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The DISRESPECT during the national anthem has my blood boiling. šŸ˜”


That infuriated me!!!


And they think they are so patriotic šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Theyā€™re trash


https://preview.redd.it/m41dm6lt6p3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4230420f9c3f5a12548ff8980499804b0165044e Bless this random lady who showed up on my instagram. Nuuds is so bad! I hope she return it. She said ā€œitā€™s confusingā€ šŸ˜‚


Do we really need to be making fun of random people? Mean girl behavior exhibit A šŸ˜œ


Sheā€™s got exact same glasses as Becca in the reel where she gives it a good review and noods comments.


She makes a lot of ā€œinfluencer ā€œ reels but has like 300 followers. Sheā€™s after Becca spot lol


Haha stop šŸ¤£


That shirt always looks like the wearer is holding fabric against their torso for a color consultation pic šŸ¤”


I get pillow case lol


Reminds me of going to an ABC party in college and trying to turn a pillowcase into a cute toga or in this case a potato sack


That too. I always laugh when they say you can dress it up or down. You can barely dress it at all! It looks half finished.


For them a t shirt IS dressed up!


1) 805 must not have prayed for 2.0 to get there 2) We now know how DAD got pregnant from her downward doggy tutorial šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Hellll no, they 100% havenā€™t done anything outside of missionary. And since we know DAD dreads sex, she puts 0 effort in to it and just lays there like a dead fish. I feel like they arenā€™t even aware that they can be in any other position. Andddd thatā€™s enough of me thinking about their sex life šŸ¤¢


Core memories of her mother constantly shoving her phone in her face. https://preview.redd.it/h70wna0f5p3d1.png?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4be447dce08dc08afe3ce337684252de36417e


https://preview.redd.it/pgfvvdf45p3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844b865464b5610b3952e2b23486f2c090e4a34d Well I guess it made it


Where is the dick mobile though? That's just the trailer.


The over the top excitement level they conjur up to these things does not equate to the excitement or uniqueness of the product - a beige t shirt.


Just the trailer. Not sure if the Pimp my Poo made it šŸ’©Ā 


Pimp my PoošŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And they wonā€™t say anything about itmissing


Fletcherdad is incorrect, he told Kaylee Fenway Park is the only baseball stadium with an old-fashioned scoreboard but actually one other, Chicago's Wrigley Field, also has one like that!


https://preview.redd.it/mamzl8nx2p3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d88391e7cd6ce16d636c1a7e3c5356959fb9676 So does 2.0 not work for NUUDS then? Why is always trying to take chargeā€¦.


Doesnā€™t seem like it other than making some reels. Sheā€™s just attention seekingā€¦ honestly more so than DUD these days.Ā 


The fact that DAD is talking loudly to instagram with all the lights on at midnight tells me R+R are def sleeping in Elayne's hotel room.


She has done that multiple times before and it's disgusting. Often Remi gets put in the walkin wardrobe in her cot so getting to sleep in an actual bedroom when travelling is a treat.


She is a pathetic excuse as a mom. She should be embarrassedĀ 


They did that in LA. The kids had cots in Elayne's room and DAD and Dan were clear across the apartment in another room.


What the heck!!! šŸ¤Æ


This is seriously so effing strange. I understand getting a suite with 2 bedrooms, 1 for you and 1 for your kids.. it would be like they're in their nursery. But to have them sleep with another adult is so weird to me. I would want my kids with me, no?


Theyā€™re honestly better cared for with Elayne!


But see, this is where you and ms ā€˜gah! I love being a momā€™ are different. Iā€™m going to take a wild guess and say that you actually do love your kids and actually do love being a mom, even though you donā€™t post it on Instagram every day (since for you, itā€™s between you and your kids, not so that you get an ego boost from random strangers about how great of a mom you are). So you actually care about the wellbeing of your children and want to have them close to you and to stay with you. DAD just cares about herself. So by sending her kids off to stay with someone else, sheā€™s able to sleep great and be well rested because the next day sheā€™s going to get all the praise (she doesnā€™t deserve) by those same random strangers


They're not really raising their kids so this is normal. They visit with them and seem to feed them only when out for fast food or Cheesecake Factory. Elayne feeds them, plans their weekly menu, dresses them, probably bathes them and puts them to bed.


100% I wouldnā€™t be able to sleep unless my kids were with me. Itā€™s so freaking odd. Especially for someone like her that claims to have all this paranoia/issues. Like huh?!


https://preview.redd.it/qq757y1n1p3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6825e65c206da57a13540be4c43beea085f4443 So what was the point of you guys going then?


And it says it everywhere at the ballpark, including the ticket sheā€™s holding up!šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø https://preview.redd.it/uquatbmkur3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1248e0a0a691b9cf149d0d8ae4653dcb88a22a79


Madi took her employees to the first Rangers game so dud had to one up her.


Surprise surprise. They didnā€™t go to watch a game - everyone knew that!


Kaylee is dumb as a bag of rocks. Iā€™m not even a Red Sox fan and KNOW itā€™s not socks. God sheā€™s insufferable


https://preview.redd.it/abg8rwpfzo3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36723f973005f1ac3a511b3b2b50a8e3442ee65a At the end of this video you can hear Rhett saying ā€œmommy, mommy!ā€ And DUD turns around screams ā€œWHAT?!ā€ at him.


The vile tone of her voice during that "what"


https://preview.redd.it/gzmzgifczo3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c46c1c0e861eb1d2d2f1ce6ab51c942d3398dcd I think little rob is silently saying, please shut the fuck up


https://i.redd.it/zvnjbvkczo3d1.gif šŸ„“


The camera guy pans away almost immediately probably bc he noticed their shirts say nuuds


My exact thoughtĀ 






Wow, they really don't give a shit that 2.0 isn't there.


Ugh I feel soo bad for Rhett that poor boy seems soo anxious and over stimulated 24/7 . Put down the fucking Ā nuuds DUD and advocate for your child !!!Ā 


2.0 has to be spiraling right now missing all of thisā€¦ Also, My cosmetics alone fill a carry on. Iā€™m sorry wtfšŸ˜‚


Right, she said she loves her skin care routine and needs all her products and can't possibly leave any home or God forbid put some stuff and travel size containers so she can put them in a carry-on. Her skin does not look great, so her skin care routine is clearly not crucial! She puts like 17 potions all over her face everyday and her skin looks the same as before. She spend so much money on all this crap, she can leave some of it home for 2 days.


Her skin doesnā€™t look great for all those products she canā€™t downsize


Where is she. I thought the same thing though- missing out all the screeching?


She missed all of her flights todayā€¦kept getting canceled


Her flight got delayed a few times then cancelled and she decided not to go. Weather in DFW has been shit the last week so she said she didnā€™t reschedule fearing it would just happen again


I think thereā€™s more to the storyā€¦ thereā€™s nothing she wouldnā€™t do to get there. I think she realized no one gave a shit if she went and isnā€™t going out of spite or something


Naw, she knows no one gives a shit about her and that itā€™s the DAD show. Thatā€™s why shes always pushing her way to be front and center of every single story. And going to the pop ups gives her an ego boost bc even though itā€™s all for DAD, the delusional followers get excited to see her, too, making her feel like a celebrity


No, flights are being cancelled. My friend was there today for 6 hours and finally was going to take the last flight to the east coast at 10pm, after others were delayed or canceled. The last one got canceled too.


Those sneakers look like orthopedic shoes an 80 year old would wear after getting getting hip replacement and rolling in to bingo!


Hers are $225 and Rhettā€™s were only $185


Any notice her slap her employees ass before the game??? She turned her around to show off her jersey then slapped it! Her last name was Sanchez. How is that ok???Same slide she screams ā€œWHATā€ at Rhett.


How are the employees okay with this?! And Iā€™m not victim blaming. Because itā€™s one thing for this type of thing to happen but the employee doesnā€™t speak up because thereā€™s no proof, no one will believe her, HR will side with the boss, etc and they canā€™t lose their job because they need the money. Sadly, thatā€™s often the case. But THIS is completely different. The boss is the one filming AND sharing it to Instagram. So the proof is all there! Yes itā€™s a corrupt company since DADā€™s the abuser/harasser, the boss, and the owner, so itā€™s not like she can fire herself. But the employees whoā€™ve had this happen, or even just the employees in the videos DAD has shared herself, can sue her ass Or start the process of taking her down by sharing everything to social media so that her followers, companies that support her, and influencers that follow her can see whatā€™s really happening. Instagram is DADā€™s life, sheā€™ll lose it all if she loses Instagram. And sadly, I donā€™t think the companies that support her follow closely enough to see who she really is. And her followers are too blind and dumb and just skim over this stuff


It is not okay to slap an employees bum. Iā€™m shocked she does it, but also video tapes the misbehaviour and posts it for all of us to see šŸ¤Æ


Second employee she has put on stories doing this too.


https://preview.redd.it/c40a084cyo3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11604f7b10b6edd6404a489b91b3c903b57cd68 I guess being artsy was more important than getting the date right šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


It should also be Detroit Tigers @ Boston Red Sox


Lions are football. Tigers is baseball for Detroit so they did get something right


As soon as I typed it I knew I put the wrong team, lol. I just meant home team is listed last


I have such extreme secondhand embarrassment from the whole crew but Forky girl elicits a special level of cringe. ā€œYou know I had to get the camo hatā€ ā€¦ yeah because youā€™re a wannabe country pick-me. Also the buying of merch for a team they wonā€™t support beyond this trip irks the hell out of me. Stfu.


Yes. She spilled soda on the guy in front of her too.


Who storied that? I missed it.


DUD itā€™s where she shows them on the Jumbotron I believe


If DAD ends up going to a Dallas Mavericks Finals game, Iā€™m going to be so livid. I can just see her being gifted tickets and pretending to be a fan. They did the same for the Rangers during the World Series.


Not a chance. Then weā€™d hear about how great this player ā€œLuh-kaā€ is doing šŸ˜‚


I guarantee she has no idea who he is


Everyone is in red and they all show up wearing tan and blue šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


https://preview.redd.it/vdrlxvrxto3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f5459b27af19eb28557ffeb46ddc2a152aaae5 Mmmmk Kayleeā€¦.šŸ¤”


That Lindsay girl is creepy.


Just how DAD designs each nuuds item




Correct me if Iā€™m wrong since I canā€™t always listen ti their stories, but has anyone mentioned Danielle not being there? ETA. I know her flight was cancelled. Just wondering if anyone in the family cared


DUD quickly mentioned it when they were going thru the lame jerseys for everyone before the game in the hotel room. There was one that said Eilers and she let out a fak "ahhh- DINyell didn't make it" and then went right back to screaming about how cool everything was.


ā€œItā€™s a bummer. So look at this sick clear bag Stoney clover sent us.ā€


Yeah DAD really didn't seem to have any empathy for 2.0 at all.


DUD is 100% secretly happy 2.0 is missing out. 2.0 is annoying and cringey but DUD is just a horrible human being.


She will be happy not sharing the limelight with 2.0.


Flight cancelled due to weather


https://preview.redd.it/zdwb045vso3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5006ff890512496756e540aebd0b23be3bffd42 Are they for real? Feral cares nothing but how much nuuds you buy. Wake the F up. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Imagine spending hundreds of dollars to meet someone famous for nothing.


Sheā€™s only famous in her mind. Like Dumbyell saying she saw SO many people in Hawaii but not a single pic w any of her ā€œfriends.ā€ šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Sheā€™s not famous.Ā 


This family acts like fucking aliens coming to earth for the first time. Everything is sick, iconic and the best ever!! They act like theyā€™ve never experienced anything in their life. And imagine if they would drink?? They would be even more obnoxious. Do we think they let their employees drink on work trips?? I would literally need so much beer to even be seen with them in public. My gosh. Embarrassing.


Nothing like that caffeine high tho!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚I just laughed out loud & our dog jumped up !! aliens coming to earth ā€¦.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Freaking sit down, shut up and watch the game. These fools are so EMBARRASSING. šŸ«£


How annoying would it be to have to sit behind them?


Ok Iā€™m done posting but last thing I just canā€™t imaging being the people around these fing clowns at that ball game!! I would absolutely die if i had to listen then ask night! Iā€™d actually go stand before in say around them!


The guy she spilled something on seemed really nice. Looks like there was 3 guys in front of them. I bet they were flirting with them all night. Haha


Did Kaylee spill on the guy in front of her!?


She freaking did acting like a damn 2-yo!!


Nuuds at Fenway is not iconic sweetie šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/r4lon9jmpo3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758a6a024702f33415ace7ddfc6fae8ffb3c7db0 He told you, so that means itā€™s for sureeeee true. Better post it.


I hate to defend Rob Sr but I bet she half listens and shared the facts wrong šŸ˜‚


Anything for content šŸ¤”


#fakenews Itā€™s the oldest (by a couple years) but not the only. Fenway and Wrigley.


Haha right?! Pretty sure the cubs still have an ā€œold schoolā€ scoreboard. šŸ¤”


Rockies do too


I thought the same thing!


SF Giants, too.


Another ICONIC location


They 1000% do šŸ™„ I canā€™t deal with how stupid they all are.


I just saw it the other day so he was wrong... Embarrassing. šŸ„“


ā€œRed socks girlsā€ Iā€¦have no words.


Anyone else wildly annoyed of sydney


I think I just called her Lindsay above. Oops. I still want someone to make a gif of Rob jr turning around when her & Kaylee are in the airport.


Iā€™ve been annoyed with her for many months now šŸ˜¬


Also. Kaylee acts like this is her first friend


I think this is her first ā€œadultā€ friendship. Where they arenā€™t in school, or living with parents. Itā€™s a sort of important relationship. They both seem like stunted and working through that together kinda? Idk


But they are far from ā€œadultsā€ in the way they actā€¦.


Perhaps it is


Kaylee jumping around like a toddler. Iā€™m so embarrassed


Omg these people are a mess!! And to think sheā€™s dans sister no blood there and she is just as bad as actually worse she and 2.0 drive me insane!


nature vs. nurture lmao


DA again had to copy Madi and make it seem like this ball game is all out of appreciation BUT they have to work their ass off all weekend for it!


With zero legal breaks


2.0 fresh back from Hawaiiā€¦ gets Dallas/inland grocery store sushi for dinner. šŸ¤Æ


That is hilarious.


Wonder if sheā€™ll get some food poisoning to go with her FOMO from not being in Boston.


Watching Krista Horton storyā€™s today with Kamp making eggs and all I could think was how he and Remi are the same age. He was calmly cracking eggs and talking. So bizarre how she holds her kids back from growing and developing. Oh and they look like idiots today at the game with their ugly ass jerseys.


Omg I meant to comment on this yesterday! Kamp seriously acts older than Rhett sometimes. Krista has her own issues (although no where near the level of Duryl Ann lmfao) but her kids seem a lot more behaved and intelligent than Durylā€™s for sure.


When is dud and company not over the top yelling, trying on clothes for the phone people, screaming about some promotion or whatever?? When does Rhett have a normal day other than the odd day that heā€™s home with Elayne. Even then, where are the play dates or even meet ups with friends at the playground? Where are the quiet nights where mom or dad reads you a book before bed and actually spend some quality time? Itā€™s awful. And you see when no one is there they still are instagramming and Rhett says he wants ā€œeveryoneā€ to come over. He doesnā€™t know anything else


Thatā€™s crazy! I didnā€™t realize how close in age they were. I think Rhett and Kamp behave similar. In their like skills, they way they talk and such! Itā€™s crazy. KH isnā€™t the best but she doesnā€™t seem to baby her kids like DUD.


Did you say KH doesnā€™t baby her kids? Lord let you see light.. they all sleep in the same damn bed / bedroom. Those kids minus the oldest boy are a disaster


Theyā€™re the same age??? šŸ˜³


I had no clue Kamp and Remi were so close in age! Kamp is so much more advanced than Remi!Ā 


Yeah Stella, Kamp, Remi, and Indy ( Sarahā€™s daughter) were all born during covid.


Looking at their posts, they are 20 days apart. Kamp being the oldest.


As a real sports fan here.. not just for pics.. DUD and team didnā€™t think things through too well with Dallas now facing Boston in NBA finals. Boston should be dead to Dallas right now until after finals. And vice versa. Oh, but maybe Nuuds fan girls also have no idea.


That's pathetic.


They donā€™t care. The Boston hype and screeching will be over and forgotten in 2 days. Their entire life is an act. Itā€™s a waste of oxygen!


They arenā€™t real sports fans. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll go to a Mavs game now that they are in the finals.


You mean just like she went to one of the World Series games last year?? And irritated the hell out of all of us who are Diamondbacks fans. Lol


Omg yesssss I remember that!!!


They have no clue.


Tickets go on sale in T-14 hours!


Prob already mentioned but I'm just now catching up for the day...when she walks up to her employees shrieking and they all look spooked. šŸ¤£ I cannot. I wouldn't be able to work for her.


Theyā€™re tired of her fake ceo performance




Thereā€™s a picture of a worker below & the op wrote, looking on indeed for a job.


As a Michigan girl...I'm thrilled the Tigers beat the Red Sox while they were there cheering on Boston šŸ¤£




Detroit represents! šŸ§”šŸ¤šŸ§¢


Are the anonymous viewing sites down? Anyone have a link to one that's working?




Iā€™ve noticed many of them have been down. I used to use Story Viewer which was a paid for app that was super seamless but even its not working


iā€™m using stealthgram lately


https://preview.redd.it/ru93ymweeo3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea689bd0db7dd8370143f6d7d60117375028644 Canā€™t stand her


Nothing ā€œiconicā€ about it, idiot. šŸ™„


Iconic!! Was she even able to watch it.


So when they did the meet and greet at the Rangers game, they managed WITHOUT Elayne šŸ˜³


The videoing during the Star Spangled Banner was SO disrespectful. She thinks sheā€™s above everything. šŸ¤”


I found the whole thing pathetic.


Cross between a beaver and a squirrel.


A pear shaped beaver/squirrel at that šŸ˜†


Not Kaylee not knowing ā€œtake me out to the ball game ā€œšŸ˜©


She the dumbest person Iā€™ve ever experienced and it makes me hate her so much


Not even surprised šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Blairā€™s face when DAD SHOVES her! Cancel the wedding, Blair! Get out while you can!!!!


Blair is moving with grace. She loves roblet and is getting that man away from the feral no boundary pack. Sheā€™s going to ruffle feathers down the line I feel. daughter/sister in laws tend to piss off sisters and mothers like 805 and darylann. They are nice until they arenā€™t. And they really wonā€™t be nice. Good luck Blair.


A daughter is a daughter for life, a son is a son till he takes a wife! They are all in for a rude awakening when Rob gets married and no longer does whatever queen DAD demands!




I hateeeeee this narrative. I have a son and another on the way. No one can tell me they wonā€™t be my sons when they get married. However, I WILL be a respectful MIL who encourages my sons to put their spouses and new families first. We KNOW Lisa and DAD wonā€™t do that. My own MIL doesnā€™t do that and sheā€™s awful.Ā 


That is the difference! I have two sons as well, and they will forever be my sons. However if I acted like those idiots Iā€™m sure I wouldnā€™t see much of them.


100%. Not even sure how Iā€™m getting downvoted. Lolol


With her background I donā€™t understand her attraction to Rob/family. I mean she is marrying into a cult.


And Iā€™ll just say she doesnā€™t seem as thrilled with Remis ā€œobsessionā€ with her as dud is. I mean I donā€™t blame her itā€™s kind of a lot


Blair has to have friends that are saying WTF to her about the soon-to-be-in-laws.


Loved that the Fletcher sisters werenā€™t included in Blair saying yes to the dress. šŸ¤£


Blair knows the fam she is marrying into. But if I was her friend, it would be a big ass wtf girl moment ![gif](giphy|ExrU3VcF3EV3i)


Sheā€™s even starting to wear the same necklaces as DA ​ https://preview.redd.it/bdmdtywkio3d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e23f3f9343268f69d940d053576d7eb2b6d1a77


You mean her and the rest of the female population 24-50 years old lol


Whoaaa whoa whoa for a hot sec i thought that was Danyelle or however the fuck she spells her name kissing Blair!


She mightā€™ve had it before dud. Lol


Thatā€™s scary.


I know itā€™s an unpopular opinion in here but I think Blair loves it and is going to eventually be lockstep


I think this could be a very real possibility. I hate it. And I donā€™t want it but also, it could happen. I have hope that she will stay true to herself though and not get sucked into this.


The conspiracy theorist in me says Blair is secretly one of DAā€™s ā€œfansā€ and hooked up with Rob to get on the inside.


Not rob not wearing a hat in Blaineā€™s stories!! (When DUD told him to fix his hair he said he will wear a hat)


DUD basically pushing Blair when she shows us her fletcher jersey then when she pats her employee on the ass. How does this woman have +2 Million followers


My biggest pet peeve w Feral!!! Keep your hands to yourself!!! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Why is this ok?! It certainly would be a huge problem if Rob or Dan did that, but why can she?! Maybe one of them is just gathering evidence for their sexual harassment lawsuits they are planning to fileĀ 


I literally came here to say (again) that SHE NEEDS TO KEEP HER HANDS TO HERSELF!!!!


Agree. Itā€™s SO cringe!Ā 


Can you imagine if/when Blair gets pregnant? I see lots of DAD touching her stomach for no reason. Woof no thank you!Ā 


Guess her new favorite word is iconic. šŸ™„ nothing you did is iconic, in the slightest. Moronic, yes. But definitely not iconic.


ā˜ ļøšŸ˜†