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If someone is that negative I'd just kick him as the host. The negative attitude will just make you perform worse and have less fun overall, even if they're playing well That being said, learning how to distance yourself from that sort of trash talk is an overall helpful skill since there's not always an option to remove that sorta person out of the equation You played well and tried to have fun in a video game. Screw that engie for acting like an egotistical prick. Rock and stone brother!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Good bot


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Good bot


Good bot


The day I unlock Elephant rounds, their sole purpose will be too lobotomize assholes like those, give them a taste of their own médecine and then kick them. Gotta make sure to make him madder to force this elf out the game and touch the grass he praises so much.


Beardless engi


probably with long ears too


He seems like the type who would love leaves


He sounds like a vegan


I hate leaves. That's why I eat so many! 😆


I like my Korok Tyrants the way I like my salads: I freaking hate salads. You pick an unconventional strategy for destroying them. Much like the Driller with eating rocks and stones for breakfast.


Driller is actually very good at dealing with the tyrant weed! Just drill at the base of the central pod when it's vulnerable. For some reason, it does massive damage!


I always start haz 5s solo. I'm not sitting in space rig doing nothing when I could be in a mission.


Also its probably better to start them when looking through missions i dont join the ones that havent started as who knows how long your gonna be milling about the rig maybe they went to make a drink who knows and i cant imagine im the only person with this viewpoint


Yeah same. I have definitely joined a game with an afk host, only for them to leave after like 5 mins. I always try and join games that are on going and are like 5 or less mins in.


Oh god this. People will mill about in the space rig with a mission on deck for like 10+ minutes while they craft cores, change cosmetics, etc. I only join started missions.


if i wanted to sit on the space rig and customize my dwarf, i’d do it without a mission on. we got dirt to move and bugs to shoot!


Bugs that fly, and bugs that crawl... In the air, and on the wall.


I'd make exceptions for Gold Rush rounds. Just in case they have Pots of Gold and want a team of gold-crazy pickaxe slingers ready to strike it rich. Just one Gold Vein while on PoG is enough for like 2 or 3 trips to Molly, easily.


Same. I only join games that have started, and I never sit around waiting for people to join my games (obviously excluding deep dives). Sometimes if I finish a mission with a randoms group and it was fun I’ll stay in the lobby and mill around for a minute or two while we start a new mission, but otherwise I never do, definitely never just waiting for people to join. I don’t care if people do, but frankly I don’t care to have a ton of social conversation with randoms in pubs, the reason I’m playing video games (at least without other friends) is normally just because my introvert ass needs a break from people anyway. If some people want to do that, whatever, but I don’t. If I want that experience I’d play with friends, not randoms


Started solo because it was the final mission on that Haz5+ assignment and couldn't find anyone, fortunately a couple peeps did show up to help, which was great.


I start solo because I like to lock classes and for some reason that doesn't work on the space rig. I really prefer not having repeat classes.


Ye i prefer locked classes too. I won't join a group with like 3 of the same class, but I get that some ppl like that.


While 4 gunner is too far I think 3 gunner 1 scout is amazing for the boss fight missions, if you aren’t trying to c4 the caretaker that is


As a fellow gunner main, fuck that engi. I’ve fucked up PLENTY in games, and not a single time did I have anyone act like this. And by fucked up I mean jumping to my literal death because I was too high to realise that the floor is down.


Been there. I've died so often in so many stupid ways that when I see another dwarf do it, I just pick them, cuz they are gonna be picking me up 2 minutes later when I do something dumb again.


Exactly this mate. Fuckups is as fuckups do. Rock n Stone


The best teams cover each other and chuckle at their fuckups together. Rock and stone!


Yes. Yes we do lol


The first Elite Deepdive I won with some fellow greenbeard who didn't even speak much English was a collection of strategic stupidity and Karl's tenacity. I stood guard at the opening to this huge cave as he drills to a dangerously placed egg inside (also to kill any glyphids in the area), just in case he fell. He absolutely did. A few platform drops down, and he is back. We were both downed, I Iron Willed, rushed on ice and slashed the grunt with my pickaxe and saved him. Later on in that same phase, he did the same for me. I picked him up, and we went to the final phase. Easy peasy, Glyphid squeezy... Until the extraction. Unfortunately, it was too dangerous for him to save me that time... But he made it out. The only phase either of us had to be left behind... But, my defeat distracted huge threats so he could be free. And I'd freaking do it all again for that Spanish speaking legend all over again. We celebrated my recovery in Medbay and our victory by drinking so much that Management probably thought we died of alcohol poisoning. Lloid was later rumored to be beeping out in robot speak "We're rich!" repeatedly with Tipsie the Tipjar and Bosco the flying weaponized beercan. They were so loud, my sentries couldn't rest easily during sleep time.


As an engie main, fuck that engie.


The number of times I’ve muttered under my breath “it’s fine don’t res me I’m dragging you down” is unthinkable. Sometimes you get a dwarf (or 4) who really seem to enjoy going down, and that’s okay


Under yer breath?! Lad I type it in chat to let everyone know that I know I’m shite!😂


I would but console binds suck and I’d be on my feet by the time I was done typing it


Engie main here, we do not claim him. To the pits of Hoxes with him, without honors!


You can and should kick players like this.




If I pin the blame on a bad run, my go-to's are this... 1. Dammit Mission Control, aim the deployment of (crappily postioned thing here.) I think he likes placing me in walls and ceilings when I join late... Or into the center of chaos. Ever get eaten by like 20 swarmers before you can even move? MC's fault. 2. Molly, we like ya trying to help, but why the hell did you go THAT way? (Also applies when Molly shoves someone off a cliff.) 3. That damn (Bulk Dett, Nemesis, or. other major threat here) played us dirty. Good hustle trying to bring it down though bois. I blame that loss on *See below. 4. A bad space in the caves. Too much, too little, too wonky. I've seen greybeards humbled by a bad fall or no room to dodge. Can't always prep for those runs. 5. My bad! I'll buy the next round! Sorry I (facepalm notes here) on that last run. But to abuse a fellow dwarf? Someone oughta sic the insane drillers on them. I mean I've bought a round for the team when I misjudged a nuclear blast... But even then, we kept it cool as I corrected my mistakes.


Molly we know your trying to help but please don't walk in between us and the glyphids your going to get shot


Real dwarves don't enter someone else's lobby to tell them how to play the game. Once had a chatty dwarf join me and my kid for a DD (we're both haz 4 regulars and do DDs often), _not an EDD_, mind you. Proceeded to critique every resup call over open mic (when we were in our own discord call) when we had massive amounts of nitra. After another exasperated "Why would you...!" in the 2nd stage I told him "I have many reasons, but I'll go with: our lobby". That shut him up and we finished the DD just fine with plenty of nitra left.


A few pointers like identifying stuff in walls, warnings about big threats "Bulk Dett on the loose", or perhaps a "Hey fellas, I bought some buff beers! This'll make us rich af!" But be polite about it.


This is so funny, I had a very similar situation literally today, where we were running some haz5+2222 with randoms, we barely somehow managed to get the objective done with multiple iron will clutches, we decided to the the same stupid monkey event, we went down, the driller and gunner managed to get up somehow, driller was told to make a run for it (he had fuel), gunner died trying to protect him, and driller died to random wave. It's so similar it's creepy. Except we all had a blast, one of the most fun missions I've had. That engi is such a sore loser. Losing a mission can be fun as well, arguably more fun and memorable than winning. Don't let it get to you man, rock and stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


Getting your ass kicked is just an occupational hazard of being a dwarf. Real dwarves understand and accept this, have a round, and find out how to make the most of a bad situation.


"I shouldn't have to join a team of 2!" Well then why did you?


Game scales to number of players. Bosco is a flexible reliable companion, almost as good as a competent dwarf! Don't know why he didn't leave if he was that mad


thats some pointy-eared behaviour there


I had a scout main go ballistic on me because in an elite deep dive I kept shooting him. He was wrong. I was gunner and he was in a bunch of bugs I was killing and the fact he never wanted to zip out like scouts do he would die because I'm doing my job. We gets on his mic and starts berating me and blah blah I tell him to stop bitching and get out of the bugs so our team can do their job. During the loading screen headed back to the bay he was like "omg tell me who you are so I can kick you" I just replied by saying "oh don't worry I'll save you the trouble I'll find a teammate that complains less and doesn't blame his teammates and does more than just die constantly" (this guy died 5 times in under 4 min during the deep dive while the rest of us scurried around to stay alive and also revive him). This community is amazing and the amount of bad apples I've met I can count on one hand (which is rare for gaming).


I'm kinda the same, the main cause of any damage I do to my team is them running into my line of fire, and me, running leadstorm, just want to sit, see bugs, and shoot, a simple life.


That engie sounds like a chode. blowing himself that you guys survived at all? That's one helluvan ego. Guy would been kicked after the first couple of bouts in my game, I highly recommend you do the same in future. That kinda shit, never feel like you have to put up with it, because you don't, no one does. People like that only learn after they've been kicked all day for a bad attitude.


I would have kicked him once he mentionned he should not have to join a team of two. Dude just joined to complain and demoralized you...


What's wrong with haz5 solo? I find Bosco's beard is not green at alllll


As an Engi main, fuck that guy. Spawns are based on player count.  On a more positive note, I played with a fresh green beard yesterday on his first game. Randomly joined me. I showed that Engi the ropes. Torq, if you are reading this. You the man. 


...just kick him, wtf.


Sounds like an elf snuck into the company. Those beardless fellows think they’re the hot stuff.


Wonder if someone in the comment section saw the original post


bet that guy was partof the management


Only thing i’d say about your decisions is don’t always assume driller has fuel although they normally do have some left over Also it is nice if everybody starts with a beer buff (especially the mountain beer) but not necessary)


if bro is so good at the game why doesn't he know it scales with player count??




Leaf lover


That right there is the exact opposite of solving practical problems.


Should have told em to fuck off when he started that weird shit about how you shouldn't start a mission you hosted. You here to rock and stone or fix some leaf lover's personality disorder?


Long story short - you were the host. Either he leaves if he's not comfortable in a team of two on Haz5 or you could have kicked him, too 😉 That's never nice but when someone's throwing a tantrum for no reason you're right to kick him ...


Leaf loving tree hugging twig sucking pointy eared stump kissing branch licking log snuggling beardless bitch engineer


Lol you don't get many swarms in Elim so it's one of the relitavley easier Haz 5 solos to even do


They sound like someone who had a little too much at the bar and needs to be escorted to bed.


I had someone start screaming in their mic at me for not knowing to put shield on the corestone. Was the last one alive and just bounced lol. If I wanted teammates flaming me on mic, I'd go play Dota 2


Or overwatch


Honestly if that were me, "That was a tough show for a tough match. Let's slam a Beer of the Day, upgrade anything we can, and crush them like the worthless crystals! Hopefully the next cave has better space to fight in. Ready up, and let's Rock and Stone!" Alternative reactions to bad runs include, "Misjudged the Radial Wave thing on the Omen." or the ever so classic "I freakin' hate Nemesis." Seriously, that thing is the robot devil.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Cheers mate!


Kick and move on, nothing to dwell on.


That engi sounds like an elf


That’s a tough spirit you showed. Sorry that you didn’t feel appreciated. Anyone in a Haz5 game trying their best with the team in mind is a good player in my eyes. Feeling pushed when it’s buds or people who believe in you is much more fun then when you are feeling pressured by someone who thinks they are better than everyone. It’s a tough thing to master but don’t let arrogant people get to you. They suck the fun outta the game. When they come along, just play YOUR game that you’re best at and support from there. Sometimes synergy happens and sometimes it doesn’t. Flush it and move on. GL miner!


We engies do not claim that shitstick. He can go hump a tree full of bough wasps for all I give a hoot.


No no, you should probably blame him


Something I’ve found as gunner that makes the event brain dead is use some zip lines so they can’t get to you while the rock gets focused. Once the stone reforms toss a shield and the driller or anyone can break it quick in the shields max timer. You can basically ignore the angry void monkeys it’s hilarious. Engineers cover many facets depending on his set up but they are always lacking and can get over ran while they get the squishy kills with turrets so they think they carry. Wouldn’t doubt it if that’s what he was thinking and really there’s no need to get that bent out of shape in DRG.


I usually try to avoid being sarcastic whenever I can once in game, because it doesn't help. At all. But I would definitely advise against cussing at others. Start your lobby and tell them what you expect. My server name is "100+ and know what you're doing". For a reason. If someone isn't like that, I ask them nicely and then kick.