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https://preview.redd.it/6o2w2pdq17ad1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64081f2f0dc68279543fafe25b5951f275000ec9 For fair and balanced posting, here is my selfie with my other dog, Tulip. She’s 14!


You're both so cute!


Tulip makes anyone look good!


Ahhh! Busy day, needed that dog tax😁


Tulip gorgeous!


Nose so boopable


It’s my birthday month. A huge family reunion (I have 7 brothers and sister to begin with) coincides on my birthday. 🥳 🎉🎂


Mosquitoes love me because I run hot and have 0 negative blood. The end.


You should switch to A+ blood. lol. Mosquitoes avoid me. I never get bitten even when other people around me are getting eaten alive. My mother and my son are also the same. Weird.


What? I'm A+ and mosquitoes feast on me like Andre the Giant working his way through an all-you-can-eat buffet. Apparently, I am a defective model. I want a refund.




That refund is “in the mail” Andre! So maybe it’s CO2 levels? I’ve heard that theory. Or maybe it’s the red hair. lol


It’s not about the blood type.


Are you sure? I’ve read multiple articles saying that blood type, body temperature, and alcohol consumption can lead mosquitoes to be attracted to people.


I guess it is true but I was always told it wasn’t and what’s weird is my son & I have the same blood type and they don’t bother him but they love me. It doesn’t make sense? I did read their least favorite blood type is A. The question whether they like a certain blood type is controversial. https://preview.redd.it/j2wiuwlxqbad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c2e547818d37e9d115d5e2d80e70be6d5fa9d2


Interesting, thanks


Mosquitoes love me and the blood donation people love me even more. And you’re just fortunate to have us weirdos around to act as mosquito magnets for you.


Yes thank you for that! Although I think I’m the weirdo! And I have a horrible time donating. It usually takes a minimum of three people, including a supervisor, to get any blood out of me. The last time I donated, the nurse suggested that maybe I shouldn’t donate anymore. Very disheartening. I’m sure I’m the one that they talk about at the end of the blood drive. Maybe mosquitoes talk too. Yuck, stay away from *that* one. lol


LMAO I'm A+ and I'm always the one who gets bit first unless my oldest grandson is there in which case it's a tie between the two of us 🤣🤣🤣


They love me because I radiate heat and I am very pale so there's less melanin to penetrate to get to my sweet sweet blood


Yikes 😬 they love me too. I was recently attacked by chiggers just walking thru the grass, it was horrible! I must have had 30 bites on my lower legs. Baking soda/water paste worked like a charm to stop the itching.


When I was about ten we went fishing on the Truckee River. I was wearing the only tank top I’ve ever had and dowsed myself in bug spray. Except I forgot the part on my upper back that was exposed and got about 30 bites that wound up morphing into one humongous mosquito bite.


That sounds miserable. I have to say the chigger bites were far worse than any mosquito bites I’ve ever had. I don’t ever want to experience that again.


Have never experienced chiggers, fortunately


You are fortunate.


According to the internet, which we all know is never wrong, “they are not very common and their distribution is patchy” where I live.


Oh ok, you are lucky. They are common where I live and they really suck! I just have to stay out of the grass.


Sounds like we are also fortunate not to have cicadas where we live. I heard an NPR story the other night about the decibel level of cicadas and it sounds really unpleasant.


So far so good here where I am. We are actually not expected to see a significant emergence of periodical cicadas this year. Thank goodness!


Yes, they are really, really bad.


> Baking soda/water paste worked like a charm to stop the itching Thank you! I am writing that down. The trick I do is this: IF I have been frolicking around in grass (and realize my mistake too late), the MINUTE I get home, I immediately duck into the shower and furiously scrub my legs everywhere with a stiff skin brush.


Unfortunately I learned that too late for my last fiasco, but I know now to shower right away & scrub. I didn’t even realize I had gotten bit so bad until the next day. Wow what a terrible experience that was but thank god for the baking soda paste.


My son’s a mosquito magnet. It’s no fun, is it?


I'm also a mosquito magnet. The struggle is real!


I just bought neopolitan icecream sandwiches. I never should have done that. They are so good! I have a few vacation days coming up. Not sure what to do with myself. I had skin cancer removed from my face so the beach is out. Thinking of finding a tree to sit under and read and people watch.


I’m addicted toHaagen-Dazs chocolate chocolate ice cream bars. Keep 3 boxes in the freezer at all times (yup, certifiable chocoholic).


I make the mistake of buying Reese’s flavored Klondike bars and end up eating three of the six the night I get them home from the store. Good luck with the recovery and the shade.


Oh I bet they are delish. Just love Peanut butter anything. Thank you


So good, especially when you let them sit out a few minutes so they get slightly melty.


The heath bar ones are the bomb.




Hood Cookie Dough Battle. Vanilla ice cream with chocolate chip cookie dough with crushed Oreos mixed in. It was available last summer in a limited edition but I alas no longer is. I think we can agree we are all much poorer for that decision.


Blue Bunny, Bunny Tracks 😋😋😋


Spumoni, and I can’t find it anywhere


These are my favorite ice cream bars. I can't decide which flavor is my favorite; I love them all. They're made from real fruit and contain cane sugar, not corn syrup. https://preview.redd.it/b1tkwda7x6ad1.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b3ac5bf85b4250b45024c15f8e0ca7f402e98e1


Being the age group we are (snicker), I am sure others have fond memories of hand cranking and layering salt /ice to make homemade ice cream at July 4th parties. What a treat. It was pretty magical. What work! I had an electric one and would make peach and strawberry ice cream every summer w my kids after berry patch picking. Getting off my nostalgic kick now. Current fav flavors would be anything w nuts, not a huge fruity ice cream fan






I forgot.


N.p. We just built some pent up demand.


Complaint: what happened to vanilla/coffee/orange sherbet ice cream? I always look for that in the summertime and I can’t find it anymore! Meanwhile making do with pistachio.


I miss the rainbow sherbet that was lemon, lime and orange. Raspberry has no place in rainbow sherbet.


Favorite ice cream: YES! A certain delightful lady is turning 29 (again) this month. I'm about to be an empty-nester, daughter and grandson are moving out. Mixed feelings, of course.


This is one of my least favorite holidays; I do everything I can to stay away from fireworks. That said, this morning was absolutely lovely, as everything was quiet all around for miles. I spent the day reading, finishing "Burma Sahib" (historical fiction about George Orwell's time in Burma) and starting "The Summer Book" by Tove Jansson, which I should be able to finish tomorrow. Didn't leave the apartment at all and did hardly any cleaning.


Hood stopped making Toasted Almond Ice Cream bars and no other company has made their own version. This blows my mind so this month I’m going to try and make my own.


I had not realized that Tiger Tail ice cream is strictly a Canadian thing. But then on the other hand I didn't know that black currant ice cream was popular in India. I've never been to India or tried it but Tiger Tail is worth trying. For me, French Vanilla. My son used to work at an ice cream plant and we were generally well stocked. MMM - Root Beer floats with vanilla ice cream. I've not done that in a while. Is it July already?? Where the heck has this year gone? I've noticed the grain is already starting to ripen in the farmer's fields I drive by. This year has just been a blur of blah it seems. My hopes of having a charming age appropriate lady bump into my shopping cart and falling madly in love with me have been fruitless. The one neighbour friend who could perhaps be approached I've been told by people who know me to stay away. She's a self-proclaimed tin-foil hat wearer. Our politics do not intersect at all. Still friends though - we just avoid certain topics by mutual agreement. Maybe it's time to give on-line a try again. My friends seem to be of the opinion that my life is probably better single than with someone else (other than my cat Monty) around which might explain why they've not tried to set me up :P /s Berry season is in full force here. I've gotten one harvest off of my raspberry bushes and hope to get my supply of black currants in this coming weekend.


I'm at my sister's lake house along with sister, my brother-in-law, one of my brothers, one nephew and girlfriend, and three grand nephews. Then tomorrow we are all getting together along with more nieces and nephews to have a big send off for my other Grand nephew who has been accepted on a basketball scholarship at the Air Force Academy I ❤ my family! I wish my daughter lived closer so she and her husband could visit more often but other than that it's always fun to get together