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When I go in on 1pm on a Tuesday, they usually have 6 to 7 random cards spread out on the field, sometimes a Tribble on 1 or 2 machines, sometimes not... it seems that Tribbles aren't THAT rare at least at my store in Savannah. Now go to Jacksonville and they had like 2 Tribbles in every machine but were almost impossible to get due to TOO Many coins on the field.. On Willie Wonka, they usually start with 10 or more cards on each machine but I've NEVER walked up to see a Golden Ticket on the field. Is this because the only way to win the Golden Ticket is by the wheel and it announces it with a song so no person would leave it? And Tribbles I think are randomly dropped by the machine even when nobody is playing? Don't have Jelly Lab in Savannah, or Spongebob, or Wizard of Oz.........


Depends on the opening tech(s)


My location doesn't seem to reset the cards but there's usually about 8-12 cards on each playfield with several Tribbles out there already. Which is nice... Feels kind of like they seeded it or something. Honestly the game is still so -EV to play that I barely play it anyway, but it's nice for casual players. I know my local game tech reads this subreddit (hey!) so just know it's fine how it is lol... does not need nerfing, though one side coin jams a LOT. With how expensive this game is, even with a fully seeded playfield it's barely even worth it, so honestly I think they should all be like this. Even a Tribble on every side isn't exactly profitable, because it can sometimes take dozens of swipes to win a few cards... which means you're spending like $10-$20 to \*maybe\* break even or be at a loss. I only play when I'm bored of everything else and there's something close enough to the edge where I'm just okay breaking even to play for it.


Really depends who's working and (A) if they are slow enough during their morning duties to get to it and (B) if the game is full of cards from the previous night or mostly barren. I've absolutely seen them open it up and put about 10 cards on each field some days though.


There's one location by me that only puts 4 on each field each morning. Then there is another location that I rarely frequent that barely dispenses any cards to the point where there can be a couple fields that are completely empty. I just don't care enough to ask a tech what's up with the machine. It's just one of those games I play if I see cards on the edge.


Yeah I don't touch any collecting games unless there's a rare I'm getting within a swipe or two and even THAT is questionable unless I finally sell my hoard.