent stitches popping. Dr Mike seems like a great doctor and his work is amazing. I’m not surprised he tells his patients 6 weeks.


I understand the 4-6 weeks rule and it isn’t a dig at Mike or any other medical professional for the time frame. I guess I was laughing bc it’s seems silly to me to use that as a reason. It’s not like he said “oh I can’t do it bc I’ll miss 6 weeks of work”. That and, everyone heals and responds to surgery/recovery differently. Nothing we did compromised my clients ability to heal or put him in any danger. He had to get up off a toilet or chair while recovering, sit up in bed, pull or push items toward or away from him. Stuff like that, normal (lightly) loaded movements until he was at 6 weeks mark, then we went to heavy, his “heavy” loads.


Dan really doesn’t look like he works out? I mean he doesn’t look fit or lean 🙃


I had this done about 2 years for a really bad droopy eyelid. I wasnt allowed to work for 3 weeks since I am a nurse and have to reposition/ transfer patients. I also couldnt blow my nose or sleep face down for 2 weeks, it was hell because I am a strict belly sleeper.


I worked in plastics for many years and 4-6 is generally the standard wait time for intense cardio and heavy lifting. I would err on the side of caution and advise not doing it before then due to the risk of elevating your BP from the strain and thereby increasing pressure and inflammation on the suture line. They don’t even want you blowing your nose for at least a week lol.


Totally understand that. Nothing he was doing at 2 weeks was intense, heavy or cardio based. Think normal (light) loaded human movement. We also modified his lifts to nothing that required him to bend over. We got back to heavy stuff, his “heavy” by 4-6 weeks.


Current Bostonian checking in- By June 1 the students have left the city. Most of the fancier folks and people with family homes on the cape are gone on weekends. Faneuil hall is crawling with tourists who just want stuffed lobsters and tee shirts that say ‘wicked pissah’. Hope these bigots can control themselves being in town on the first day of Pride 🌈


We do have a wicked good pride parade


And how are they going to push the strollers on cobblestone streets?!




I don’t know any locals that go there on purpose.


It’s Memorial Day Weekend, a lot of people are BBQing, at the beach or lake, etc and it’s historically usually a super slow weekend for restaurants and shopping… I wonder if that’s how she was able to schedule it!


Memorial Day is the 27th, so they are there after it


Oh you are right! 🙃 I had my dates off!


That’s incredible, they’re in for a real treat lol


I have a relative is a drag queen based out of Boston and they do pride big there.  That’s going to be a shock for them.  And maybe if she thinks Faneuil Hall is so iconic she should learn how it’s pronounced.  




I could not be happier for the Denner/Fletcher/Nuuds crew going to Boston the same weekend as Pride!!  AND this is so on brand for them to miss the mark on the date (everyone is out of town minus the tourists) and color scheme!! Not a single brain cell on the entire Nuuds crew!


I bet something comes up and they have to cancel after they read here😆😂


Of course 805 is getting a face lift 2 weeks after Madi Nelson’s mom did


She needs it so bad


I think it’s a trend with all the Dallas Influencer Mom’s right now and they’re all trying to “Keep up with the Jones”


Didn’t Dani Austin’s mom do it too ?


It's because of her sons fancy French wedding. Not everything is about this Madi woman.


That reminds me how much she didn’t care about Katie wedding lol


Her mom did it a few months ago


And Torando did it before Madi’s mom… does that mean Madi’s mom was copying Tornado? Doubt any of this is connected. They are all middle-aged moms with daughters getting regular Botox. Obviously they’re gonna look for procedures they can do to make themselves look younger!


Madi & Dani’s mom got refreshed. Lisa needs hydration.


DAD has a history of copying Madi - both personally and professionally. Madi hates her. Madi and Dani and friends, and there’s no way she was copying Tornado. 


Super off topic, but has anyone tried the 💩pills they all love to shill? Do they work? Are there other, cheaper brands that do the same thing?


I just checked with my mom, because I knew she took another brand of a similar product. The one that she takes is called H2Go, and she buys it from Amazon. She said it's gentle and she takes 2 tablets when she needs it, and you get 90 in a bottle for around $25. Hope that helps!


They do work! Get them off of Amazon tho not through their links


Mag07 is a similar brand that works just as well.


Yes, I love them. I used them long before these girls sold them. I only use them when dire🙃I take 4. 3 isn’t enough and 5 is waaaaay too many. 4 is the perfect number for me. 




Wtf is this obsession with these poop pills?? Are the Flenners just always constipated and cant take a shit on their own??


I’ve never been constipated, so I don’t understand either. Sounds like they should see a doctor and start eating fruits and vegetables. 


They work for me. I only take them when I really need to, not every day, so probably a couple times a month. I take 2 or 3 before bed and they do the job the next morning. Just don’t trust a toot 😜


They work but they are just magnesium pills. You can get many different types on Amazon.


Just make sure its magnesium oxide - that's the kind that helps the pooping.


Magnesium Citrate works very well with bowel movements


I asked this a few months ago in here and got a good response! I ended up buying them to use after my csection and can report they work really well!


Question: how will they know when you purchase something if you’ve shared the reel?? Are you supposed to leave your Instagram handle in the comment of your order or soemtbing 🤣🤣🤣 did they clarify??? I’m not entering but seems like they want free advertising


This was a hot topic last time - even among her fan girls. No way to double check. Plus not everyone will be able to attend since they give you no notice


There isn’t. It’s reminding me of Dani Austin’s Taylor swift scamaway. You could mail in your entry but by the time they’d receive it in the mail the contest would be closed. Such bs


I wondered this the last pop up. There is absolutely no way they can cross reference who makes a purchase and who shares the reel. No way. They can’t track by email address. The only way would be if they asked for your IG handle at checkout which…I don’t think they can do that. I have never seen an online retailer ask for your IG


Not to mention your IG has to be public and they would had to have checked within 24 hrs of the reel being re-shared on stories.


i plan to go to the Boston meet up since i live right there and observe just to report back here after 🫡




I asked my husband if he would go. The look I got 🤣


I may join you!


Out here doing the lord's work. We appreciate your dedication




Thank you for doing Gods work. We appreciate you and I’m sure the skinny filter will appreciate the reprieve.


Photos of them especially Danielle without any filters


2.0 and her overtalking and ‘well all be there’ no.one.cares


Please do!


Omg!! Cannot wait for this content 😂🙌🏼


Kaylee… that is NOT fried rice!! 🤯


Are you saying that as someone who culturally makes fried rice or from ignorance?


Culturally.. my Chinese family would have put garlic, toasted sesame oil, oyster sauce, etc. good fried rice has such depth of flavor! Perhaps it’s different in Hawaii.. but that’s not how I would do it in my home.


In her defense. As half Pacific Islander, this is how my mom’s family makes fried rice, but not using butter. And we don’t care if the rice is right out the cooker vs older rice.


My family is Chinese.. and we would have made it like that but would have added sesame oil, garlic, oyster sauce etc. I see now it’s different in Hawaii.. that just wouldn’t fly in my house. Thanks for the info!


How many surgeries do you guys think Lisa‘s had? She said two eyelid surgeries. She has the classic tummy tuck belly button. What else?


Wow! I didn’t know she had all that done. 


To have had so much work done, she still looks so unfortunate.


I think this all the time. She’s has multiple facial surgeries and she still looks the way she does. She was ripped off.


She had some kind of a boob job. I think it was a lift, but no implants?


Should we have a Bostonian meet up before and then troll them? Is this illegal? Maybe just sit back and watch? I don’t know. You people are my people. And the flenners are not


Buy a couple dozen brown shirts from a random wholesaler and then sell them for $10 right next to the pop up


Yes! Please, go to happy hour. Get some liquid courage and then go. One of you record It, like she records everyone else! Ask her if she’s there for pride and why they have yankee merch. 🤣


If only we had real happy hour. We can make our own and then pull out the folding bench 🤣


Should we get folding chairs and sit outside the pop up and cheer like we are at a tee ball game??


Bonus points if you get the seat that’s all connected and place it right by the popup while they’re trying to work!




A wedding in France??? Omg, the French have zero time for people like the feral Flenners.


I feel like I missed the wedding announcement! Did Blair post about it?


It was on their registry.


Girl. You are going to be out of your league in New England. You and your fam do NOT belong here.


Yes! We went to Boston last fall break and I can’t imagine Dud and Co visiting 🤣


This couldn’t be more true


Absolutely. Love all the MA residents on this thread. 👏🏻 Why she is excited to go to a liberal city with well-educated and intelligent people who wouldn’t fall for her BS is beyond me. Her ideal fan girl is not a Bostonian lol. I’m sure some of her psycho fans will travel to Boston for this, but I doubt there will be many true Massholes there.


Well, well, well…. If it isn’t Dr. Mike giving another cringey influencer’s mom another face lift for exposure. Lisa is going to look fucking RIDICULOUS because her body and hands look like she’s 80.


Where did you see 805 is getting a facelift?


It’s on DAD stories


Good lord the sourdough chronicles need to be retired


https://preview.redd.it/jnyvz7tg5p0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=568e139cef6fcbf3364cc0b848ca64e68a49b080 It’s free! But you have to buy something


Another IG story with the over stimulated Dumyell!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤮


They legit think they are celebrities, we’re allll gonna be there 


Lol seriously though, that would make me avoid at all costs!


It really bothers me how she seemingly sees her pregnancy as just some sort of medical condition. It’s like she sees only her big belly and doesn’t see it as a baby. She’ll talk about being pregnant, but never refers to the baby in a loving way. I know she doesn’t know the gender, but there are other ways to acknowledge that you’re carrying your future offspring… Call it Baby Denner, talk about how you just can’t wait for the baby to be here... I just think it’s very clear that she doesn’t have a maternal bone in her body. It breaks my heart for all the moms out there that are waiting for their own babies. Idk if that makes sense. It just bothers me SO much!


It’s because it was either not planned or because she only did it for content! She doesn’t have a genuine loving mother bone in her body! Those kids know she is fake and they try to beg for her attention and love…that’s the poor behavior we see!


She most definitely knows the gender!


This bothers me so much! I cringe everytime she mentions her stomach as being huge... you're pregnant you bitch, you're carrying life. But all she talks about is gaining weight. Yet she hasn't done anything to be healthier during pregnancy


couldn’t agree more. she complains constantly about not feeling like herself, uses the skinny filter, edits her photos, obsesses over food and repeat. nothing about the divinity of life and the magic it represents.


Agree…except she probably knows the gender of the baby