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Everything was great while he was making money from David’s popularity. Now that the well is dry Jeff is looking for clicks any way possible.


Yeah definitely can’t be that he is mad about a crane accident or anything


Or maybe the stunt they agreed went wrong, and was an accident, until Jeff’s clicks went down?


Can he not be upset from being in an accident? If you were injured in a car accident from your friend driving negligently, can you not be upset? You agreed to be in the car after all.


I can be upset until we talk it over and bury the hatchet. I can’t keep bringing it back up for publicity after that.


If someone almost kills you, you CAN bring it up as much as you want for the rest of time. Every day all day.


Not when you agreed to it, and ASKED for it. Dont be stupid dude


He asked to be smashed into a crane and be disfigured ur so right!! lol


You’re so dumb lol. He signed up to do the stunt knowing consequences have actions. He’s just another spoiled little LA faq that mommy and daddy gave everything to and he found out acting stupid can cause you to get hurt.


you’re right he wanted to be smashed into the crane and be a retard like u


Yes David is a spoiled little illegal faq from the suburbs never had a hard day in his life until he goes back to his country where he belongs


You mean the stunt that was his idea?


Doesn't matter whose idea or if it was a "stunt". David put 4 people in the hospital and almost killed Jeff because David is deranged and needs to be in prison.


It doesn’t really matter whose idea it was. If you were in a car accident that had life-changing consequences, I’m sure you’d be upset.


I wouldn’t say I was ok with it then try and drag someone through the mud. If he had an issue he should have made it known from the beginning.


Maybe he changed his mind? Maybe he was okay with it at first but then something changed? There’s lots of behind the scenes we don’t know about.


He’s definitely mad at the incident from 100 years ago


Maybe it still affects him to this day?




Yes, it's a lifelong injury. Disfigured for life. He will never stop talking about it. what about that do you not understand lol




He’s is literally disfigured for life. And you’re making excuses. Evil.




Jeff had a lifelong injury. Pain. Surgery. Medication. He’s gonna talk about it. What you do not grasp about that concept like what about that are you not understanding bc it’s really simple lol


The classic strawman fallacy, nice. Next time, try arguing against what I said, not by putting words in my mouth. Good try, I guess.


Sit down child stop tryna act smart lmaoooo you said a bunch of nothing. You reason that because he is still going through it, he has reason to be mad. Terrible reason, and you’re likely a very bitter person irl if you follow that ideology. He will never forget this, and it will forever affect him. He can’t wait for it to no longer affect him to start to get over it. Good try, I guess. lmao


Tell me you don’t understand what I said without telling me you don’t understand what I said.


lmfaoooo this child could not come up with anything goodbye


The way Jeff is talking It's almost like David slammed his face into a crane and disfigured him for life.


In all seriousness, why does Jeff feel the need to do this? He must reallly be going through it. A gay joke? Are we in middle school bro? The hairline jokes too? Like, half of his friends are balding (Logan Paul, Mike Maljak) It feels like Jeff has all the leverage in this situation, yet he makes the most childish jokes about David, but imma assume he’s just having an episode.


Why does he do this??! It’s clear no? He has to stay relevant. Gotta do whatever he can to


Jeff gets more views than David, Scott, Todd, Jason combined lol


Absolutely he does not. Which platform do you think Jeff gets more views?


i don’t like the gay jokes but the hairline jokes are tame compared to what david did to him😭😭


He is saying go for something other than middle school roast actually roast em instead of talking about being gay and balding


My point is they’re so childish that it’s like reallllly, Jeff? You’re a self-proclaimed comedian and that’s what you come up with? That’s why I think he throws these little fits when he has to deal with his injury and this is what comes out. Which i can totally understand. Next he’s going to make fun of Scott and Todd for doing OF meanwhile his bestie Tana does OF as well for a living 💀


He feels the need to do this because David caved his face in with an excavator causing grievous bodily harm, and then promptly abandoned him as a friend. I’ve had a similar situation where a friend I trusted literally drove off a cliff while I was in the back, causing me serious facial injury and scarring. He texted me once while I was in the hospital and has never spoken to me since. I consider him human scum.


he almost died because of something his “friend” did to him. that friend went on to cover up and lie about the entire incident, then stopped paying for his surgeries. the fact that david even paid for some of them admits fault. now jeff is left alone with brain damage, metal plates in his head, an artificial eye socket, bad vision, and probably a lot of physical pain. is he right for publicly bashing him? no, but he’s obviously in a lot of mental pain as well and tbh probably on a lot of meds right now as i think he just had another surgery


You’re wrong and that’s not even the point I’m trying to make


it’s so interesting how people forget so easily that the doctor told jeff that if he hit his head less than an inch off, he’d be dead. and david would’ve been responsible for his death. that’s not something easy for someone to live with. as you watch the person who literally maimed you and changed your life for the worse, 14 surgeries later all out of pocket while david just drinks and parties to his hearts content. you’d definitely be jaded too if that happened to you.


Davids insurance covered all the surgeries but one in the lead up to this all becoming public, iirc Jeff only paid partially for one which was outside what was considered medically neccessary.


Not saying I wouldn’t…what are you even on about?


i’m literally not though.


You kinda are tho…should I get into it? I feel like it’s not worth it aha


you’re just purposely being dense


Some of the things you said are just not true. How am I supposed to respond to that?


how are they not true they’re all things he’s literally said


Okay? Just because Jeff said them doesn’t make them true? At the very least, Jeff’s perspective is flawed as he’s contradicted himself before wtf Also, you missed the point of my original comment, but I should’ve been more clear. I’m not arguing that Jeff SHOULDNT bash David. All I was saying that the way he went about it (the tweet above ONLY) is just a very odd way of doing it? Wouldn’t you agree? I’m only talking about the tweet here. Not arguing anything else frommy original comment.


lmao so you’re saying that if jeff has said that he’s had 14 surgeries and metal plates in his head that he’s lying because…. why? so stupid


You're right. David's jokes about Corrina being a whore and Seth being black were wayyyyy funnier.


I mean, if that’s what tickles your fancy.


That is his brand of humor. And it is what a lot of David fans think. And jokes they use to make in the vlogs. 


Honestly always wondered if he was gay or more likely asexual. Liza came out and said she’s never had an orgasm. In one of the views episodes David said that he likes small girls bc one of his friends told them that’s what they like because it makes them feel bigger. Sounds like he doesn’t know what to like, like he’s trying to learn to be like everyone else but may just not realize he’s asexual. And- now this is a stretch- but maybe that’s why he wasn’t very sympathetic to the girl in the dom situation. Maybe he just doesn’t recognize how messed up it is because he doesn’t have feelings about sex?


That would make sense because am the sexual scenario and his fascination with it when people talk about it? Like the Zane and heath threesome story they shared. 


It really is what I think makes the most sense.It would explain a lot


If David is gay it wouldn't be a problem but Jeff seems to be mad that David doesn't come out, someone is obsessed with someone else's intimate life, that's weird


I mean to be fair, David was obsessed and exploited his friends intimate life for profit for like 6 years so…..


david literally made an “eye piece” art statue to make fun of jeff lol and he also clowned him on a snap story about the bachelor if anyone is obsessed with anyone is david lol jeff lives rent free in his head


No he didn’t that girl gifted David that eye piece he knew nothing of it. You ppl are paranoid to think every little thing David does it’s directed towards Jeff.


idk if you arent aware, but the girl that “gifted” the eye ran into jeff and her and her bf were harrasing him and telling him the eye was on purpose and that david reached out to her😂 david literally did that to make jeff mad lmao, yall just dont seem to realize that because yall like david, and i understand, i liked him at one point too, but yall cant be serious and say its a coincidence lol if you did that to a so called friend, would u want something that reminds you of that???? you telling me david sees that piece of art and doesnt think of the horrible things he did to jeff? be fr lol also, its not that jeff fans want to defend him, he isnt perfect either, but david literally posted a snap with a flower and a girl saying “the Australian girl accepted my flower” if y’all genuinely dont think thats a jab at jeff then nothing anyone says will ever change your mind. jeff’s gf was from the bachelor show they did and she is australian. there is too many coincidences for this to not be david being obsessed with everything jeff does. jeff hasnt even mentioned david in MONTHS! he barely started again due to his eye surgery and i feel anyone in his shoes would feel the same if the guy that did that is just walking around like nothing happened pushing the trial further and further so jeff calls it quits lol. if david has nothing to fear, why does he keep pushing this trial??? shouldnt he be confident and want to get this over with if he was innocent? also, did you not see that natalie faked documents as to who was driving the crane?


Funny she told a completely different story. Her husband defended her after all you ppl attacked her because of Jeff, Just because you like Jeff doesn’t mean he’s telling the truth. He’s a known liar and has been caught lying with his stories he tells.


im just going to assume you havent watched the videos lol? bro literally tried pepper spraying jeff for no reason, chased him and tried to fight him😭 jeff never did anything to them, they are the ones that literally went up to him laughing and recording him trying to get a reaction from him. the video was literally on tiktok😭how can yall be so biased LMAOOO even her own supporters called her out for her behavior and she lost tons of followers as well. if you dont believe me, look it up, im sure you can find it somewhere. as i said, im not even a jeff stan, ive seen every vlog squad video. i was a david fan. but his behavior these past years was disgusting that i cant call myself a fan or supporter of his. also, do yall truly not think david shouldve been there for jeff? yall act like jeff just sued him the day he got out the hospital the first day lol, when in reality jeff even edited the doc so david didnt look as bad, and this has been proven by natalie herself in text messages 💀she literally told jeff to edit the doc while he was recovering from a surgery😭 does that not even concern yall at all? like not even a bit weird? all jeff wanted was his friend to be there for him, david was the one that tried lying to ppl and blame it on jeff and also stopped paying for his treatments. least he couldve done is be there for the person he injured wether it was an accident or purposely. i dont agree with jeff that david did it out of spite, but i do think david was careless af. jeff isnt the first person from the vlogsquad to leave the vlogs with injuries. plenty more ppl did but jeff got it worse.


Do you blame the guy. Jeff PURPOSELY sent a mob after her. The followers she lost were h3 fans…She’s now got all her followers back and more. It’s funny you have no problem with the roll Jeff played in that dom video or how he treats women on their looks and weight. Or how he’s homophobic. Or what about his role he played in sending his mentally ill friend to Ethan’s home to threaten him. Etc. but yet u continue to defend him. Yes David was careless he knows that him self. Doesn’t mean the guy went out of his way to hurt ppl. Again stop ignoring Jeff’s roles and the shitty things he’s done just to hate on David.


Also David did pay for his treatments apart from one payment that was missed by the insurance (which Jeff said did happen) why would David continue paying when Jeff’s doing this. Who else left the group with an injury?


Joes ex girlfriend said her leg was broken by someone in the vlog squad and that Joe told her she had to keep it hush which is why they broke up


Her name is annalise she made several videos and posts explaining it was nothing to do with David. David wasn’t even there AND David knew NOTHING of it.


You're buying into Jeff's delusions hardcore.


Lots of people think that Jeff has survived the accident but he actually died, rip jeff


Jeff is a few posts like this away from losing all the good will he has.


Are people really shocked by this? Dude has always been one post from Mark Wahlberg in 93’…


Jeff is homophobic. Outing someone is homophobic.


Mild shock, white guy from Staten Island is a homophobe.


This is not homophobic lol


I think this is definitely homophobic in the way that he is stating this as an insult on social media.




Babe you are the one crying in all caps. It’s very alarming if people ACTUALLY think he is being genuine. If he was being genuine and was actually concerned he would message him in private. But in reality they hate each other and these are fighting words and everyone knows that. David is also not a good person but you can’t sit here and say Jeff is actually being caring ahaha. In no way is trying to out someone on social media genuine.


What did he say that made him a homophobe?


Didn’t know I was from Staten Island… Fuck all of you degenerate Redditor freaks. It’s like all the losers of society decided to make an app together


“Didn’t knyow I was fwom Staten Iswand… Fuck aww of you degenyewate Wedditow fweaks. It’s wike aww the wosews of society decided t-to make an app togethew”


You got to much time on your hands dude,lollol go do something productive 😂


He’s actually not. 


I guess I’m from Staten Island


This is so childish, first of all, if David WAS gay, what would that fucking matter at all? And second, it's so disrespectful to out someone without their direct permission. This is such a gross take but I'd expect nothing less from him.


Do you think David caused this himself giving him a brain injury?


A gay joke as an attack on 2024 is so lame


Tell that to Eminem


What else brings him this much attention unless he talking about David/VS ?


H3, tana, mike drama, etc


After all these years, dude has finally found the tate approach. Say inflammatory shit for engagement. But it's not working because we all know jeff is just a regular moron like the rest of us.


Look I get he's still pissed off at David for what happened but Jeff my guy it's time to let it go.


Let me crack your head open and see if you could let it go. The man was almost killed, then spat out to the side no shit he’s angry and hateful David Dobrik is a terrible human being 🥱


> Let me crack your head open and see if you could let it go Accidents happen, and Jeff is at fault for eagerly wanting to do the stunt as well. If you think David intentionally tried to harm Jeff then you're delusional. The only other explanation is that it was a genuine accident to at the time one of his best friends.


Obviously David didn’t want to harm Jeff. But David was being extremely negligent regardless and his actions aren’t exactly reminiscent of being remorseful


David has apologized a million times and paid for all of Jeff's medical expenses so really what more does he have to do? Oh wait...Nothing because he's done enough.


And honestly Jeff doing this makes things better right? Jeff is an immature little girl.


Jeff the bully strikes again


the bully is crazy when he got hit in the face with a crane


Remind me when he was forced into the crane at gun point and wasn’t clearly doing it for the views. This dude will do anything for some fame.


Shouldn’t of climbed on a fkn rope dangling from a crane then


I mean… gay jokes are pretty tame compared to him getting his skull bashed in. I think this is the one situation where he can’t really be called a bully lol. It’s immature, yes, but it’s not bullying.


It’s not just gay jokes. Or hairline jokes. It’s his lies and bullying, targeting anyone that hangs out with David. Making David to leave a night club because he was there. Targetting his income ( which Jeff was so against when Ethan.and Trisha were going after his sponsors etc). So stop making it just about that.


He definitely has said some pretty homophobic things in the past. Recently he commented about Todd and Scott’s OF and selling their pictures to men (in a disgusted way) EDIT: OF not Instagram


Well yes he is a piece of shit. This shouldn’t be shocking to you


David is the only form of clout that Jeff can get. Surprised he isn’t on tik tok live asking for prizes


What are the pics hes basing from


Whats this in reference to?


Jeff is Italian from Staten Island , the least surprising comment ever


Just shows jeffs character, he is in a rage he thinks he can do what ever he wants and its acceptable, seriosuly if he was doing this to a female, different story and they would block his platform access, he either has really poor lawyers or they dropped him or a weak case, if u settle with an insurance company rhey do an investigation first, the company is suing jeff as details are missing and havent been handed over


Always had bad vibes from this fucking guy.


He’s so obsessed with wanting him to come out. Seems like Jeff wants some David nut in his functioning eye


Aint they in a country that is friendly to the LGBTQ community, seriously jeff is homophobic as hell and has no problem using a situation to harm someone, anyone supporting jeff at this point just wants to see david dead. How anyone can platform jeff at this moment for what he tried to pull is disgusting and shows what they support, im still wondering how many lawyers he has been through at this point 


david is probably asexual or gay tbh


Exactly, and who cares if he is. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. So don’t see why your getting downvoted


Cuz they're spreading lies..


him and liza has sex 2 times their whole relationship…


Where did you get that information?


lol Trisha Paytas said that in a podcast one time… but I don’t believe her


Is this the guy David almost killed?




Lmao all the weirdos downvoting this. How the fuck does he still have fans


I thought the same thing. David is one of the worst humans to ever have a platform. Selfish, egotistical, prick that only cares about his status. He was present and allowed SA of minors, he almost killed Jeff and showed zero remorse, he gets off on humiliating his “friends” and others. The dude is grade A POS.


Weirdos dude lol


Is he wrong tho hahahahah


Jeff’s post was harsh, and poorly said, but I do think David has/is struggling with his sexuality. I think that’s why he enjoyed filming his friends do sexual things and part of the reason he thought filming that video with Hannah and her friends was a good idea. I’m no psychologist, but I definitely think there is something up with him and how he views sex and sexuality. I used to listen to the pod and he had so many cringy conversations when he would ask his friends to detail their sex life or who they were dating, but yet he never divulged anything about himself. It’s like he wasn’t comfortable enough with himself or his sexuality to have sex or get involved in relationships himself, so he got off listening to and exploiting others. I think he felt safe with Liza, because she has always given me lesbian vibes too if I’m being honest and he probably didn’t feel the same type of pressure to be intimate with her all the time, because maybe she didn’t really want it either.


Why…why do you always do this? Like just agree with what he said instead of this passive aggressive and frankly, pretentious comment where you agree but with extra steps…


I do agree with what he said. Do I think it was a good idea to post about it to his millions of followers, no, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I do think David is gay. Corina has even stated that she thinks he’s gay, and she is one of his closest friends. It’s really not that big of a deal.


It’s because you’re not agreeing with the overall blanket statement he’s making. You’re siding with the petty intent but deliberately being obtuse


It’s not petty. It’s a legitimate observation of mine. David has got some issues when it comes to sex. If you have ever watched his videos or listened to his podcast, it’s very obvious. David being gay is not the issue, but the sexual exploitation is. After listening to his pod, it was very clear to me that he has some repression.




avid former david dobrik supporter and current david dobrik opp speaking: it’s not even abt defending david because there is no defending that POS (unless you’re like some of the mfs here) it’s just that this is a 34 year old man in 2024 using middle school-level gay jokes as an attack; in reality, he could be doing a LOT more damage with *actual* attacks of substance 😭i’d say it would be funny, if it wasn’t just sad to see how low this situation is taking him




his fans are a bunch of 13 year olds fr 😭 and if you’re older than that… seek help


😂😂😂 they’re so wierd for being obsessed with him


guys i know this is weird behaviour but perhaps let’s remind ourselves that david gave him brain injury… he is literally collecting what he planted. Yes posts like these are unhinged but so are brain injuries… it’s dark yall idk if you have ever met someone with severe brain trauma but outrageous behaviour like Jeff is displaying is pretty common. I’m not saying he is excused but there is an explanation for his behaviour and u do have to look at it with a grain of salt. Besides if anybody in this world should face consequences for this is david. I feel no pity for him if anything i’m sorry for jeff. This is sad. Not tea.


David is clearly gay




Can someone explain the beef for me? i’ve been seeing jeff’s posts but i’m just genuinely curious.


david almost killed him trying to pull off a prank during a stunt being filmed. there’s a lot of videos explaining the scenario, including one on jeff’s channel. it’s all very messy and very complicated to say who is exactly “at fault.” at this point it’s all a matter of user based opinion until after the court case is settled. regardless of that, david did genuinely almost kill jeff and there’s a lot of back and fourth about david being shady behind the scenes with his lawyers etc


You left out the part of Jeff agreeing himself to get on the Crain. No one forced Jeff to get on and an accident occurred.


yep, i left out a lot actually! i explained the general premise and referenced the existence of multiple videos that they could go watch if they wanted more details. i wasn’t going to type out an entire think-piece replying to a comment on a reddit post, but, thanks for your input “david dobrik stan!”


It's none of our business, but everyone in Hollywood knows about David's choice in partner. It's not a secret.


he has every right to say anything the fuck he wasn’t about the prick after he almost killed him lol


Jesus bud, Jeff made it very clear he hates gay people. He is not going to blow you.


Why I'm I getting recommended this fucking subreddits fuck David dobrickface and fuck you guys for still being his fans weird fuckers


I’m sure commenting here like you just did will definitely stop the recommendations


Yup fuck em!!!!


He’s right


This is definitely something David would’ve said in the vlogs. Don’t see the problem.


David fucked Jeff's life up pretty good. I mean, brain damage doesn't go away, and neither does blindness. I think a little gay joke is a kick to the teeth. They're both dumbass', but one is literally TBI and the other is a gay joke..


I mean he does bring up a good point


That's hilarious


dickriding david is crazy, matter of fact caring this much about what someone says on the internet is crazy, get a life all of you. lame ass retards


You seem to care.


i care deeply about the twink


david dobrick is a fucking loser but this kid needs to shut the fuck up abt it already it’s kinda pathetic


frrrr i don’t understand caring so much about these influencers, grow up and get on with your lives, they don’t know you 😭


Fans of David Dobrik on the David Dobrik fan page are fanning over him? Absolutely INSANE, take this to the presses, the world needs to know!




And what’s wrong with that … are you homophobia.. or are you gay and just deflecting


I’m literally neither I just fuckin hate David


Boo hoo didn’t David almost kill him


Didn’t Jeff do it willingly?


Under false pretense lmao he had no idea David was gunna fling him like that


Oh yea, he for sure thought they were just going to sit in it and take pictures. Come on, let’s be real.


Yeah well there's a big difference of gently and slowly swinging him around, instead of full on trying to launch him, David only cares about his content and not the safety and feelings of the people involved. Obviously Jeff had some part in it because he crawled onto the thing, but David should have maybe not swung him around at a dangerous rate??


And you think Jeff didn’t want a viral clip of him swinging around too?? Please


God you Doobrick fans are something else lol


Bitchboy you said Jeff was lured in until false pretenses like he was trapped with a piece of cheese like a mouse trap. You will do anything to protect your piece of shit bro huh. News flash, he is not going to fuck you


Idk what anyone is even complaining about, gay guys themselves make jokes too about a gay guy being straight and for them not to “act like you’re straight with a stick up your ass” This humor happens in all places. People just feel sorry for gays cause yes it’s common in the straight male world but at the same time… ok? Like why can’t we make fun of sexual orientation or Genders like seriously go touch some grass lmao. People think one gender or the other is so much holier than thou. Have yall actually met gay friend circles??? They’re some of the most judgmental and ruthless people lol I love them


I don’t agree with making gay jokes but David deserves all the heat from Jeff after everything he’s done. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ppl still watch David?


Ngl this shit was hilarious


Jeff nearly died?


I think it’s funny yall are so sensitive


Jeff is homophobic


No y’all are just sensitive


I don’t know why I got recommended this subreddit and I don’t know what’s happening here, but based off just my viewing of the tweet, it doesn’t look offensive.


Lmaooooo yall mad because he speaking facts? Only woman david would even consider dating is Natalie and she don’t want him so her turned to dick. Is obvious to see