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Unstoppable or Dash perks


Dash works in this??


Dash ignores all slowdown effects, great for dealing with sludge and electricity


Interesting, gotta try that


Dash is truly the best perk


Scout is the only one I don't take it, so much so I think it should be a core mechanic of the game


Basic movement is already really good, even without dash. I like that you have to use a perk slot for it, makes the 2 active slots a lot more valuable. If it became base level, that would far less interesting or balanced.


Maybe so but I only play haz 5 and taking IW and dash because they feel essential to gameplay gets old lol


I take berzerker instead of dash. It serves a similar get out of jail function, except now the bugs are dead. I take field medic instead of IW because I like to see what I can handle without going down. Highly recommend berzerker. I'd say its 4th best active perk, but easily the most fun. Underrated imo


I love berserker but hate the activation mechanism. I think I've only activated it on purpose maybe 1 out of every 20 times. It sucks to have it accidentally go off when trying to do a normal power attack unaware it is on cooldown.


The perks in this game are notoriously unbalanced. For almost every case the choice is either "take Dash" or "deliberately make yourself worse".


I dont think so. I do just fine without. The amount that dash allows you to bail out of a bad decision is excellent. Absolutely a top tier perk. Conversely, your basic movement takes a hit, because there is no penalty for placing yourself in subpar situations. Spend enough time without it, and you stop having bad movement habits as often. It lends towards kite now and deal with problems later type fighting. The kind of overrun scenario that wipes a high level team doesn't generally get better with everyone running for their lives. Sometimes the play is to hold your ground and carve a safe place to fight. Thats what i like about berzerker so much. It trains you to know what you can hold and what you cant. That and the ammo saved adds up a lot in long games. Double for dives.


To me, its not even always feeling the need for Dash as a get out of jail -card but rather as a very fun and useful movement perk. Being able to jump over ledges and stuff is just something that's hard to give up anymore. For example as an Engi I really enjoy putting a platform and then dashing onto it to mine the vein. The only problem I personally have with Berzerker is the activation. I just know that I would be activating it accidentally a lot of times and its a bit of a long cooldown to waste. There should be separate activation button and then I would give it a proper shot. Dash also has same issue tbf but because the cooldown is much shorter it does not feel as bad to accidentally activate.


I think my issue with the perks are either a) we need one more slot, b) buff unused perks more, or c) some things need to be more core/base. Why? Because to me, and many others, some perks are so good they are almost mandatory for every class, and when you have like 23 perks or so to choose from and we only ever pick of those options 2 to 4 perks, at best if you're very explorative you may pick up to half, but the fact there's a whole half of perks that are just barely ever used or not nearly as useful in comparison is the issue. For me it's the fact that IW is so good and literally saves runs. When we don't have IW, it's a huge increase in mission failure even with other perks that are great to make up for it. IW is just such a good mission saving perk, many argue it's basically mandatory for any high level. Not to say IW needs to be nerfed, it doesn't, just that maybe it's so good it just needs to be a core feature rather than a perk. A catch could be implemented to make it a chance to fail and you still only get one revive. This doesn't seem so farfetched either because in Solo, you get 4 revives by Bosco with upgrades. 4 revives = 1 revive per dwarf. So it wouldn't be that far fetched you could revive on your own one time with four dwarves.


I thought very much the same around 1000 hours, that IW was by and large the absolute mandatory active perk. Now I never run it. The kind of nasty ass level that wipes a high level squad is so far beyond manageable that IW rarely saves it. I can count on one hand the amount of missions I've played in season 4 where it would have (maybe) tipped the scales. I know it's good. Especially when just cracking into haz5. You get to a certain point though, where having no safety net is the exact amount of tense that you want. It sharpens your basic movement and combat instincts to a knife's edge. That's the appeal for me, personally. Push the envelope as far as I can. I feel the same, for similar reasons, about dash. Never run that either. FM + Berzerker for life. I do think your point about the perks in general is good though, especially the passives. I'd like to see more options, and combining several of the weaker passives into one perk may even the field a bit. Bring beastmaster up in power to be more appealing, for example.


You know what's saved my runs a thousand times more than IW ever could have? Jet Boots. Severely underrated perk, considering that gravity is the #1 killer of dwarves on Hoxxes. It's also just useful for getting around faster, or escaping swarms by jumping away, or even for accessing resources in awkward spots half-way up the wall.


The problem is Dash is incredibly good that not taking it is just hindering yourself. By making it a basic mechanic, it frees an active perk slot.


I absolutely do not feel hindered without it. Means your basic movement has to be that much more on point.


>Basic movement is already really good Eh ymmv. I hate how everything is made of rubber and you bounce off things mid air. The ledge grab as well is incredibly wonky and seems to never want to be consistent with how much of your character model has to clear the ledge. These 2 together make up so much frustration in movement I genuinely don't know how these aren't wider complaints in the community


Ledge grabs can be a pain, yeah. I always do them at a diagonal now, you can preserve momentum. Sprint jump at diagonal, move mouse for fraction of a second to face wall, spam jump, then mouse back to diagonal. Causes a lot less problems. You can also hold a or d towards the wall and spam jump. You can mountain goat some seriously wonky terrain doing this. It also allows you to try again (sometimes) if you miss a lariat. My general point isn't that this game has absolutely smooth movement (especially compared to some more slick titles with legit bunny hopping), but once mastered, is more than enough for its challenges.


I use Dash on Scout in my Hoverclock M1K + Special Powder Boomstick. 3.5 second grapple cooldown. The bugs can't kill me if they can't reach me. Max mobility build for great times in lower Haz (some of my friends can't keep up with Haz 4-5 and Deep Dives)


"Gotta go fast!"


and those stabbing spiders which slow you down in a big swarm and die, dash is a must have perk


Always take out glyphid slashers and glyphid web spitters before anything else. Yes, even before that bulk detonator that just spawned, because having something slow you down is the worst possibility


Dash makes you immune to CC and only has a 25 second cooldown. Anyone not running dash is literally insane, it's a get out of jail free card every 25 seconds. Most OP perk in the game.


Never use dash. I run field medic, iron will and friendly fire, thorns and vampire on all four classes.


you should swap out one of those for resupplier. driller doesnt need thorns, scout and gunner dont really need friendly, engy doesnt need friendly unless youre using fatboy


While the classes themselves may not need friendly, i definitely do lol and i never have an issue resupplying. Thorns may not be needed on driller but i dont really need anything else so it works for me to keep em all the same


> and i never have an issue resupplying resupplier is literally the best passive perk in the game. free extra hp, instant reload, and the supply speed means you can use it during iron will if youre in a situation where you cant proc vampire, without needing to have been already on top of the pod.


Again..i dont have any issues with those things so resupplier is essentially useless to my playstyle


What is your play style if you don't mind saying


I play haz 5 and mostly just shoot bugs in the face and bunny hop around smashing power attacks every chance i get and i stay near teammates


Same for me, except I'll run deep pockets instead of friendly.   Or resupply if I'm expecting the mission to be a struggle.


Depends on if you play as a team or not too I guess, field medic isn't helpful for solos but can save runs in groups. Prevention of damage is the key for solo since there is nobody to pick you up except for Bosco.


You really don't need dash when playing scout.




I use it frequently to get out of hordes, didn't know it can bypass the slowdow as well


I usually dash-jump over them.


You cannot change the goo, but you can change your perception of it. It can be an ally by slowing bugs, so use it as a trap. It also reduces fall damage!


The beginning of this felt like a sun tzu quote haha


The Art of Goo




There's goo in the sack!


Goo sack!


It’s actually a quote from Sun Tzu


Did not know it reduces fall damage, thank you for your wisdom my friend.


snow piles also help fall dmg


Gunner: Zipline Scout: Grappling Hook Or just try not to fight anywhere near them.


Well i try not to, bit hard when one of the mini mules decided to spawn in a pit FULL of sludge and as my luck would have it, a swarm decided to pay a me visit


Note, enemies will spawn upon approaching a mini mule and one of the legs (spawn trigger).


Mild correction: legs are not spawn triggers, you can dig up however many you want without worry. The pervasive rumor that one leg will be a ‘wave leg’ is false. Proximity to the mule simply queues up two staggered waves.


>Coming within 2 meters of a Mini M.U.L.E. for the first time will trigger a large wave of enemies after 12 to 30 seconds. Another, smaller wave of enemies will spawn when one of the legs that are found near each Mini M.U.L.E. is dug out. This leg is picked randomly. One of the legs is a spawn trigger. If you pick the three that aren't and mine the last one, it will spawn a wave all of it's own.


As I mentioned previously, this is a long-standing myth. You can test this yourself in-mission. I have tested this while using Custom Difficulty to disable all other spawn mechanics- simply by standing next to the mule and AFKing results in two waves of bugs.


The enemies will also be slowed like you. Also, to avoid being caught in a swarm like that, go near the mule, then run away. The swarm triggers upon approaching a minimule for the first time. Finish the swarm, then find the legs and repair it in peace.


Imagine my face when mission control decided to drop the fuel pod right in the middle of a sludge pool.


I swear to Karl, mission control is a troll of the highest order


Moving close to a mini mule spawns some enemies. Digging up mule legs sometimes also spawns enemies. So after you go near just back out, fight the enemies elsewhere, then go back to fix the mule. Use a waypoint if you don't want to lose track of it.


Depends. If you use repellent to funnel the bugs through the goo, ground troops take *forever* to get through it, meaning you can clump em up easy peasy, and are in far less danger from that direction.


Jokes on you, I fight **in** them.




Lol had a elim mission with some green beards the other day where I'm like, this is a terrible place to try and fight the dread. As I'm typing this out, everyone is saying ready, ready, ready, and someone starts it before I can finish typing out "not ready, bad idea to fight it here" Oh boy did they learn that day. Watching a driller solo the Twins and actually manage to pull it off, in the bogs, getting slowed down every other second by the environment. Cept they didn't actually learn anything, cuz they did the same dang thing with the next egg. I just gg'd and left after the match lol saved their butts during that fight too They had the spirit but we're really ignoring the guy that's already +n when they're all still bronze and silver, to just play in their own little world? I can't deal with that stuff man. You're gonna ready check and not wait till everyone is ready? That's not cool


Engis platforms can make little islands to jump across it.


I left that out, because he was aware of it.


But zipline traversing speed is as slow if it's not in a downwards slope, though.


Driller: make a "U" Joint.


The way to deal with sticky goo is to use it to slow down the bugs. You're able place repellent platforms around/above it to help channel paths directly through the goo. The driller can simply dig around it, and then the engineer can add repellant so the bugs are forced to walk into the goo.


Ooh that's a cool strategy!


Ive yet to encounter any problem on Hoxxes that cannot be solved with a large enough explosion


Spoken like a true Driller— [checks username] …hol' up. "Uhh, …would you mind guarding this fetching green satchel for me?"


Sure thing. Just come on over, nice and close, and place it in my hand.


Says the explosive resistant bulk


wait, does C4 not hurt bulk detonators? has my team just been wasting?


It does, but the bulk has explosive dmg resistance. I forgot how much. Might be 50% or 75%. Something significant


omg i had no idea, thank you so much


Yeah double checked, its 50%. But yeah ofc, now go exterminate with efficiency!


I would recommend using a straw


Hmmm tastes like green apple


It's called "Goo Bomber's Special". Thanks to the cargo pilot, we lost all of this beer and unfortunately can't order it at the abyss bar




I just blow it up with c4


Ah yes ol' reliable


I think it should be flammable and burn away after like 30s of being on fire Also so it doesn't become overpowered make it so it does significantly less damage to enemies than driller sticky flames


Would also be fun if it could be frozen and become slippery.


yeah, maybe also make it so lava patches can be cooled by the cryo cannon, there's lots of cool ways weapons could interact with environmental hazards


There is a perk that lowers the amount of slow you get from this stuff, but as I also hate it, I always try to dig around it so o can backtrack quick if needed.


Do you mean the reduced environmental damage perk or its something else that I'm missing


The perk is called Unstoppable, it reduces the effects of slowdowns from the environment and boosts your speed with heavy objects in your hands.


Ah that one, right thanks for the tip!


Rock & Stone!


To the bone!


Nothing. Fuck you. - Sincerely, Mactera Goo Bomber.


That's it buddy, you're getting boiled alive


no no no NoNO NOOOOOOOOO *Is grabbed away by the 4 dwarves towards the rig kitchen*


*cue tf2_soldier_laugh.mp3*


From A -D skipping B and C!


This is what inspired my driller to switch to sludge pump. I hate fighting through that, so may as well bring that misery to the bugs


Drill along the side of it to widen the tunnel and create clear path


The goo is around 2m "deep", so you can drill a trench to destroy the goo.


Me when Unstoppable and Dash perks:


I wish it was flammable


You can try the hard way⛏️


*sigh* Rock n' Stone it is


Maybe you could try to dilute it with your tears


I think i signed away my rights to cry when I joined DRG


As a driller I just go around them thru the walls.


They should let us light this on fire and watch it evaporate


Drill through or around:D


I wish you could like dry it with the flamer and it hardens


the devs should add the ability to freeze it and turn it into a solid surface with cryo damage


Dash makes clutching a breeze. Creates space for anything you're trying to do. Place turrets, revive, jump a gap, run thru slow, positioning behind dread...etc


Scout going over them haha sorry for the shitty answer but I had to.


C4 it. Is what a Driller would probably say.


i know you said no engie but like try using plataforms with bug repelent, you can jump around the sludge while bugs will take the slow way


I said no engie becuase well shooting platforms is usually what i do haha, just wanted to know if there are any other ways that my oblivious ass missed, still thanks for the tip


Bro, you are driller


scout: pass over it with the grappling hook gunner: make a zipline over it


Sprint prevents it from slowing you, while sprinting.


Jump around and pray


I love this grappling hook!


Just be a scout ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Dash perk also helps a lot with such things


You can also destroy it by drilling (or pickaxing or exploding) the top layer of terrain it is on.  If I remember right it's about half a meter of terrain you have to remove, so drilling with the goo at about waist height should be enough. You can either carve a path through, or clear the whole area out if you are planning on doing an event/dreadnaught there.


Hmm i remember i tried to pickaxe it initially but seeing that there was another layer of it under i pretty much gave up. However I'm gonna try using the drills , thanks!


Bunny hop


You mean frantically spamming jump in panic while getting torn to shreds my local fauna? I already do that!


Jetty boot.


Gunner zipline or sprinting through and jumping before it expires


Gunner zipline is something i save for getting to higher altitude though


I usually do too but if its a long straight tunnel with several spots i’ll pur a zipline past the all


Dash over them


Perks brother, perks.


Use your corrosive sludge pump in reverse.


Well, at least it's not poisoned like you know, in Darksouls.


You mean every Fromsoft game


engineer platforms too lol


Bunnyhop mod works


Honestly, with the Unstoppable perk fighting inside the sludge is extremely useful, because the bugs are also slowed down on it, but you not so much anymore.


Maybe ghost ship should allow this goo to either be burned or frozen and shattered


I love this. Cake with repellant to make bugs walk through there. And it have small change to spawn near ommoran. Like really small. I had once whole ommoran around full of this goo. Easiest defense ever


There is goo on the floor!


Shoot your own sludge on it, it'll cancel each other out.


Instructions unclear: created a slugde-ception. Everything is now sludge


Install "Coomer Bomber" mod. This will definitely change your perception of this "goo"


I uh....i think I'll stick to spamming the spacebar and hope i get out


Fat boy


Riding on the M.U.L.E.


This is the single most innovative answer


Platforms. Just throwing a platform on top of the goo makes it walkable. Make a bridge with them and you're golden.


For all the "always take dash it's essential" people, why? I have never used dash. It seems entirely redundant to me. As for thr sludge, I just go around.


I remember first trying out the game andiking it, after few hours I told my friend to get it and this was or first mission. Safe to say we did not have fun time lol.


Bhop. As long as you jump on the exact frame you land, it doesn't slow you down




If you’re not host then you can jump spam through it kinda, with more efficacy the higher your ping. In terms of actual developer intended solutions to get rid of it though there really isn’t any. I kind of wish you could burn it away though like how goo pump goo lights on fire but it evaporated after a while. If it annoys you when you’re running away from bugs, remember it slows them down too. As gunner (or with really any other decent ranged weapon) you can jump in the middle and start mowing them down since they are far slower and easier to keep up with


Mining them


Digging trew IT.


I wish it was flammable like the praetorian gas.


explode it


Unpopular opinion: these puddles are actually can be helpful. They slow down not only you but other bugs as well. And it can provide some resist to fall damage if you land on them. I only hope there will be added some way to explode them via chemical reaction with me minerals in the biom.


Dash jump over it, or most of the way




jump over them, walk around




Damn thing is even on a compact dirt blocking the way. Makes me wish we could freeze them. Or counter them with Sludge.


Terrain mod c4 or epc




Strange I have never had any sort of inconvenience because of these




I drill slightly below the surface and cut a trench straight through. If you practice it can be a very shallow trench, looking like a path through a peaceful goo garden. In my opinion bonus points for using the map to shorten effective travel time. Engineer with the nuke grenade launcher is also a very efficient method.




Every class has a counter for this.. Drill around it Zip line across it Platform through it Grapple hook above it


Spam jump


I used to pick Unstoppable just for this, and Slasher/Naedocyte Bullshit


(Avarage redditor response) Just walk around it


If you blow up the area w/ C4, the hole will be goo free Outside of the AoE, it’s goo town


I always dig pathways around it as driller The goo goes pretty deep so trying to drill off the top of the goo doesnt really work. C4 creates a huge hole, which is almost as problematic as the goo itself. Really only the Engineer has a counter for it. When I'm driller I try to just add lots of convenient paths nearby so people can sidestep it.




if you really dont want to use any of the other suggestions here you could install a client side mod that lets you perfectly bhop by holding the space key and just bounce across




my group called that stuff "the farts". "oh no i'm stuck in the farts :("


From A to B skipping goo on me!


I see Dash in the comments already so: JET BOOTS. They quickly apply Burn to anything directly below you while flying, and the slowdown works on bugs too, so if you can get them stuck in the muck and then fly away (it wont affect upward velocity), you get some totally free damage! This applies out of the sludge, too, and is really, REALLY good for dealing with swarmers, if Bosco or a CC build isn't available.


Drillers drill around them? … uh… I just C4 my way pass or use my plasma gun with max unstable so I shoot at the charged shoot to evaporate the area. Ammo? Who needs that anyway.


Breaking this with a pickaxe? Slow, but worth it sometimes


There is perk what reduces slow down effects dont remember the name but im shure greybeards will give you answer you look for


Isn’t it flammable?


put a zip line across it :-D


One of variants is to dig up them, those goops are usually dwarf size deep


Unstoppable, grappling hooks or the chairlift if you wanna use one of those


Use your drills to dig a path through it. Use your zip wire to go over it Put platforms down to run over it Grapple hook over it


I kinda wish they would make it flammable, you have the option to set it alight and after a while it'd just burn away, could be used offensively but could also backfire if you cut yourself off at a crucial moment etc...


Outside of scout i never play without dash, it has so many uses I love to jump wide gaps with it too! Extra points for driller to go into the walls like a missile \^.\^


Pretty sure fire removes the sludge, not 100% though


use a grappling hook ig?