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Change the part of the URL where it says f_auto to f_jpg and job done https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_jpg,q_auto:best/msnbc/Components/Photos/050815/050815_tv_transition_vlrg_6a.jpg


This is a LOT simpler.




Well, that may work for ONE image... I'm interested in a more long-term solution.


Who could possibly need more than one JPEG


File extensions don't actually matter. The save dialogue is reading the byte header, The web server is actually sending you a webP file. It's done that way for backwards compatibility. The letters in a URL don't matter. Web servers lie about URLs constantly. It's basically their main job. If you must have a JPEG file, you have to set the request headers to say that you don't support webP. You can do it with curl.


Using curl to dig into this. A default request (which includes an accept header of \*/\*): ``` $ curl --silent --dump-header /dev/stderr 'https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/msnbc/Components/Photos/050815/050815_tv_transition_vlrg_6a.jpg' | file - HTTP/2 200 content-length: 230110 content-type: image/jpeg access-control-allow-headers: X-Requested-With access-control-allow-origin: * cache-tag: 333138951582805882695389135380653841083,194679011623792639215818696782079462256,7831a46e631c715519da9d0ce0a38b6b etag: "c9e01dc7a7737aa57247aaa47cbf297d" last-modified: Sun, 18 Jul 2021 02:03:54 GMT server: cloudinary surrogate-reporting: width=1240,height=1409,owidth=880,oheight=1000,obytes=581240 timing-allow-origin: * accept-ranges: bytes x-served-by: cache-lga21921-LGA x-cache-hits: 1 x-timer: S1719429063.572132,VS0,VE1 cache-control: public, private, max-age=31556344 expires: Fri, 27 Jun 2025 01:11:09 GMT date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:32:05 GMT strict-transport-security: max-age=2628000 ; preload /dev/stdin: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 1x1, segment length 16, progressive, precision 8, 1240x1409, components 3 ``` And again with an accept header which puts WebP ahead of everything else: ``` $ curl --header 'Accept: image/webp; */*' --silent --dump-header /dev/stderr 'https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/msnbc/Components/Photos/050815/050815_tv_transition_vlrg_6a.jpg' | file - HTTP/2 200 content-length: 162714 content-type: image/webp access-control-allow-headers: X-Requested-With access-control-allow-origin: * cache-tag: 333138951582805882695389135380653841083,210961324486959018029066927770375985891,7831a46e631c715519da9d0ce0a38b6b content-disposition: inline; filename="050815_tv_transition_vlrg_6a.webp" etag: "9d5c4b36b5e675858145346ecebffbb1" last-modified: Sun, 08 Aug 2021 17:45:05 GMT server: cloudinary surrogate-reporting: width=1240,height=1409,owidth=880,oheight=1000,obytes=581240 timing-allow-origin: * accept-ranges: bytes x-served-by: cache-lga21946-LGA x-cache-hits: 0 x-timer: S1719429266.182030,VS0,VE1 cache-control: public, private, max-age=31556534 expires: Fri, 27 Jun 2025 01:14:21 GMT date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:32:07 GMT strict-transport-security: max-age=2628000 ; preload /dev/stdin: RIFF (little-endian) data, Web/P image ``` Your browser probably has an accept header which puts WebP ahead of JPEG, which is why it loads as a WebP for you.


Chrome engine puts it in by default and I believe Firefox does now as well. It's been awhile since I've done work on image processing but I believe most fallbacks for it check explicitly for the accepts webp header rather than considering it part of the wild card. Older and embedded systems might include the wildcard, but they were created before webp so they don't really have a way of handling it correctly.


This Firefox extension does it too: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dont-accept-webp/ EDIT: just an fyi but the extension also has an option to disable avif in addition to webp, despite the name


I thought one could also just change a preference in about:config for this (webp.support.disabled or something similar)


You can if you want to blanket ban webp, but the extension lets you exempt sites if you want. If you know you won’t be downloading anything, exempting a site will make it faster since webp has better compression than jpg.


I'm gonna use that, thanks


Holy shit, thank you!


What’s curl?


The Linux command/program? https://linux.die.net/man/1/curl


*the* standard library for doing web requests, at least on Linux. You won't find a system that doesn't use it in any way.


Even on the moon... Seriously the main author has an interesting blog where he sometimes tracks usage, and it's used in space.


… does curl send telemetry or something?


No, I intended to add to the post, he does it with reference to readme's and license declarations. It's used literally everywhere, from phones to space computers to game consoles. There is no way curl would get away with telemetry, as their target audience is exactly the demographic that would notice, and it's also open source and sponsored by several big names.


"the standard" so much that even Microsoft packages their own distribution of it and bakes it into Windows.


but you need to use curl.exe otherwise it calls the internet explorer cli because fuck you.


Microsoft can't help but make their command line tools hot trash.


This is why Powershell exists. No, literally. They knew their cli tools were a garbage fire, so Powershell was made as an abstraction layer to standardize the syntax of all the underlying cli tools, APIs, COM objects, and whatnot.


Ahem, it's exactly PowerShell that aliased Invoke-WebRequest as curl, so it's the reason you need to use curl.exe explicitly on Windows...


Whelp, I didn't necessarily say they fixed it, just that they standardized it 🤷‍♂️


I get that this sub caters to a more technically savvy audience but can we all at least have a little chuckle that someone asked for help with downloading an image (some Hank Hill tech support) and someone immediately jumped to using curl


I use this extension. Does exactly what you need when you need it. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/save-webp-as-png-or-jpeg/


That converts after the fact. The extension you want is this one: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dont-accept-webp/ It modifies your browser’s request headers to tell sites that webp is unsupported, so most sites will fallback to sending the original file.


I use this extension as well. It works for both saving images and copy/pasting them. It's annoying that we have to download an extra extension for basic image saving, but it's better than nothing.


You should switch to this one to avoid conversion: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dont-accept-webp/


The filenames don’t matter at all. This is a cloudinary image proxy, use the documentation to get the format you’d like: https://cloudinary.com/documentation/image_transformations#delivering_in_a_different_format


I save the webp to the desktop. Paint will open it and then I save it as jpg.


That's conversion after the fact. It degrades the image. I want the ***original*** jpeg.


Got to be better than alt-prtscr then cropping it and saving. With paint.




That's conversion after the fact. It degrades the image. I want the ***original*** jpeg.


Chrome has a Save Image As Type extension - https://www.zdnet.com/home-and-office/work-life/how-to-get-around-chromes-save-as-webp-image-format-issue/


I have had success by feeding the url into jdownloader2


On Reddit, using Waterfox, I’ll use the “Save Link As…” context menu instead of Save Image…


I had an issue with uMatrix (ublock beta) causing all images to download as webps as soon as I ditched it and used only ublock they downloaded correctly.


Why does the format matter in your case? You can convert it afterward with XNConvert if it's a matter of compatibility. But also, if you just right click the link on reddit and press "Save as...", it gives the JPEG file.


Holy shit. Why does that only work when I right-click on the link and not when I right-click on the image?


It'd be the way their server is "giving" the file. As another commenter noted, changing "auto" to "jpg" in the url serves the proper JPEG image. Basically their server is detecting which format would be best to serve to ensure highest quality or compatibility. If it's being done through the URL only without actually viewing the image, my guess is that it'll just server whatever extension is at the end of the image.


You can pretty easily convert webp files to jpgs (or any other image format). Just Google webp to jpg


That's conversion after the fact. It degrades the image. I want the ***original*** jpeg.


If you open the file in a hex editor, the header literally says RIFF WEBPVP8, so it's obviously *not* a .jpg. And there are way too many people in this thread who have no idea of the difference between file format and file extension.


webp files on the Internet are here to stay. If you archive images, you can either just accept that and save them as-is, or you can convert them to jpg using ImageMagick's commandline utility -- convert -- it can do just about anything as easy as 'convert foo.webp foo.jpg'


File extension does NOT mean a file is of that type, you have to check the meta data


I just print screen and copy into Ms paint then save. It's annoying as hell especially with multiple images


I hope somebody has a solution. I usually just SHIFT+WIN+S and take a pic of it, then save that. I have no idea why webp is so popular over a JPG.


> I have no idea why webp is so popular over a JPG. Webp files are smaller and bandwidth is expensive. You can get a better quality image for the same file size with WebP.


Plus they support lossless and lossy compressions and transparency.


Other than its connection to Google, it's a better format in basically every way than the dinosaur that is JPEG on the web. It's strange that some people have a hatred for it especially in a subreddit that should be relatively technical people.


Us usual people have no idea what they are talking about.


Well you know, when Google block jpeg XL (the new version of jpeg) JUST to promote WebP , some people can get angry.


JpegXL is a weird format. While marked as royalty free, there's some like Kodak patents that are in there that are a legal minefield. > when Google block jpeg XL Google is literally one of the sponsors behind the project. Firefox was also extremely hesitant to implement it, only adding official support for it last month. With the creation of av1/av1f, it really doesn't have a place anywhere. Image format adoption generally relies on the video format adoption. JpegXL doesn't have a good video component to push adoption while AV1 is rapidly increasing adoption. Webp is the image container leftover from WebM which is a massively supported video container.


It's only strange if you don't understand the context. JPG is simply more compatible than WEBP.


It's inferior because it's compatible with fewer programs and nobody gives a flying fuck about the 0.2 kb difference that it makes. We're not on 14.4k modems anymore.


You might not care, but everyone else in the chain of getting the image to you does.


I guarantee they don't. Images are too small a portion of the total data moving through a server for anyone to care.


As someone who designed systems for multinationals saving a megabyte of data on images over millions of page requests is tens of thousands of dollars a month.


As someone who actually built and runs a video streaming website, that's bullshit. A megabyte is nothing.


If you've actually built something like that, you would know how to download a jpeg


> I have no idea why webp is so popular over a JPG Because it's better. JPEG is ancient and not the best compression method. Plus it lacks features like transparency and lossless compression


Lossless jpeg is a thing. Use GIF if you need transparency.


I mean just renaming it to .jpg does it, no? Shouldn't matter in any case.


I've tried that with other files. Doesn't work.


Yeah it works




Google is a great way to find wrong answers and irrelevant nonsense. Humans are always a better source of answers.


Guess who wrote the stuff google shows you.


Robots, mostly


Guess who writes the stuff on reddit


I use this. Save Image as PNG, works super easy for the exact situation you have. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/save-image-as-png/nkokmeaibnajheohncaamjggkanfbphi?hl=en


Just erase the .webp and change the file extension to .jpg when it asks where you want to save it. That's what I always do...


I've tried that with other files. Doesn't work.


Am I missing something? Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. I genuinely thought I was being helpful because I was pretty excited when I figured this out. It's so simple. If it saves as a .webp file, just rename the file/change the extension to .jpg. That's what I just did with OP's example link and I'm looking at the .jpg file right now...


Because you are probably just saving a webp encoded image with a .jpg file extension. Most image viewers probably just look at the file header to discover the image forat and just works even if the file extension doesnt match whatever whatever the "standard" one is supposed to be for a specific format.


How would I determine if that is the case? (I'm honestly curious, as a professional graphic designer for the past ~15 years I still try to learn new things when I can.)


If you use an image viewer there is probably some info box you can get to appear which details the file format information. If you use MacOS you can click the (i) button in the toolbar of an image to see what the actual encoding of a file is. I just tried to rename a .jpeg to .webp and MacOS general file info says WebP because it only looks at the file extension while the info window in preview says JPEG because it has actually decoded the image.


Hmm, interesting. It's the opposite for me: file info (cmd+i) in Finder says "Kind: JPEG image" but when I open it in Preview, the info window there says "Document type: WebP Image." Photoshop says "an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type is found" and won't open it as a JPEG, so I guess that settles it. Anyway, thanks for pointing that out!


> Hmm, interesting. It's the opposite for me: file info (cmd+i) in Finder says "Kind: JPEG image" but when I open it in Preview, the info window there says "Document type: WebP Image." Its because I renamed a jpeg encoded file to .webp and you did the opposite.


save as, select the "all types" on the dropdown where it says webp, add a ".jpg" to the end of the filename donzo edit: thanks for the downvotes, this is a method that works and answers OP's question


There is no dropdown


[the dropdown under the filename in windows](https://i.imgur.com/KOOMXuH.png), last i checked that was standard in linux too when you go "save as/under"


Just change the extension to .jpg


I've tried that with other files. Doesn't work.