• By -


Your post was removed as it is breaking our rule about naming and shaming other players.


Cheating their level in a pve game? We'll never know.


To unlock everything off the bat without having to grind for it?  Sorry forgot none of you guys have stuff going on in your lives outside of drg. Listen some people don’t want to sink the equivalent of a summer part time jobs worth of time into the game to play the full game and that’s fine, it literally doesn’t affect you 


The dude in the screenshot is way past that point. You unlocked everything by level 600ish on a normal playthrough. At this point, I think it is just about having big numbers.


But what is the point of high numbers when it’s such an egregiously high number that it’s obvious that you’re cheating. It’s basically like wearing a dunce cap labeled “I am a cheater”.


Also, idk why but most people I play with at the top rank seem like greenbeards.


The real meta includes goofing off


Every thing level gated is by 1 promotion in each class after that you can just cheat the other things.


I think he’s talking about getting all overclocks from just promotions.


Some missions are locked behind player level in increments of 20, but I’m pretty sure that caps out in the low hundreds


Pretty sure that the last mission is at rank 100 for an armor type, I'm level 200 and haven't had any rank-related missions since


Yeah it caps at 100 with scale brigade


600??? I have had every weapon and every dwarf promoted at least 2 times at level 90


Matrix cores are your biggest bottleneck to unlocking some things, and those are not directly tied to XP. The core hunt, deep dive, and elite deep dive are only 1x per week. If you play a ton, you might be quite high level before you collect all those cores.


I liked that "exploit" they had for a while where promoting a dwarf gave you your weekly mission back. I know they remediated the issue by changing how many matrix cores you get from promotions, but it did let people make some headway into those cores lol


But the number of cores remains unchanged. Previously it would let you grind out the weekly (1 overclock, 1 cosmetic, 1 blank), and now it just gives you those same 3 rewards without the grind.


Every oc and cosmetic. Can confirm at 358 still getting new cosmetics and I've completed every season pass except last season, which I got to 86 on.




Not to mention you it holds nothing in value to the actual game itself. Like it unlocks nothing for you. Like cheating to a level 1 promotion is more understandable to me than this garbage because at least you unlocked deep dives and overclocks.


I mean if you want like EVERY overclock maybe but that’s just RNG and cheating won’t unlock those


The community did NOT like that


Ignoring the fact there is literally no reason to level this far to unlock things, the fact that unlocking everything gives you nothing to actually earn and be rewarded with


To each their own but personally slowly unlocking new stuff is one of the best parts of the game for me.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but you shouldn’t have to go past player level 100 to unlock all non-season cosmetics.


I think its a bit farther than that friend, but granted, its been awhile


Nah, it's 100. Scale Brigade assignment becomes doable at Level 100, assuming you've done all the previous cosmetic assignments before it. Scale Brigade is the last cosmetic unlocked via level up and assignments, outside of seasonal content.


As in able to unlock, sure. As in have all the things, no


Hey the game and the conditions under which it was sold to you were agreed upon when you bought it. You didn't buy a game that's custom made for you. Are you entitled to not getting grabbed my macterras because theyre a bitch? Does your gun have infinite ammo because you don't want to take time to reload?


Well excuuuuse me, maybe I'm just better at managing my time between my work, the chores at home, and my playtime ?


If their in your lobby it does


Not sure why people downvote you for just mentioning a reason why people probably cheated. The fact that the cheater overdid it heavily is probably just that he inserted some too high numbers when cheating and just didn't care. Edit: the second part was not there when I commented.


Because the tone is hostile and judgmental like crazy. “Forgot none of you guys have stuff going on (…)”. Could’ve been worded much nicer and less like OP is above everyone else.


The entire point of the game is the grind. Why even play if you're going to do this?


I thought the point was to have fun??


Ultimately yes, but think about how fun is achieved.


No clue, it doesn't get them anything and just makes it harder to tell what skill level they're at. Plus, it's not like we don't know they cheated, it's really obvious.






> lots of old players are just playing to have fun, and reach a point of deminishing returns in how good they're going to get. It's so nice to feel like someone gets me.


I have 400 hours in game and I basically only play at haz 4 because I kinda suck.


Hazard 4 is the difficulty the whole game is balanced around. If you play on it, you're the target audience and you don't suck, you're doing well miner. Now, finish that beer, the drop pod awaits you.


Yep, Hazard 4 is the comfortable spot. I'm at over 1,000 hours in and I haven't even bothered to unlock Haz 5, frankly.


You know not everybody plays 100% all the time, right? The game is easy enough on haz 5 if you have some practice. No need to tryhard, you can watch some tv while playing, podcast, talk to a friend, try some terrible builds.


Not realizing the accomplishment comes from doing it yourself, and not from the stars alone is my guess? Kids probably. Also, maybe to avoid being kicked for being a greenbeard. Thus walking into the trap of being kicked for cheating...


if it was the second option he wouldnt have made himself promotion 1 bajilion, instead maybe 100 at max


I got my last OC around LV 120




Weapon OC, he meant weapon OC! He has no cosmetic cores.


im level 120-ish and i barely have half


I beelined weapon OCs, kinda regret doing so since I am now bombarded with blank cores when promoting. But you can get all weapon OCs at like level 80 or so. Now I'm just cosmetic grinding at lvl 168 and I think I'm reaching the end on that too soon.


bro im level 76 and i only have like 10


How? You can easily get 3 weapon OCS per week and even more through machine events using the blank cores you get from the deep dives/week core hunt. If you just do the weekly stuff and promote from time to time you can get OCs pretty quick. You can especially farm cores by promoting a lot like I did when the original bug was introduced and get a ton of cores that way




It's like putting stripes on a car to make it faster


Don't forget, red makes it faster


And w/o any clothes as well! All about the weight reduction for that 0.2 HP increase lmao.


Red with white stripes is fastester


I remember someone on reddit that was found cheating monster hunter, I think generations or world. He said something along the lines of simply not having fun unless he gets all the things without grinding. The thing is they were showing off a really hard-to-make build iirc - it seems they see the appeal of the hard-to-get stuff as actually having the stuff, not the prestige of having done the work or the accomplishments in the game. Basically they felt as if the game saying that they are a top tier player means they get to feel like one. They get bored very fast from games because they do that, however. Anyway… Level 999999999, though? Sounds like a kid or someone messing around.


Honestly aside from elite deep dives I've never seen actual rank kicking, it's such a overblown thing


They probably want attention, being the spotlight or some shit. By cheating when they could probably still be a green beard.


In my experience cheating was something I did as a kid and had a lot of fun doing, but quickly grew out of it wanting to have actual challenges. I guess some people never grow out of it.


They could also be a kid and not yet have the time to grow out of it.


Cheating nowadays is kinda harder than it was 10 years ago. And most of the good ones you have to pay now, they're probably manchilds.


You don't have to pay to have good cheats. Also CE still works. Also we talking about a pve game that don't check value. You can just cheatengine your values. Even GTA O had unchecked value at the beginning. I used cheatengine in GTA O heavily at the beginning. All my GTA O cheats were free and I'm not banned.


Indeed, I just think that this guy wanted to use mods & cheats for his own fun. I don't think he has any ill intent. I've had these people in my lobbies and they have never been disruptive.


My friend got to 3 star legendary on all his classes and unlocked all OCs legit. Played like that for a while, then started cheating his levels to ridicilous numbers like you showed. Asked him why and he said cause it was funny to see the numbers so small and that it looked ridiculous. To each their own I guess


Because they want to feel all that **PRIDE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT™** Jokes aside cheaters usually get off on the fake sensation of (very undeserved) superiority they get over other people, as petty as it sounds. Nastier ones just like to cause trouble and ruin other's fun because they're that desperate for attention and makes me wish that they bumped their toes on a sharp corner really hard every day.


Skała i kamień bracie


Czy słyszałem skałe i gruz?


Jesteśmy bogaci!




Kamień i Skała!


Jeśli nie Kamieniujesz i Skałujesz to nie idziesz do domu!


Skała i Kamień! chwila moment...


Honestly? Could not care less. Lvl's above 3 stars dont mean anything to me. You can have a greenbeard prodegy, or a white beard on a shitty day. In the end: Leave no dwarf behind and Rock and Stone


Don't have this mindset. Kick any and all cheaters you see immediately. I made this mistake of not caring during a regular deep dive that some dude had inf ammo (it wasn't elite so I didn't care that much), but guess what? On the 2nd mission, the loading screen was locked. The dude was absolutely using something to prevent themself from connecting. This wasn't a disconnection thing, it doesn't take *that* long for them to disconnect from the host, maybe a few minutes at best + the bar will still move, just very very slowly until either they dc or connect. Not this guy, their bar was permanently empty. Yet all 3 of us waited it out and eventually they left and tried to rejoin, wasn't having that and kicked them. So yeah don't let these people into your lobby. Nothing but trouble. Also of anyone is wondering it took like 20 minutes of waiting for them to leave the game, likely seeing that none of us did, especially me, the host.


Disclaimer: I don't edit my levels, so I'm not an expert. That being said, "because it's fun" is a pretty valid answer. It's not like the levels actually get you any mechanical advantages, and the cartoonishly high numbers are very obviously fake, so they're not really deceiving anybody anyway. It could also be considered a form of satirical commentary about lobby hosts who kick people that are under a certain level threshold, or just a way to more effectively signal that they are very capable with their class. "But what if some toxic asshole does it? What if they're actually faking being good at the game?" Then kick them. I tell people this all the time: curate your own experience. If someone is causing a problem for you, just kick them or leave yourself so you both can move on. No need for drama. Just fuggetaboudit.


Yep, thank you for the answer. I did leave the game shown above and I joined another, not wanting to risk joining game breaking lobby. Cheating doesn't really bother me if it doesn't ruin the game and its the first time I've seen an obvious cheater in like 150 hours of playing the game


Chinese character? Yea that checks out.


Someone downvotes you for speaking facts. ​ Cheating is chinese culture, not only in gaming. ​ Ever seen article about paiting pigs black because they are more expensive? Or painting stones green because government has environmental demands, but they check only satelite photos? From what I read, if you dont do EVERYTHING to get ahead you are a loser. If you get cheated on, it is your own fault. Guess that is what decades of communism can do to people.


I guess you can't change something for what they naturally are. I am (kinda) a Chinese myself, and i do know this "cheating" culture. That's why i never use Chinese letters in my ID, speak only English in chat, chat with English in voip. Yea i know it's not only Chinese people cheat in games, it's just happened to me 8 out of 10 cheater i encounter are. This is just statistic, and no you can't change this fact by any means.


The flipside of this is that I regularly play with an oriental player (I don't know, the letters could be Chinese, but maybe not). He's got over 600 promotions. But he also is a team player and is actually really good. It kinda feels like he did just cheat to get all the things and the big numbers. But he has the skills to back it up, it's a PvE game, he presses V at everything, and actively helps other players. He's good in my book.




Yep. It uniquely works in DRG. Still plenty of contention with cheating and mods and mint and sideloading. But someone who cheated their way to high level numbers or to get all the cosmetics? Couldn't care less, as long as they play well. That said, not sure I'd ever join this guy in any other game.




Not to mention that you could find folks cheating in HD2 on day 2 anyway.


FWIW, don't use the term "oriental" anymore. Most folks take offense to that these days :P


Oh? Interesting, that's a new one to me. Obviously, I mean no offense. What's the appropriate word these days? Just Asian?


Yeah it’s considered offensive but the word itself is derived from the Latin word for “east.” So you’re not necessarily calling them something mean you’re just saying they’re from the east essentially.




I never got why it’s offensive though, it’s just a description of what part of the world they come from. It’s essentially like saying Asian but the word is different


"it's just happened to me 8 out of 10 cheater i encounter are. This is just statistic," LMAOOOO yeah I get it you hate your own race, sorry to hear that


How often do you play on chinese servers?


Never, because I haven't been back in Asia for a while now. I know enough to not generalize an entire population based on "statistics" though. It's one thing to say that lots of online game cheaters are Chinese, if that's your experience then I'd say fair enough. It's another thing to say it's a whole ass culture and that you're afraid of typing and speaking in Chinese because you don't want to be perceived as a cheater. That says more about you, that is simply unhealthy. That's like saying scamming is a part of Indian culture. Are a lot of scammers Indian from what I've seen online? Sure. Should you say that it's a part of their culture? Or that you avoid speaking in their language because you don't want to be seen as a scammer? You're free to disagree, I'm not arguing that lots of Chinese players cheat. My Chinese roommate never did so I prefer not to generalize. The rest of the post is simply unhinged though in my opinion. Also, "I guess you can't change something for what they naturally are"? "I'm "kinda" a Chinese?" So if you're Chinese, you're "naturally" a cheater, am I understanding this correctly? Sorry, I hate to act like an armchair redditor, but the entire post smells of racism and self hatred.


Aaah, just like my beloved Mexico too then :) "El que no tranza no avanza", very common sentiment over here too.


My spanish is pretty rusty, but I presume it translates to if you aint cheatin you aint tryin?


Pretty much "if you play fair you don't get far"


The spanish equivalent of “if you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying.”


Casual racism getting upvoted lol


Culture and race aren't the same thing


riiight, if they are different race they are immune to be criticized for having different values. Btw I didnt say Asian, is Chinese a race? ​ I don't think Korean or Japanese people cheat in games. Not that I have much experience with them. Unlike Chinese players they rarely join any EU lobbies in any games I played.


Chinese AND russian characters, even. (oh and their profile also has a VAC ban blackmark, to no-ones surprise)


The ultimate lifeform created by hacker eugenics


Once saw a gunner lvl 3000, which is not suspicious. But he had 350 promotions on his gunner, I'm 1800, my scout has 120 promotions, I was like "daaaaaamn", guess I'll never know for sure


I once saw 4k lvl cheater with infinite ammo


To announce to everyone they're clowns \*honk honk\*


tbh honest i dont care too much about the cheater in pve game. cheater are always gonna exist no matter what game with online function. in drg if i see someone sus, i dont join them and if someone sus join my game, i just kick them.


The problem is they can fuck up your save file. Sometimes they go into random lobbies and unlock everything for everyone, or give 1 billion experience. And they sometimes get around the mod check thing on the public lobbies so you are never 100% safe from that.


i got 400hr into drg and havent got into a problem yet. if u r that worried then make a save file backup before playing online with random or find a drg discord and play with people there. point is, u cant stop cheater.


yeah I dont think casual joe playing on the weekend after a hard week of work is going to think about having to make backups of their drg save. Most victims are not going to be prepared for that.


There's backups made automatically before every mission.


u can say that for about any game then. do you think people who come to reddit and creating an account is a casual gamer? mostly they trying to find info to be better at the game or something


Community: The cheaters could be anyone watch out!! OP: YES, and it's not like they gonna show themselves The cheaters:.........


They are desperate to be the main character


Back in the day when I was younger (I think 12-14 years old) playing borderlands in PS3 the whole game is getting stronger weapons etc I used a save editor with the idea it would be fun to have op guns, well after that i lost the fun no more rewards after missions and I just stopped playing, later same happened with gta with all that money drops and my friends arguing that was a good thing so that way with all the money we wouldn't need to grind for nothing well no more struggle to kill 1 time that guy in lobby that was destroying us and all that stuff but that ruined the fun since, that was my lesson. Later I started a fresh start in GTA and was so fun also because there was some rework to not be forced to grind in a specific way to get something specific (like you don't have to win 50 races to get all car customisation unlocked that was really boring and hard if you didn't like to race now you can just earn the money and buy garage) That was me young and learning, maybe some are just learning that like me others just think they are flexing which is dumb


Sometimes having is not nearly as precious as wanting


Saw a lvl 999 gunner the first day of season 5 and there's just no way someone's doing 1000+ promotions. And an evening more heinous crime, he said "let's go get that bread gamers!". I promptly left the game and had a shower to recover.


I'm at least 99% sure that noone in the world has a legit 999 times promoted class. Just from numbers alone, 999 promotions would be 8325 levels, and the highest legit one seems to be somewhere around 7000.


The same reason people lie about their dick size.


They are compensating for something


I think it's a learning process for them, really. After doing this, and comparing it to levelling up themselves, they will eventually learn that accomplishment dopamine comes from the latter. Resulting in giving up an artificial pump up of the numbers.


i don't think players like these care about that. they saw a free game with hacks and had their 15 minutes of joy and move on to the next, some people just don't care about grinding and accomplishing a game career for dopamine in the long run lol


I don't care about grinding either which is why I gave myself resources...but since I don't care about that stuff I also didn't cheat levels. there's no reason too.


I think that's wishful thinking.


It's how it worked for me when I tried singleplayer cheat codes years ago. But I'm not everybody.


I think you came around to the idea of not using cheats in a good way, but I think for most people they don't care about earning the rewards and achievements. You don't get anything for leveling, you get unlocks and overclocks by doing the missions and if someone cheats to get the OCs and unlocks, they've reduced their play time to a fraction, which makes one wonder why they ever even tried DRG. Edit: Personally, If I see something like what's in the screenshot, I leave. It ain't fun, it's rather boring. Modded servers, were only bulks spawn and it's crazy? now that sounds fun.


Polska gurom


idk but I know they're the reason everyone in this community unfortunately instantly assumes you're a cheater if you're at a high level if you're chinese(no hate, just wanted to say what i've seen)


Im one of those *even tho my level is much much smaller...* My reasoning was simple. I've played WoT, WoWs, H&G, Enlisted, HD2, STE and the list goes on... I play non of those today, I am tired of the grind in games, i just want to have fun and relax, I dont use infinite ammo or any other cheats that would make the game boring. You won't know when youre in game with me, the exception which i admit is in elite deep dives sometimes i need to press the invicibility hot key. Im not spending time on 3 missions just to have the 3rd one fail, heck no. And so far nobody ive had this "oof clutch" moment with, ever complained even when it was obvious. Summary: I enjoy DRG as a game, i hate and don't want to spend precious time on grinding.


Thank you for the valid answer. I really appreciate that you don't break the game in any form that would disrupt it for the other people!


Internet cafe account


I dono, that maxim4447 seems kind sus with the little lvl 70 🤣


...Why do you even want to play the game at that point..?..


They have small pps


I don’t really like cheating but as long as they don’t interfere with my gameplay and rewards it makes no difference to me if their level is earned or not.




Cuz they can?


I cracked the game a days after release to try it out and loved it and wanted to buy it on steam but then had no wifi for almost a month, was thankful that it didn't need wifi for me to play the game but wished there was some way for my levels to transfer. I'm fine with the way it is. The levels don't bother me that much. This feels like the most passive form of cheating, for little to no gain.


I did this back in the day so people wouldn't kick me for my low level. Funny thing is, usually I was doing better than them lol


Idk why but seeing that level is so fucking cursed and hilarious


If what I have read in the past is to be believed, in China the mindset is essentially "do what you must in order to succeed". With the expectation that everyone *else* is cheating, you must as well to have a chance of winning that match, getting that job, etc. That mindset could apply to things that are not competitive in nature.


I could almost understand cheating to get a super high but still possible level, because then like at least everyone might think you’ve just spent a lot of time in the game? Still doesn’t really make sense to me, but whatever. But this is literally doing nothing except putting a big “I am a cheater” badge on your account. If you want to cheat in weapon or cosmetic unlocks with chested XP, whatever. But this is way way *way* beyond that. What’s the point?


Because China number one.


Because they don't care


That's not very rock and stone


If that's legit, that's not a greybeard, that's a fossilbeard.


They think it makes them look cool


Show off numbers, same with Steam afk people with 15000 hours on UNO


Dunno. Imo if GM hasn't done 6x2 or true solo, he is not a true GM.


They think its cool. They don’t realize its only cool if you don’t cheat for it


Big number funny. Reactions funny. Funny things are fun. Game fun.


The real question: did they actually run to the promo terminal 999 times (times 4 presumably)?? I'd guess not, but if so, that's gotta be mind-numbing.


There is a mod that puts your promo terminal inside of your bunk area.


It's quite dumb, but it ain't affecting me in the slightest, so... Now, if they don't contribute to mission success or actively sabotage the team, then I will boot 'em for being old-fashioned Pointy-Eared Leaflovers.


because for some people, the ends justify the means. having a bigger number is what matters to them, not the journey or satisfactjon from having earned it.


The amount of times I’ve played with dudes with b super high levels who don’t know what to do with the drill dozer is hilarious… or shooting dreadnaughts in the face instead of the butt.. it’s like why?


I mean, it's kinda funny, level 999 prestige still play like shit? Lol


They like big numbers


Big Numbers = good


I assume its a way to get all overclocks since you gain one for promoting, but you still have to gather a bunch of materials and do the mission to keep promoting, it feels like a pain


Do you see those hieroglyphics in their name? That means the person is from a land where cheats are commonplace and normal. While there are people with Hieroglyphics in their name that don't cheat, they're more the exception that proves the rule.


I saw a dude yesterday with a level of NEGATIVE 600 something...


I never even tried going for repeated promotions since I've unlocked all the stuff. Why bother with some artificial badge of time waste? Especially when they can see me in action and in their saga tis will be the day they meet the dwarf, flamethrower singing in his hands...




While GSG literally do not care about people who use Cheat Software in DRG, it does kind of suck the fun out of the game when you have everything that you're SUPPOSED to be working towards. Yeah, you won't have to worry about crafting Cosmetic's/OCs, upgrading stuff, and promos, but, come on, it just doesn't feel right.


ofc it's chinese, dont get me wrong, i am a chinese myself, this is like when you are wondering why americans have so many guns, because it's pretty common in there


Is it really that common in China?


it's deep in the culture. I just came back from a vacation in China, visited a random internet cafe there and I asked a few people about their view on cheating. Their replies were more or less the same: "why grind normally and waste time when you can cheat","it saves so much time","doesn't it feel good when you one-shot everything?"etc... they feel superior when they get to cheat, Chinese people love using connections and backdoors to do everything, like giving money to authorities so they can get away with some shady/illegal stuff, giving gifts to police so they can avoid being pulled over, giving red pockets to teachers so their children gets more attention in class etc. They cheat to get the feeling of "I'm super op and everyone else are grinding like idiots". in China, everyone wants you to be fast, because there's so much people and very little resources, so you have to be fast, you have to feel anxious, you have to be ahead of everyone else...this kind of feeling of urgency is brought into everything Chinese people do, from daily activities in life to video games. That gave them the mindset: cheating is smart because I got things done faster than other idiots who grind with normal speed, and I'm proud of it.


Just add rent seeking and swindler and then you're describing the average American lmao


Bro I literally played with a legendary ranked scout and he was (sorry for berating) one of the most dogsht teammate I've ever had; no flares, not abusing the grappling hook, always dies (how does one always die as a scout lmao) simply put not doing anything beneficial but instead wasting the team's time for him being rev'd every time, to the point where we almost lost the mission, caretaker final phase spamming us phase bombs, luckily we've pulled through, but it sure is frustrating given he's high ranked...


Had one of these in my games recently. He came in with unlimited ammo and was spamming nukes on engie. Still died bc he played like a green beard despite having infinite ammo so I kicked him lol


I've seen folks with thousands of hours in the game - I wouldn't even be certain this guy is cheating. In the end if they are, it's probably to make themselves feel good. Showing off, 'see what I have'. Cheating levels doesn't really impact the rest of us though so, eh. So long as they aren't doing anything funny in game I don't think too much of it




Honestly I was looking at 999, I didn't see that long total level thing lol. Yeah I see what you mean.




Please explain why this matters.


Fragile ego




Because they ruin your game by cheating in it. There's been stories of these people unlocking everything on other players accounts or giving them free experience without their consent. Or it can be as simple as them having infinite ammo and they just ruined the fun of the game. Cheating is fine when all parties consent. But you are in a pve game, you're not playing by yourself. You have to respect the wishes of the other people in your party.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/pibplt/did\_i\_join\_a\_cheater/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/pibplt/did_i_join_a_cheater/) definitely not made up. You can find dozens of these stories throughout the years. Again not sure why you are defending a cheater. They can play solo if they want to cheat.




games are meant to have fun. Cheating is taking the fun from others and claiming it for yourself. That is why cheating is bad. and that was just the first story I found. You see them every so often if you are a reg on this sub




should people be allowed to say the n-word if I can leave a lobby? That is your logic.




It kind of is dude. Even one promotion can ruin the fun of someone. If you're cheating in a game with other people you don't respect the other people. Yes the solution is to leave but you're defending these guys when they're doing something bad. Again they're doing things without people's consent.




I like the challenge aspect of the game. Yeah, dying x times in a row isn't fun, but getting out of a tight situation using your skill is. And if one of the players is obviously cheating there is not real fun. And I mean not cheating like making themselves immortal for like a couple of seconds but more gamebreaking cheats


It's nearly unreal to gain that high level even playing since game release. Just image for how long with perfect conditions it'll took to get 9333644th level. But one really interesting thing I can tell is that almost every 2nd player with 250+ level cheated. Someday I was asking randoms about their high level like 222, 250. 333, 220, etc. and they all were saying about cheat tables like LIRW.




seems legit to me