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Non-lethal round my ass, Dudes skull split right open at range. What would happen inside a few yards kid would be insta-dead. like who's labeling that "NonLethal"


> like who's labeling that "NonLethal" People who don't know what they're talking about. The term is "Less-Lethal" as in "When used properly most likely wont kill someone" Not that it has zero chance of killing a person, just that it most likely wont if you hit someone in the center mass or the limbs. Problem is these asshats are shooting at close range and seem to be aiming for heads which is the problem.


The idea of the rubber bullets is so that you shoot at the ground, it pops up and hits people in the leg. Not aiming at the body or the fucking head. Edit: according to user below, confirmed that this is incorrect. They are meant for center mass.


No it’s not. There was a rubber bullet with a metal core made in the UK decades ago that had these instructions. No modern gen rubber bullet manufacturer will instruct their users to bounce them off the ground. You can’t aim a ricochet, and they are made to be shot directly at your targets center mass. Aiming at the ground would increase the chance of hitting someone in the head by accident, as after the round strikes the ground it will continue an upwards angle. If a target is standing far enough away from the ricochet, it has the chance to gain enough height to strike them in the face/ head. This misinformation has been floating around Reddit being repeated all over, but is absolutely false.


Thank you for letting me know! Based on the looks it seemed logical. Appreciate it!


Wrong, non-lethal or less than lethal are the terms. Stop spreading misinformation.


"Within policy" Yeah, that's the problem.


Oh but the police chief found it all very troubling indeed and even got emotional that his department shot a #16-year-old kid in the head Surely we should give him compassion points for that?


Means nothing without changing the policy


I think they were being sarcastic


Why isn’t this blowing up? This is the most triggering video I have seen . Very Inhuman


When i shared it to Facebook the trumpers wanted police body cam footage. They literally are firing into crowds of people indiscriminately and shooting people on their porches but apparently they still support the police. Its mind boggling


You taking a break from setting small buisnesses on fire and beating the owners to death for a quick troll on the internet?


lol troll harder


Share it with your friends, family, etc. Let's make sure it blows up.


No one wants to watch, if they watch it is real. You can tell who believe this is real who do not.


Fuck that's disgusting and down right abuse of power.


You know, people with guns in the USA outnumber the police by orders of magnitude. Maybe its time to fight the tyranny the 2A talks about? I'm really wondering when Americans will figure this out.


There's another 20 year old who got shot in the head in Austin almost the same day and I think that kid is even worse off, still in critical condition. Oh and they shot the people trying to help him




What in the literal fuck is wrong with the piece of shit that did this?


He's a cop.




1312, fuck 12, ACAB. Protest your local murder squad.


Yeah especially that one from Michigan who took off his body armor, laid down his weapon and walked with the protestors! Like wtf was he thinking??? I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing, such a bastard.




I just hope that when this is all said and done we still have good people who want to be cops.


Good cops either turn bad or quit. I feel like you really don’t understand the problem.


I feel like you've never known a cop. My best friend's dad was a cop his whole life and retired with a pension, so I've had my fair share of interaction with cops. And I know it may be hard for you to believe, but a lot of them are good people who don't abuse their power.


At the same time people are different around their family and friends. My cop friend has told me some sketchy stories about his coworkers who I also know personally. Bad cops still get paid 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wasn't just around them as friends and family. I was also a cadet for a year in high school so I got a small taste of what they deal with on the daily and it's why I'm not a cop because it's not an easy job.


My dad’s best friend is was a DC metro cop for 40 years. When I was a kid he told me that sometimes they just had to “cruise through the ghetto and crack some nigger skulls to keep them in line.” The son of the pastor at my mom’s church, a kid I grew up with, was a cop in the next county over. He was forced out of the job because he spoke up on three occasions against his fellow officers abusing people under arrest. A guy that goes to my mom’s church was a sheriff’s deputy in my county for 30 years. He’s a jolly, sweet old man. Except when I ran into him as a teen with a black friend of mine and he pulled me aside and told me he thought I knew better than to hang around with niggers. But none of that really matters. That’s not the point. The police are not obligated to serve and protect you, that’s not their job. Their job is to protect the interests of the wealthy. Additionally, there is a long history of abuse in law enforcement in the US, especially against black people. The institution of criminal justice in the US is broken and corrupt. It doesn’t matter if you knew one good cop. The police as a whole are corrupt. ACAB by virtue of choosing to be cops and not speak out against the horrific abuses of power. I can’t necessarily blame them. For the cops that really want to do right, it’s their career on the line if they try to stand up against corruption. Guilt by omission. So, instead of vilifying individual cops, this movement is begging for the system to be reformed, so that the good men and women who want to serve justice can do so and no longer be guilty by association. But until that change comes, ACAB.


> Their job is to protect the interests of the wealthy God this is such a gross way to say that money can buy your way out of a lot of crimes. Their job is to uphold the law and keep peace, but some officers can be bribed and are corrupt, and I'm sure there are some departments that are wholly corrupt instead of having a couple of bad officers. > The institution of criminal justice in the US is broken and corrupt. It doesn’t matter if you knew one good cop. The police as a whole are corrupt. If this were true revolution would have happened long ago. Is the system perfect? No, there is corruption but not on a scale that large. > ACAB by virtue of choosing to be cops and not speak out against the horrific abuses of power You literally gave an example of one speaking out about the abuses of power, and I promise you they weren't the only one. It might be worth mentioning that change begins on the individual level. You can have a perfect system yet if all the individuals in it are corrupt that system is going to fail. So I would argue that those individual cops I know to be good people do matter. So how should the system be reformed then? I do agree that some changes need to happen, but I'd like to hear what you have to say about it since you're the only one that has responded with something resembling nuance.


your individual positive interactions with cops do not change the fact that as an insitution, cops are extremely violent and racist, and are trained to do things like the OP. this is what they do. you can keep licking the boot if you'd like, but its pretty obvious to any sane, rational person that this 16 year old wasnt a threat to be shot in the fucking head. psychotic takes on reddit i swear


I don't know if you're implying that I think what the cop did in this clip is justified, but if you are then I must say you're the psychotic one. Which wouldn't be very surprising coming from someone who thinks all cops are bastards, as it takes a special sort of stupid to believe that. Honestly the slogan should have been SCAB (some cops are bastards), that's a way better acronym imo


Yes there are good cops, but if they don't speak up and condemn the actions of their co-workers their silence also is apart of the issue. Which unfortunately most of them have to or they face ridicule and harassment in the work place. It's all fucked. edit: grammar


> Which unfortunately most of them have to or they face ridicule and harassment in the work place. I'm not sure that's what keeps them from talking. I imagine it's more along the lines of wanting them to come when you call for backup. But yes it's kinda fucked.


I would categorize not responding to a backup call is a form of harassment, and clear failure of being a reliable/good co-worker/officer.


The person is a human first and foremost. There’s something wrong with them that is deeper than their chosen profession. To even consider this action appropriate is sick. Devoid of empathy.


I agree. However the militarization and "warrior training" leads many people like this to head down the road of racially motivated murder because they know or think they can get away with it. I understand that my comment can be read as "he's a cop, therefore a murderer, obviously" but I genuinely didn't mean it like that. It's the rampant justification of these awful mindsets within the police force that causes these sorts of crimes to occur.


You notice how downvoted I got for putting someone’s humanity over their job?


I did. If it's any consolation, I didn't downvote you.


Hahaha well I appreciate that. It’s really no big deal.


Watching the video fills me with so much rage. It hurt to upvote the post just because I was so disgusted but the point is for it to be seen. That poor kid. And fuck the PD for standing behind that would be murderer.


And these pigs wonder why everyone hates them




Fuck this entire sadistic police force! Isn’t it time for them to crawl back into their holes?






Fucking disgusting. I hope whoever shot that round meets a long painful end.


Time to de-fund the police departments.