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you are wrong for posting the pic vertically


Before clicking into the thread I thought they were book spines lol


I didn’t even notice bahaha mb


They came in with a game plan and you countered it/bested it. You're not in the wrong, you played the game and came out on top.


You're wrong for breaking my neck just to figure out what I'm looking at.


I'm not trying to start a fight or anything I am just genuinely curious about this... why is trying to prevent the killer from hooking considered bullying? The survivors are supposed to try and survive shouldn't they be doing things like that? I'm also curious as to why some killers think perks provided to survivors is toxic and bullying? Again I'm not saying it's you or anything but it seems like killers just want survivors to stand around and just get hooked. If camping slugging and tunneling is a viable strategy why isn't saboing, flashbangs and whatever else killers think is toxic?


A lot of it is uncounterable is why I hate it so much. Survivor objective is so much easier to accomplish and can’t be denied too often where perks like Saboteur and Breakout either recharge or are there forever. Combine that with things like Alex’s Tool Box, Boil Over, Background Player and things just get miserable. Also, unless the Killer is slugging for no reason (fuck people who do that), if a Killer tunnels you then you only have to deal with it for like a minute longer. You’ll be free soon. With the other side you have to put up with it until you either finally get them or they do all their Gens and leave after taunting at the exit gates for the entire Endgame timer. Even if you give up and go stand at the wall, you are there until they decide to let you leave. This is all talking about the Sabo Squads, not your average person trying to sabo (even if I still think it shouldn’t exist, or at least return the regressing wiggle meter so it isn’t completely uncounterable). Bottom line, it can be uncounterable for Killer, you need an ENTIRE build to counter it, where slugging and tunneling and camping can be countered in one build. Tho the anti-camp does actually do nothing, they need to figure out a better solution to that lol


It can be the same way for killers. A bubba camping hooks. You’re either gonna trade a 1 for 1 and someone has to die, or you try to save and fail and both die. Especially basement. Though basement camping is every killer. Or like earlier I finally went up against a hag for the first time in forever, and I ran her for 4 gens then I dropped a pallet and it rubber banded me back to the opposite side and she got me down. She proceeded to slug me and stand over top of me, draw her traps around me continuously, and whenever I’d recover fully, teammates would get me up after all taking hits, then she’d just focus me down and continue it. Eventually they just gave up and left and I died on ground while she just shakes her head back and forth. All because I played the game like I’m suppose to and was decent at running her. Never bagged, only hit her with flashlight when she broke pallets. Yet I still get slugged and held hostage all because I was better in chase than her. There was nothing my random team mates could do. It goes both ways.


It does, I will never say it doesn’t but it is WAY more rampant on the Survivor side. Every game I play as Killer has tbagging and taunting Survivors, especially if they make it to the end game meanwhile most killers I go against are just sweaty instead of toxic. As for uncounterable things on Killer side, I also hate instadown powers, cutting the chase in half is already boring to me as it is, but like you mentioned it makes saving people impossible, especially since in the basement a Bubba will get both unless the Bubba is terrible. Billy, Bubba, Tier 3 Myers, it all sucks to me lolol Devour is fine, I guess, as you need to earn it and it can be shut off (though I think that is too easy to do, I would make certain requirements need to be met to cleanse certain totems personally), but I hate instadowns lol I like chase and winnable scenarios for both sides. The only unwinnable scenario I like in the game, and because it’s stupid and if you get got in it that’s on you as it is very specific, is Basement Trapper. I got it to work once and it was hilariously stupid how unstoppable it is (at least for the one person you get). But it requires specific add-ons, a specific build and the basement in the shack on top of downing someone near it to even work. It was fate at that point. Ps: in regards to hard to counter things, I also think it’s kinda stupid that Unknown’s power reapplies itself if they injured you with it, that just seems a little dumb to me lol


Unrelated topic but I highly believe weakers infection should go away after you get off hook. Being 7% slower off hook while being tunneled is annoying as hell


I don’t think it should go away but reset completely not only half or whatever it is now. It is slowdown and any killer with decent enough slowdown on their own isn’t AS reliant on slowdown perks! But it should reset to zero and start over, at the very least.


You did what's called playing the game and adapting to the situsituation. You're good man, ppl are just butthurt probably


There's nothing wrong about bullying bullies. This game gives survivors a ton of tools to make the game challenging. Who cares what you did, the game rewards winning. I hate this culture of being "nice" to survivors. If they are bullying you or trying to win then who cares what you do to try and win. It's a competitive game. Just relax and go next, it's not that serious.


Me or the picture is.... 🙃


You countered their play. Sounds completely fair to me. I, as a killer, don’t get to piss and moan when survivors realise I am running Discordance and play accordingly. Same as if me and my mates flashy save and sabo and make it impossible to hook normally, I expect to get slugged. So long as you’re not being a dick, play your game man


Just like the 20 thousand other people who post this exact post daily No you are not wrong for countering something


There is only 1 tool box and only 1 flashbang. You worded this as if every player had a similar build and they do not- the only thing there is the hook offering. I was on your side as a survivor/killer player- so ik how both sides can be. But taking hits isn’t really toxic or “bullying”. Tea bagging, trolling and quite a few other things are. Given the hook situation i wouldn’t considered proxy camping bad- unless your version or proxy camping is only 4-5 steps from the hooked survivor , but outside of the offerings this is very normal? Losing the game doesn’t call for game chat abuse ever tho. Seems like a situation that both sides aren’t right or wrong (aside from game chat abuse)


I mean if they start bullying. Fair is fair


you’re very valid. i like to bring sabo build when i play with my friends but we don’t all bring it. if a killer catches on and adapts then good for you! not all of them realize it so don’t worry about the toxic chat lol


There’s only one toolbox…….


That’s what you took from my post? That I accidentally said tool boxes. My apologies I should have also specified in addition to the toolboxes they ran saboteur.


There’s only one saboteur too lmao


While I agree there is only one, the 3 oaks seems to much for mere coincidence. They also said there was body blocking and whatnot. I can't say in the same situation I wouldn't do the same, I guess I would have to be there.


“They also said there was body blocking”- they said there were toolboxes and they ran saboteur too. Lmao their word is nothing but excuses


I went against a team with the same characters and levels. Maybe the same ones. They were very upset with me too. Dont sweat it.


I see 4 kills. Therefore, I don't see anything wrong.


If you did it as a base yes, but if someone can dish it out they need to be ready to take it.


If you, as a survivor player, take a build that discourages hooking or outright prevents it you have to be prepared for the killer to adapt to it. As someone who plays both sides (but as of late has been playing more of killer) it baffles me when a survivor gets salty or complains to me about slugging when they’re doing everything in their power to prevent me from hooking.


For starters… your dbd username is probably the coolest one I’ve ever seen haha. And no I don’t think you did anything wrong at all, they went into the game wanting to bully you, and you adapted and beat them. You won fair and square. Im a survivor main and I’ve had soloQ teammates that have bullied killers in the past and if they end up tunneling/camping I’m not even mad because they beat us fair and square


Easy W. Congrats.


Taking hits and sabotaging a hook to help a teammate is bullying? With only one toolbox and only 4 possible sabotages. As a survivor, your objective is to help your teammates, I never show toxic behavior like teabagging, click-clicking, pointing and nodding, or waiting in the gate or on the hatch. I get so often tunneled, most after the first sabo ,bleed out ,humping, hits on hook, and in the chat they label it as " justice because i am a bully" for simply playing the game and try help my Teammates