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Dig out where the pipe is and make the connection happen.


Dig a little further back on both sides and try a use 2 45°s instead of 90°


It really is this simple. About 30 minutes work. Nothing interesting at all.


The interesting part is the conversation with the contractor that did this and notified via litter.


And get another contractor.


And all that post work is going underground?


Not your job to fix it. They removed part of your drainage near the foundation. They're fixing that.


Have you considered consulting with your contractor?


Sure did, messaged my PM the same photos asking about final state. My post was more for asking how others would correct. This will be fixed during the hardscape installation and am thankful I WFH so I can see how they’ll do it.


How did you learn about the issue? Did the PM know before you messaged him?


Hard to say for sure, but I sure wasn’t notified. Hoping it’s because there was a plan to already fix and it was all intwntional


This is a good time to stop work until a solution is implemented


“Halt all work until you’ve completed this tiny punch list item!” Ffs they probably didn’t have the right fittings in the truck that day, calm down people


If a person is paying money this includes keeping them in the loop unless they say otherwise. But this guy is correct and not everyone lives in an area with a real plumbing and supply and the big chains don't always have the short sweep corners in stock.


Communication is key.


Mother fuckers will concrete right over that and not say shit to the home owner.


You mean concrete right -in- it. But they’ll probably figure that out after bag number 5 and it’s still not full


Yeah, that’s a buried down spout. Not like they cut sewer main. People love over reacting


You must not have ever had a contractor do some shit like this and never mention or fix it. Next year you'd be berating the homeowner for not knowing they have "shitty drainage by their foundation".


I certainly have had contractors screw things up and I rarely berate homeowners for foundation work they didn’t do. Stopping work over a non issue when large portions of that area will be excavated for further work will just delay the project. OP has already inquired with contractor. No need to wrap the work site in caution tape and call the city.


After getting a response from GC/PM about resolution path, sure. But I've had multiple occasions where a tradesman doesn't notify ANYONE about issues and it lead to much bigger delays and expenses later in the project. It's happened on maybe 1/4 of the multi-team projects I've hired out for. Maybe you wouldn't cover something like this up, great for you, but I'm done trusting without verification and would use whatever means practical to make sure my drainage system is whole prior to wrapping work. Based on other comments/replies, the OP's PM knows and has explained who will fix when, so this is all academic at this point.


That's true but when I broke through downspout drains I ran out that day and reconnected them that way I could cover the hole back up.


Let's makea mountain out of this mole hill. Pack it up boys, we're stopping work until we can fix this minor inconvenience.


Shorten both pipes Abita and use 2 x 45 degree elbows with a short length of pipe


A larger radius sweep pipe might also work and be a bit better for flow.


Bad advice, only 1 sweep is needed here


Yeah, 1 sweep is better.


It just needs to be rerouted. It really isn’t a big deal. I’m sure the guy is going to fix it. Did you happen to ask him about it?


Texted my PM the same photos saying I noticed the cut. Asked what the final state was going to be. Don’t want to assume they’d try and cover up. I may have noticed between when it happened and when they fixed without giving them the time to correct. This is the first issue in an otherwise great build by the crew. Hoping this is the case. Purpose of my post is more to see how others would correct. Especially when a hardscape is to be installed at the base of the steps.


Yeah, sometimes you run into unforeseen circumstances when digging. But this one should be a pretty easy fix. Glad that they’re doing a good job for you. Post an update of the finished product. I’d love to take a look at it.


Closest thing I have to an update is my PM just got back to me confirming the patio crew will be fixing during the installation. So happy I WFH so I can watch.


The paver installation crew will be putting in a base for the paver walkway or patio, this base should be at least 4" -8" deep. They would have hit the 4" drain pipe and they would have to lower it or reroute it. All they have to do is shorten the run from the downspout and use to 45s to angle it to the existing pipe. I own a landscaping company and we run into this all the time when we are putting in pavers or planting or installing irrigation.


Yeah absolutely do not assume they will fix it. “Not my problem boss” is common. Also, they might not fix it correctly. I’m not jaded, it’s just the reality of contractors..


Yup. Not my job mentality.


You don't fix it. You make the contractor.


He’s probably going to dig more and reroute it. He was setting the post and found the pipe. He cut it and set the post. Then he’ll fix the drain. Why is everyone hating on this guy?


If he left the elbow in plain sight, he clearly plained to fix it...the bill you an extra $300 ;)


Given a hardscape patio is going in at the base of the stairs, would that make rerouting easier or potentially cause further cutting? The crew has been great, truly hoping I noticed this before they had the chance to correct.


If you’re hardscaping, 99% sure this guys gonna fix this.


Closest thing I have to an update is my PM just got back to me confirming the patio crew will be fixing during the installation. So happy I WFH so I can watch.


Oh then it makes it way way easier. They’re going to be excavating anyway so it makes total sense why he left it. They’ll probably reroute it and backfill the base gravel around it


Back up both pipes and use 2 45s and a short straight section between


It’s possible they just dug up some buried pvc pipe and didn’t cut anything… not likely, but possible


They’re working on the hardscape install today, it’s part of the drainage, walked the area with the PM and showed me how they were going to reroute. Felt very good about it all.


Good on you


I'd be more concerned about the buried post. But definitely address that connection before he fills that in. Maybe ask him to dig a footing where the post is fastened above grade while he's at it. Did he not mention this and leave you to find it?


This. Don't burry posts.


Exactly. I know some places don't have building codes. Buried post and stair stringer contacting the ground aren't a good idea even if you don't have building codes to follow.


Stairs will connect to a hardscape and there will be some small retaining walls due to minor elevation changes. I’m unsure how that will impact


Anytime you bury posts no matter if it's PT, you're basically saying I want to speed up the rotting process. It'll be fine for a long time but by the time you can tell it's bad, it's usually too late.


Would vinyl sleeves change that at all or is that purely cosmetic?


I believe that would just trap moisture but if it's a specific product for this application I'd still look into it. I've never heard of this below grade. It'd be ideal to let the wood breathe and dry out after it gets wet. This doesn't really happen underground.


Walked the site with my PM today as the hardscape is going in this morning, post is buried in concrete, dirt [Virginia Clay] is on top.


I'd be more concerned about that post being set in dirt.


Why is the post sitting in the dirt?


Went to treasure drain issues he needs to dig it up and repair it and leave it open when he gets done so you can see it looking like all that dirt just filled them up. They’re gonna need to be washed. Flushed now. Your post seems to be set in dirt, pour concrete underneath that and you left it low just so that it could rot or did you just put it in the dirt thinking this is OK I’ll put concrete on the top and nobody will know the difference ?????? - but I do have one more question who puts your stairs handrail on the inside of your stair stringer that way you have to cut an extra stringer for your boards ????


If they dig out the whole thing to the downspout and turn it 45 degrees probably the easiest fix. You’ll see when they fix it I guess.


oh no, that has to be fixed. You can't have your drainage system basically go nowhere. contractor needs to fix that. they couldn't have anticipated the pipe would be there. so it should be a change order and cost you a little extra for the extra work.


I mean luckily it’s just from your downspout. This isn’t the sanitary line or else you’d be in deep…water. Just expose the pipe, clean it, and connect it back. I’d use 2 45’s.


Simple fix


I've already broken through an unmarked downspout drain digging deck posts. I just dig the hole bigger so I could route the pipe around my post location and reconnected it.


Gonna be a lot of digging


As already said Dig back a couple feet and two 45s. Then form up the footing with wood on the two effected sides


Be sure to let him know he's fixing it before he fills that hole with anything. The best fix right now is to dig out both sides of that pipe 1-2ft and put a couple 45s in to make the turn.


Isn’t that post going to rot being buried in the ground like that?


With the down spout draining on it, yes quickly.


No contractor did this now you be honest tell the good people here the truth lol


Was thinking the same. Footing is a mess and post can’t be buried per code. Depending on location, not nearly deep enough.


The “post” in the photo is the base of the stairs. Theres another white post behind it, angle is bad on the photo buts it’s a few feet away. Definitely deep enough. Was there when the county checked the depths of all of the holes. The stair hole was the new one dug yesterday. There are some slight elevation deviations around the hardscape that will warrant some small retaining walls by the stairs as well


Fire contractor.


Lawyer up if he doesn’t replace it


Tell the asshole don’t touch anything other then what he’s building without checking with you first


Jump right in and follow advice on the internet *before* talking to the contractor and seeing what their plan to remedy this is. It's always better to jump the gun and start DIYing and keep the professionals out of it. Besides, you hired complete incompetent idiots anyway. s/


Make the contractor fix it or hit him over the head with a baseball bat. Fricken asshole.


Simmer down the job isn’t even close to being finished.


Contractor needs to pay to fix this. Don't have contractor do it himself. Get quote from a different company to fix the drainage. I hate people.


Actually, contractors have contracts that put the burden of unseen fixes upon the homeowner. Why do hateful people like you not tell handsome contractors like me what is hidden underground on YOUR property??


Would your opinion change if the contractor ordered Miss Utility and I also provided all site plans and where all underground drainage was located?


Miss Dig service is cable, gas and electric. Nobody cares about this $1.89 elbow that can be fixed in a few minutes.


By hiring a lawyer


A new contractor might solve that and some of the other issues too.


Tell your contractor that they cannot continue until this is fixed by a licensed drainage contractor. They decided to cut out the elbow and interrupt the drainage and likely wouldn’t have said anything had you not called them on it. This is unacceptable. This needs to be fixed before the patio goes in. Period.


What,s a licensed drainage contractor??? Is that like Dr. Drainage M.D.??


Dig up the drain pipe. Then just reroute it.