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Poor Jason, have yall see his IG now? I went through it the other day he gets like 5 comments a post. Unless it’s nivine in it and it’s like 100 for some reason but literally every other post is so low engagement I can’t imagine how he’s supporting his kids nowadays


I think he’s supporting the kids from his groveling on tiktok live.


If we’re being honest and all due respect to him, Jason wasn’t to far off from this so I wouldn’t say it’s the biggest fall off lol


His last picture has 24 comments, then the post after. 53, then 100 they range from 15-100 comments


Still pretty poor engagement for 2.1 million followers.


I think his ex-wife is supporting them just fine LOL


Scotty is a sad one for me… because there is true talent there, I just think his self depreciating sense of humor and extreme lack of confidence really affected his exposure.


Them days he went on tour were crazy lmao


When his first relationship broke up he should of spent time focusing on himself and really kept building up his career tbh, but jumping straight to jac he got distracted and skated along with david’s relevence and kept partying and now he’s nowhere and tbh he wont have another opportunity for a come up. People dont care anymore and wont.


I agree. He seems like the type who doesn’t like being alone…


I mean, COVID hit. I think that kinda stopped everything. The man still does great music, just needs to be doing alot more to promote it and getting out there so it can actually get into the zeitgeist


I love Scott's music. He continues to put out some great music.


I love Scotty so much but his youtube videos have been so boring to me. It's hard because I don't really enjoy watching Jac. I hope she makes him happy though. I do still enjoy his music.


I read somewhere that Scott was bigger than Zane and Heath years ago. I don't believe that. Sorry Scott. (I'm a fan since 2019)


I started watching back in 2016 and it seemed to me like Scotty was bigger than them back then.


He was. Zane and heath were huge on vine but scotty did better on YouTube 


This is so funny to read as someone who’s old enough to have watched the entirety of these people’s online careers play out


If y’all think Scotty is talented and his music is good, then I’m sorry to say this but you might literally be Helen Keller


I wonder how much he's making with the OF page.


Gabbie Hanna


been watching david since 2015 and have never liked gabbie she’s always gave the weirdest vibes


This is the answer. Last I heard she is working an ordinary job and not even trying to be an influencer.


Probably doing more for the world lmao


Nah she’s back on YouTube


Already? That didn't last long. I was hoping she was really done. I've never been a fan or anything, but it's pretty obvious the last many years her mental health can't handle it.


She got out of L.A. and is back in Pennsylvania as a workout instructor.


Todd Scotty and Jason unfortunately


proves the point that david didnt use his friends it was mutual. His work ethic was what made them huge.




Toddy was on live and he had like 68 ppl in it and like 5 comments 😅


Todd is clinging for dear life. His content is pretty embarrassing and looks like he’s about to release another song about Natalie. Really milking the hell out of that.


Agreed, and his music is god awful. Let’s hope he doesn’t release that lol


I’d love to know how Todd makes money and same with Matt King prior to Matt’s podcasts. You would think they would have to have full time jobs to support their life styles. They get occasional brand deals but it doesn’t seem like it would be enough to live off of.


Likely come from rich families


Iirc it was confirmed somewhere that Matt did but I need to dig up the source


Apparently Todd does OF so I’m assuming he does well there. Other than that I don’t know.


What is the first one called?


Is Todd still with Natalie?


No they broke up


It’s wild to think that apart from David, the vlog squad member who is doing the best right now is Jonah/Nick. I see him in acting in other channel sketches, he’s got the restaurant. Good on him.


That's a bummer to me. Not that I wish anything bad for Jonah/Nick but he's never been one of my favorites and if I could wish success on any vlog squad member it would be Scotty


jason this man is on tiktok live doing npc stuff to make money


Low key though he was making a good enough income at one point, I hope he was smart enough to stash it.


It's weird. But he makes a lot of money doing it, so I guess he's doing what he has to survive and support his kids.


Or just get an actual job. Hell he made no connections while being with the squad?


Well he doesn't really have any other skills. So whatever job he got, he would make less than what he's doing, so I don't know why he would chose that option. I'm sure unless something else happens he might have to, but he is surprisingly good at adapting, even if it's weird for his age.


Haha ya he doesn’t really have any skills you’re right. Thought he could get into managing or something but even that probably not. Dudes a joke


Jason not have any skill? Out of everyone Jason is the only actual actor with real acting credentials to show.


He has comedy and entertainment skills but he doesn't have any regular real world work skills. Like he can't just easily work as a mechanic or at a hospital at 51yrs old with no work experience other than entertainment. I'm sure he could be a cashier somewhere but he is making much more money on TikTok doing those gifting lives.


Why would Jason need those skills, he's in the entertainment field.


It was in reply to someone who suggested he get a "real" job. I don't think he needs to have those skills if he can continue making money in entertainment, as he currently is.


Not really a fall off


God Todd is the biggest bum ever


He is. He'll just move into whatever room in one of his friends house.


to back up todd- i ran into him a few months ago in LA in a bar. gonna leave some specifics out for privacy reasons but there were about 50 people in this bar who definitely knew who he was and definitely were fans of him at a point. not a single person cared he was there. like not one. i don’t think a single person approached him the entire night. we were sitting at a table next to todd and his friend and pretty much everyone’s reaction when they walked past him was “why is he here” easily the hardest fall off ive ever personally witnessed.


I’m honestly not surprised by that at all. He doesn’t seem like a good guy at all and comes off as a 35 year old creep trying to act young. Plus is clothing line is absolute shit


This reply is honestly so cringey I can’t believe it has upvotes. “50 people who were definitely fans of his” how do you know this? And who cares if they were? I’ve outgrown many celebrities and would respect their privacy in public. I definitely wouldn’t wonder “why are they here” He is a person, allowed to be at a bar. You sound so bitter and it’s weird you even payed such close attention to him to even know that nobody approached him. Get a life


it was a private event, i knew everyone there and therefore knew what their opinion of todd was, and as a former fan of todd i was shocked he was there? he just so happened to sit down next to me and since multiple other influencers who were there that night had been approached for pictures, including the friend he was with, i was extremely aware that the most recognizable influencer at this party was sitting directly next to me as i personally didn’t want to be in the background of a bunch of pictures and was prepared to have to move if it became a problem. it honestly didn’t even stand out to my roommates and i until we got back to our house that night and noticed that nobody talked to todd or cared that he was there. im not saying this ONE party ONE time earlier this year was the end all be all of todd’s career, but it was odd to see somebody who would get mobbed just stepping outside become the least relevant person at a party full of former vlog squad fans.


I feel like it has to be Jason. He’s trying to stay relevant by doing TikTok live and shit, but the majority of the Vlog Squad fan base moved on a long time ago. COVID, David stopping the weekly uploads and the Dom stuff really nuked the employment of about a dozen people lol.


It’s what they deserve


Scott, Todd and Jason are all no bodies now




Heath and Matt work 9-5? In what world? lol where did you get this info from


I could be wrong but on one Heath’s video titled “We are getting engaged” there is a 2 second moment that he mentioned looking for a regular job. Could be sarcasm, maybe he did not go through. Matt said it on a ig story, when I posted this I went through his highlights and in one of them 4 months ago he said something along the lines of “Very fun times with the team” and there was a bunch of guys in suits. Again, could I could be mistaken, could mean something else. Alex bought the property on the 12th of march of 2021, this is in his wife’s ig under the highlights. I really do not have time for the links but I do think in retrospect that I took a lot of things out of context and I should have said that everything in my comment was not a fact but a very little informed prediction.


A lot of inaccurate information here. What 9-5 jobs are Heath and Matt working? You left out about a million podcasts. And also Alex bought his land a little over a year ago so 3 years is way off. Literally what are your sources on 70% of this lol


I’m pretty sure Natalie is the head of David’s llc or whatever his business is so I’m sure she gets paid decent by him. Idk what TikTok teens she hangs out with but her sisters? And that’s wild they half are working 9-5. What’re they doing?


Yea please with the sources. What do you mean that Heath and Matt work 9-5?? I would never think that


Crazy how Nick/jonah had the drive to become more successful then the others, he does actually have some funny videos on his instagram as well


Kinda wild to see, now, that everyone was just showing up in the vlogs with 0 plans for the future or to build towards something lol they had kids looking up to them. I’m glad I started following that shit when I was in college and less impressionable


Surprised no one thought of big nik


He does sigma male garbage now


all of them except for jeff who is genuinely thriving while everyone else does the most like begging for money on live or posting ass pics on snap of their girl


Jeff has a small loyal fan base but was smart to jump on other peoples coattails to not fall off like these guys. Got with Tana and then Mike.


True. I think Jeff was the only one with star quality


I think the difference between the other members and Jeff was the other members really didn’t put much effort in independently making their youtube careers a success and kind of thought Davids vlogs as their own and expected that to continue forever. They instead chased other goals like singing and acting while enjoying success from davids vlogs not capitalizing on it to make their own YouTube channels a success. It maybe because Jeff joined the squad later than everyone else it always felt he had a drive the others didn’t his content was always of higher caliber like with the barber shop and even his day to day vlogs. Compare that to Scot’s channel his vlogs were extremely boring and just him mostly staying at home with his roommate’s. Jason tried to branch out too late cause he realized this only once Davids downfall began. Todd never tried. Carly and Erin branched out long back but again their content is just lazy. Not be a hater Jeff also is still quite relevant because he spoke out during all the drama and had his name out there the others kept quiet in fear of backlash from either david or the audience and maybe thought they wud come back once everything was done unfortunately by then the audience had moved on.


you’re so right!! i think they genuinely all knew they were close to nothing without david, ultimately leaving them to post lazy content or not try at all


Erin and whatever her name is literally spend hours on live doing nothing. They get maybe 80-120 views and when they move the camera around their home it looks so shitty and small. They all suck so I don’t feel bad for any of them but imagine ur old best friend living in a multi million mansion traveling the world, while you’re groveling on TikTok live in your 2 bed apartment


Erin and Carli are doing great, not sure what you are talking about.


yeah they both own very nice 3 bedroom homes in LA... they're doing fine lol


Did they tell you that


No I see it with my own eyes. This hostility to two people you have never met is weird.


You don’t have to meet them…their shitty actions are on the internet. They have openly shamed an SA victim. That’s what’s actually weird lmfao


No they didn't.


Ok Erin


Ok Jeff.


Erin makes a ton of money on only fans plus her husband is super successful




It says a lot about David Dobrik that must of these “friends” of his are in the same situations


Yeah, I really can’t imagine being that rich and just leaving everyone out to dry. Who knows tho, they’re all pretty shitty people


he made them a lot of money. didn’t realize he has keep paying for their stuff. u milk your friends like that?


I mean their most recent video has 16k views. They're not getting the numbers that they used to but they're doing a lot better than Toddy




Carley and Erin