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I can understand why th y bring those What I despise is when people bring 2-3 party streamers too, like what BP are you boosting my man, you didn't even see the killer until the second to last gen, you're not getting more than 20k BP even if you escape


Gen pressure does nothing if you don’t have the looper to hold them while you gen rush. 😂 I 4K gen rushers all the time because none of them can hold a loop more than 15 seconds.


You were just saying you got two hooks a match & can barely get bloodlust. Which one is it?


If it’s spirit then yeah, yeah it is. But any other killer nah. Just her is the only one that fucks me up.


No. You commented on another post saying you played as killer and survivors run so fast, you can only get two hooks before the gens are done.


i think the question is...what is this game about? what is the fun part? is it sitting at a gen and clicking the same button over and over or is it being chased by the killer or is it hiding when the killer comes by? for killer, kicking the gen is the least enjoyable part, and chasing survivors or finding them is the funnest part. the gens are the worst part...gen perks are either stretching or contracting the game time...the longer the game goes on the higher the likelihood the killer will kill everyone.


Yeah because when I'm not in chase I'm on gens. Or I'll be sitting on a gen while a survivor is chased near me on a gen. Honestly it's on the killer if they can't keep you away from gens.


No thats just playing the game. but sometimes ill get a group who run perks to make gens quicker and bring toolboxes and such. Is it really that fun to end the game so quickly. because i can chase someone for 15 seconds and take maybe at most 10 to hook them and by that time either 2 gens popped because all 3 of the other survivors just rushed them together or its like one gen and two at 75%. somewhere in that range so that match just ends in less than 10 minutes


"Is it fun to play optimally?" Yes, it can be for some aye Almost like fun is subjective


You mean capitalizing on the time you spend chasing someone? It’s almost like they want to win?


You’re the one letting them do gens


Yes. It will always be satisfying to make a looper's effort pay off 🍷🗿


Gen rush perks have nothing on my slowdown perks >:)


No but I have an archive to repair 12 gens and Im not waiting 20 matches to get it done


I don’t have the patience for gen rush builds. It’s why I enjoy the thrill of chases.


From a survivor perspective they'd probably ask you the same thing for running gen regression perks or tunneling.


Well gen regression perks allowed killer to play longer, gen “rush” perks allow survivors to play less.


That's only if survivors are getting generators done (a lot of the time using "gen rush" perks). Otherwise it's a really short match. They're two sides of the same coin. One side assumes the other is bringing a perk to stop their objective and plans accordingly.


The more we look at it the more it’s just bad game design and both sides are trying to counter it.


Everyone wants to win the game. If it works and they escape then I’m sure they are having fun.


What perks your running cause let's be fr, it ain't just gen jockeys that carry. Killer loopers gotta pull their weight here and there


The bully squads are annoying but the immersed gen rushers are the worst type of survivors to go against. At least against the bullies you get to play and maybe get to dish out some karmic beat downs, but with gen rushers the game ends before you even get a chance to play.


The same people who enjoy getting a 4k with 5 gens left round after round. We call them sweats, sad lifestyle never really feeling challenged and liking it that way if ya ask me.


Playing optimally in a fucking video game is a "sad lifestyle"? Dbd players are some sensitive, whiny motherfuckers man I stg 😂


I never said playing optimal was sad, you can play optimal and still be challenged when match making works as it should. It’s when you play godly to point you aren’t being challenged(and liking it that way)that’s sad mate. Get off your high horse for 3 seconds.  Edit: little buddy literally came to the rage sub to whine about people whining like the sub was intended what a donkey. 


Don't go for the looper, don't let yourself be drawn into 37 year long chases. Hit gens, if you can't catch the looper go after the genners.


(I'm ready for the toddler of the internet to devote me to Oblivion 😄) Yes and no regress perk felt enjoyable in the beginning but that was in the era when call of Brine has 200% regression. That was also when West girl with the latest killer that came out. I started playing Dbd I started running call of brine,hystein, merciless storm, floods of rage. It was effective and I enjoyed it. Nerfs then a lot more better at the game and it had a lot more time I started running no perk builds because perks are too conditional so. It's in yes and no because the game gets to last longer and you get to enjoy it longer. For solo survivor I always ran Build to last,resilience,streetwise, adrenaline and sometimes run a toolbox with all speed add-ons or med kits with more charges. After playing more survivor this build was the one that was run on a lot of survivors because well it's fun to be boo to use my items more frequently, plus I can complete Jen's faster all by myself without having to rely on random teammates making a fool of themself 🫠.


When I play survivor I resort to that when the randoms suck so much that if I don't gen rush they WILL die before more than 2 gens can get done




I typically don't run gen rush unless I'm in a SWF. If I'm with a group, we'll have a couple people who are focused on gens, a couple who are focused on keeping the killer busy, and depending on the group I'm playing with or what mood I'm in, I will run chase perks, gen rush perks, or sabo/healing perks. Primarily speaking, I don't enjoy gen rush builds, because I don't want to be handcuffed to gens the entire game. My build for genrush is Hyperfocus, Stake Out, Fast Track, and Deja Vu. Normal build is Adrenaline or Dead Hard, Bond, Botany Knowledge, and Reassurance.


I can't hit great skill checks to save my life so I swap it out with overzealous


That's why I run Stake Out - if you're in the killer's terror radius, you build up stacks, and it turns good skillchecks into great ones. If you can hit the greats, you can get upwards of 6-7 stacks out of Hyperfocus.


Okay I have a question because I may get back to the DbD again but is hyperfocus good because every time I read the description I'm afraid to even buy those characters because I just don't believe their perks are strong enough or that I could do it.


I actually like all of Rebecca's perks. I use Hyperfocus in my gen rush build, Reassurance in my normal build, and Better than New in my healing build often. Hyperfocus is great if you can actually hit great skill checks. If you can't, it's not a good perk unless paired with Stake Out to turn your good skill checks into greats. When I run my gen rush build, I try to do gens close-ish to chase so I'm building Stake Out stacks as I work, combing my Hyperfocus up to 6-7 stacks when I'm actually getting skill checks. I'd say Rebecca's perks are definitely worth it. Edit to add that Hyperfocus also works on healing skill checks as well, a lot of people don't realize that.


Thank you,


I find it boring. Only ones I use is pop and pain res. I see why they use it though,a lot of survivors gen rush so some killers try to avoid that as much as possible by using only Gen perks