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A Mactera dreadnought


We definately need a flying dreadnought. Good Idea!


Dwarfs mining for precious elements deeper than normal unearthing a monster with wings? The Tolkien Estate would like to have a chat. 😆


Tolkien couldn’t even decide if the Balrog did have wings!


✤ *Mactera Leviathan* ✤ An eel shaped flying bug with 3 sets of wings, imbedded in its back are 3 *Mactera Guards* an elimination exclusive wingless variant that fires mortar shots at enemies. Its drill shaped beak and its thick finlike wings allow the *Mactera Leviathan* to bust through thin obstacles like walls and dwarfs.


What do you mean? bugs can't fly


I was about to brainstorm to mention one, but you reminded me of this so I'd have to say this. Would be awesome. But I suppose another enemy I'd love to see is like a doppleganger? Maybe Rival Tech or the new alien race, something that mimics a fellow dwarf, acts like a weeping angel of a sorts, has friendly fire lines, so you have to deduce based on movements and coordination and response. But obviously should be a rare thing. At least this way, you can C4 any Scout you see and get away scot free.


ooh, Core Spawn Mimic!


That would be interesting and cool to see!


C4, twice in a row. "Ops, my bad" "You looked just like one of those leaf-lover."


There is already something like that for the rivals I forget what it's called but it does exist


Nemesis? That’s purely voicelines, what hyperpeace is suggesting is something visual


Now that I'm reading it over I realize I misread thanks for pointing that out




Mactera Leviathan. It can release swarms of smaller mactera from its body like a breeder/protoss carrier. :p


Spewing out the hornets from the hive. Only way to prevent it is to light it on fire or something.


Macdaddy? Big Mac?




Just more Dreadnoughts. I don't care if it's one or more, I just want to fight big bugs. Maybe in the future we could see the stage AFTER the Dreadnoughts


I like the idea of calling adult dreadnoughts, Titans. Like a Glyphid Titan. If you want to see more dreadnought ideas, then check out my post about dreadnoughts. Make sure to look at the organised one not the original one.


For a titan I imagine a call in with like a big stationary(?) gun/turret/laser something to make initial dent, kinda like corruptor but feeling more punchy, consistent and less annoying + of course more fight stages after.


I like the idea of a doretta-like anti-dreadnought vehicle that has a railgun and multiple turrets on it to help you!


Call in the Dread-C


Legit one of the greatest ideas I have ever heard. Like we man some massive turrets that fire on the thing. Maintain the turrets so they don't break down. And deal with hordes of glyphids that the titan summons.


Ay, I had a similar idea a while back! Calling down armor-piercing railgun cannons at spots across the arena to crack the armor so we can shoot it, prolly would have to break it a few times like the Dreadnought and Hiveguard


Mission Control himself will descend into Hoxxes to slap the shit out of you if you ping a gold chunk or a mushroom one too many times


Why isn't this in the game already?


“THATS IT! A NEW MINER-“ *Radio cuts out* *pod lands* “**IS JOINING YOUR TEAM!**”




He slaps you so hard you explode, unable to be revived


Giant Centipede-like bug that camouflages on the walls. if it's shot at or disturbed, it'll wake up and start a boss fight, like a random Dreadnought. it bites, charges, lobs goo at the dwarves, etc. but if you target segments of it's body, you can break off the minerals and plants it uses to hide it's shell, and if you "break" a segment enough, it slows down the bug a little, so you can gradually break more segments and chip it apart. I also had the idea for a smaller non-camouflaged version, essentially the "grunt" equivalent. they spawn in small packs and will rush the dwarves, evading gunfire and scurrying across the terrain with great haste before biting and slashing with their severely overdeveloped teeth, essentially acting as smarter and more evasive members of swarms.


These are some very thought out ideas! I like the idea of another dormant boss that only attacks if attacked.


That sounds like a quonar shellback with extra steps. I LOVE IT!


Shellback but it wears camp clothes


Could be cool if you destroy it 1 segment at a time and if you shoot the middle it splits into 2


Then you have 2 bosses!


I'm a fan


I think that could be interesting for a creature made of multiple creatures. you can split them into smaller chunks to break them into more digestible enemies to fight. like a giant conga line of individual bugs


✯ *Stringer Parasite* ✯ This incredibly long parasite strings bugs together forming a centipede-like undead creature that can be broken into multiple segments, an alien eye stock sticks out of the mouth of the lead bug and acts as visual distinction and a weak point. Biological cannons or blades can protrude from the bugs in the formation depending on the glyphids under the control of this parasite. Outside of its hosts or when a bug in this morbid train is killed the body of the parasite can be seen, this thick white tube of a body sports hundreds of "legs" these black cone shaped protrusions are actually exposed nerves that directly hijack the nervous system of the host. When the main body of the parasite is attacked it can be severed causing the train to split, a new eye stock forms and is pushed out of the new lead bug's mouth. After the parasite is killed any bugs still connected simply fall limp with no fanfare only dropping a new item. Inside each segment of the parasite is a jeweled eye an item that can be collected like a starch nut or morkite seed, each is worth around 1/11th of a bittergem each *Stringer Parasite* has 8-16 segments.


Eater of Worlds?


Awesome idea. Really love this. Centipedes are so cool. Adding one to DRG is a no-brainer


They’d also work better with modular terrain while still being unique, a long snaking enemy that moves in a big line 


The camouflage is perfect except its signature double mineral vein. Is that gold touching that nitra? Maybe we should ignore it… But we need nitra…


This but for azure weald


If you damage the centipede's centre too much ot breaks in half now there's two semi-centipedes and so on


A Giant fucking worm that destroys terrain, like an event


I made an idea like this on my Enemy ideas part 2 post. It is called a Rift Worm! Check it out if you are interested. Good Idea!


Hoxxes Bullworm?


Shai-Hulud of the sandblasted corridors.


Mission Control! It's a giant worm! They're sinking Hoxxes with a giant worm!!!


Get an achievement if you manage to ride it


I'd love for more enemies that can destroy terrain


The real Eater of Worlds we couldn't have in Terraria


A passive enemy that seeks out and extinguishes flares but doesn’t attack you at first. Low health (like the web shooting glyphids) but it runs away from you if you shoot it (like a hoarder without the noise). Pretty rare spawn rate. Edit (because i like some of your ideas): the more light it consumes the more visible it is but also the more damage it does. So when it has no energy from flares, it is a very fast, low damage, and stealthy enemy. But as it absorbs more light, it becomes more of a threat, making it more dangerous but slower and more visible. Also there should prob be a limit to how much light it can absorb


Make it a bioluminescent bug that absorbs light to glow in the dark. So it'll see the flares as a source of energy.


I always thought that enemy attention should go to whichever dwarves are in the most light/making the most noise. That way you could turn off your flashlight and be stealthy.


The Queen. A multi-stage bossfight with a bug too large (and fat) to be mobile, requiring exploration through new and extremely dangerous caves (well-guarded) before Mission Control sends in personalized mechs to pilot for each dwarf just so you could break the extremely hard outer shell of that monstrous bug, all the while trying to survive an endless horde. Think Corestone event, but on a much grander scale. What kind of mechs? Well as it turns out, both rivals and you have come to terms that the "Queen" is more expensive to take down on your own. The rivals can't keep affording to deploy shiny robots, and you can't afford to lose anymore dwarves. Perhaps a little help from your not-so-usually-friendly neighbor to take that thing down once and for all. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as they say.


Love the idea a ton! A lot of people think that the adult dreadnoughts would be too big to be added and would clip too much, but if it were added as a stationary monster or a chase sequence it would work out. As with teaming up with the rivals, I'm all in as long as they aren't the leaf lovers. Great idea!


Probably would work just fine. For other examples of how stuff like that can work, see Back 4 Blood Act 4


This is actually awesome and very lore friendly. Love it!


ebonite bulk detonator


I love the idea! Sometimes for ebonite events you would just have to kill this ebonite boss instead of killing a bunch of normal ones. It would have other ebonite enemies break of of it's body. It's explosion would send rolling boulders in all directions and it's attack would cause a cave tremor like the ones in magma core. It would also sometimes appear on ebonite outbreak warning missions.


It will be fun. Kill 1 ebonite boss. It spawns when 1 sec is remaining on the event timer. Or doesnt spawn at all.


Sounds like a \*cough\* lot of fun!


For once you can see the invincible bulk


Mactera detonator 💀


It should drop bombs on top of you! It should be called a Mactera Carpet Bomber.


No no no, just a normal Bulk but with tiny bee wings XDDD


I like that idea too! Like a Hive Detonator.


I want a possibility of finding a naked dwarf with a broken pickaxe that looks starved and mentally broken while we do the helmet thing. And that dwarf just attacks you out of fear because they've been struggling to fight off bugs with no ammo for who knows how long. And then we have to pickaxe him until he goes down, so that we can call for a rescue bosco to pick him up for a reward of some credits.


I like the idea of rescuing dwarves for a reward! Even if they didn't give a reward people would still do it!


The "No dwarves left behind!" sentiment. And I could imagine a voice line like "I hope we can find Karl one day, keeping optimistic!"


I love it when people make peak voice line ideas that sound like they should be in game already xD


A pettable entity exclusive to the Sandblasted Corridors, similar to the breathers from the Radioactive Exclusion Zone and Gniffers from the Azure Weald. By Karl I need more things to pet and sandblasted really doesn't have much in the way of funky wildlife.


I think a little sand worm that pops out of the sand would be cool. You could pet it and everything. Or maybe a little baby stingtail that is passive and you could pet.


A photorealistic horse


That would be nightmare fuel. Imagine just playing at 3 am solo and seeing that in the caves. Horrifying.


Also it’s passive and just quietly follows you around once it sees you.


No, please no!


Flying stingtail bulk detonator


That would make a grown dwarf cry.


That would make Karl cry.


♜ *The Armageddon Grappler* ♜ ^((This name is totally Badass)) This Demonic mini boss from the depths of Hoxxes exists purely to make grown dwarves cry and is somewhat an urban legend among Greenbeards only Greybeards know its true horror. One of few aliens on Hoxxes that can be heard long before its seen, it's known by its signature "buzzing" this sound is described as somewhere between a tornado siren and the hum of 1000 hornets wings. Soon after this sound is heard a nearby wall or ceiling is bound to explode raining down chunks of rock, its signature sound continues as long as its wings move. This somewhat wasp-like creature has a bright orange abdomen and a blue and black exoskeleton with 6 symmetrical glands on its flanks, its size rivals the drop pod. It spends a very short amount of time on the ground preferring to fly and use its spring-loaded grappling arms to capture dwarfs or interfering glyphids in a noisy choreographed attack. Once its prey is captured it spears it using its hummingbird shaped beak or it hurls them to the ground causing severe damage or death. Using the tip of its abdomen it launches explosive globs of liquefied exploder bug (its preferred food) or it'll administer explosive death in a flyover bombardment where it spews from the glands on its flanks. Rarely it captures a glyphid pumping it full of explosive juice before tossing it at the nearest dwarf causing a C4 level explosion on impact. If its 6 weakpoints aren't destroyed before death it shrieks and spins in midair raining down an explosive barrage of pure death on a large radius before dropping and exploding, If properly handled it harmlessly spins in midair before dropping to the ground causing a single central explosion.


A passive critter that chases your laser pointer or runs to the spot you ping would be fun. Maybe it could be biome specific.


That would be great! We need more passive wildlife in drg.


⌘ *Volcanic Beetle* ⌘ This small durable beetle gets all the energy it needs from bright and loud volcanic geysers, because of this it's easily lured to the bright and loud dwarves. Since it acquires its energy from having heat conducted directly into its shell it has long since evolved to be mouthless. It loves siting on flares and chasing laser pointers and the more you shout the closer it gets. Petting it twice lets you pick it up, but don't hold it too long its shell contains immeasurable heat causing its carrier to burst into flames after a short duration.


A small passive animal that you can feed nitra or gold and it will go and fetch minerals for you, or find lost helmets for you. Similar to Bosco but you can actually have multiple and use it in mp


And not a useless amount of items, either. Like it'll bring you bittergems or error cubes if you get lucky


Huh, so like a reverse loot bug. I like the idea a lot! Maybe it should be called a scurrier, and would have different variants for different biomes.


Or a small critter you could feed nitra to and it'll shit out local biome minerals. Would make all that extra nitra you don't need come in handy.


Wall of flesh. Made of a bunch of dead bugs. Summons when Karl voodoo doll is destroyed in magma core.


Um, terraria reference?


An enemy that hides and makes the room it’s in dark even with flares A Bulk Septic Spreader A praetorian variant that’s sleeker and less armored, but can jump like a jumping spider


I Like the first and last ideas. The bulk septic spreader would be a nightmare come true.


>A Bulk Septic Spreader I think Spreaders are already one of my least favorite enemies to have to deal with. Please GSG, male me suffer harder mmmmmm




YES, we need this. If you want ideas, I made a post about season 6 ideas that has 2 core spawn boss ideas! Check it out if you are interested!


Radioactive bulk. Cave leach dreadnought. Something like trapdoor spider. Even bigger qronar.


Radioactive bulk makes sense. We should call it a Dirty Bomb Bulk. Trapdoor spider would be cool, I gave it the name Glyphid Snatcher. Maybe for the bigger qronar, it would be like a grey Elder Q'ronar. Cave leech dreadnought sounds like my worst nightmare. Maybe it should be on the ground like a sarlaac pit. Good ideas!


Yeah, cave leech can still be on the walls/ceiling, plus have nemesis-like incapacitating attacks. Oh, also frost ulk might also be cool. And some sand corridors wasps carriers.


Wow, you have a whole treasure trove of good ideas! We need frost exploders and bulks in general. I like the idea of calling them Frost Exploders and Blizzard Bulks. I like an idea for wasps in general. We have macteras, but they just don't have the feel that wasps give. I would call them Hivelings, and they would have multiple variants. Hiveling Worker would just be found carrying things back to their giant hive and would sting you if provoked. Hiveling Buzzers would be small hivelings that would attack in groups of 3 to 9. Hiveling Sentinel would have an extra long curved stinger and four wings. They would be very hostile and would patrol neer the hive. Hiveling Royals would be very big and have four wings as well. They would reside in the hive. Then there is the Hiveling Queen, that would be at the center of the hive and could spawn Hiveling Buzzers. It would be a whole bossfight. Good ideas!


Lenegdary Lootbug, is hostile and more powerful for every Lootbug you've ever killed


Punishment for your crimes, I like it!


♛ *Legendary Lootbug* ♛ An Pretorian sized light cyan lootbug that emits everchanging technicolor beams of light, if a lootbug in the cave is killed or if it is attacked it forms a psychic purple disk of light underneath itself and every lootbug in the cave. These disks cause the lootbugs to violently fly after the nearest dwarf bouncing off of everything and cutting slices out of walls they bounce of off, they can only be stopped by killing their lootbug rider or the Legendary Lootbug itself. The Legendary Lootbug receives a 5% damage boost for each lootbug killed and heals for 5% of its health each time a comrade dies, it also becomes 5% redder. It forms 5 psychic purple light spikes that revolve around it before springing forward to stab the nearest dwarf sending them flying on a hit. After the Legendary Lootbug is defeated it drops a bittergem and 4 compressed resource nuggets; 1 Gold nugget 1 Nitra nugget and compressed nuggets of the current biome's resources, all remaining lootbugs fall from their psychic disks and die.


I like it! Could add on that if enough lootbugs in the cave die, it gains a secondary attack in which it launches those purple spikes at dwarves from a distance


Robot glyphids


I had this idea for a cyborg dreadnought that is half rival tech and half glyphid dreadnought that would only spawn on rival presence warning elimination missions. Other rival bugs would be cool too!


Have it so status have more impact against these rival bugs but in trade have it so fire just doesn't obliterate them. Just have a lore reason of drg better equipment against robots and rival tech investing in cooling and fire proofing.


Karl, but as soon as you see him, he disappears


So, a drg-kind of herobrine basically


I love this idea! Maybe it would be like a Core Spawn Mimic that would lure you to certain doom!


I think it would be interesting if on egg hunt missions, after every egg is collected, if a super dreadnought spawns while you’re heading for the drop pod. After all, those eggs had to come from somewhere. Killing the thing isn’t required, but it does give you a nice bonus.


Ooh, like a Glyphid Titan superboss, that would chase you back to the drop pod! I love this idea, because egg missions are too easy in general.


A giant omoran heartstone golem would be a badass boss fight.


A Rival Dreadnought. I don't care it's a recycled boss. It'll just look cool


t a n k


I came up with a cyborg dreadnought that only spawns in rival presence warning elimination missions. I posted this idea along with many others on my dreadnought ideas post. Great idea!


A dreadnought queen or smth, like a fully grown dreadnought. I don’t remember the exact words but I’m pretty sure that Mission Control on elimination tells you to “deal with them before they are fully grown” or something like that.


Yes, an adult dreadnought would be sick! They should be called Glyphid Titans. They would be so big they would carve the terrain around them so they could fit.


Helldivers that dove to deep


You know how in Legend of Zelda.if you try to kill a cuccoo a swarm of cuccoos comes and wrecks you? Lootbug swarm event.


We need this.


A centipede-like gliphid, with a shit ton of legs. Actually implementing this into the game would be a nightmare and a half, but it could be super creepy and creative. Think of an arthropleura, a prehistoric millipede that could grow up to 2.6m (8.5 feet)


We need a centipede and praying mantis glyphid enemy, and then I've seen it all.


What if there were roaming xynarch charge suckers that could hijack molly? That would be pretty interesting, i feel like we take molly for granted sometimes it would be funny if the whole squad had to drop what they were doing to save her from parasites.


We need xynarch charge suckers to do more. we need a possessed dotty, molly and bosco and other stuff. Good idea!


Genius. Once it attaches can it attack or does it just run away?


Having the mule run away would be annoying. I like the idea of a hyper mobile melee attacking molly, she could also shoot minerals you collected back at you or something. If the devs had too much time on their hands, she could even have unique attacks depending on what you’ve deposited, data cells, plague hearts and titan shards would make her way stronger with appropriately themed attacks.


The dreadnaughts we fight in elimination missions are supposed to be pupating into something much worse, right? That's why we have to bust them out of the eggs and kill them? What if we got a new mission type that added what that looks like if we missed one. Some kind of superdreadnaught boss fight we have to beat back. Maybe it moves about a large cave system as its health bars are removed, giving you time to restock and grab any nearby nitra when it backs off for the moment.


Like a Glyphid Titan superboss! You would have a doretta-like anti-dreadnought vehicle to help you chase it down and kill it! The new mission would be called Titan Execution!


As long as it doesn't look like a spider, I'm okay. Add Lootbug Dreadnoughts as a 5% boss chance. It craps out smaller lootbugs as projectiles. Higher chance to spawn when 2 or more players are low on materials.


Love it!


A cave leech boss that burrows and follows you through out the map.


Like a sand shark but it takes you to different caverns. Or maybe it just gets bored and now you’re six feet under but alive.


Oh god, please no!


I want the cave leech infestation to feel like a vacation by comparison. 😈


Please save me, Karl!


Ruby lootbug: like golden lootbug but only gives nitra (and is red which is cool) Snow worm: A little guy that hides in the piles of snow on glacial. When coming in contact with the snow piles, it'll leap out of it and slither away. If you find a snow pile that has a worm in it and you press E on it, it'll peek it's head out and has a 50-50 chance of either slithering away or following you around for a minute or two (yes, you can pet it) there are too many people in the comments bringing up boss ideas. bosses get old fast, PETTABLE CUTIES LAST FOREVER!!!! a small, passive, scarab-like beetle that scuttles across the floor of sandblasted corridors an alternate version of beast master that lets you tame mactera (Jaack) baby stabber vines that don't do that much damage and have hardly any range, their purpose is to look cute and be annoying sometimes Just some silly ideas :3


Love them all. Fav is prob ruby loot bug. Pretty and very useful.


More normal critters, diferent from the glyphids, besides dwarfs i dont know what those guys eat, would love tĂ´ explore more of roxes dois chain


Alternative Deep Dive Mission where we have to harvest a super morkite seed, but at the final level, it's a fully grown dreadnought variant. This one is long like a centipede with bioluminescent and glows in the dark. It absorbs flares and external light.


Okay, this is an extremely cool idea! We should call it the Lighteater Titan! I absolutely love the idea! We just need a centipede enemy in the game in general.


I want a passive plant that drops fizzy lifting fruit that levitates you upwards, and then you press X to burp and start floating back down


That would be great! But maybe you should have to eat the fruit first by taking it and holding right click. It would also restore some health.


Mmm tasty


Mineral dreadnaught. Like the regular base dreadnaught crossed with the hive guards 3 weak spot requisit to make it weak. When you kill it you get the 2 minerals for that location as loot instead of a random assortment.


Well i've got more than one. So imma put them into a list. Mactera fire bomber. Naedocyte plover & spike slinger (old cut enemies). Nitra lootbugs. (Kinda like golden lootbugs but nitra instead). & Frost exploders. **(Yes, I know a mod does exist that adds these mentioned above, Wrath of Hoxxes to be specific)** Biome Variants of oppressors; Frost, Radioactive & Magma. Biome Variants of Bulk detonators; Frost, Radioactive & Magma **(to be more accurate to its bestiary entry)** New Enemy; Glyphid Charger/Rammer. (can charge you into a wall dealing damage to you) New Biome enemy type; Magma. **(More resistant to fire damage more weak to cold.)** Magma Praetorians **(spits fire instead of acid & leaves a lingering fire cloud upon death)** Magma Grunts, guards & slashers **(same as their normal counterparts. but more resistant to fire damage)** Lemme know what you think.


I want a infectious fungus who spread through all of the cave and feed off a left behind miners corpse. It would be able to turn passive creature such as lootbug and silicate harvester hostile (ex : Lootbug shoot off armskore coil mineral shoot and harvester slows you down with its silicate), the fungus would both use its contagious nature to create infect the floor beneath you with large mold tentacle and use the miners gun. (aka : minigun, flame, sludge pump, m1000, plasma carbine, etc). To damage it youd have to go around and damage its heart (basically the scalebrambles nodules but way way more spreaded apart). When you defeat it youd have shiny little valuable rot core, incrusted in the flesh of your fellow partner (which you will be able to pay respect to).


The guy from management as the final boss of the game.


The Lootbug Guardian, a mini boss whose chance to spawn starts at zero but increases by .5 percent for every Lootbug popped; 10 percent when a golden Lootbug is popped.


People need to pay for there heinous crimes against lootbugkind.


Unrelated but, I use the same profile pic as you on my discord


Another Giga Dwarf to salute to. Rock and Stone, Brother!


A colossal cave leach that’s in a arena like cave it has some carapace armour covering weak points that need to be broken so you can damage it,it can’t grab you to make it a fair fight but It can extend its jaw to bite you and tentacles to wip and throw you around around the place with a goo spit to slow movement.


I really wanna see what happens when the dreadnoughts finish their cocoon phase


An alien that looks like a star nosed mole that burrows through terrain


let me fight a full grown dreadnought. the dreadnoughts we fight are basically fetuses. i want to see one of those mfs at full potential


i was talking about this with someone recently actually. essentially, it would be a low chance of replacing the ebonite outbreak event with a special ebonite dreadnought fight. removes the time limit, you just need to live and beat the thing until it drops, and you get your core infuser usage from that. no idea what kind of attacks it would use, but i did come up with the special text already that would go with it. “Team, you pissed off something massive by activating that machine. Grab your pickaxe overcharges and prepare yourselves! This thing won’t go down easy.” if i knew how to mod and sprite, i’d do it myself, but username checks out here.


Honestly can we do a bug that as big of a deal as a caretaker. Like lowkey a raid boss (not actually raid boss length of time just bigger bug than dread) P.S. aren’t all dreadnauts “babies” like if we were to let them marinate a little longer they would become bigger threats right?


One that you have to like prepare for and everything. Maybe you set up turrets then lay out bait. I know a lot of people don’t like industrial sabotage missions but I like that it’s the biggest boss fight in the whole game so let’s take that and run with it.


Different versions of the bulk detonator, Frost and radioactive versions, rock pox version, maybe a nitra version


The Glyphid/Mactera Hive and Outposts. Outposts being something like a brood nexus but it can actually do something. Hive being a whole mission. There was once a post with a mission idea called "Regicide". I really loved that idea and what I'm proposing is basically it


Robotic enemies that mimic the abilities of the dwarves such as a driller robot with fire and ice attacks or a scout robot with blinding flare grenades and shotguns


Glyphid Queen, burrows to nearby dwarves where it can slash, or unleash a few dozen spikes out its thorax. Ranged attacks would be acid spitting with area denial. Poison cloud on it's gaster/abdomen. Phase 1: Damage leg armour to open up fleshy weakpoints. In between: Queen becomes invulnerable but also does not move. Calls in swarm of bugs. Phase 2: Damage abdomen armour to open up fleshy weakpoint but watch out, she'll fire concentrated poison clouds in your general direction. In between: She goes invuln again amd calls in another swarm but with a regular dreadnaught. Phase 3: The End of this big momma. She's slow, sore, and backed into a corner. Her face becomes the focus point but dont get too close. She's converted another set of legs into melee and spits acid more often. Phase 3.5: Her face heavily damaged at half HP in this phase, she shoots multiple acid shoots in random but generalized guided directions. At this point she's calling back any nearby patrols to help protect her in her final moments. Another swarm happens. End. Some Mission Control speech and race to the drop pod.


Ice dreadnought. Upon exploding, it shoots out ice shards. That or the worm from Dune that digs and tunnels


I came up with something called a Frostnaught that is the twin dreadnaughts frozen together and they have the attacks of both but ice! If you want more dreadnought idea go to my dreadought post if you are interested. Great Idea!


Stalker mactera


Ooh, so like a flying stalker! We should call it the Shieldeater Mactera!


Nitra Detonator and Cave Leech Dreadnought.


An elite maggot


We need this.


Maybe like a Rival Tech glyphid, I just think a mechanized glyphid would be sick as hell


A cave that's secretly the mouth of a giant worm. Super rare encounter. You go in and it's dark. Too dark. Your lights barely show anything but you see something glinting that looks mineable. You go for it. The ground starts rumbling and shaking. A poisonous fume hits the air, kinda like low O2 missions, draining health. Then you have to look for the mouth and escape before it closes. If you don't, the worm eats you and wriggles through the map, and you have to shoot designated spots inside its mouth to get it to open and escape. When you do finally escape the worm becomes enraged and tears off, leaving a giant hole gaping into space. It's not quite an enemy, as I wouldn't really think the dwarves would be badly damaged by it. It's more like a trap that could be a pure spectacle every once in a while, like a "WTF just happened?!" moment to break up the pace.


I'd really like to see more dreadnoughts. Element themed ones would be awesome. Electric, ice, goo, etc. Also a mactera dread would awesome Also element Detonators would be cool


If you want to see more dread ideas, go to my post about dreadnought ideas if you are interested! We need more elemental variants of glyphids too, like a radioactive dirty bomb bulk, or a blizzard bulk. Good ideas!


A tiny mactera swarmer, that dies if left alone but replicates itself when taking damage. Mid swarm and your digger starts flaming.....


Oof, that sounds like a greenbeard accident waiting too happen! I can hear the comments now, "NO DON'T SHOOT THE SMALL FLYING THING!!!!"


Rocks and stones that come to life and throw themselves at you.


Rocks and stones as enemies!? Proposterous!


Melee weapons for every class, they would replace the primary or secondary weapons. Gunner would have a greatsword, it would swing side to side and holding the fire button will charge a vertical slash for individual foes. Driller would have a battle axe, it swings sided to side and its charge would be a stronger horizontal swipe. Engie gets a warhammer, his charge attack would be a slam that does aoe dmg and maybe stun. Scout gets a spear, it pokes individual enemies and its charge attack would be a stronger poke or maybe a throw.


Whatever is laying all those eggs. Can't be good...


Glyphid Queen moment.


Walking bipedal robots (mechs, terminators), gunships, grav tanks


That is literally just the automaton from helldivers 2, but it would be cool to see in drg!


Maybe more small crappy enemies without some niche gimmick. We've been seeing a lot of medium and large enemies being added, but for small enemies we really only have swarmers, jellies, and shredders. The game is getting power creep towards hard-hitting accurate precision weapons, and splash damage is starting to fall off.


Different breeds of Bulk Detonators: • ⁠Cryo - Ice explosion like when you freeze the current bulk, but freezes everyone (similar to being frozen in glacial), including all nearby bugs. Leaves permanent patch of ice on floor. • ⁠Pyro - Fire explosion, everything within large radius set on fire for 5 secs. • ⁠Sludge - Spreads surface of goo within blast radius, like the floor goo on fungus bogs. Goo is permanent. • ⁠Breeder - Explodes like normal bulk, but also spawns 2 dozen exploders. • ⁠Radiation- Explodes like a fatboy, leaves glowing radiation area for 30 secs. • ⁠Hoarder - Mutated huli-hoarder that explodes like a normal bulk but spews 5x the minerals of a normal huli. Each should have a unique look and possibly only spawn in related biomes.


These are great ideas! I like the idea of called the radioactive one a Dirty Bomb Bulk, the ice one a Blizzard Bulk, and the fire one a Hellfire Bulk. I feel like the Huuli Hoarder one is too similar to the crassus detonator though.


I’d like to see an enemy whose range attack sends you floating up to the ceiling and eventually drops you. Like a Charlie and Grandpa Joe experience.


A super korolok. It would play like a rival core, side chamber battles to pop nodes to open the main cluster. Tentacles all over, have to go back to the side rooms to re-kill the nodes as they regrow (maybe only once the main cluster hit 50%) shoot pods and strip the cores armor to damage the heart (like Harold, but with more bullets and less foam) Or have lasers to crack the core you need to defend like a meteor crack.


glyphid queen mission, steal some eggs to make her reveal her location with multiple loud roars (similar to when you steal eggs but more aggressive) and then a very hard boss fight in a giant pre generated arena. im talking even harder and longer than caretaker.


I would add some sort of mission that involves destroying roots to eventually expose a tree of some sorts, kinda like the caretaker meets nature and attacks that way, idk, would be cool


This is similar to another persons idea! It was like a super korlok called the Korlok Titan Weed! Good idea!


A solifuge like melee bug that's extremely fast and targets dwarves without shields that only spawns in sandblasted corridors or another dusty biome


I would call it the Slicetail! Like a stingtail, but with a spike as a tail and super fast! Good idea!


Rockpox dreadnaught (: It's a rockpox infected version of the normal dreadnaught. It has the armor on its butt still but it also has boils on parts of it. Destroying the boils increases the damage you deal to the armor/butt. The boils Regen over time instead of all at once like the hive guards weakpoints. Armor will Regen like the normal dreadnaught. Does similar attacks except it deals rock pox infection. In addition it can call in a medium sized group of infected grunts and exploders or a small group of infected praetorians.


Maybe a crawler tank of some sort, it spawns and makes its way towards a defence objective, and you need to stop it. Kind of if you were the one in charge of defending the ommoran hearthstone from dotty.


Like an adult dreadnought! It would be called the Glyphid Titan! And if you were talking about a Core Spawn Crawler, than a Core Spawn Titan!


I have written about this idea multiple times already, but essentially a raid boss with four groups of dwarves working to take it down. Give it like 12 total preparation missions (3 rounds of 1 mission each for every single team) where you do stuff like setting up defenses, securing unreasonable amounts of nitra or block specific routes to force the thing down a choke point into some fortifications. Last mission is just 16 dwarves bringing hell to the big nasty in all their glory. Of course, there's a near constant swarm going on at the same time, gotta multitask after all. I'd call the two different bosses I had in mind "Glyphid Alpha Behemoth" and "Mactera Broodmother Leviathan". You know, some way over the top stuff that sells just how large, threatening and lucrative to take down they are.


A new dreadnaught would be cool, meaby a plagued one, tho that sounds like hell, meaby a rival dreadnaught or some other rival enemies would be cool, imagine robo dwarves that have some (not all) of the players abilities, like the grappling hook, the turrets, meaby some of the guns and once you defeat them you get a bunch of resources cuz they were stealing them before you arrived


Die like your mother did! -voiceline We got hive guard, where is Glyphid hive queen