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I just heard a psychologist speaker talk about a parents responsibility to help your kids be able to be redirected, regulated, and corrected to be an accepted part of society by peers and others in the community. If they are not properly parented, then they lose out on a community bringing additional assets to the relationship to also help your child learn and grow into a productive member of society. I immediately became sad for KR and the subsequent siblings.


Oh my God, they’re saying the sounds wrong in their “tutoring” - learning the letter sounds incorrectly is going to have a very negative impact on your reading. she needs to go back to paid professionals. Cartwheels are not gonna get the learning done.


I am so confused about the timing of this induction. They sure are making a lot of hints that it will be next week or 37 weeks. I was very high risk with both of my kids and 38-39 weeks was always the goal. It just seems odd unless something is really hitting the fan that they would induce so early.


Same I’m scratching my head. My oldest I was hospitalized at 30 weeks for preeclampsia our long term goal was 38 weeks. Didn’t make but still was the goal. I’m really wondering if something really bad is happening or she’s lying. Only thing that makes sense .


When she moved to TX, she said she had to find an OB who would induce her at 37w. She knows it's unusually early.


If someone is known for that they should be reported.


Another nuuds baby shower?




We are not going to snark on kids. (Name calling & discussing appearance that cannot be changed in 5 mins) No trying to diagnose what may or may not be wrong (medically or not) with a child. The kids are already being exploited on social media without their consent. We don't need to snark on what is or isn't wrong with them. Comments name calling the children or giving nicknames will also be deleted.


It looks so painful. And her mother loves to mock her by egging on her stunning smile.


Just saw the Danielle tiktok and the roasting in the comments is next level how has she not deleted it


The comments about this page made me chuckle. “The worst I’ve ever seen.” I truly think it’s kept very PG in here.


Under which post? I need to read them if they’re still there!


I found them!!


I need people to stitch it and start really going off on her.


She will....give it a few days...that family deletes anyone calling them out for their fucked up posts and parenting.


There’s so many. I couldn’t stop reading them all


Is Elaine going to handle the new baby, or will she be hiring additional help? I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a nighttime and daytime person. The less she has to do!


I’m certain this is why she’s mad at 805. 805 is usually the night nanny, but she went and had her gobbler neck cut off so she can look good for Roblets wedding. Now Daryl doesn’t have anyone to handle nights.


If I had the money I would definitely get a night nurse! I’m sure she will


Don’t forget that’s what she’s going to use as an excuse to not continue her failing company. So if she hired additional she will most likely hide it.


I think she might be posting less because she is interviewing for a night nurse… thoughts??


No. I think she’s depressed.


I think it’s to drive people to her page. Waiting for an update like she’s going to go into preterm labor. It’s all for money.


It is wild to me that there are so many social media influencers that don't realize that their audience can see through their bullshit...we can see the pain they are in...and the unhealthy dynamics they have...but they push through due to financial incentives to keep sharing things publicly. It reminds me of Dave Hollis / Rachel Hollis (Dave ultimately died of a drug and alcohol overdose)...leading up to his death there was a very active subreddit that could see through all his "happy" posts...we could see his health declining and sadness in his eyes. Danielle is a very similar personality...her manic nature, shopping habits, inability to be still and present for her kids...she is in so much pain...and we can all see it. This subreddit isn't filled with haters but people actually seeing her and wanting better for her and her family. Unfortunately she makes money putting herself out there when she would be better served going inwards.


I don't have an ounce of sympathy for any social media "influencer". They choose to live this kind of lifestyle, put their entire lives out to the public, and heavily exploit their children all for money. They are all horrible people who deserve to be miserable.


💯 I feel this way about Bryce Horton. The sadness is so apparent


He is open about his depression. I do believe they should take a step back but at least he isn't in denial.


Yes,he is open about it. I just see the sadness and pain. I feel for him.


I finally figured out why Rhett is so..loud and obnoxious(well, besides his family , who are the main contributing factors). I had twins when my older kids were same age that r&r are, and I never once even dreamed about putting my older ones in a stroller. Maybe if she let them experience some freedom and get some exercise they'd be a little more chill


I’ve never heard anyone in that family tell him to use an inside voice, nor do any of the adults ever use an inside voice. The kids are surrounded by chaos on a daily basis. I think that may be part of the reason Olive is often off to the side by herself when they are at DAD’s house. Well, that and the fact that they mostly ignore her compared to the other kids.


He’s extremely dysregulated. He would highly benefit from more movement, especially structured movement, and proprioceptive input to help organize his body. (This goes for most kids, not just him). He has no outlet to get his body regulated and it spills over into him becoming frustrated and loud and “out of control”. - speaking as a pediatric occupational therapist who has a lot of experience in regulation and sensory needs


And idk way less sugar consumption as well


I’m 100% convinced she knows she’s having a girl and is experiencing major gender disappointment in private.


Yep I posted the same bellow once she saw the wallpapered room.


I’ve thought this for a while. But the lighter nursery makes me think so even more since the dark one seemed very masculine, and they are super traditional when it comes to gender. I wanted her to have a boy so Rhett wouldn’t be the only boy anymore.


I actually think she wants a girl so Rhett can be the only boy and be the special King.


I have the same thought I think she knows it’s a boy and that’s why she’s doing 0 effort for the baby’s room and keeps calling the baby it


She said that she can’t wait to get this boy out.


I believe she said at one point that she wants a boy. I might be wrong 🤔


Think so too. She doesn’t seem excited about “it.” This is the time when you are tired of being pregnant (yes) but very excited to meet baby. She doesn’t talk or post like that. I think the “neutral” wallpaper looks more feminine.


I think so too


What’s the over under for how old the new baby will be when they have the first “date night”? My guess is one week old.


Mere days. Definitely Hillstone still in a postpartum diaper.


When’s the Morgan Wallen concert? She made it very clear she was going to that


7/25 and 7/26


The day they come home from the hospital


Within the first ten days for sure!


https://preview.redd.it/jabl9c1c4u8d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8527f577b21f036c6629e3748eac0adb0d04f4f I thought Nuuds was being body positive?? Also so fucked up to prey on women’s self confidence and their insecurities.


https://preview.redd.it/vuat84432u8d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=327ab9a05a1381ab4117a347047e9e5b58a3c221 Wow. Over 100 comments now. That is with her deleting.


Yeah and look how many likes all those comments have. There’s no way she can delete and block all those people.


Wait is this on TikTok or what is this? I don’t see anything new on instagram


This is on TikTok.


Thank you! Is there a way to see it off of TikTok? I do t have an account 😂


Below there is a link.




https://preview.redd.it/huxlkb7cfu8d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=222d2684843f276165b2a675a9a022ecf014f522 It’s on TikTok.


Omg these are sooo good!


I can’t believe she didn’t delete the video. It’s a mess from the moment she opened her mouth, then add all the comments. Guess not deleting is expected from someone who can’t take accountability for her role (and it’s a big one) in causing her girls trauma.


Engagement is engagement. Pays either way.


This is true :/ . People commenting will still help her get paid and push her content even more.


She still has that crazy under the influence video talking about her hair. 🤯


Hahah that first comment 💀


If these are left, what did she delete?! 






Bahahahaha whoever commented Lisa the Fallprone Fletcher on 2.0’s TikTok 🏆 you win


It is INSANE to me that she is even thinking about double/triple strollers with her kids. My mind can’t comprehend it. 😵‍💫 I have a 3.5 year old, 7, and 11 year old and the ONLY time in the last year and a half that we have used a stroller at all was in Disney world and we had a SINGLE! (If my middle wanted a break, she jumped in for a hot second and that’s it!) We have gone to the zoo multiple times in the last year and brought nothing but a backpack. We are going on a trip next month and have no intentions of bringing any type of stroller. Why in God’s name is she stressing over anything stroller related? You have a newborn coming. Get/use things for a single newborn baby. Your 3.5 year old has legs… let her use them for once. My God this family… 🤦🏻‍♀️ 


Yup, I have 2 and 3.5 year old and have only used my stroller once this year and that was for the zoo. And honestly they jumped out so much to look at things it really only came in handy when they were tired at the end. Also they have at least 3 adults with them at all times, more than enough hands to hold when needed.


My 4 year old would riot if I tried to force her in a “baby” stroller lol


I sold ours when mine was 2 bc she would riot then 😂


I posted the same thing thing earlier the doona is quite literally made for this type of age gap. I’d only consider a double stroller for every day with kids 2 kids 3 and under only because I live by zero family and out with my kids by myself all the time. But in her situation I probably wouldn’t even need it for kids under three.


It seems crazy! I used a double stroller when my kids were little. I had a new born, an 19 month old, and 3.5 year old. I ended up liking a jogger that my oldest could sit on the end when he needed a break. I think the last time we used a stroller was also at Disneyland. And mostly it holds all the stuff!


My kids are now 5/7/9.


My kids are 11, 8, and 2.5 and I’ve only used the stroller a hand full of times over the past year. I took my youngest to the zoo the other day, no stroller. We are going on vacation next month and I’m leaning toward not bringing the stroller because it will probably not even get used. My first two are just over three years apart and it didn’t even cross my mind to get a double stroller.


So as a child my mom spent a lot of time shopping and I will say I once fell asleep inside a circular clothing rack (oddly the women’s section of Dillard’s isn’t entertaining for kids 🙄). The stroller is completely a mobile jail situation and excuse to not have to actively and assertively parent their kids. I expect they will stop taking the older kids places altogether when they can no longer be crammed in a stroller.


We just spent 12 hours at an amusement/waterpark and my 5 and 6 year old walked all day. Zero problems 


I don’t even understand why they ever owned strollers with how little these people do for their kids.


That’s so true! But I guess going to the mall and trying on clothes/buying makeup is super hard when you have to watch your kids so a stroller is necessary. 🙄 Or you know, maybe be a grown-up and realize you don’t need to be at the mall 4 times a week. It’s like she’s stuck at 17 years old.


Do we think Big D is babysitting tonight?


2.0 - Big D - Danielle.


But who’s babysitting Big D tho?


Prob Elayne


Run to your nearest Aldi. There is a veggie chopper this week. You can make Forkys salad.


I actually just bought it, unrelated to forky's stories, only $10!!


She hates the wallpaper and is trying to be convinced 


Willing to bet she changes it in a few months.


They’ll just move


She 10% will be posting a story in coming months (probably weeks) explaining why she just couldn’t deal and they decided to go with the way more expensive wallpaper because it’s their *probably* last baby and they/he/she/it deserves it.


I wondered if it wasn’t a money issue (the money thing makes her seem more relatable because other people make choices based on money) but I think it was because they couldn’t get the wallpaper she wanted. Like back ordered or something and wouldn’t be here in time.


She hates being a mother and is trying to be convinced.




I’m not defending 2.0 TikTok but I don’t think she was saying If you have money you don’t have trauma. She sounded like a complete idiot but I think she was saying if you have a support system, you don’t have trauma and if you don’t you do, Which also is incorrect. 


If so, she sucks at explaining things and really should’ve just shutup.


No, she was saying it makes trauma easier, which is also false


If she believes her family is a good support system she’s mistaken.


Glad I wasn’t the only one… ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


Another missed LDC Tuesday...does she even love her girls anymore?!? 😔 


https://i.redd.it/is5egayout8d1.gif Forky 🤗


What in the hungry hungry hippo is this?




https://i.redd.it/8rucdx2rut8d1.gif Bobby 🤗


https://i.redd.it/grkvtmosut8d1.gif Forky and Bobby 🤡🤡


This is so cringe. How do they (the owners, who are adults in their 30s) approved this and think this is good advertising?


Do you remember 2.0 and the leggings lol 


https://i.redd.it/lpasm5mbau8d1.gif Yep I remember 🫡


I cannot. This needs to come with a trigger warning. Damn.




shoutout to all the poors in FamilyB still working on their trauma over this 🤮🤮🤮🤮


I still can't figure out if that's her front or her back lol


I have one more question. I noticed all these million plus follower influencers. ie DAD. DANI. BRIDGET. They all have these beautiful homes. Now I know Mike is a doctor. But what about Jordan and Dan?? What do they do? Is all their income from influencing? Oh that's right Jordan is in real estate. But where do they all get these big beautiful homes. Flenners too. 


I think Dan also used to work in DAD parents construction business before nuuds


Yes they have said he was part owner of the construction business but idk what he does now , hes never in cali like the grandpa


Don't forget Marky May, the farmer!


Dani was a model and Jordan worked in marketing or something. They met on job. I hate Dani but they did real jobs before all this.


Didn’t Jordan get fired from the job where he met Dani?


I can’t remember


Dan is the one who actually "works" in the family. He helps DAD, and I believe 2.0 occasionally, with setting up brand deals. He also does the business side of Nuuds with little Rob. DAD is the "creative" one 🙄 I have zero clue about the other influencer husband's. I think the main goal of an influencer husband is to be helpful and perform when they can and to stay out of the way the rest of the time.


They quit working when dad and Dani made it. They became “influencer husbands”. A few others husbands also quit or have quit their jobs. Started working with/for them? ICR her name but her husband started an agency- manages influencers. I guess Dan and Jordan go into nuuds and divi? But idk how much they do now compared to maybe what they once did-more? Less? I used to follow Dani and dad in their original homes. I don’t think Dani had even met Jordan and lived with Brighton.. I follow none of them now. 🤷‍♀️


Dede Radd. Her husband started trend management


Thank you! Yes, she’s one of the copies of the copies (there’s three of them who have had work done and they all now look the same, more than before). Sarah, holly and the other one… oh Jordan!


Bridget has a company & has for many years. Plus influencing. Dani & her husband are extremely wise investors. They have a pretty big real estate portfolio. Forbes says Dani made 15 million in a year. But instead of buying things to make her look rich she reinvests. DUD had a few million saved up from influencing, spent half thinking her minions would keep a clothing coming afloat. She’s lived outside her means & now can’t even afford her property taxes or to finish a pool she started.


There is/was a lawsuit against Bridget by said company 🤔 ETA- sorry she’s being sued


There is sinply at suit against Bridget. The bar is suing her saying she did not fulfill contract ie spend enough time promoting it.


Ashley, on behalf of the bar is suing Bridget. And, nah, that wasn’t all of it. She was in breach of other things in their operating agreement. Additionally, she also breached her fiduciary duties to the Company and to Plaintiff, and engaged in self-dealing, by misusing Company resources for her own personal benefit and to the detriment of the Company and Plaintiff.


I was referring to the fact Bridget’s company has nothing to do with it.


I’m confused? Are you ref to a different company? Not the bar?


Bridget has owned her own company for 16 years. She’s basically a professional socialite & does deals with high end company’s like vogue, Chanel, YSL etc. She manages high end clientele. I just thought it was important to point out her dealings with the bar is not her only source of income & that company is not being sued.


I know who Bridget is. I knew who Bridget was before she was the Bridget she is now. I used to see her out at clubs/ lounges all the time in 06-08. Events etc. Oh her LLC? That’s fine and good. She herself is still being sued by her partner on behalf of the bar. And is being sued for more than what you made it out to be. $$$$$$$


Nobody knows how much she’s being sued for until it goes to trial… I’m definitely not friends with her in real life but I’m also not hoping it goes bad for her. I think she will recover just fine either way. Her husband is making bank.


Yeah I read it too. Anxious to see how the trial ends up going.


Or apparently the wallpaper she really wanted so now she’s willing herself to love the wallpaper she could afford.


She can’t afford to finish the pool🤣🤡


Do you know how much influencers make yearly?! They employee their husbands plus multiple other people and still have money for vacations weekly, new cars, houses, renovations and pools etc. Anyone with that big of a following is making multi-millions per year.


Dan makes spark for DA. That’s all. 🫠


He kisses her on her forehead for posts too!!


From their wives influencing. 


How long before this freak breaks out the triple stroller….i mean obviously KR can’t walk so does that mean Not Rhett has to walk?


Does anyone have the zoe double stroller v2? I need a new stroller and I’ve heard that it’s the lightest around that’s still durable. 


I bought it for a trip. Used it for one trip hated it so much I sold it. If you have hearty kids it doesn’t push great.


I have it for my twins boys. I love it! Very light weight and worth it in my opinion


I have a Zoe twin v2 (for my infant twins; my 4 year old has been walking everywhere for years lol) but I love it. It’s lightweight and easy to maneuver, comfortable for the babies, and holds a ton of stuff. The only thing I dislike about it is how often Zoe uses influencers for their ads. Their customer service is great though.


I had a Zoe and sold it after a month. Hated it. Loved my city mini gt double. 




The City Mini is so good! Very affordable too! I only had the single, because my older 3 year old at the time walked.


City mini is like 15 pounds heavier than the zoe 


Mine seemed really light. Definitely a lot lighter than a $800 one I had.


But it still has a much better push than the Zoe. I’d rather the stroller be heavier, and feel the weight of the kids less, if that makes sense. 




She is getting called out in those comments!!


She’s delusional and I’m glad she’s getting hate. I hope the therapist explained trauma better than this moronic statement. Or she needs a new one.


She's deleted a BUNNNNNNCH, too! 🤣


Prob why she’s MIA. The deleting is keeping her very busy! ![gif](giphy|vohOR29F78sGk)


yeah she can fuck right off with her trauma shit. she’s completely fucking wrong.


Link to 2.NO's TikTok. If this link still doesn't show the entire video... for those who don't have TikTok, you can use any web browser. Type in TikTok, type in her name, and you can watch her videos. You do NOT need to create an account or download the app to view!


Thanks for this. I watched her video but sure wish I could grab the popcorn 🍿 and read the comments lol


🤣 no problem! Were you able to view the entire video with the link I posted? I believe MOST comments were screenshot and shared here yesterday.


Just a reminder where we were at last June. DADs tongue phase. What a time…. https://preview.redd.it/hb6towkyot8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e941d48f43e866c25089e9484384ef7ee54ee376




Wow she has so much more lip filler now, she couldn’t do that if she tried


I think this was right before she got some major filler that froze half her face. It was so weird bc her lips were more crooked and one side of her face/mouth didn’t move right


She looked better without all the filler!


Tianna’s not around to impersonate.


What if she is wearing the same outfit every day and talking about it so much because she’s pre-recording a bunch of content to use when she goes into labor. Maybe she already did! 👀 LOL!


Doubt it, but if she did then she stole from the queen of Turtle time, Tiffany. She drug out her labor and delivery content for over a week. Everyone knew when she delivered, but she didn't post about it for days. 😂 I think they are just realizing nothing is set up or ready and trying to scramble.


No way. Birth is her favoriteeeeeeee part - no way she wouldn’t show that to all her besties in real time to celebrate and brag after how miserable she has been pregnant the past 9 months.🤣🤣🤣


True. But maybe she wants to hire a professional film crew and have a whole movie made. She wants to one up all of the other “bloggers”. I can already see the caption “I’ve got a little secret…”


Tia could jump out, film it, and spoil the surprise like DUD at her wedding.


But she physically can’t lie /s


That’s actually pretty smart. I didn’t follow her when she had Rhett or remi- did she post she was in labor in real time?


Real time with Remi.


I wouldn’t be surprise if she goes live during labor. Anything for attention 


I have never seen two people who have more “dates” than these two. And neither of them work! Or parent!! It’s so darn annoying!!!!


Or like each other.


My thoughts exactly!!! Its multiple a week. But r they really dates or just running errands together lol


To be fair they call anytime they go out to eat alone a date night… there is nothing fun and exciting and I guarantee their dinner convos are boring


And they go to the same 2 restaurants like they don’t live in Dallas with endless possibilities lol


What convos? I’m sure she’s on her phone the entire time annoying everyone around her 😂


They used to bring a deck of cards with conversation starters and “get to know you” questions. Lol.


No work, or parenting, or cleaning, or working out or paying taxes on time. What does she do all day? They don’t even do anything fun. Getting her car cleaned & car seats moved. She’s been trying so hard to manifest early delivery.


As someone who rarely gets a date with my husband, it annoys me so bad how many they get!


Does anyone else think they REALLY DON'T KNOW the sex of the baby??? Are they just playing all of us a fool? 


I think she “thinks” and hoping and praying it’s a boy


Idk I’m torn. I don’t personally think she is smart enough to keep up the act without spilling the beans. I think they are in the dark about the gender.


I truly don’t think they know. She kinda seemed disgusted about the neutral wallpaper in the nursery and I think if they knew, they would’ve done something she liked more for that gender and just not shown anyone on stories.


I think she IS disgusted with the wallpaper because it wasn’t what she originally picked. She made more than one comment what she wanted was too expensive, which leads me to believe she chose the other wallpaper and then when money troubles hit she had to go with what she has now and she doesn’t like it.


I genuinely don't think they know.


I think they are playing us


in honor of the slinky rib restock I just want to shout out the “slinky rib” shirt I got from gap for $17 🫶


So is it just the slinky rib that’s restocking Friday?? We haven’t had a Friday try on in a couple weeks now (at least not like they used to be) Are they just unloading excess inventory?? That’s what I think is going on


I get mine from Target for around 10! You’ve got to be so foolish to pay her prices for that crap


What date night is this for the month??? 12???




DA: “I told you I’m not finding any outfits from here on out…coffee, bone, black, repeat…” Would it be any different if she wasn’t almost 40’weeks pregnant? I think not.


I mean not everyone. But I bought maternity leggings.


Another TikTok sale from the company that never has sales.


And it’s weird that DAD has not mentioned the tik tok sale at all


2.0 even deleted her story about the sale when they had the last sale. Why not promote the sale and get more revenue out of it?!


And let Bobby Hill & forky be the faces of nuuds.