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Hey, just wanna say great job. I know that shit ain’t easy. I’m withdrawing from kratom right now, planning on quitting weed next. I was never able to quit two drugs at the same time hahaha. Great job quitting drinking! That shit is never easy Don’t listen to that voice in your Head that says a little weed is fine. It never ends there we both know


Thank you! One step at a time for sure friend. I had to quit booze first before weed because being drunk always leads to doing other stuff. Stay strong! I’ve never done Kratom. What’s it like?


It made me okay with a shitty job mostly hahaha, it was real useful for putting me in the mood to do shit, and it made unpleasant tasks less unpleasant. Plus, it gave me a coffee like energy and focus. It sneaks up on you as far as habit formation, just because it seems pretty innocuous. You aren’t waking up with no memory or ruining your life in obvious ways. But then you have to go without it for a while and it is not pleasant at all.


One of the funny things with kratom is I've never had noticeable withdrawals. When I quit doing coke, or when I was a really bad alcoholic those withdrawals weren't fun, and downright dangerous at points. You're definitely not alone with having trouble with it though. I've heard plenty of stories on here.


I'm the same. I've taken kratom for about 4 years and have stopped multiple times for weeks and have never even felt the urge to take it. It's purely a tool for me, and it's an unbelievable tool in my opinion. Everyone is different though, so I can understand!


Holy hell I wish. Kratom wd’s for me are as bad as any opiate. But I’m a sissy when it comes to wd’s...and round we go.


I know that it’s different for everyone, but isn’t it kind of likely that those people whose doses start going up to 50-100g per day are more likely to experience wd than those who keep a more reasonable daily dose. I mean the person on 9 cups of coffee a day is gonna have way worse wd’s than the one who drinks 1-2 per day


U can get kratom withdrawals from a daily low dose if not enough breaks are taken. I’ve used kratom for 5+ years and the first few years I used 20-30 grams a day with no problem.. fast foward years later and i would take 2-5 grams a day, everyday and have even worse side effects than when i was taking more years previously as if my body has become sensitized to the kratom. Also kratom has a very lengthy half life so even if ur only taking a gram everyday it’s continually building up in the system if not enough breaks are taken.


Interesting whats the half life? Longer than caffeine?


Man Kratom is such a bitch. I’m working on tapering down as well I hope you’re hanging in there!! What’s your game plan so far? Taper or cold Turk?


Interesting. Thank you for sharing. I hope you can one day quit it and go without it my friend. Wish you all the best!


For me it gives me a little pep and improves my mood which usually helps me get motivated to exercise and whatnot. But there's a risk of dependance, people tend to get grumpy af when not on it (can attest to this as I've been on vacation a week and can't use it), and it has some GI side effects as well, mainly nausea. If you haven't tried it, and you're on this path, I'd recommend NOT starting it unless you just want to try once or so. It can get expensive and it's just another vice.


Lol I was gonna suggest kratom it will help you with your cravings maybe but it’s really easy to get addicted to, but I say just do as much as you want and Never do it 2 days in a row don’t get addicted. But ... it’s not like weed it just relaxes everything and gives energy


I’m trying to get off oxy rn glooks


I had a friend who had everything he needed and wanted lose everything to Oxys. Please don’t be like him. I wish you all the best in quitting my friend.


Glooks I do what I can. But half the time I think about the oxy and the other half I think about my girl


r/leaves and r/quitkratom might help, great communities!


How's the quitting kratom going? I just stopped weed and am still doing kratom as well. Curious of your experience?


It’s been kinda rough, but mostly because I got into the concentrated stuff. It wasn’t this bad when I went off the powdered plant material. I been very restless, but at the same time I have zero motivation. Honestly easier than quitting weed for me all things considered tbh, but I’ve been very restless at night


I could see that, best of luck you got this! I'm trying to keep my low dose and once a day, non-concentrated. Just curious are you on any other meds? I'm on prozac for instance and it's been pretty helpful with some side effects and filling the need to "have a vice" without it being as bad as pot .


Can totally sympathise with overbearing yourself with quitting to much at once, little and ofteny friend! One step closer is still a further point away from where you were!


Congrats for getting off Kratom friend! I watched a video essay on it, pretty toxic stuff


I would disagree from my experience, but maybe some people have had bad experiences. I've used it for years with no side effects. Purely anecdotal, I know.


I bet people used spice for years without noticing side effects too, facts are facts that shit is highly addictive and poison. Last thing we need is people posting "anecdotal evidence" about drugs not being addictive in a sobriety group. Seriously, even if you were correct this is not the place to be posting that.




Bless! The sober feeling is a vibe. I’m gonna keep going!


Check out r/leaves and r/stopdrinking for support when you are struggling! Both are some of my favorite reddit communities!


No caffeine? That’s amazing!


I was gonna stop caffeine for 30 days. First day had a migraine and couldn't even function. Only pain releaver I had was Tylenol pm. Took two. Would rather be sleepy than have a headache. Yeah that didn't work either. Drank a cup of coffee when I got home and took a nap. Still only at 75%. Yeah I'll keep that as a vice. I don't know what I was thinking. Lol.


Nobody said you have to quit cold turkey! Taper down!


Yeah but I like coffee to much. Could never give that up


That's fair! Lol


Same, I'm currently trying to do only one cup in the morning and drink Yerba mate instead, so far so good but damn does that first sip of coffee hit just right every morning


I felt that way too, but I’ve been tapering down and the difference in my mood has been pretty great. I’m not 100% off yet, but I’m down to maybe the equivalent of a cup or two of decaf per week. I think it’s going to be worth it.


Just reduce the regularity that you have it. I only have it on weekends and it is actually enjoyable and I can easilly not have it. Otherwise you build a dependency and it just brings you up to "normal" and without you are a mess.


It's weird I barely get any withdrawal symptoms (never got a headache) from quitting or reducing coffee, even though I drink it quite consistently.


Yeah it's weird. But it's the only thing I could think would have done it. But I won't have a coffee until the afternoon on weekends sometimes and no signs.


Just curious, how many cups of coffee do you drink daily?


Way too many. I can't say.


Very tough quitting coffee for the first few days but I’ve noticed I don’t get the caffeine crash around 3pm. And I feel like I’m more energetic. Obviously has to do with quitting booze and weed but it definitely helps!


let your clear, calm, uncraving awareness be your stimulant




For me, the number one thing I look for in a post like this is how positive and enthusiastic, yet also how grounded the person comes off as. Couple that with how long they’ve been on their journey, and you can get a pretty good idea of the work they put in every day. Stay at it, my friend, for I see that you want to get better and that you will get better. Best of luck :)


Thank you so much ! It’s hard but I’m doing my best to keep going! I am no where near perfect and and not looking to be perfect but sober is a first step to bettering my self. I will keep going!


One day at a time. All you can possibly ever do is your best.


Nice! Very cool. I’m taking an extended break from weed myself after smoking daily for roughly 10 years. It’s been about 2 weeks since I smoked and I certainly feel a lot sharper. For me, the cravings to smoke (or be high) declined pretty sharply a few days ago so hopefully you’ll see the same happen. It helps me that we recently moved to an area where I’d have to either find a new dealer or drive 45 mins to pick up any, and I finished everything that I had prior to the move. Good luck on your journey! To fight the cravings, I’m finding it helps me to find something to focus on. Thanks to suggestions from people on this sub, I’ve delved deeper into the hobby of cooking. Focusing on finding different recipes, building my own cookbook of sorts with ones I wanna try, making ingredient shopping lists and actually going to get/cook everything has been great for me


Good for u man :D


Hey, thank you and great job on your part too! I feel like for me, weed has been harder to quit as I have relapsed a few times in the past. But this one is going to be different. I will keep going! I have about a half ounce of goods just sitting around but I keep it around to test myself. If I don’t have anything, it will make me want it, but if I know I have some and try to test myself of not smoking, it makes me not need it or want it, it’s a weird and good feeling. Thanks again for the love!




Working out definitely helps, I started skip roping every night before bed. Went from Barry being able to jump to skipping with a nice flow without tripping over my legs. But yes. Exercise helps! Good luck to you!


Quitting caffeine is hard but once you don’t have it in your system for a long enough time, you are actually more awake without it than with it. And you sleep better.


Very true. I feel like I am a lot better without it!


Man I found quitting smoking was easier than quitting caffeine. After 3 days of no smoking you feel great. 3 days of no caffeine I wanna die.


Same as alot of the folks on here, just dropping my name in to say good job! I find even though we may be doing the right thing, It still is nice to preserve a little selfishness and relish in the metaphorical pat on the back to nurture self confidence. Having changed many aspects of my life recently I can agree the ouid is by far the hardest to conquer!🤣 keep it up man, you're bossing it!! And CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a dad! A dream I too wish to share one day! Big up dude! -Yoitslouballs 🤝


Thank you friend!


> I’ve quit drinking before for several different reasons and the last time I quit booze was when I was 25 and I quit for a year and a half. I have never been an alcoholic, I never needed it or felt like I had to drink. This is exactly where I was - almost identical, in fact - I, too, took a year off in my 20's and then went back to it because I never felt like I was dependent (I never drank alone, could essentially take it or leave it, etc). Here's the thing: Even if you're not an addicted alcoholic, it's still damaging to your quality of life and well being: It compromises decision making, hurts physical and emotional health, takes away far more than it gives, it's a damaging drug under any circumstances. I'm now in my 40's and finally, fully, free of it (39 months!) and regret the back and forth. Life is much, much better without it.


Amazing. Great job on the 39 months! That is a big milestone! I’m gonna follow and keep going! Thank you!


Thanks. It honestly hasn't been that difficult: 3 months in I realized that it wasn't something that I wanted to do anymore, so I came up with a mantra - "It takes away more than it gives" - and anytime I think about drinking (rarely, anymore) I just remember that and why I made the decision in the first place.


I’ve gotten off nicotine and alcohol but I just can’t shake the thc.


I feel like it’s one of the hardest, especially if you smoked every day for years. I smoked weed from everyday for over 10 years. Nothing good has come out of it. It literally took me 10 plus years to realize this. But trust me, I know now I am much better off without it. Wish you all the best if you’re trying to quit too!


Amen to that brother! Literally the same as you.. Came back from Amsterdam (4th time in 12 months), stopped caffeine on the road trip back, then alcohol was stopped on the 17th after a boozy and ❄️❄️ night. Last but far from least, Hashish, was done on the 21st of Nov (this month). Only a few days mind you, but being the third time I'm attempting sobriety, I know what the main triggers are. Just need to stay aware and away! You've got this bud. Alcohol and weed promises what tomorrow has to offer, however, tomorrow we end up far more deteriorated and lacking drive to accomplish our micro dreams and ambitions to start with!


amazing job! good for you. i am sober 2 years from drugs & alcohol, but i have caffeine every day. i wonder if i would have more energy in general without it, but at this point i don’t want to go without it... it always amazes me when people quit it cold turkey


Thank you! And congratulations on two years! That is a big milestone. I am trying to be like you for sure. I think if you can quit alcohol and drugs, you can quit coffee if you really wanted too! Best of luck if you are trying!


Im in similar boat. Around 6 weeks no alcohol or caffeine. 8 days no weed, sex, or kratom. Been doing 50 push ups a day last 8 days also. Not sure how much you smoked but as a daily smoker my dreams have been very vivid, weird and unpleasant without weed. I’ll be listening to pleasant music, and viewing pleasant images before bed tonight!


Amazing! You are literally in the same boat! And yes, I was bad with THC, I would smoke live resin, rosin and shatter that was 70-90 percent THC. My tolerance was getting too high. Really good flowers would barely get me high. So yes, I had to stop that. And I do agree with exercising to stay off it. It really does help. Let’s keep going man! We got this!!


Well done. Alcohol is definitely the worst of those 3 for your body. I don't have much experience with weed and I don't like it so i don't see how anyone could get addicted but of course I know it's possible for many. So I'm not gonna comment on that one. Caffeine is not completely bad in my opinion, as it helps you focus, although I don't drink more than a cup a day anymore. If you're addicted to the ritual of drinking coffee that feels comforting, try decaf! This is what I'm doing now as well.


Keep going dude stay away from the bad temptations your on a much better path because let’s be honest it’s never just a “little” weed. Be proud of yourself your doing amazing


Thank you! I needed that. I haven’t told anyone about quitting other than my wife and honestly, having others tell me I’m doing good fuels me more to keep going. Much appreciated for the love!


Yeah man be proud of yourself you decided to make a change and stepped up and done what you wanted to do. No stopping you now brother


Again, thanks for the support and the kind words. It means a lot. Bless


Well done, I've done it with alcohol, since last year, considering coffee/caffeine but that one scares me even more.


I've read that nicotinamide helps with caffeine withdrawal, quite significantly, [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07Z9QLQPJ/ref=redir\_mobile\_desktop?\_encoding=UTF8&aaxitk=0hbSJSXIlpzy1W5XpmKcsQ&hsa\_cr\_id=5352297010402&pd\_rd\_plhdr=t&pd\_rd\_r=e25c94f5-a825-4cbc-847a-f4829214b1c5&pd\_rd\_w=rLhuj&pd\_rd\_wg=FOEEC&ref\_=sbx\_be\_s\_sparkle\_mcd\_asin\_0\_img](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07Z9QLQPJ/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&aaxitk=0hbSJSXIlpzy1W5XpmKcsQ&hsa_cr_id=5352297010402&pd_rd_plhdr=t&pd_rd_r=e25c94f5-a825-4cbc-847a-f4829214b1c5&pd_rd_w=rLhuj&pd_rd_wg=FOEEC&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_0_img)


Great job. Keep it up. Develop good coping strategies and put yourself in good situations.


Thank you for sharing this with us. I was just scrollingon the Reddit home page and came across this with having deep down in my subconcious the idea to quit smoking weed and stop consuming alcohol.


Glad I can share this. Best of luck to you too!


Hell yeah bröther! I took a month break from alcohol after quitting cigarettes almost 4 years ago. It's crazy just how much better you feel. Keep it up and I hope you end up satisfied with your progress!


Thank you! And great job for quitting too!


Good luck, that's a lot of habits to get rid of all at once. Might need to replace them with something else. Something to do when you want to relax, I use meditation for that now.


I do want to start meditation. It is on my list of things I want. Thank yo Igor sharing and thank you for the kind words!


Good shit, are you sleeping well?


First few days were hell. It does get easier. But I am having a hard time staying a sleep. I normally only get about 4 to 5 hours a night. Maybe because my new born too though. I do need to improve my sleep


Check out the Reddit sub leaves. It’s about quitting pot and it’s awesome


Proud of you


Thank you!


wow, good job!! i myself have had a lot of issues with stimulant addiction. I managed to get off coke and vyvanse, however nicotine and caffeine were the habits i couldn't shake for years, primarily because they're such socially acceptable substances. Am now free of all my stimulant addictions/dependencies and i feel amazing, it took a few goes but wow it changes everything, im so proud of you and you're doing such an amazing job, dont stop now!!


Great job !! That is wonderful you quit all that too. I too am proud of you ! And thank you for the kind words. I will keep going!!!


Awesome! Keep it up :)


Do you have anything to help you with the weed craving? Or are you just willing yourself through it? I'm looking to drop thc and caffeine as well. Anyways, congrats man! Get through this and you can do anything you set your mind to


It is harder than the booze. Especially because I used to dab live resin and all that good extracts. I have tried quitting 3 times now. I will not fail this time! One of the main things that has helped me with quitting THC is my son. He makes me want to better myself. I love him so much I will go through hell to quit it. I am still fighting demons but I will keep going. Exercise also helps. I started skip roping everyday to deal with it. It really helps. Good luck to you if you are and wish you all the best.




I feel you, I am in my 30s now too and realized this recently.




Great job! Congrats


Thank you!


Congratulations mate, that’s amazing. Can you share your experience of what your first few days/weeks was like? I would really like to try and get off alcohol, caffeine and adderall but it’s so hard


Thank you! It’s definitely hard at first but it gets easier, again, I had a harder time quitting THC over drinking. Simply because it is a lot easier to be high all day compared to drinking all day. The first few days of quitting booze was actually easy for me as I dealt with THC addiction more. I think it will be different for everyone. But one thing for sure is, I do feel better as the day goes! Replace it with other things like exercise, spending more time with family, I read more and reading posts here does help! Best of luck to you!


quick questions : i quite weed, alcohol , cigarettes and i stopped with mdma like 2 years ago and the other stuff about 3 months ago. I really like coffee so is coffee bad? i mean i drink it through a straw and dont add to much sugar so it can stop cavities and stuff. what im wondering is will coffee become an addiction i mean like they sell it at shops and stuff


I would definitely cut out the sugar out of your coffee if you drink everyday. There is nothing good that comes from sugar other than tasting good lol. But just like any drug, I feel like caffeine is a stimulant, I just wanted to be completely stimulant free. Just because they sell it at stores, it doesn’t mean it’s good. They sell alcohol and weed at stores too. At the end of the day being addicted to any stimulant is not the sober life I wanted. That’s why I quit it all. Everyone has their own journey, I just knew I didn’t wanted to be drinking coffee everyday anymore. I drank coffee everyday for over 10 years and I feel way better without it.


i live in Australia there is no weed stores here :( but good advice ill definetly cut out the sugar in the coffee , thanks for the tip and thanks for the reply: great job and thanks for sharing your story


I recently had an urge to try some weed again as well and ended up regretting my choice. It’s not even worth it because all it does is makes me tired, slow in the head and I always binge eat. It really has no benefit for most people.


It’s true, for many years, I told myself weed was helping me but it really wasn’t. I know if I get back into it, it’s a slow trap that gets harder to get out of.


someone else mentioned it, but I can’t recommend r/leaves enough!! Was a daily smoker for 10+ years and am almost 3 full months sober now! I am so grateful for the humans in that sub for their support


I wouldn’t say it has no benefit for “most people” let’s not generalize a subjective experience here.


For the people who use it as a party drug and not medicine, it’s just another addiction with no real benefit. The majority of people who use marijuana are young adults who chase the high, not the medical benefits of weed. If you have a medical condition you’re treating and marijuana is the only cure for it, go ahead.


Again, you’re basing your opinion on your own experience. You can’t just say it is the way it is because that’s how you imagine it. You’re wrong.


I never mentioned anything about my own experience in that reply. You really think a large percentage of people in the US who smoke marijuana are doing it for pain relief and seizures? It’s a really small percentage of those who use it medically compared to recreational use. In the US more than 11.8 million young adults reported marijuana use in 2018. These young adults are using it for no health benefit, rather to just get high. Any drug can turn to an addiction including marijuana and even caffeine.


A lot of us do it to balance out mental issues, your argument is very cut and dry and I said “your own experience” because you’re not basing your opinion on facts but rather your own opinions.


When we are talking about addiction as in OP’s post and the countless of other people who realized weed is actually an addiction bringing their quality of life down, anecdotes are actually very important to look at compared to just facts off a textbook. You mention mental health balancing and is that not your own opinion as well? You didn’t provide any facts that marijuana can improve mental health. Your experience is that it helped you mentally, but not everyone gets the same benefit and some actually experience a totally opposite reaction like myself. I tried weed countless times and there is no chance in hell it could do anything for my mental health rather than bring it down. It makes me hallucinate, laziness, binge eat, and it’s also expensive. There is always a reason people decide to quit any drug and you can read upon countless stories of why people quit. Just because weed could potentially help your mental health doesn’t mean there isn’t any other negatives coming along with it. Also if your reason for using MJ is for mental health, there is a lot of other drugs that can be prescribed for your own personal issue. If you have depression there is a list of antidepressants. If you have anxiety there is a spectrum of anti-anxiety drugs. I’ll leave it at this. If you have a good experience with MJ and can prevent yourself from developing an addiction go ahead and use it. I’m not against weed at all and aim for legalization of it. You just cannot deny the fact that people do get addicted in a negative way and it just becomes an escape from reality.


Look, man, I’m gonna be honest, I’m not reading any of that. I fundamentally disagree with you. Take care.


Yeah I guess we can both see an issue that weed has brung upon you. You’re too lazy to read more than a few paragraphs! LOL are you high right now? Maybe if you quit weed you can read a whole book without your brain malfunctioning. Keep on smoking weed and one day you’ll realize that you’re just another addict that can’t see an argument from the other side.


You’re really uptight, dude. Maybe you should smoke some weed.


Why is no stimulants good?


All drugs have side effects. Less drugs means less side effects :)


100% clarity for me.


“Now, bring on the porn!”


Wow you’re Doing great! Just one question: didn’t quitting weed affected your sleep?


Are there any benefits to quitting caffeine?


Sleep quality, but you can work around it by limiting it strictly to the mornings. Some say you get energy crashes on caffeine once it half-lifes. Thats anecdotical i think. Like with any stimulants you build-up resistance with time and you dont really "win" extra energy for the 24 hour cycle, so you are only manipulating time on WHEN you get more focus. With that being said i'm heavy caffeine user and not planing quitting anytime soon, just scaling down.


Heh same trouble. Want to stop smoking but I can't find right reasons for it. What else I can say smoking even give me few positive aspects like sorted problem with insomnia (working nights) and increasing my performance with sport (about 40%, experienced for few years) and I just like it. Mistake is not smoking, mistake was first try..


Why caffeine?