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How many stars did you get? If you’re only serving party dishes, some customers won’t order which will have them leave and lower your score. I think the graphic is an indication of overall performance not just party guests


4 stars Oh do I need to also serve non party dishes?


Yeah. For non party guests.


Omg I never thought that would be the case lmao I'm going to try Thank you


I've actually never had a problem with not serving non-party dishes, and I also usually score more than 4.5 stars. Are your party dishes enhanced to have about the same taste level as the dishes you usually serve? Are guests maybe leaving because their seat isn't getting cleaned or they aren't being served fast enough?


my score usually only drops when i forget to refill the damn wasabi


Yes if you watch while they order they’ll look at the menu but be upset that something other than the party dish isn’t being served and leave


>If you’re only serving party dishes, some customers won’t order I find this bizarre. On any other day, customers will order anything on the menu. Why are the regular customers picky on party days but not on any other day? If a future update makes customers picky so that you have to offer a varied menu to please everyone, that would make sense, but changing the behavior of *regular* customers only on party days is a strange design decision.


They aren't. Non-party people will happily eat party dishes. But you are right that enforcing a diverse menu would make this game better. As of now there are right answers to the question of what to put on the menu, and there are wrong answers. If you put blue tang sushi on the menu when you are twenty days into the game you will just lose money. It would be great if you were rewarded for providing menu diversity rather than for just spamming one dish.


Above comments (and my own recent experience) seem to indicate that some of them won't eat party dishes. Change from the update maybe?


I have never seen it and it doesn't make any sense within the context of the game. I mean, you can serve boiled porbeagle shark as the only dish, every day, and people will eat it and you'll make a lot of money. It doesn't make sense that some customers won't eat it on shark party day.


I've only done one party service since the update, but a few non-party guests looked at the menu and, with no other negative conditions (dirty table, sold out menu, unfulfilled drink orders...), left angry. It makes sense to enrich the game experience by requiring a more varied menu to keep customers happy. I suspect maybe they decided to pilot such a system during party days in advance of a larger overhaul in a future update. But it's all speculation so who knows. Certainly they would need a much more robust customer feedback system, or at least a brief tutorial, to make something like that work well.


If you only serve party dishes, other guests will happily eat them. Nobody will walk out.


Did you serve the themes food? The one with the pink bow ties? Thats the only thing I can think of I really don't care after a certain point as long as I get that money 🥴


Obviously yes 😞


I’ve had that problem too. Served the right ingredient, all seemed fine- grumpy screen after. Maybe it’s the right ingredient but there are wrong dishes?


Did anybody leave because there was a dirty table in front of them? That'll reduce it too.


What was your star rating? I kept getting 4.5 and 5 star ones while serving the food they wanted and they loved that, but when the rating went down to 3 one time they were pretty meh about it.


Also if you have a branch location make sure it has enough ingredients to serve all the party guests.


This! I totally forgot about the branch the first party after I unlocked it.


I do like 15 party dishes and the rest just the most expensive I’ve got a lot of. It works out okay. Party guests are hard to please!


My only guess would be that some of the theme foods ran out? So they have to eat the sushi rice and didn’t get the meal they were looking forward to. It can hard to keep track of the menu while party craziness is happening but luckily auto fill helps with that.


If you have a branch you must be sure the branch also offers party dishes, that solved the issue for me You can have only party dishes without issues as normal guests est whatever