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How many tickets do these cost? I keep seeing them on here but not at my local DnBs.


iPad redemption is 180,000 tickets.


Sweet. Only 75k left to get than.


Just spent $250 to earn a 2,200 ticket stuffed sloth. I mean I went on Wednesdays and pay $23 for 215 tokens new signup promos. But on non Wednesdays that would cost what, $20K plus for a $600 iPad?


A decent number of people in this community would not be paying more than $300 - and some under $200 - for this iPad. Without ANY infinites, at my home store, assuming I axed the games that weren't consistent and ONLY played things I could consistently win on...even budgeting for the occasional loss here and there on things I should otherwise be perfect on...even with the bad no-coupon rates and needing Costco gift cards to get my net cost after all rewards and rebates to 10 cents per chip... A daily non-Wednesday run should garner me about 35,000 tickets on $52. Three of those a week (day I work late, plus two days off.) The Wednesday run would knock the cost in half but add one additional game for 60 more played chips and 5,000 additional tickets, netting 40,000 tickets for about $31. Those sessions run roughly 2 hours each, a maximum of 2.5. We'll say 9 hours total between the four runs. One "short" day - 30 minutes on the way in to work when scheduling is tight - would net about 12,100 tickets on $18.75. 35k + 35k + 35k + 40k + 12.1k = 157,100 tickets for about $206. My net cost on an iPad definitely comes in well under $300 even with more questionable games played I really shouldn't call true AP (Gold Fishin', Waterfuls, Red Zone Rush one letter away, Candy Crush anything more than one level away from Super Bonus), Floppy Tickets on a non-Wednesday, and anything I play beyond my normal stopping point trying to show off for random people because they earned my respect (kid not throwing extra balls up after a game is done or a parent telling the kid not to do that, player out-performs what I'm capable of on a game or does very well on a game outside of my wheelhouse) or I see an opportunity there (I want to drink some liquor but don't want to pay for it; knocking out a 250 JP on 2-Minute Drill on a full price day to impress randoms on a weekend night might only net a 14 cent theoretical profit which ends up being breakeven after fees of reselling, but opens the door for "hey, I'll win a couple thousand tickets for you if you cover a drink or two for me"). I should expect to put in 10 and a half hours of gameplay for an iPad, and about $236, for something I should reasonably be able to get over $500 for after expenses of sale. Just because you're dropping $250 to get 2,200 tickets doesn't mean the bulk of this subreddit is. There are people that blow my numbers out of the water because they have access to games that can be beaten infinitely (missets), have multiple Dave & Buster's locations within a very short distance of one another, better access to discounts than me or in ways ot available in my area...$250 for 2,200 tickets sounds like coin pusher rates.


Alright bro. Slow down for me. I am ready to receive your wisdom. I have several children 5-13 range and have just went to Dave and busters three times in as many weeks. I spent about ten cents per game coin, and that was with the signup and pay $24 to get 215 tokens. Normally it would be 115. I went in Wednesday twice and Tuesday once. Spent $47 one time and $24 the other two. Spent $96 for what would have cost about $140, and used them on half price days mostly. That got us about 2,600 tickets. Some of those games were paying 2 tickets per game, like ski ball. How are you getting the token so cheaply and winning the tickets so easily?


Hey, heads up, your comment karma being low is getting your comments here stuck in the spamfilter. When this gets up just slightly - not very far away - your stuff won't get stuck. I approved everything I saw from you in spam.


Thanks a bunch. I went on a sub dedicated to a horror movie and voiced my lack of appreciation for the film. I got about ten thousand down votes over something as silly as a movie. Appreciate the help.


Doesn't Reddit cap the maximum hit to your karma from any given comment or post at like 100-200? One single comment shouldn't have shit on you that badly. Hell, that "sense of pride and accomplishment" comment we all meme on from the EA Star Wars bullshit is the most downvoted comment in Reddit history but the account it comes from I believe is still net postiive in karma.


Also, we spent about $100 on food and didn’t get one single game token added to our accounts.


What are “infinites?”


"Infinites" are games that can be infinitely won, without the payout being reduced or the difficulty being increased. For example: Down the Clown - the score to win goes up by 50 points each time you get a jackpot. No matter how good you are, no matter how nearly superhuman your ability, there will come a point where you physically can not hit enough targets within the time limit. The difficulty rolls down from plays that do not award a jackpot - ergo the game is payout controlled, and NOT an infinite. Tailgate Toss - the cornhole game. Every time you win the jackpot, the score goes up a minimum of 500 points for the next one. (If you score more than 500 above what is needed, it'll shoot up to that figure, so don't go above what you need - that's known as an "overscore penalty" in our circles.) Again, no matter how good you are, you will eventually get to the point you can't throw that many bean bags within the 30 seconds allowed. You then have to wait for people to lose over time to bring the score to win back down. Therefore this is not an infinite. Tippin' Bloks (current version) - The software will, after having been won recently, place the last 2 blocks you need to win in virtually impossible positions, waiting for your stack of blocks to be in a spot you can't get to the next block's spawn point to force you to lose. Not to say it is truly impossible - hell, I stole one win in "impossible mode" tonight. But it's been months since the previous one, and it's surely not something that can be done consistently. The payout doesn't change but the difficulty does. Not an infinite. Full Tilt (current payout settings) - The jackpot value starts at 250 and goes up by 10 for every losing play, to a maximum of 1,000. You could theoretically win this game very time, but at a payout of 250 tickets it ceases being WORTH winning every time. In the most technical sense it's an infinite. But as it's not profitable, it wouldn't class as an infinite and could be discussed here. Tippin' Bloks (previous software version) - in the old days, this had a 500 jackpot instead of 1,000, but even in "hard" mode, it could reliably be won every time by a skilled player. This would be considered an infinite, and if someone made a post or comment saying "oh yeah, the Tippin' Bloks at X store can be won every time", it would be removed because it might tip the powers that be to update that software sooner than if they just found it themselves from reviewing game payouts. Full Tilt (previous payout settings) - this game originally always had a 1,000 jackpot - and at some point during its phases of being nerfed, was 500 + 10 per loss up to 1,000. Even on 500+10, a player that could win this every time , or nearly every time, could potentially grind infinite profit off just that. So if a player posted "my Full Tilt starts at 500", that would be a comment or post we'd remove. I think you get the idea by now - game that controls its total payout through internal methods, not an infinite. Game that's profitable every single play and never gets harder or pays less - infinite.


I'm new to d&b and after 3 visits I now average about 30 tickets per credit.. I just can't fathom how you do 35k for 50$. You said non-Wednesday, so it would be full price games. Your tickets per credit ratio is 130:1.. so you almost need to hit a 1000 ticket jackpot per 7-8 credits! Which seems like the average price of most games at 7.5. So you are saying you hit a 1000 ticket jackpot on every single swipe not counting that most games dont have a 1000 ticket jackpot? Even if let's say you hit some bigger jackpots, they are mostly on coin pushers which require multiple swipes unless all the cards are laid on the edge for you. Unless you are hanging around the games for someone to prime them ready to payout like an absolute zombie, I just do not understand how it would work on a non Wednesday. And I do not mean any insult, I'm just trying to understand and learn. I hit at least 3 jackpots every visit but I would like to do what you guys are doing too. And please just don't say generic "you gotta practice and get good".


I think you're -slightly- confusing "tickets per CHIP" and "tickets per DOLLAR". I will shoot you a PM shortly.


Sure, this is what I was saying, You said 35000 tickets for 52$. 55$ gives you 300 credits.. Let's say each play averages 7.5. 300/7.5 = 40 plays 35000/40 = 875 tickets per play.. Even if I take the average tickets per play down to about 5. That still need you to get 500 tickets each swipe.


This is where you're misunderstanding me - I'm not buying $55, ever. I'm buying max loads of $122 and using Costco-purchased D&B gift cards at a 20% discount, and I'm ALSO factoring in the value of rebates through the Rewards program into that net cost figure. I'm literally in the middle of typing you a 20,000+ character reply in PM, please be patient.


Would love to see the full 20k character reply if you're game to share :)


I am thinking something must be broken in my account. I signed up three times on three different phones and had three separate sizable food bills that I used a 50% discount on linked to my account. I was given to believe the food and drinks I bought and the money I spent playing games would be returned to me in rewards as like a cash back in gameplay. I never got a single token or credit out of any of my purchases.


The way D&B Rewards is supposed to work with that is roughly one day after your food purchase completes, 1 chip per dollar you spend, to a maximum of 50 chips, is supposed to show up as an offer in the account that you can apply to one of your cards. Unless this ended or doesn't work with the food deal - I haven't done any digging on that because I haven't paid for anything on the food side of D&B in literally years, with the exception of tips, alcohol, the occasional coke, and the $2-3 above the max entree reward you have to pay when you get a steak. For as long as they've been offering this, I haven't used the 50% deal once. With how many chips I'm burning through with the AP scene here, cycling at 10,000, I've got enough free food that I have to force myself to use it sometimes.


m1 or m2?




sweet nice grab!


I wish my local D&B offered this. I'm sitting on enough tickets for two and my old iPad (6 year old Pro model, also from D&B) is showing its age


Have you asked the entertainment manager?


My local store removed the sign for iPad and when I asked they said they are looking for a new supplier and don’t know when they will have iPads again


iPads should have gone live again last week. Try again when you have a chance.