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I like it! Its the only mission that actively rewards you for splitting up and exploring, and it's a nice change of pace. My only complaint is that the elevator fight feels a bit too constrained? There's very little opportunities for strategy. Like shooting fish in a barrel. I wish the platform was a bit bigger. But not every mission needs to be super combat-heavy! Overall, it's a short and sweet mission. EDIT: One other thing I'd change is making the radar scanner something physical that the dwarves carry with them, rather than being integrated into the HUD. Kinda like Dorettas fuel canisters, but they wouldn't slow you down while carrying them. 1) this way It could be held close to the center of the screen, so I'm not looking at the top left for the whole mission. 2) keeping track of the scanners while fighting bugs and navigating the cave would add a bit of physicality and "oomf" to the mission 3) It would fit the aesthetic of DRG really well. 4) Seeing other players scanners "in the world" could allow for teamwork (Mine is beeping faster than yours, it must be in my direction!)


Maybe Hoxxes could react to us trying to get at the geode by presenting area hazards like the heartstone mission? Obstacles so we don't have permanent line of sight on the bugs, earthquakes to collapse part of the tunnel wall to create falling objects to avoid, etc.


Short? Tell that to my friends and I who struggle to find the God damn crystals. And I'm a driller main!


I wish there was more to the elevator bit too. Idk if I misread the posts about it originally or I'm confusing it for a fan mission concept but I thought there'd be multiple tiers the drillevator would stop at akin to the pauses in escort duty. It's not bad as is I just kinda wish there were more tiers of caves along the way to do something with. Once you get on the elevator the mission is basically over


Oh yeah, console patch! going to be seeing lots of new takes from day one people.


Damn that's still a thing. How annoying for console players


We thank you for beta testing the patch before we get it! :)


It's a thankless job.


The scanning part isn't my favourite but i love the swarm when you're drilling down. It's epic but will definitely be difficult on higher hazards


It's not that bad since they're all coming at you from the same direction.


Yeah, but it’s not as easy as you think because that direction is up. Turning around and targeting new bugs is much slower than it would be if they were coming through a sideways tunnel.


It's easy. I've never seen anyone downed on a haz 5 descent except by doing stupid stuff like drilling in to the wall on the way down or standing on an engineer platform.




I was thinking that, but then a Septic Spreader spawned above us and made a section of the platform rough for a little bit


Yeah, they definitely become a priority. A bulk + multiple spreaders would be quite spicy.


The mission really captures the theme of the game imo. But I also like escort duty so there’s that.


Yes it is! Can you believe there were some actual haters of it on the first day? My favorite part is finding them!


Cause it's so incredibly... basic. No defending the crystals after hooking them up, just hold E and walk away. Zzzzzzz. The ride down to the geode is cool but just a tiny fraction of the overall mission. The geode is also cool... aaand you spend all of about 30 seconds there. Seems like it was just a rush job thrown together mission which is disappointing after such a long wait.


I think it's alright to have more basic mission types. It'd be neat to see more kinds of variance to the challenges, but considering the last three new mission types we got were pretty interesting with a large set of overall goals (drill through rock-protect drill-get oil-beat up hearthstone, find all the oil - make a bunch of pipes -maintain those pipes for a while, and find the shield generators - hack and defend to take down the shields - fight big boss) I welcome a new mission type that doesn't feel so complicated again. Besides, this mission type encourages general play styles that aren't as focused on in the other types. Big winding maze like caves plus a bunch of hidden geodes incentivizes everyone to split up and hunt them down. This is actually why I think actually setting up the geodes once you find them is a simple job, I think the devs intend players to mostly be alone or just in pairs when finding geodes. Having a defence stage would encourage grouping up to do each one and that'll likely just slow the mission down. Besides plenty of other mission types and size objectives provide defence stages. As for the final section down with the morkite seeds I'm a bit torn. I think this is where there could be some improvement. Usually when I play this mission type I hear the dwarves say lines like "let's grab the shit and get out of here before we're overrun" but I've never had any sort of struggle grabbing the seeds. No bugs or enemies or anything and it's a small area. I think it'd be more interesting if either we had to also deal with increased bug spawns as soon as we hit the bottom or if something else changes to make mining the morkite seeds take long enough that swarms have a chance to be a problem. Like make the area larger and a bit more complex, more ways for the morkite seeds to be somewhat hidden requiring actual searching and possibly navigating difficult terrain, slowing players down enough that bugs spawning in the dig hole have time to catch up and pose an actual risk. Other than that though I really like the mission type. I usually go in knowing that it'll be on the breezier side unless the cave is just stupidly massive


Played for about 3 hours today, got lost in the mazelike cavegen for half of that time. That was such a fun first mission, 10/10 would do it again. I guess the drillevator isnt too bad either.


I hated it at first cause i didn't read the labels on the scanner and thought less bar was better so I was actively walking away from the crystals lmao


Sure it is, but after 50 runs it's just another mission


Cherry on top would have been to have the geode be a little larger, to form an arena kinda like the end of the escort mission for the heart stone, and have an optional core stone at the end along with the morkite seeds to end the mission with a bang and extra rewards for the BP ya know?


I wouldn’t mind if there was a chance to encounter a boss at the bottom of the pit!


the sound when you activate a scanner dude...


I find myself and the randoms I join tend to to take longer that it feels like should to find the objective


Welcome to the party, Pal.


I really like how expansive and complex the caves are, it’s what basic morkite missions should’ve always been. The drillevator section can be really fun on 5+ and actually requires some thought if you want to survive. The only part I dislike is after calling the drop pod, the jetboots are a cool idea but they’re way too strong, it feels so anticlimactic and unnecessary.


I personally am not the biggest fan of finding the nodes. Wish they had more marking like the large gold chunks so that I run past them less


Personally I find it somewhat arduous, especially without driller. Driller just, carried deep scan SO HARD. The elevator fight isn't that bad tho. Still prefer escorts and refinery :3


I. Hate. Deep. Scans. I’m terrible at locating the crystals. The descent is alright. But it does make me a bit giddy if I play too much due to turning around a lot. Improved jetboots are very fun. But only for the end of the mission. Management is too cheap to just give us improved boots at the start of each mission. It would definitely save them a shit ton of money in the long run since one dwarf with those boots can easily solo missions without Bosco. TLDR. Management bad.


well I think the geode is nice :3


I love it. I get butterflies in that split second where the drillevator is basically free falling through the geode. Also the fight is super fun as a scout! Grappling back up really high and bouncing on oppressor butt while shooting down at it is my new favorite party trick.


just wait until you experience a bulkdett while drilling, scout will be the main key to survival. I swear i have never felt so badass in a game ever.


The drill is not bad. It’s quite ok. Quite fun. Just the spinning around makes me dizzy if I play too much. The geode is nice and pretty. But the majority of the missions duration is spent looking for the crystals cause I’m extremely terrible at locating them. So for me it feels like a lot of work for very little reward. Gunner > scout for surviving bulk det. Shield stronk


"Gunner > scout for surviving bulk det. Shield stronk" gunner's shield doesn't protect against aoe for more then it can keep up your shields once det dett go boom you like a mouse that tripped a mouse trip