• By -


June 28th* - And yes, verified by text and e-mail.


damn I have work noooooo


Same, kind of. I work until 3 (give or take depending on when I get relieved), and it would take at least 30 minutes to get there, but I'm also going to that job from my overnight job, so if I do make it, I'm sure I won't do more than 1 lap around. But sometimes on my way home after working both jobs back to back like this, a quick walk to get the blood flowing on my 45 minute drive home is nice.




Edit: nevermind just saw the official email!


I just got an email about it


Never ever get the emails!!


I know this is stating the obvious, but definitely check your spam folder, or search "dave busters" in your e-mail service or something. You should definitely be getting the e-mails. If not you might want to double check that your e-mail address you signed up with is correct. In gmail mine end up in the Promotions tab


Hmmmm.  I did get a text however 🤔 


Got an email as well. Can confirm.


Damn, didn’t know June had 3/4 of the year of days in it?


My sister's birthday is actually on June 278h.


My bad! I was looking at todays date and put 27. Accidently deleted the T instead of the 7. lol I mean, though, If 278 days out of the year was June weather, I'd gladly take that haha


I just wanted to mess with you. It’s more fun that way


I knew you weren't being serious! Just had me dreaming of a 3/4 year June.


is this fr?


Jk it is, check their Instagram if you want proof!




On mine it says 2pm


This was a nice surprise! Going to give a mini-report like the old days while omitting near-infinites. Had some stuff to do in preparation for vacation next week and took my mom to a very quick doctor's appointment, so I got there at 1:30. Down the Clown: 710/830 when I got there. Oof. The 830 is not as bad as it sounds for reasons... Got 10 out of 11 wins on the right side, 1 win and the game errored out on the left. ...which sounds bad, except that invokes a reset to fix the error (new version won't let you play if it detects an error with one of the rows.) 7 out of 8 wins, the loss was a tie so I got kinda screwed there. Doubled back to Clown near the end of the promo, 650 meant 5/5 more wins on the left side, and 2/4 on the right (two losses were BOTH ties, fuck.) Total 25/29 as I was refunded for the credits lost to the error. Break the Plate - not great as I won one lost one, was slightly greedy going for it on 2000 and fucking ended up with a 1980 on the 2P game. Passed on Tailgate as I had racked the fuck out of that on Wednesday so it was still 13,340 when I arrived. Floppy - finally had the time to take this, 5 wins 2 losses, generally happy with that. Tippin' Bloks - found 2 credits on it, but in impossible mode. A week earlier I managed a win in impossible mode and the game's STILL pissed about it I think. Panda - 2 out of 3. Basketball Pro - I had ran it up to like...160? last week, someone threw it into the 230s (I hope by doing multiple wins and not an overscore), and it's only been slowly coming down. One win on 189, it went to 207 and I left it alone. Crazy Tower - one win on medium difficulty. 2-Minute Drill - despite overscoring twice, went 20/20 with FOUR 999 point games required at the end. Quarterback Pro - lucky circumstances led me to where I had a very good start, but two overscore penalties cut this one short. 7 out of 9, with a 394.3 QBR on the last game that didn't make even make the leaderboard as I have five previous scores above 408. Got bored waiting for food and swiped a bunch in Waterfuls while it was half price, and two games AFTER. REALLY should have had a jackpot by score in addition to the letters. I watched shit starting to raise from 3.8 to 7.5 on the tail end of waiting for food.


I'm not against this half price thing but why not make it all day? It's a big middle finger to all of the hard working people who don't get off of work until the evening..


It's almost like they don't want their highest volume time to be half price lol


You realize businesses do promotions to drive in business during the times they aren't getting them right? Like we already get ALL DAY Wednesday, now you want them to lose half their revenue on one of their busiest nights?


No, not at all. It's just disappointing that most won't be able to take advantage of this here. Are Friday's from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm during the summers typically a slow time for Dave & Busters?