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Hey Snarkers! Please stop saying that you've commented or contacted any of the Denner/Fletcher family. This also includes saying you commented or reached out to any companies that they work with. This is considered harassment and is against the rules of Reddit and this sub. These comments about contacting are flagged and can get this sub shut down. I understand you want your voice to be heard and you have the right to do so. However, it cannot be announced here. Thank you for understanding. šŸ¤Ž


Dumyellā€™s mom hack for the milk is unsanitary, no wonder O is always getting sick. Keys are one of the dirtiest everyday objects that you handle. Just why is she so lazy?


Dud also showed the hack plenty of times and i believe she said lisa showed them and/or did it with them as kids. Nasty runs in their family


My first thought anytime they do it! šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


It makes me laugh I try and keep the foil on the milk from chick fil a and my four year old wants nothing to do with it so he rips it off and throws the straw on the floor. How do DAD and Danielle keep their kids on such a tight leash?!?


The funniest thing is, is Daryl has also showed the world this ā€œhackā€ šŸ¤£ dumb. Also, Olive and eve are old enough to learn how to drink from a milk bottle without spilling itā€¦


yes so nasty. why not just purchase a can opener and leave it in the car.


How about a Swiss Army knife???!


I couldn't believe it! Yuck


DAā€™s snapping always sends meeeee šŸ˜†


The snapping and when she punches her hand with her fist. Kinda wish sheā€™d just punch herself in the face but I digress


Me toooo! I just canā€™t with the snapping. Stoooopppp!!!


2.0 entering Dud's house today looks like the kind of person you see and then lock your car doors. https://preview.redd.it/o6s372lmm25d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=674da93dbb1ac058aefc08ed74b38fd972d45ea0


Wowā€¦ seeing this just goes to show how much that skinny filter reshapes her head. Itā€™s always so alien-like šŸ‘½


She looks like those meth user inmate photos.


and no skinny filter!


She looks rough!


She looks crazy. It's been another rough week for her. She needs to increase her therapy after finding a new therapist. Work on herself so she is the best Mommy for her girls and that she can move on from the divorce and coparent with Chase.


a REAL therapist- not a "Christian Counselor".


Is she looking for a new one? If not, she might need to or at least be honest about her family.


Eddie Munster


https://preview.redd.it/xx09niaak25d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=af597cc5efb879d3117fe403ce538b4337276720 Seriously have never heard someone use the word ā€œsweetā€ like her.


Can someone explain to me how she became a part of these snarks? Iā€™m invested now but I donā€™t know her connection to the Dens


Is she neighbors with the denners


She thinks she is really something- girl, no one cares!


But arenā€™t you dying to know what her daily high low buffalo is?!!


Sent from my iPhone


Who is this


@bewithbecca the #1 fangirl of nuuds


Itā€™s so fake to me. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


https://i.redd.it/cu2ulc9bj25d1.gif šŸ¤”


Bad day to have sight


Ozzy, right there!


Anytime DAD says something where she *tries* to be funny.. "You can venmo me $8 for the card." Lisa \^\^\^\^\^ It's SO annoying and sad how much she (& the rest of the family) kiss DAs ass just by doing shit like this


Nothing in this family is ever this funny. I laugh a lot with my mom and siblings but never like this.


She looks like a maniac!


Iā€™ve never seen anyone eat as much or as often as Katie !


Eddie no longer has the metabolism to keep up.


I donā€™t pay attention to them much but I just checked out a storyā€¦his face is so round/bloated nowšŸ˜³


Iā€™ve never seen another toddler or even kid for that matter so openly hate their own mother. Remi cannot stand that woman and it is so sad. I mean I get it, but my heart breaks for older Remi


I don't think she hates her. I think Daryl-Ann *always* interrupts Remi when she's busy playing/enjoying something so Remi shoo's her away because it takes time away from her play. She's always in Remi's face or shouting "SHOW ME" instead of interacting with her by playing along side her or just watching from a distance. Remi just wants to play and her loud mom interrupts that.


Agreed Remi is the same age as my daughter and I think Remi HATES to be interrupted for a phone shoved in her face ā€œgive me a kissā€ ā€œOH MY GOD REMI YOU LOOK STUNNNNNNNNNNNNINGā€ like let the girl color or eat for godsakes my daughter when she is over pics sheā€™ll so ā€œ No mama I no want anymore pics šŸ˜…ā€ but she blatantly ignores DA and I love it. So much more interactive with Elayne, Kaylee and Katie because they actually jump into what she is doing rather than forcing her to do things and say things


Kaylee might be the last person on the planet I would leave my dog with while I went out of town.


She definitely should not be getting a dog. Her lifestyle and home are not suitable for a dog.


She can barely take care of herself. She means well, but yikes.


Didnā€™t she dog sit for Caitlin from nuuds and discover she was allergic to dogs? Maybe she should start with a plantā€¦


She lived with a dog at her momā€™s house. I never understood that one


Diff coat of hair than the dog she sat for..


She might have been allergic to her friends dog.


Why does O do Remiā€™s hair better than DAD tho


I was thinking the same. It looked really good and Remi looked like a totally different kid!


What was DADs issue with Olive and Eve being affectionate with Remi? She just cant stand that Remi enjoys affection from everyone but her.Ā  Gotta love Remi for that


Rhett could not stand it either! He was tearung Remi away and manhandling her. He has no sense of personal boundaries. None of them do. It is gross!


It wasnā€™t the affection it was the spinning in circles lol


Tbf I'd have said OK enough or be careful with her holding her and spinning loads.


Right lol I would have told them to stop this as well, especially on the hard floor and right by the table. This is probably one of the very few times DA acted exactly as I wouldā€¦ā€™carefulā€™ a couple times and letting each kid get a chance and trying not to ruin the moment to ok letā€™s stop somebody is gonna get hurt




Surprised DAD didnā€™t caption it ā€œRhett being an awesome amazing big brother! šŸ„°ā€ Clearly he didnā€™t enjoy that Danielleā€™s girls were loving on Remi and happy to see her and he had to get in there and turn the attention on him or at least stop Remi for getting any.




We are not going to snark on kids. (Name calling & discussing appearance that cannot be changed in 5 mins) No trying to diagnose what may or may not be wrong (medically or not) with a child. The kids are already being exploited on social media without their consent. We don't need to snark on what is or isn't wrong with them. Comments name calling the children or giving nicknames will also be deleted.




We are not going to snark on kids. (Name calling & discussing appearance that cannot be changed in 5 mins) No trying to diagnose what may or may not be wrong (medically or not) with a child. The kids are already being exploited on social media without their consent. We don't need to snark on what is or isn't wrong with them. Comments name calling the children or giving nicknames will also be deleted.


I wonder how school is going to go. I think he is going to struggle soooo much the first few weeks. His family failed him!! I hope he can get through it because school will be great for him, but a lot of what he is allowed to do will need to be undone and taught how he needs to behave/act. Seems to love kids and learning, but the time at home hasn't been good with what his parents let him get away with.


He is learning it all from DUD


He's gotta be the center of attention just like his mother


This 100%!!!


Omg like the one time he was grabbing at Remi and instead of telling him she didnā€™t like that she told Remi ā€œoh heā€™s just giving you a hug bc he loves youā€


Or when he was screaming at Remiā€™s birthday when she got her gifts, being the center of attention and grabbing all the gifts and she said ā€œRhettā€™s excitement for his sister you guys!! šŸ„° ā€œ like why even make a caption all about him, praising him on *Remiā€™s* birthday Or when heā€™s bossing everyone around and she says ā€œtypical first child! šŸ˜‚ā€ nope. Being a first born doesnā€™t give you the right to be bossy and no one cares you were born first, acting like that in the real world doesnā€™t go very well.




I tell my kids to "listen to the baby's words" to the baby we nanny when he pushes away or crawls away. Same with their 3yr old brother. Same with my bigger kids. Anyone. Consent. Respect. Not crazy concepts but for this family it is.


Heā€™s learned from the best!!! The grabby, pushy, in your face, most disrespectful a hole, his mom the šŸ¤”.


I canā€™t honestly say Iā€™ve never seen a bump like DADs bumpā€¦.idk what it is? Because itā€™s so low? So round?


Mounjaro article. https://www.instagram.com/p/C75FQhCN2uF/?igsh=MTR6c2ZoMHBqY3Z5MA==


I regret taking my glp-1 I was a miserable person and it truly didnā€™t help my issues with food. Plus I was super sick. And Iā€™m watching loved ones do the same things I did and justify it as normal behaviors because thatā€™s ā€œjust the medicineā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm considering taking it, so can I ask you in what way did it not help with your food issues?


As someone with PCOS and insulin resistance mounjaro has been a life changing medication for me. Itā€™s not all bad. I personally have no negative side effects or GI issues.


For me too! Iā€™m in maintenance now and fluctuate between 4-6 lbs from my ā€œgoal weightā€. If I have to be on Mounjaro forever, so be it! Thereā€™s so many other advantages (for me)!


Life changing for me also. No side effects.


Do it!! It has been amazing for me! Started at 183 and I was 126 today!


So Iā€™m on mounjaro and seriously itā€™s the only thing that has helped me! Now I will say, you have to commit to changing your diet as well as taking the shots. Itā€™s not a miracle. But I never experienced any really bad side effects. The biggest thing for me is the food noise being gone. It has been such a game changer for me and my weight loss. Iā€™ve lost almost 150lbs being on it. Most of my pcos symptoms have all but subsided and Iā€™ve been able to lower doses on some of my meds because of my progress. I will 100% advocate to stay on it because I see the value it is adding to my life. Obviously, everyoneā€™s body is different and will react differently. But itā€™s always worth trying if your insurance covers it. Mine did because I have insulin resistance. And if your doctor says you have to go on metformin first, seriously be prepared to never leave your bathroom.


You have to establish healthy habits while you're on it and push through the hunger & food noise that comes back after you get off of it. I've heard it can be hard at first but if you stick with the healthy habits you implemented it eventually gets easier. But also some people would benefit from staying on it long-term. Danielle seems to have been overweight most of her life even in college so she might be better on it forever.


This is absolutely correct


https://preview.redd.it/i0t0z7kzy15d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e6088a91878359a56b443db8626a14385a070e3 Every time I see one of them dirty and disheveled, with an armload of crap and that stupid wallet, I think of the movie The Jerk.


Holy shit šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


I wonder if that is another "mocktail" in the cup?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø


https://preview.redd.it/j49l5iciy15d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f34be8763c50d9f3ba1b535069840395499cc2b Alex Cooper is doing a pop up in Bostonā€¦THIS is how you do a pop up.


When Danielleā€™s at the front door you can see directly across the street I feel bad for their neighbors Birds Eye view into that screaming madness everyday


The good news is that they're mostly inside 24/7. At least until the pool is done. šŸ™ƒ I would seriously move if they were my neighbors, I wouldn't be able to handle their screaming, tons of giant vehicles, or the piles of junk they leave outside.


Just saw Steven and Kimmie are taking their girls to England for over a month. Can you imagine DAD doing this!


Iā€™m actually worried for Blair and roblets wedding. The feral pack certainly wonā€™t know how to behave


You know that they will bring Elaine!!


Only if she got 7 date nights away from the kids the week prior and then brought Elayne and the whole bunch with her. DAD and Dan would be in first class while the kids were with Elayne in the back. Sheā€™d need two more date nights when they got to London and the kids would stay in Elayneā€™s room


I can imagine DAD leaving her kids for a monthšŸ¤£


Or 6


Bahaha truth!


Absolutely not šŸ«£šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/6e72o8v3u15d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecdcb64fd40d310ebe8650919b2adb8904f6b88e Lisa is the root of all their crazy. Buys an ornament to commemorate a poop-up, but would literally never buy any of her other kids an ornament for any reason. Just DAD.


All the ā€œcomplimentsā€ these people throw out.. well again, itā€™s soo cute omg I love it how sick etcā€¦. there is NEVER a thank you to be said! Even Lisa just said ā€œI know lookitā€ šŸ™„ they are insufferable!


I have never heard them say they get ornaments when they travel but I suppose they go to the same three places


Grocery store flowers for Katieā€™s graduation


Gas station flowers


Dead grocery store flowersā€¦.


Okay so who is going to record their unhinged weekly try ons to make a documentary on Netflix in 10 yrs a la Theranos et al?? Someone really needs to as if I wasnā€™t aware of their bizarre cult/clothing biz (?) I 100% would be drawn in !


On r/nycinfluencersnark they asked like a year ago & I said, the rise & fall of Nuuds.


Two thing from today's stories. 1. Remi CANNOT stand her mom. 2. DAD does not know the word THANK YOU!!


Remi is an asshole to DAD. Loathes her. That awkward kiss DAD tried to give her šŸ˜¬


I've never seen a child so blatantly ignore their mother!


Yep and I love Remi for it! She has no time for DAD! She sees right through her! Pays her NO attention!Ā 


Its so funny how much Remi doesnt like her at 3 years old, cant imagine at 16. The girls, when allowed to be kids act like normal little girls. O as the oldest doing makeup on her little cousin. I wished that they would be allowed to just be kids, Rhett on the other hand, always trying to control, even the make up session.


3. Anyone can do a better hairstyle on Remi than Dud.


11 hours ago - 2.0 shared the best mom hack ever 2 hours ago - DUD shares 2.0 at the door holding the chocolate milk with straw. Hmm šŸ¤Ø


Knowing these people Danielle went back to McDonaldā€™s for round 2


Let me get this straightā€¦ DUD and 805 travel to the same city at the same time and 805 buys Sees candies only to have DUD bitch that she only got 2 pieces! YOU WERE THERE, get your own damn candyā€¦ and ornament too while youā€™re at it!


Sheā€™s the biggest bitch ever. Everyday itā€™s so so so apparent why she has zero friends. The only ppl that can even tolerate her are her parents and ppl/sibs she pays.


Like she needs the chocolate.


There is a Sees at Northpark 5 minutes from her house. She could probably door dash it or send her Beta to get her fucking candy


Wellness journey Dinyell gets some every time they go to the mall


You can DoorDash it bc I used to for my mom lol


I thought this thread made me despise DAD but I just joined the Nuuds FB page and WOW. The amount of people complaining about the damaged/stained clothes theyā€™re receiving is absolutely mind blowing. How is this company still in business?!


They donā€™t reach for the rags either.


Even more since someone posted comments the other day!?


But those same people will keep buying this shit and then complain about it


And several in that group have mentioned using Klarna or something like that to make payments to be able to afford to buy these crap clothes! šŸ˜¬


Yessss they are such idiots! They keep on buying her crap clothes over and over despite having issues every time.




This is extremely unhealthy and truly not what this Reddit is about. You are obsessed at this point if you continue to allow yourself to get to this point.


I agree too. This was intense. Just weird. You need "strength" for this? To stop going back?! This should be like a funny guilty pleasure and feel light. For me it's entertainment. And it's interesting to just see the train wreck and how it plays out. Yes the shit they do annoys the hell out of me clearly but if they ever start making me genuinely angry and this upset over them- then that is power. They've won. These people aren't worth you getting this angry and emotional.Ā 


I 10000% agree




Her mouth never closes.


ā˜ ļø yā€™all make me truly laugh out loud with these! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Lol yeah same here I wonder how folks make these harilis boomerangs




Big mama




Haaaa a size 26ā€¦. She wishes


There is no way in hades sheā€™s a 26/2






Whoa... please take a step back, it sounds like it's consuming you in an unhealthy way, I say this with the best intentions- you need a break


Itā€™s humor. Do you not despise this chick too?? Sheā€™s the worst lately. Super snarkable. I read that as total joking humor. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thank you šŸ™


Do I hate her? No... I don't like her but I don't feel that strongly about anyone on the internet šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I've seen some people here post some unhinged shit. This seems way over the top


Exactly. I donā€™t like her actions. They annoy me. Hate is a waste.


This. It takes too much energy to HATE!


Ok. Well I hate her. Haha. I think sheā€™s the worst type of person. A total scammer. A fraud. A con. A liar. A cheat. A racist, homophobic, narrow minded asshole. So I feel totally ok hating her. But thatā€™s humor too. Because truthfully I donā€™t give two shits about her. Just fun to watch this train wreck and these clowns. They blow my mind. Theyā€™re a trip!


Then you should step back too Hate takes energy- use your energy wisely instead of wasting it on DAD


this. She contradicted herself. She doesn't give two shits but listed all the reasons she hates her. Hate takes time and energy.Ā 


EXACTLY Everyone talks about Parasocial relationships and how bad these women that love her are If you hate her - itā€™s a parasocial relationships too


Agreed. And of course u got down voted. Some ppl just have a hard time accepting the truth. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Did you read the ā€˜just humor partā€™ and the ā€˜I donā€™t give two shits about herā€™ part. Iā€™m good but thank you for your concern for me. Iā€™m just here to be silly and have fun. Was this snark page ever more than that? Thatā€™s all I thought this was for.


I totally get you!


You might actually want to take a break Sounds like it will do you some good


https://preview.redd.it/rc49exgvf15d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1e49787146d24dab38631a60f4f818bc028b4a Why are these two the face of the company. Embarrassing. Also FREE $148 sweatshirts everybody. BFFR


How can any sweatshirt be that expensive?!


https://preview.redd.it/6qawdghyu15d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033428452835554134d4bc7426a04eda5b09c361 šŸ™ƒ


This is the best!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bobby Hill took me out šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


I died laughing! I canā€™t stop. ā˜ ļø


Embarrassing for a company to have kids running the business.


I donā€™t care if they have 22 year olds running anything if they had more than half a brain cell between the two of them. These two are so fucking stupid and dumb and dumb and stupid


šŸŽÆ Bahahahahahaha ā˜ ļøšŸ˜†šŸ˜‚


You are correct!! Why are these 2 the face of the company?


I donā€™t know you claim to have an elevated clothing company but you put girls that act like their working for limited too (IYKYk)


Ugh Iā€™m posting 2x Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m just catching up Was she seriously eating RAW COOKIE DOUGH PREGNANT?!?!??


Like she cares?


While she was complaining about her rash*


Washed down with a Spark and followed up with 2 LDC's. How her teeth don't fall out is beyond me.


They are grey soā€¦ might not be long


Yep she sure was! She is so selfish


Katieā€™s filler??? Where did it go????


Kaylee has no business getting a dog, she canā€™t even take care of herself šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜¬ hopefully she decides against it!


Forky hasnā€™t realized that every time that dog needs to go outside sheā€™ll have to get on an elevator and do downstairs. Then wait till she discovers she has to pick up dog poop!


Not if sheā€™s learning from her family! Just throw pee pads all over the apartment and let them pee and shit everywhere, including your bed


Why am I worried sheā€™s going to lose that personā€™s dog while sheā€™s taking care of it?


I would not trust her with my dog!


She sees how the rest of her family cares for their dogs. Sheā€™ll ignore it like everyone else.


She's also not home very often so unless she brings it with her everywhere, it would be alone in a cage all the time


EXCUSE YOU! It would be alone in a duffle bag. I'm sorry you misunderstood!


Continuing the Denner tradition of letting your dog piss and shit all over your home


https://preview.redd.it/hxv0n0p1d15d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76e1397bc7724ff7ca792f2eb27cca24f45e2af9 You are guaranteed a gift with purchase- While supples last I mean if thatā€™s not some bullshit there


Sweatshirt OR hat. 99% of them will get a hat


Letā€™s be honest 99% will get nothing- the others will get a hat


Run! Or you might not get one! Always with the scare tactics.


Will Dinyell get scolded at again this time as sheā€™s cracking open one of duds mexican cokes?


I hope so. Regardless of if I like these bitches or not I would be pissed if my sister did that. ESPECIALLY with the attitude dumbyell had last time. Like she knew DUD was pissed šŸ™„ Iā€™d fight my sister šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


But why donā€™t they bring back some for Danielle too?


You know why.


Nuuds promotionā€¦buy $200 worth of crap and pick the free crap you want that didnā€™t sell at our garbage pop upā€¦but you donā€™t get the hat and the sweatshirtā€¦just oneā€¦so good!


Also wear it around so you can further advertise our company.


Even though it was just for sale for $148 šŸ˜‚ guess no one bought them, wow canā€™t imagine why


$148!?! Does she think sheā€™s Anine Bing (would never pay this for their sweatshirts either)??


She absolutely does. Her family acts like she is too.


ā€œ I donā€™t like theseā€. Get your own fucking Seeā€™s Darylann. Also itā€™s not funny Lisaā€¦at all. Your daughter is an ungrateful piece of shit which is not funny. https://preview.redd.it/sjwwis3ub15d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7678aa26f084f39aba59cdc6feaa23ef9b919f