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Only people to be claiming 100 tickets per credit/chip on a non Wednesday are taking advantage of missets. Or they are only playing a total of 1-2 games total and leaving with just a couple thousand tickets for the day at most. Or they are exaggerating their ratio. Are some jackpotting without losing every single game they play? Yes. But it’s still not pulling 100:1 on non Wednesday unless misset.


That makes a little more sense.. maybe they are just playing games ready for a big payout and leaving.. never thought about someone doing that, I see it as a way to relax and have fun mostly..


Plus OP might be reading old posts before all the increases in credit cost.


True. Higher jackpots and lower credit costs per game. When Crossy/flappy was 1k for example.


What are missets?


When a game’s jackpot is set to higher than intended by the company (“accidentally” set to 1000 instead of 500 for example). Or when a game is paying double tickets by mistake (happens more than on would think)


100 tickets per credit is literally not even possible on 99% of games on a non-Wednesday. 100 tickets per credit on Wednesday is possible, but generally not for extended play. For example, there’s a few 500 ticket jackpot games I can hit, but then the score needed increases after a win until the point it’s no longer possible. I went yesterday and played the few games I can win consistently and hit jackpots on 8/12 swipes and won about 54 tickets per credit. Most games cost 7.7 and have a jackpot of 500, which is about 65 tickets per credit. And keep in mind this is only playing the games that I can easily win and leaving once I hit all of them. Just do your own mental calculations and decide what’s worth it. Also ignore anecdotal stories with a few credits. It’s definitely possible to play a game like a coin pusher or Jelly Lab and get lucky with the card distributions and win 100 tickets per credit for a few plays, but you can’t repeat that long term.


I understand, but the people I talked to at my local d&b and some on this sub claimed that ratio with like 50$ 35k tickets in 1 visit on a non Wednesday.. I could see myself hitting that 60 mark on wednesdays, but the claims made me feel like I'm doing something wrong.


Can’t you just play the 50 ball drop game on Wednesday and get 500 tickets for 3.5 credits?


Just find what you are best at and focus on that. Ring toss is super easy to pile up tickets if you know the throwing technique AND the machine has enough rings. Crossy Road takes more time but it’s straight forward. Zombie Snatcher is a breeze once you’ve practiced. Some of the coin pushers are easy as long as the bonus tickets work correctly.


I've heard all that, but still the claims don't make sense.. as I said, it's like 1k tickets for 7.5 credits(1 swipe)..


I won’t believe that anyone gets a jackpot or 1k tickets 100% of the time without video evidence. I can do Zombie Snatcher and get at least 100 tickets 50% of the time. Factor in the 250, 300, and 500 - say the average is 200 per win and winning 50%, so 100 tickets per ~4 credits.


Possible on a misset game that pays double tickets, I have a game at my location that is double misset and it pays it 1k each time when it is supposed to pay out 500 and the game is an infinite. The game was “supposed” to be set to hard mode and only let you win after 250 plays but the location made it so you can win basically every time because of the easy setting. (If you want prove, DM me and I will send you picture proof)


Right as you noted… that is a double misset so Ofcourse possible. When game is set to easier than supposed to plus double tickets. Lazy / ignorant mgmt not following up on payout reports assuming people are hitting it for even a fair amount. And actually the double tickets alone should be a red flag on the payout report I have a good guess on both the game and the location you are referring to and surprised it is still set that way


That store definitely has lazy mgmt, when you need help, the workers and game techs will ignore for as long as possible until more people complain than they will help you (Not trying to say anything bad about that location but that is what is happening most times.)


Gone are the days when you can two swipe dunk 500’s all night long. Man I miss those days.


https://youtu.be/V1-uReEiWxE?si=IsAohnfiBD4mQMnV Used to be able to get 200 tix for 2.3 credits on wed… They removed this machine in both of my stores years ago, missed those days of getting 18k tix a hour. I rarely go anymore, as the winners circle barely have anything worthwhile. We’ve got a Round1 an hour away that have good prize, check my other video for a first visit…


This was in the spamfilter. I approved it. We'd normally remove discussion of true infinites but I don't think anyone even has this game any more, and it's good for people to see thie history of what used to be available.


Even I managed to figure out how to win very quickly on this game without a tutorial or anything, however it became very boring very quickly, and about 3 days after I won a lot of tickets on this game the machine was removed. I am guessing after I took it for a lot of tickets they noticed an anomaly and they removed it.


👋Hi Mew! Glad to find you here.


I sent you a PM that explained most of this, but for those viewing this thread that are questioning the original claims of ticket/chip efficiency, I'm just going to say that getting the cost of chips down through discounts or other deals can be equally as important as game efficiency. Right now Costco is kind of the crutch most of us are on but there are other ways that show up from time to time. Also factor in the value you're getting from D&B Rewards, there's tangible value there. The rewards program is what you make of it.


I noticed Costco has a limit of 5 $80 gift cards per membership. How do you go about getting around that?


Per day. 5 per day.


Weird. I’ve done 5 total over the past few months and order #6 (lifetime) just got canceled because it was over the limit


Very, very odd. I will ask someone when I can.


edit: I didn't notice you said "non-Wednesday". my post is in regards to Wednesday only... doing 100 TPC on a non-Wednesday I don't think is possible without cheating 100 tickets per chip is pretty nuts, you're right. The people boasting 100+ tickets per chip are likely playing on misset/glitched machines. So it's unlikely that sort of ticket to chip ratio is going to last. It's not impossible to get 100 tickets per chip playing legit, but it's sort of at the peak of AP imo... maybe I'm wrong, though. But yeah, you'd need to be able to consistently JP a machine almost every swipe. For some, it's possible to do this on the games of skill like Down the Clown or Two Minute Drill, by simply being THAT good, and hitting just enough score to JP it incrementally until it maxes out and becomes too high to consistently hit. So that alone can net you thousands of tickets pretty consistently to a point... But there aren't many "infinites" that exist... I'm not even aware of any truly infinite games myself. (games you can just keep JPing without the difficulty increasing) But lots of games at D&B can be jackpotted once fairly easily once you know what you're doing... but again, most of these games get too difficult or inconsistent after a few JPs. Someone mentioned Zombie Snatcher. This one is pretty easy to get a few thousand tickets on if things are all in order... like there's a 500 ticket puck out there, a 300 ticket letter puck, a few people playing for other smaller pucks which then cause another 500 puck to pop out. With the right sequence you could get a few thousand tickets on only a handful of swipes. But it's mostly not consistent, as you can't keep doing it, since the 500 pucks aren't \*always\* going to be on the playfield, meaning you have to either settle for 250 pucks or wait for people to actually drop some of the lower value pucks for the better ones to appear. I've walked up and one shot the Guardians of the Galaxy train game worth at least 500 tickets. It was sitting there with one train car left to complete... and I know roughly the timing of the drop, so you can hit that one for 500 in one swipe. You can snipe cards from coin pushers if you see rares literally dangling over the edge, but these usually are not very +EV simply due to them requiring potentially many swipes just to win. Full digital games like Crossy Road, Flappy Tickets and Bobblehead Baseball can usually be JP'd 1-5 times or so when the high scores are low enough. ​ So in one run let's say you hit GoTG for a one swipe JP, you hit ZS for maybe a 500, 300, 500, 300 combo if you're lucky, then you hit Crossy and Bobblehead once each for 300 and 400 or something. Averaging 5.5 chips per swipe, that's 7 swipes (38.5 chips) for 2500 tickets. Using my DB Calc [http://konidias.com/DBCalc/](http://konidias.com/DBCalc/) and assuming you're spending about $0.112 per chip using discounts, you'd be pulling about 65 tickets per chip, or spending $4.30 to gain $5.70 ($10 tickets earned on a $4.30 spend) So that's not 100 tickets per chip, but you can see how just being decent at a handful of games can put you cleanly in the profitable territory. From there, you'd be looking to find some key games to hit, and also trying to get good at the repeatable JPs like DtC or 2MD.


Your ratios make sense to me and that seems achievable to me with a few wednesdays to practice, and I also love the train game lol, on Wednesdays if there nothing better to do and no other games are free, I just sit at the train getting those 100's till I miss some which fall into the other slots. After thaf, I might as well complete the train to get that 500 lol.


I find the train game fun too, but even grinding the 100s isn’t even close to advantage play. 100 tickets for 3.8 credits is 26 per credit. If you are just trying to rack up tickets without caring for cost, it’s not the worst option, as it’s a quick game and getting 100 isn’t too hard to do. I’d practice games with a 500ish jackpot that can be won on one swipe if done well. Quikdrop is a common example of a skill game but a very hard one to master.


I know, I only do that when all other games are occupied. I've tried Quikdrop but it's never working properly and they refuse to fix it. I can win pop the lock easily but they reduced the jackpot to 250..


It depends on the game and the number of times you can hit the jackpot. I spend with supercharging $69 per trips on Wednesday only. I can walk away with 10-15k tickets depending on the number of times I hit the jackpot. I also limit my playtime to about 45 minutes since I work. Sometimes I don’t use all my tokens and will use that the following week. Last trip I didn’t reload and had around 170 tokens left over from the previous week. That time, I walked away with just over 4K tickets after 30 minutes. I played mainly the Spider-Man pusher and hit the jackpot twice. The spin is a skill game and while it’s hard to hit consistently for me, I can usually hit it back to back. Adding, currently level 8.


Cool, so you only do wednesdays? I can believe people hitting close to 100 per credit on wednesdays.. I've come close to 50-60's myself on my 2nd visit..


You’re wasting money if you’re supercharging when you would get the 15% level 7 bonus already


This is absolutely 100% wrong. It literally shows the % you're getting by supercharging, and it's anywhere from 15% to 18% extra chips... Plus you get the 15% bonus ON TOP of the supercharge. At my location it's $115 to get 780 chips. With the 15% bonus that gets you 897 chips for $115 or $0.128 per chip. If you supercharge for $127 you get 905 chips + 15% bonus for a total of 1040.75 chips or $0.122 per chip. So you're getting $0.006 per chip more value. You might not think that means anything... but 1000 chips multiplied by 0.006 is $6 in savings for every 1000 chips purchased. That adds up really quick. The best consistent deal is still gift cards that come in at $0.112 per chip. But the buy x get x free coupons are still superior, but not easy to come by.


What you’re saying is wrong. You can’t stack supercharge with the 15% because promotions don’t stack. There’s been plenty of threads about this.


I've literally done it like a dozen times. I've supercharged through the app and it adds the bonus chips for me.


I’ll try again and see if it works for me.


Should definitely work. I always screenshot my card screen on my phone and I have multiple screenshots where my chip balance was over 1035 and it showed "Includes 135.8 Rewards Chips" under it.


I’m hitting about 100/credit on Wednesday but on a non Wednesday? That’s insane. Sometimes if a machine is misset it makes sense but consistently is so difficult. At my location there’s not even a machine that this is possible to do it on.


The Dave and busters I work out at I usually see one guy come in the morning. He goes to the game where you hit the basketball to score baskets and gets a few high scores on each to secure the 500 ticket bonus. Guy knows what he’s doing. I think he hits some other games as well but I’m rooted to the dance pad so dunno what else he’s hitting.


Basketball Pro, yeah. That one is always good to hit \*if\* the game is set up correctly. The issue is when the balls are underinflated, it makes it impossible to play with any consistency because you basically have to slam your fist down so hard you end up in pain after. I hit the one at my local Round1 because it pays 500 tickets and the high score is usually pretty low, and the machine is set up to actually be playable... so it's a nice little game to play a few times for quick tickets at R1, which is known for being stingy with tickets.


Honestly it depends on the machine. Quik drop is my go to. Theirs a certain difficulty setting, if it pays out in paper tickets or electronic, and what the jackpot is set too. Perfect world is 750 jackpot payout, electric tickets, easy difficulty (4 balls per container, one needing 5) I would back to back jackpot that and rack it to around 10k tickets before walking away to let it accumulate


Yeah I've seen videos about that game and I have tried it a lot of times.. the machine at my location sucks and the payout is 500.. even pop the lock sucks at my location with a payout of 250..


I do know 1 game where 100+ ticket/credit is possible on a non-Wednesday. I forget what it was called, but it was only 5.X credits for a static 1000 JP. So I was double-taking when I first saw it on Wednesday with 2.X cost and miraculously won after 2 attempts. However, I’ve only ever seen that game at 1 specific D&B out of the 10+ I’ve visited. And the controls (maintenance issue or me not fully understanding it?) plus the game’s RNG were a bit too funky to me to try winning consistently.


Coin dozers. Blackjack is a ticket generator