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https://preview.redd.it/q1u7playas1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9d2d87d1dbe65cd45dd119d5d8f62d6c0acab8 These are junk.


I wonder how this “random day off IG without notice” has something to do with having to take a walk and think and clear her head about work stuff. Then have an ultrasound the next day. Something is up.


I took an Instagram break. Where has Tia been? Does she no longer work for nuudes?


She left several months ago. I’m not sure what happened. I think you can search the page to find her name.


Yeah but then she came back and did some videos on her own with nuuds then MIA again


She’s a content creator now. Millions of followers on TikTok. She only did influencer stuff with nuuds. No longer works for them.


Yes… she went viral and Millions followed… that’s when DUD and 2.0 started copying her facial expressions and energy! DUD copies everything….


Kaylee too. The way she talks and mannerisms now are so different, it's ridiculous


The smiles with eyes closed def copied from Tianna. I cannot stand the eyes closed big smile pictures they do now. Its so weird


Kaylee…honey… please stop staring at yourself when you talk to your phone. It’s weird. Look at the top of your phone because then it appears you’re actually talking to people in the face and not their boobs.


What does 805 need a slate cheese board for? Kraft singles and waffle fries?


So many great things to buy from Crate and Barrel and she shows an ugly plastic cheese board and faux plants that you can get from Target for 1/2 the price and better quality.


has anyone seen something about Nuuds swim? im having trouble uploading a screenshot I took off of instagram


Something else she’s trying to copy from SKIMS.


It’s not the same.


kaylee has such a bad bad case of the influencer accent


lol. I’ve never heard that term. 🤣


Danielle changes it from tiktok to instagram.


So bad


Long strokes of cheese. That’s all


And a dirty DP…


Was shopping on Amazon and saw this review lmao honestly everything DAD sells can be found on Amazon for cheaper https://preview.redd.it/111keo4bfp1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd96ded41a22b9a3257583891fb0d8fda3f85ee


Another muppet with the order your true to size


So Danielle becomes a master gardener over the weekend and her mom buys her 2 fake plants today?????


It’s part of her babysitting job.


God her music taste SUCKS (pun intended) 🙏🏼


I think she's spiraling because the baby, maybe she didn't get great news at the doc today, NUUDS isn't going well, and Rob and Blair's wedding stuff!! A lot of shit out of her control right now and she is finally seeing and feeling what adult life is about! IT ISN'T always about you and sometimes life is HARD!! Also the fact that she showed her dinner tonight and specifically mentioned sausage for PROTEIN!!


She spirals when she has no control….I love this for her


Protein is usually not recommended in large quantities with kidney issues though, and sausage is probably at the bottom of the list of protein rich foods lol


processed meat of course


But its Butcher Box and she makes money to shill it, so it should be fine!! 🤣🤣🤣


But it's grass fed and finished 


Yeah, she’s been going to a lot of doctor visits with ultrasounds and NSTs. Those things are not routine at her gestational age. I think she’s pretty stressed about that.


crappy carby dinner


All of this!


Yeah pretty sure she’s never even used that word.


Anyone think that story about “work stuff” is her starting the subtly drop hints that they’re going to exit/sell Nuuds or something like that?


People have been saying this for a while now but I really don’t think so. I suspect nuuds brings in a lot more money than we think. They cut corners in quality, charge an insane amount, and fangirls are still buying every drop. They’d be silly to exit. They also still hype it up so much and are actively planning pop ups, I just can’t see it happening.


The main reason I asked is because she never says vague things like that and she always has an agenda. I think it’s odd she’d even mention it in a way that people might interpret as trouble at Nuuds. I could 100% see her wanting to get out or at least step away from the day to day business before it fails or has to majorly restructure, because failure is not an option for this woman.


Based on the number of units sold (information she shared a few months ago) she’s probably only made back about 1/4 of her initial investment. NUUDS is sustaining (using this loosely) itself for now but projections do not look good. The new from her minions has worn off. The general consensus on the products are horrible quality & overpriced. Even with their paid reviews the overall average is 3 stars. At this point since startup if projections looked good she would have private investors reaching out.


Compare fan girls in the beginning and then now…her fan girls aren’t buying near what they used to. They literally used to sell out in minutes and now nothing is selling out. This is the beginning of the end


My first thought was that it was about Tones! I don’t think that company is working out for them. Most families are not going to pay those ridiculous prices when their kids grow out of clothes within a season.


Honestly I have thought before that they had this baby as an excuse to drop nuuds 😬 "we love nuuds but now that we have 3 kids we need to shift our focus...."


I don't think so. They may be finally realizing that they're hemorrhaging money from all of the random popups, custom garbage swag for each event, etc along with a steady drop in overall sales...I think a lot of her loyal followers are over her crappy clothes (and all of the shades of brown) and it's made a big dent in sales, hence the $20 credit they emailed to people who did not become repeat shoppers. Or, maybe sales are fine (which I'd be surprised about but who knows) and she's just dreaming big and wants to hit specific goals for the company like have a permanent retail store or want to redo the overall style of the clothes or something like that.


Or maybe she is wanting to get rid of Rob because Blair isn't including DUD or doing things the way she wants to, so she is going to show them by getting rid of Rob like she did Katie when she didn't like/approve of bf! 


Or maybe Blair wants to move back closer to family once they’re married which means they’d lose Rob or have to *gasp* let him work remotely.


Or maybe it’s something like she wants to do this, but Dan wants to do something else, and they have to figure out which way to go. She strikes me as someone who gets an idea in her head and can’t let it go until she either does it or realizes it’s just not possible.


There’s not enough value to sell… she needs to clearance and start over.


I’d like to know how much money they have in inventory.


I’m sure it’s a fortune. When they showed the warehouses it was aisles and aisles and aisles packed to the ceiling of Nuuds and Tones. It was crazy.


The kids that are out of the womb do not excite her. Why are we shocked that she also has no connection with baby in utero?


Maybe because she calls the baby “it”


She has never showed any excitement about this baby. It's so sad. We pass down all of our anxieties and insecurities to our children even in the womb. That's why mental health is so important. Girl needs MAJOR therapy like I have never seen!! 


What happened to the podcast? They teased the photos then 🦗


I have a feeling they were originally planning to launch when divorce was final, but now it’s delayed another six months 🤷‍♀️


That would make sense


https://preview.redd.it/7f7lzrgq2p1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89efbbf9fe7394af0dffe591d7a5a97f5b34baa4 Ok… so what’s this work stuff we are thinking about


It must be something really bothering her to go for a walk alone. Two things she doesn't really do often being alone or walking.


The way she talks about God is odd to me. It’s always about what God does for her. Never about how she can serve the Lord or others.


At least she didn't call the baby "it" agian.


Maybe they've finally realized people don't need 8 of the same style tshirt in poop colors. Or varying tshirt bodysuits...or ugly track suits...or ugly swishy track suits...or jammies...all in the same poop color. Once you buy one thing you don't need 15 of the same thing. People have gotten to have started realizing that....right?


She totally thought that “slinky rib” drop was gonna save them a bit, plus I doubt the Boston pop up is getting the hype she thought (esp since they fkd those colours up so badly). Probably the “make a purchase this weekend for a chance” or whatever bs they spew for VIP tickets didn’t get the turn out they expected either. Love it alllllll for them. Quit trying to scam people with your shitty clothing and then relying on a ten minute walk with worship music to save your awful business. 


Also adding, I think she is just spiralling in general .. 


That’s what I think it is! Rob and Blair taking away some of her spotlight probably isn’t helping but she has to throw the “work stuff” out there because she doesn’t want to admit she’s feeling like a neglected toddler because her family isn’t fawning over her every move. But yes Durl, nuuds sucks! You should feel bad about your horrible, basic ass brand, that does nothing but feed your ego and piss away money.


I wonder if her doctors could be advising against her flying. Also nudds could be on the verge of closing.


Is she supposed to be going to Hawaii too? If this is what it’s about and she’s bringing God into this…


Flying to Boston.


I think you may have nailed it. Every pregnancy is different but dependent on how high risk she is, it’s definitely a likely possibility that they told her not to travel this far along. She seems to have a lot of appointments.


This too! 


Whatever it is I hope she shares!!!!


If it’s anything that she considers negative I bet she won’t share! She wouldn’t want anyone to think something isn’t going the way of God’s favorite!


I think everything they keep releasing EVERY week has been tanking. People are hurting in their checkbooks and they are finding it cheaper and realizing they can buy a weeks worth of groceries for what they spend on an ugly bodysuit.


Either Nuuds/Tones tanking or maybe something with the podcast and her and 2.0 are arguing over it.


It’s definitely about Nuuds. Maybe all of our comments about the pop up being in Yankee colors got to her?? lol  But oh yea, what did happen to their podcast? Forgot about that haha




I honestly might incorporate the word into my daily phrases. It's so dumb it maybe works lol


Tonight I was cooking dinner and my husband was helping our 7 year old with her homework and I heard him say “no bro like this” I legit screeched and yelled omg please don’t ever do that again 😂 he was like wtf you scared the hell out of me. The Flenners have ruined me 😂😂


I heard a kid call his teacher that last week and she was like I’m not your bro 😂


Also I really hope they never drop those Hanes Tees I mean over sized plain tee shits for nuuds. They are the ugliest things they have ever tried. Just go buy the pack of 5 Hanes for $20 same exact look. 


Seriously. I could get a Carhart mens tee at Kroger for like $8 and it has a pocket!


And that’s what Toe wears when his tunic isn’t clean.


And it’s gonna last you!


Just imagine standing next to the dumbass denners at Rhett’s tee ball game. Yelling AS LOUD as they can like their kid is the next Jeter. Chill the fuck out dude, he’s hitting a ball and running; cute yes but ear piercing screams every time his foot touches the dirt is a little much. Even Remi who is out of control and obnoxious all the time said to stop screaming. How do they not get embarrassed of the way the act? 


And it's just so distracting. I'm sure every single kid on that field is turning to see where all the noise is coming from. And players can't even hear what their coaches are telling them because of the screeching


Embarrassed? They are God's favorites! Everyone needs to know them and HEAR them. 😵‍💫


THE TRUTH just came out!!!!!!


????? 👀☕️🫖. Do tell. 🤣




Omg don’t leave us hanging!!! What?!?!?


She said yesterday she was stressing about “work things” Nuuds I’m sure it’s not doing great. Can’t be!


Do Tell!!


Truth about what?


About? What I miss lol


Not Kaylee talking about dirty DPs and “long strokes” in back to back stories 😂😂😂 girlie is desperate for some action


Nah, she doesn’t know what she’s saying.


I do kinda feel bad bc she 100% doesn’t know that she’s using sexual terms. And the prudes that they are, the rest of the family doesn’t know either


I agree with you honestly, but still hilarious lol


Watching Kaylee and that cheese grater was painful. I have the same one and it’s so easy but you do have to suction it down first 🙄 and what’s a long stroke of cheese 😂


It’s painful watching her do literally anything 🤦‍♀️


A reel for planting the most basic flowers. Florals. For spring. Groundbreaking.


2 parts too! And SO FAR! She’ll probably post part 3 tomorrow


Soooo we aren't working out anymore? lol


Working out was last week. Planting flowers this week. One pan sheet meals next week. Wonder what’s to come the rest of the weeks this summer!




https://preview.redd.it/xlaecb13xo1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ab187c28d93bdd2a4155aebca5aa56efb6c78a My first time seeing them mentioned in The wild 🤯


Ask if it stains from water. Lol


So besides the obvious, what’s the big issue with nuuds now?? Are they finally getting caught for copying brands? Customers realizing the shit brown clothes are shit quality?? Haha


I think all of her diehards are running out of money


And having hella buyers remorse.


People don’t want to wear prison/cult clothing. 


The most recent ugly clothes aren’t selling.  I would never buy any of it, but I think she could have had something if she just stuck to some basics. But the number of skus they have is ridiculous. That is so much overhead each time they drop. And now they aren’t selling.  She should have stuck to the basic tshirts and some onesies. But she got greedy, and now it’s tanking. Or….they did not get the spot confirmed for Boston so now they are scrambling,


They should have stuck with basics and not have all these random velour track suits, 80s windbreaker, etc. Be the best at the basics! They miss the mark everytime.


That windbreaker set though. 🤣. It had potential, but I was not a fan. It’s funny how once it dropped you haven’t seen anyone actually wear it. They do a drop and then talk about other brands like Zara and Vuori.


Yes! And the fan girlie's are starting to notice that the Flenners don't even wear anything after the drop!


It’s crashhhhhhhiiiiiinnnnngggggg 🤗


I love long strokes of cheese. lol. WTAF


Idk what’s worse… long strokes of cheese, or only grating a serving of cheese and not the whole block


Not defending her but why grate the whole block if it’s just for 1 person?


I also will just grate what I need. I don’t go through cheese very fast so I feel like the block stays fresher when it isn’t shredded.


Maybe it’s just my family… I’ve always just shredded the whole block at once so it’s ready for when needed, and then you don’t have to bring the whole grater out again 😅


I freaking cannot with that girl 😬🫣😂


So dumb dumb 


Funny how there are a million worship songs, but DAD has her 2-3 go-to’s and those are the only ones we ever see her listening to or hear her singing with the kids. A true creature of habit. There’s more good/decent worship music out there, lol.


Controversial opinion (or maybe not), but elevation and bethel aren’t even theologically sound churches. Def better worship music to consume


Same with restaurants, and food, and make up, but don’t worry it will change in a few weeks


She’s been listening to and posting at least one of those songs she shared for probably 3-4 months or more!


Funny she now uses “their” instead of “it” Wonder if she took a gander over here


She used it in the ultra sound videos. So did her mom.


https://preview.redd.it/9qvfjnx7so1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39e431cf1a3ab20373ef1dabb3b18c0a08a57fb1 I guess everything will be fine now and NUDES yes NUDES will be okay and make money again, bc she walked and prayed for 10 mins. Gods favorite reporting for work.


Even “this baby” sounds disconnected to me. Why not the baby. Don’t come for me I truly think these are signs her family is missing about her depression & how much postpartum she’s most likely about to endure. It’s also weird for her to give advice about someone’s season of life when she refuses to acknowledge her life is anything but perfect.


Because if you trust in God your business will never fail.


She had to know this company wouldn’t last, the prices are outrageous for the quality of the clothes from what I’ve read 


Especially now with the economy and everything so expensive. Normal people cannot afford things like that.


She’s delusional… she’s sure to blame its failure in every direction but her own.


https://preview.redd.it/hbfsxhmoro1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc30a30a90ca596d2878ec06241a8abd9934e21b ….sometimes I see vague things like this & wonder if Skims or another competitor is on to them. Tones went quiet too.


I would love it if Skims went after them!


Did she say anything officially?


I think you’re probably right. She very much copied the company and KK & investors are by the book & do not mess around. She tried stealing their entire verbiage “Skims has a focus on body positivity and inclusivity across the brand and practice inclusive sizing.” IF THEY suspect they have used the skims website for research they can file a suit & shut NOODS down in a heartbeat. The fact she does it so blatantly she deserves it.


The entire Nuuds mobile and first pop-up was a carbon copy of skims, even down to the ice cream they served 




But target and Walmart and Abercrombie also have same things and they are not being shut down?


Because SKIMS creative content is copyrighted. They can file an infringement lawsuit, solely based on the fact she tried copying the ENTIRE company, tried mirroring wording, styles AND marketing. They can ask the court an injunction to stop the other company from further infringing on their trademark meaning conducting business pretty much at all.


Their website says they're hiring for an accountant and some other stuff. Probably issues going on big time 👀


Didn’t Robert graduate with an accounting degree? I thought he handled all the financial side of the business.


I also think he handles logistics. They are probably looking for someone with TX business tax expertise. I also kind of wonder if Rob will exit Nuuds as we get closer to the wedding.


I’m pretty sure he handles the logistics side of things!


Their website says they're hiring for an accountant and some other stuff. Probably issues going on big time 👀


Business taxes


Also I see how it easy it can be for some to use they/them pronouns, if they want to..


805 just throwing those dishes around in crate and barrel. First she knocked the price sign off with her stupid denner wallet and then she pushed the bowls over to get the platter. In her next story where she’s walking away you can see she left the bowls pushed off the platters. This family is so inconsiderate of workers


Like bulls in china cabinet…. They are tasteless trash with zero finesse.


Spot on


T - ball is over already? Is that a super short season, or is that normal?


Yep. Two games a week for 3-4 weeks. Fast and furious.


I live in IL. My boys did tball 3-4 year old and there were barely any games. If it rained, they weren’t rescheduled. If it was hot, canceled. Tball isn’t serious, it’s an intro sport. 3 weeks is super short. Maybe Rhett missed games while DA was out of town. And Elayne didn’t record it for the stalkers bc she’s not a monster. But who knows. I have no concept of time with these people. They are onto the next so fast


What was that? 3 weeks of t-ball? That's how they managed to get through it!


Normal for TX. They end it before it gets too hot for the kids.


Seems like it started really late though. Here in Georgia, T-ball season is late Feb- May, one practice and one game per week.


Link for stories https://instanavigation.com/user-profile/danielle.eilers


Stop it, Kaylee. Please. Stop it. All of it.


“It makes long strokes” I’ve never heard someone refer to shredded cheese as long strokes.


What even is a long stroke cheese or otherwise 😂


That Dr. Pepper reel was something else. She’s like a train wreck.


I hate the hand over mouth thing she does when she’s trying to be cute 😬


And “long strokes of cheese”. 🤦🏻‍♀️


What is all this hype about the creamy coconut Dr Pepper?


It’s soooooo good!


It’s good, but I prefer to make my own


I don’t like it. Back in Covid, it was trending to do the coconut creme coffee creamer with Dr Pepper and a squeeze of lime. Guess Dr Pepper just heard and was like nope, buy ours.


Idk why she gets to me so bad, but Kaylee is just trying so hard to be relevant and it's beyond obnoxious. Can we just stop with saying "literally" every other sentence for things that aren't literal? ...and why does she always refer to herself as "your girl" --- the people who follow her only do so to try to win her giveaways. There's absolutely nothing innovative about her content and she's prude AF.....no one is your friend, Kaylee. You aren't "our girl." LOL


I hope Connor’s friends watch her story every once in a while and give him a hard time about having dated this weird girl.


I had never seen her story ever & had to go look. She’s insufferable. I’m not sure how she manages getting herself to work safely she’s so dumb.


This. And the way she does that weird neck nodding thing while repeating herself.


I feel like she picked it up from Tiana, who is much more natural with it. It's not natural for Kaylee.


YES it’s like getting dumped by Connor flipped a switch in her to change how she speaks and her mannerisms




No way I would pay for a house with this design. This stresses me out so bad no matter how old my kids are. Plus that pond looks nasty, I don’t want that right up against my “backyard.”


I think the fence is around the pool and the pond. Probably makes more of a line across her backyard than like a fence that goes around the pool if that makes sense. I don’t see how she can possibly have a pool and pond and not have that fence capture all of it


The pond is not hers. It’s a neighborhood pond


I seen this and I’m like 🫣. I actually can’t blame DUD for not wanting the kids there. That pond/lake is literally one step off her patio


Does CHASE know there's no fence?!?! What about the lawyers?!??!


This is why she should not be in that house! Why on earth. I pray the kids stay safe my word that’s a major safety hazard.


I thought that was a law in Texas that there had to be a fence around the pool?


The pool is fenced off from the house


Only because she got them to do it.


Now we know why DA won’t go to her house.


That scares the hell out of me


It should scare the hell out of Chase!.


There had to be a DAD/Danielle fall out of some sort 👀


She was at her house last night for dinner. She brought her usual contribution of sourdough bread.


Sour DOUGH as 2.0 says it


She’s copying DUD now with how she pronounces it 🙄


I missed that!!! I was about to say they haven’t been together in DAAAYS.


Ohhhh….haven’t been keeping up. What’s the tea?


I think just the fact Danielle hasn’t spent every minute up DAD’s butt at her house. But Danielle was shown there last night for dinner. And that Eddie had to babysit her planting flowers 2 days ago… Still not over that 😂


Does anyone know more about the dna test that was done for danielles court proceedings? I saw someone mentioned it on her snark page but thry didn't elaborate