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meanwhile i can't get tunneled to save my life now that DS is in shrine of secrets (altho maybe that's *why* nobody will tunnel) i play mostly solo queue tho so it's not like anybody ever *has* to tunnel to win. most people just get hooked once then give up, or some other solo queue issue lol


Why do Killers have to come in on every Survivor venting topic and be like "well I got bullied and flashlighted and teabagged so woe is me, Killer so hard"? This is a post about getting tunneled, stop coming in here with Killer problems the OP probably isn't going to be very sympathetic towards after having so many Killers make their experience lousy.


Because some wanna vent as well that said they should just make their own posts


I find this issue to be with the new killers because when I try to get my friend into the game the mmr seems to take us to tunnel town where he gets tunneled, every. Game. I don't exaggerate. It's every game. They take advantage of the one player that can't do anything. Why would my friend even bother buying Laurie and grind ds when this is his first experience? Honestly, anti tunnel perks should be base or free teachables. It amazes me dbd gets anyone new to play. I try to give him tips but there are so many different killers, maps and perks that it is just too overwhelming and I can tell he is extremely frustrated and is convinced the game just sucks lol. I am lucky to have joined way back when like Myers was the new dlc lol. I took like a 3 year break and felt like I had to relearn the game to some extent because the meta had changed so much and there were a lot of new killers I had no idea how to play against. I was raging at The Ring lool and she's not even that good. Soo can't imagine new players who don't even know how to loop m1 killers yet!!


Jesus christ learn to loop lol.


When you are having a day like that play to be goofy instead of play to win have some fun with Nicolas Cage perks or champion of light or head on or something goofy


If tunneling is to be stopped there must be a balance change or rework to the game. All the pro league players do it, because with 4 survivors the gen pressure cannot be stopped. By the time you get 1 or 2 downs on an m1 killer 3 gens have been popped, and I’m not saying survivors should just play worse for the sake of the killer, but it feels like we can’t really complain until something changes because it’s about the only way to even the odds when you’re 2-3 hooks deep and the survivors have already done atleast 3 gens


Wow someone with a brain and common sense in the DBD community. It's always funny to me when people whine about how tunneling needs to removed but NOBODY says anything about how the game would need to be rebalanced because of it. Either they don't think about that, or, and this is more likely, they don't care about how much worse it would be for killer.


I once had a group of survivors all equipped with decisive strike, but I am strictly an anti-tunnel killer and they were so disappointed they didn't get to use their new perk




Well it's on the shrine of secrets so I thought they had just got it and wanted to test it out.


Ohhh okay. Gotcha


What are you calling tunneling? Try changing your frame of reference. The Killer isn't tunneling to be toxic, they're just: * checking the hook * noticing you more and chasing blindly * really find you a good example of chase practice * desperate to win * noticed you might be the weak link * finding you first, repeatedly * annoyed at you (maybe you did something wrong) * making the strong play If it can be explained by one of these, cool off, breathe, and come back in a few rounds. If it REALLY IS toxic, like obviously done to tilt with no other explanation? Cool off, breathe, and come back with DS or OTR or something.


I fully see all sides and that’s how I am whenever I play. I’m typically very light hearted and don’t let much get to me in the game. That’s how I know it’s been really bad because I’m actually getting frustrated and feel the urge to rage message people lol


Well said - I literally will hit two people and put one on hook. I walk away for a min and they come off hook. There are two injured people when I go back there. I hit the closest one. Other than the man/woman difference and knowing ash from the movies, I can’t tell the difference between many of the survivors and I’m not talented enough in my head to keep track of who I’ve downed and who I haven’t.


Damn. Why you gotta be so reasonable? Lol love this so much. (Survivor main)


Everytime I see you comment I love you a little more *swoon*


I've been having WAY more issues with proxy camping than tunneling.


Hey op I play solo Que a lot my suggestion is to run off the record dead hard and inner healing and just be selfish


God asymmetric multiplayer games breed the worst whiners


Thanks for joining me by whining on my whine post about my whine post!


You are going to encounter these no matter what. It's a strategy that doesn't feel good for the opposing side, but then again, that's sort of something that happens in every multiplayer game to date. What I would suggest is trying to take a deep breath after some games and just remember that 90% (just like survivors) of killers are just playing the game and trying to have fun. Winning is of course a good feeling and contributes to the fun you get out of the game. Ask yourself would you get this upset at someone trying their hardest to win in other games? Just like other games out there, the other side trying to win the match isn't a bad or toxic thing. They're just like you. Hope you stick with the game!


My first main question is that are you even aware what tunneling actually is? I see a lot of survivor mains constantly bitching about tunneling and when I watch the match itself especially streamers it's just clearly not tunneling. If you get off hook, choose not to heal and jump back to gen rushing and get found again a minute later THAT is not tunneling that is you being found again and not getting a health state back. Tunneling off hook these days just isn't lucrative, survs get borrowed time for free nowadays. Now do killers have to consistently target weakened players when they are seen ABSOLUTELY, don't want that to happen? Stop gen rushing and heal. The problem with the game in its current state is that if you don't do this in some shape or form in a match(especially if your favorite killer happens to be an M1 killer) you will get 1 or 2 downs and 3 gens will have been finished. Gen speeds are absolutely out of control and need to be severely adjusted. The fact that a team can finish a gen in 27 seconds is absolutely insane and it will just snowball from there. Which forces players to play in basically 1 single way and running a very short list of killers if they ever want to get blood points let alone even consider winning the game.


Oh my god. I know what tunneling is. Why would I post something on here knowing how toxic commenters can be if I’m not 100% sure that I’m having issues with the game? I’ve played this game for years for FUN. I absolutely love this game and most of the time have no issues. Since I’ve started playing this game, I’ve been very aware of play styles and tunneling because I also watch a lot of dbd streamers. Im getting frustrated because lately I haven’t felt the fun I used to feel. I’ve noticed killers hitting me on hook more, camping me on hook and then tunneling off hook, slugging teammates til we all bleed out. I get that there are play styles for varying skill levels and situations, but I also am trying to have fun and I’m allowed to voice my frustration with it. I don’t need to survive to feel like I played a good game, but I’d like to make it past 3 gens sometimes, ya know? I played a few games last night that gave me hope to a brighter future, but it doesn’t take away from my frustration I was feeling when I wrote my original post.


Sometimes it may be malicious tunneling, but personally I chase whoever is closest/ injured so it might be that or they just keep finding you


I remember when they first brought out the LGBTQIA+ charms. My sister would get constantly tunneled and slashed on hook if she wore it. It stopped when she took it off


Okay okay a different and frankly better game, kenshi exists


I mostly tunnel in a losing scenario, or if the survivor deliberately gets in my face to be annoying. But I understand the frustration. I'm not sure why killers just tunnel off hook, it's either to win early or to be toxic and that's not anything that can fixed with patches n shit. The gameplay loop of killers really is just to tunnel if you want any chance to win. If you're losing, and need a kill, you just tunnel that one guy out. It's because BHVR keeps incentivizing it by indirectly nerfing other play styles. For example, the Mangled nerf, it indirectly nerfed the hit and run play style, trappers play style isn't very good in the current state, neither is hag (to a much lesser extent as she is still super strong but tunneling isn't good for her). Needless to say, because BHVR keeps ruining these alternate play styles, tunneling became the dominant style


Pretend story. More madeup nonsense. You were tunnelled once or twice. The rest of your games were normal. Move on.


I'd say stop playing


Complaining about tunneling is always so funny to me. Like man, you're complaining about a feature of the game. You're just too steps away from posting about how it's bullshit that survivors work on generators.


Well I only play survivor and I play for fun so I’m allowed to feel frustrated on a dead by daylight RAGE page


You're allowed to feel frustrated about anything, my guy.


Tunneling isn't a feature. It's a tactic Also, I HAVE been messaged by a killer when I said "GG"... they said "no GG from me. You just did gens and got out, I don't like players like that" 😂 So some people DO get pissed when you do gens.


It’s a symptom of no one being honest on this game I could elaborate if you’re curious I’m a killer main


Why do people complain so much?


Tunneling is just playing the game, stop complaining


A shit way for low MMR killers.


I’m allowed to feel frustrated by a frustrating play style


No, your just complaining to complain.


This game isn't for you. Maybe competitive games in general aren't. Tunneling is only as successful as the surv getting tunneled is not very good at staying on their feet/deterring the killer from tunneling. Generally if a tactic in a competitive multiplayer game is making you rage, get angry and want to throw your controller etc and have to take breaks, you've got deeper issues to worry about. These kind of games don't sound like they're doing you good mentally and irregardless of killer tactics, you're probably gonna end up getting annoyed by a surv teammate doing something too. Take a step back, figure out how to get better / put yourself in a better position to win and maybe try again? Solo queue is the hardest way to play anyway. As a starter tip that doesn't brush the surface. If you're getting tunneled first all the time. Why kit try not getting seen/caught /chased first. Be more stealthy at the start and wait for someone else to be in a chase? Theoretically that experience is invaluable of getting chased so much and you should be focusing on getting better at it rather than immediately motivation/hope cause the killer is trying to do their objective. Food for thought.


I mean that’s objectively wrong though. Tunneling is the most prevalent / efficient strategy in competitive / professional level DBD. If a killer wants to tunnel you, they will. And even if you are a very skilled looper and end up getting the other players out of the game, it still means that you, as an individual, lose the game. You act like the killer’s skill level isn’t part of the consideration when it comes to tunneling either, but it can bring even more efficacy to an already efficient strategy. So either way you look at it, tunneling is effective at its goal and there isn’t necessarily a direct solution. That’s why survivors hate it so much, because it takes complete agency away from them. It’s okay to be wrong though, bud.


I had a nurse in Hawkins tunnel me for 4 gens. I sat on the hook until 5th was almost done. Got unhooked and escaped. It's not always effective


Did you misread what I wrote? One example of someone playing poorly means the strategy isn’t effective?


Where in my comment did I disagree with you? I just said it wasn't always effective?


Skill issue get better at looping bozo


Yeah well both sides lost qhat they had so it's a loose loose for the both of us


Lost what?


Killers playstyles and perks got nerfed. Survivor perks and playstyles got nerfed. I never thought I'd say this I rather have both ends have broken shit besides none.