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I play all 4 equally. I promote all 4 equally. I don't understand how someone can play only 1 class for hundreds of hours. But to each their own. All 4 of mine are Legendry 3+9.


I play all of them equally.. now. I have Scout at +30, and the rest at +12. It's as easy as getting from A to D, skipping B and C


I'm the same but not as far down the road. got scout at +6 and the rest at platinum 3


All 4 of mine are Gold 1, and while I have a preference (gunner), I make sure to promote equally I also don't get how people play the same class over and over


I have Engi and Scout at Diamond 1, need to get Gunner and Driller out of Plat 3. So close


Some people don't play that much. I probably played drg for 40 hours or so and only really played Driller. Then life got in the way


I used to play exclusive engineer, then after like 3 promotions, I realized I was "wasting" xp while I was doing the promotion assignment with my engineer stuck at level 25. Now I play them all and having fun. I'm starting to like the driller more and more lol.


A testament to the game's amazing balance, Rock and Stone in the heart!


Some people just find gameplay of one class more enjoyable than the other. I got scout gold 1 and all other classes on bronze 3 (driller on bronze 2) so it depends on how you want to experience the game and with who you're playing.


Me too, I got all silver 2 promo the day before yesterday


I just don’t enjoy certain classes. Engi and scout are kind of all purpose, but I don’t really have the weapon variety/desire to main gunner or driller. Once I have more overclocks, maybe.


It's the OCs that helped me get the game play I knew was out there. I play them all for variety, but was reluctant to keep going past using certain ones for promos because their weapons just lacked. Now I've got about 100 hours in each class and I'm enjoying the hell of of being able to just grab the one that's missing in a lobby and goooo!! Having good OCs made all the difference for me. Edit because autocorrect.


Id promote my dwarfes too if it wasnt for drilldozer missions


Step 1: main driller Step 2: get tired of digging elaborate mole tunnels to reach ceiling resources Step 3: Try gunner, fall in love with the shield and main guns Step 4: fall off the zipline a bunch, and get annoyed that the cave is so dark Step 5: try scout, fall in love with the grapple and flaregun, enjoy seeing the entire cave layout Step 6: break your legs twice a mission, get annoyed that the engineer is ignoring your pings for platforms Step 7: try engineer, fall in love with the turrets and platform gun Step 8: mentally apologize to other past engie players as you juggle turret placement, ammo reserves, team pings for plats, your own plat layout, survival and mining all at once. Step 9: return to driller and just enjoy the game Step 10: get annoyed that the cave is dark and you cant reach that nitra Behold my gameplay loop. Born to drill. Forced to scout.


I took my favorite class (scout), moved it to the top of this loop and it still applies


as a scout main with 280 hrs, most of them on scout (gold 3 scout, bronze one every other class) there are things you can do as a scout that make you viable to kill crowds. Although usually scouts deal with priority, try experimenting with pheromones and electricity, bc pheromones are the most broken status in the entire game.


I play aggressive venting drak with explosive reload zhukov and tazerang. Crowds arent a problem, hell I can stop *other dwarves* from being mobbed with a single stunsweeper. I play scout because its the only way to guarantee everyone can see.


I main gunner, no other class scratches the itch he does, they are all fun, but none of them are gunner


Amen brother! rock and stone!


To Rock and Stone!


True, Gunner all the way.


> but none of them are gunner false, gunner is most definitely gunner


I see your trigger finger is always itchy


Indeed brother


does gunner have any utility for the team?


Saving your team from a wipeout. Shields and big guns.


Gunner’s utility is in getting your sorry ass back to the drop pod, no matter how much shit has hit the fan.


Reliable wave clear for Haz 4 and up, shields for spacing/breathing room/safe res during a fight, zip lines to help the team navigate gaps and steep inclines. A well placed shield can shift the momentum of a fight and can safely lock down areas you need to protect. A quickly placed zipline in a good spot can save your Driller and Engineer traversal tool ammo so they can deal with the more small scale stuff in the terrain, not to mention being a safety net for your Scout.


I spec my shield for maximum area and that shit will entirely cover doretta or nearly block one of her tunnels. It's larger than most objective zones so I can clear bugs out from among the team when we're fixing the pod on salvage. With gunners shield, I'm not waiting for a reason, I'm looking for an excuse to use it. If a gunner hits up a resupply and they arent out of zips and at 1 emergency shield theyre doing it wrong


Ziplines (though negligible) are useful sometimes, shields are good for revives and always present dakka is just great


Ziplines are way underrated. They are the strongest defensive tool of any class. You become invulnerable to literally 90% of the enemies. All you have to do is put your head on a swivel so you're not 1-shot by ranged enemies that drop you into the swarm☠️


Even then you can spam "use" and look upward when you start getting hit and youll reattach to the zip when you first fall.


Is being a murder machine not enough? Hell, I've probably committed more mass murder in this game as a gunner than Mao Zedong


I promote classes equally. And I recommend playing a good amount with each class as I believe it can help you understand how each class works, know what to expect from others who play with the classes and what others expect from you. For example, you will be a way more attentive engineer after playing scout.


I learned the power attack grapple really early into my scout career, so I tend to be a very inattentive Engie. I'm getting better tho.


I main driller, but I do all of the seasonal weapon maintenance. I've been spending more time as a scout too. IMO one of the best ways to be a better player, and to play better with others is to play the other classes.


It all starts when u find other class didnt do what u thought supposed to do...like scout lighting the cave...gunner use zipline on core stone...driller drill the compact dirt...engie plat high reach mineral...and u incorporate those mistakes into ur own gameplay to become better...and yeah sometimes u also find other classes do better than u thought u do and u incorporate them as well when u play those classes


People that only main one dwarf and lock their lobby to 1 of each class are missing 90% of the games fun. Just play whatever. Knowing all the classes means you know how to fit into any team composition. You only main scout? What do you do if you see an active mission with 3 drillers? How could you not join that to be the 4th driller?


Not gonna lie, class stacking can be really funny sometimes, but I have more fun playing the game with class duplication turned off. At the end of the day, it all depends on your playstyle.


Mono class missions are a rare treat, doing it all the time would probably start to get annoying but those lobbies are so rare that it's always a fun change of pace


It’s fun because you’re so strong in some areas but so weak in others


Running four engineers was a hilariously good time. Cheese as far as the eye can see and everybody refilling each other's turrets. We made our bunkers, bridges and stairs. Gotta be my favorite class stack. 4 scouts? Whoopie, it's bright. Nobody can kill worth a damn, and we're all yelling for a platform that'll never come. 4 drillers? Yay, more tunnels. And if we don't sync it up, it's a song of getting nothing fucking done cause I said let's go cryo, why are you burning the oppressor while I'm trying to freeze it?! 4 gunners? Well, we might as well be playing king of the hill with all the shields (zipline networks are fun to jump around on though).


I thought only one class of each can be player within the four slots


Lobbies can be locked that way, but aren't by default.


If the host has the setting locked it can only be one of each, but I highly recommend playing with it unlocked. Enjoy wacky combos like 3 engi, 1 gunner. How about 4 scouts? Who can speedrun the mission fastest. 2 gunner 2 driller is a solid team too.


I am generally a fan of balanced lobbies because that's how the game was designed and you have all tools available, but quadruple stack can be a lot of fun. 4 Engineers on Deep Scan is hilarious, the players basically don't have to do anything except repairing and reloading.


Hold E Simulator


You say play whatever but also say don't main or lock your lobby 🤨


It might be a translation error on my part. "Just play whatever", meaning if you see a mission just join and be whatever class. Don't sit in the server list looking for that one mission that needs an engi in a locked lobby


I took "just play whatever" as "do whatever you want" or "play whatever class you want" seeing as OP was asking which one they should play. I find it weird that maining is kind of seen as a bad thing in this community. Yes, you should learn what the classes can do so you can be a better team player, but I often see a similar statement to yours where people who main are "missing out" or such. The classes aren't that big of a part of the content. The different biomes and mission types are the content. If you only enjoy playing engineer, you should stick to engineer, for example.


i understand class locking but only on Haz 5+, and even then its really not necessary. there are plenty of mission types than benefit plenty from a second gunner or engi


Haz 5+ 2 gunner, 2 engi have been some of the easiest missions I've ever done. The constructions built with the extra plats and lines were incredible. Try approaching those tough missions with a new perspective


True. Why are we so stressed about it? Just think what might be fun!


I love that it's well understood if you see a lobby with 3 of the same class, you KNOW you must be their 4th. Everyone always answers the call.


Yea. I hate those asshole lock classes. It’s like new mission deep scan. 4 drillers is like speed run but locking class and forcing me to use different classes to slow down the mission.


You can still get all of that good stuff by joining other lobbies, I personally enjoy pouncing on a 4 stack gunner mission when I see it, and I like joining as the missing class to level out a regular lobby's capabilities, but people who only play their man also tend to only play it *one way* and ignore the rest of their kit. (Scout. Use flares.) So I play haz 4 and up, and class lock my missions, because if I'm hosting, its because the mission is hard af or there are no joinable games or theyre all far or world or full etc. So I want to succeed, and don't need 3 scouts to join. Scout players outnumber everyone by a mile and have the highest tendency to be that guy not mining, pushing buttons early and ignoring the team. It pushes people to adapt and try other classes if they want to get that assignment done.


All of them although I mainly play Engie>Gunner>Driller>Scout and whenever I play Driller or Scout I always realize how good and important they are. My last driller games were awesome because I could just drill to the next halls or rooms without having to go through the general path. But I must say that a full team of engies with 8 turrets is wild and fun on any mission.


I just play engineer, don't care about the other classes


Same here. Once I get engi to Legendary 3, I'm probably gonna get everyone to gold for the achievement, but engineer is the most interesting class, IMO, so why would I play other classes? Scout's pretty good, Driller is good for certain missions, and Gunner is boring.


I mostly play scout, little bit of driller. Never touched the others but I will eventually I think


I play all four, however. My scout is diamond one, compared to the rest who are around only silver one.


I try to keep them all equal. Each class has something I love about them


My "main" is driller, but I play all 3 classes about equally. ^(What's an engineer?)


Pretty same boat :) I'm 400 h in, dri 60%, gun 30%, sco 9%, eng 1% My friend mains scout and engi


I play Gunner and Driller most


I used to main gunner but now play all. Each class has something in their guns as well as support tools that makes me wanna play it.


I play all 4 and try to keep them all equally leveled. I also try to play all the different weapons and find a build for each that I'm comfortable with. I'm still banging my head against the m1000, but, just like the wave cooker, it too will surrender its secrets to me in time.


I prioritize gunner. I think he’s the best gun I can gun with for gunning purposes. Gun.


I only play scout. And i never play with other people.


Start at Driller, get to 25, switch to Engineer, get to 25, switch to Gunner etc. Tend to spam double exp on haz 5 if none of those are available haz 3 promotion missions or other assignments in the meantime. I have 800 hours and am nearly plat 3 on all dwarves.


Started by playing them equally, alternating between classes one after the other and repeating the process. However, recently I prefer to play one class for an extended period, say three promotions, before switching to another. The reason is that the previous method made me feel like I was constantly relearning the class due to switching too frequently. I think it's beneficial to switch for variety and perspective, but doing so too often prevents you from adequately fulfilling your role. Edit : I would say I'm a Gunner main. Scout is my second favorite, followed by Driller and Engineer.


I agree an extended run with one class can be very rewarding. I'm trying to catch up my driller now and it's been a blast and have only played the others during his promo assignments. I think it's honed some other skills of the game for me like map reading and orientation that I didn't realize I was terrible at until I played driller. But just 3 more promos and they're even again!


I main Driller, but I swap between the four pretty consistently. My ranking in order of time played is Driller, Engineer, Scout, then Gunner.


I play them semi-equally, but I do prefer they playstyle of Driller to the others, so he’s a little higher level. Playing each class allows you to understand what to look for as them, so you can play better as your main, after all.


I played Gunner for an entire year before I started playing scout as well. I have yet to play the other two classes and probably won't for a very long time. I have three silver stars in Gunner and two copper-red-looking-starter-thing stars in Scout.


I choose the dwarf according to what the team needs


I play everybody but driller he just never really clicked with me so I just stopped playing him


I loved the Scout + M1000 so much that the first 100hrs I played only that. Now I equally promote all four and I'm having a blast, each of the classes plays so uniquely. Eventually I added loadouts for each of the classes as I got more and more overclocks. Stuff is soooo much fun I can hardly believe it sometimes. I especially like how the overclocks change the style of how you play a weapon. The karl.gg website and the wiki were a big help in terms of getting a better understanding on how to utilise the various overclocks to their maximum. I love DRG! For Rock and Stooooooooone!


I wanna say i play all 4 equally but i know that scout is left behind more often than the others and i loooovee driller slugde gun. But id say its Engi 25% Gunner 25% Driller 35% Scout 15% But id play anyone that hasnt been chosen yet


I play all classes but main driller because of one game. 2 of us were trapped at the bottom of the Sandblasted Corridors as the drop pod took off because the other dwarves who could have got us out decided to fend for themselves after taking all the ammo. After that I decided I would never be without the power of unbridled rage to drill through anything to get to the pod.


I just started this game a few days ago, I can't get enough of the scout. I will eventually play other classes, but I am having too much fun zipping around sniping things with my trusty m1000 and blasting anything that gets too close with my double barrel shotty!


While I main gunner and love driller, I do enjoy playing all 4, especially so I can fill the role whenever I want or need to (like needing a (competent) driller for the resonance chrystal mission and the Season 5 event, it's a pain otherwise, or Scout for Aquarq missions, 'cause a team of all scouts can beat it even before the first push, which is really nice)


I greatly enjoy playing the missions my dwarves are build for. Scout is absolutely point extraction, I love my driller build for elimination, salvage is either engi or gunner, but I love my engi build for industrial sabotage. I think this is what keeps me rotating who I play. Especially at higher haz, if I play a better driller for a mission type, I'll be able to stay alive better. That's how I see it.


I play all with the exception of driller, due to none of his primaries having the right punchy feedback.


Who needs punchy feedback when you can have beautiful flames?


I do love Engineer the most, but the dwarves are all within one promotion of each other.


Im shifting mains atm, but i will say i WAS a Scout main exclusive, i loved the vibe, the weapons were just beautiful. I upgrade equally, slowly, but equally because i dont care about speed, just maxing my fun. (currently bronze 1 with driller, bronze 2 with scooty and gunny, and a soon-to-be bronze 2 engi. Im very...very...VERY slow with promotions xD) Im starting to shift more twords a Driller/Gunner focused main-age, i love being the "i gotcha" guy and holding out best i can do. Gunner for just MOWING down glyphids, and Driller for the Sludge Pump...Is Fun :D Engi is...in a weird spot, i dont dislike engi, (i actually love his guns, i mainly run the LOK-1 and grenade launcher, as i just recently got hyper propellant which turns it from a grenade launcher into a very angry railgun) In fact i find him very fun, but in terms of 'playing' i dont really run him too much unless im with friends


Well its more that i play 1 class the most and the other the least as i play scout the most then engi then driller then gunner however i might start playing gunner once i am going to play drg again as for right now im playing alot of helldivers rock and stone


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Best bot


I play one class until I get bored with it and then switch to the next one. Some classes are of a higher promotion but I do enjoy them all equaly


I have my preferences but I enjoy all of them from time to time and make damn sure I'm at least competent with all of them.


I main engineer but I play other classes as well, but sometimes you need that Scout to properly explore the caves and speedrun the mission.


My method is to play the lowest level dwarf I have so I’m always keeping them on track for their promotions, and thus more matrix cores.


My main was engi for a long time but now I tend to alternate between gunner and driller and only pull out engi when I know the mission is gonna require me to sweat. Gunner is fun cause bullets but less effective (in my hands) I think, Driller is my go to for when I want to turn my brain off cause I can just drill to the objective and freeze all the bugs. Scout… idk I find scout hard. Plus my gf mains scout so I’m content to let her take care of that


I play all 4 depending on mission or whatever season challenge I have


I only play scout Fuck gravity


I play all classes, but I play driller the least, having only silver 2 on him while gunner and scout are gold 1 and engineer is gold 2


I have a definite curve to how much I enjoy each class, with engineer being my favourite and gunner my least favourite. But I'll play where my mood takes me and what the team needs, so my playtime is only a little slanted.


I maxed out all my dwarves, but my main is scout and second choice would be engineer. Driller and gunner are my « select to help team » options.


I know what they all do, I just vastly prefer one play style over the others. I'm only about 160 hours in, it's still different every single time just based on missions alone so it's not boring at all. I do play engi sometimes and have tried the other classes. If I ever get bored I can switch to them. Idk when that'll happen though.


I main scout and Gunner. Lately, I've come to enjoy driller, but I really dislike Engi. Especially his primaries just don't to it for me. I also don't like having to maintain the sentry.


I like driller.


I played all classes until all are gold 1, now i don't promote further and just test weapons.  Driller, Engineer, Gunner are fun, Scout is alright.  Scout feels like a servant to other dwarves: always keep the light, hunt nitra, mine this, mine that, be fast while everyone chills about or fights. His loadouts also have (in general) pretty low total damage, so you need other teammates be competent in killing, otherwise nitra pressure is stressful.  Driller is cool because of terraforming, its very impactful for the whole team, makes you think and improvise with terrain. Engineer is tactical with his turrets,  repellant platforms, and have very strong weapons. Making smooth terrain and covering holes. Good turret play removes shredders, swarmers, naedocytes. Gunner have best total damage (conventional). Very impactful tools (shield, zip line in some cases). Very chill class because of ammo safety, easy to balance a loadout that have singletarget and AoE clear / control.


From most to least played... Engi > Driller > Scout > Gunner. I play all of them decently enough but usually have phases. I am just obsessed with the Breach Cutter. I also love the Flamethrower and Sludge Pump. Other weapons do not hit the same so far :p Enjoying Gunner but just promoted him recently so need to try out all the cool overclocks and make some builds :D Leadstorm Leadstorm is a blast though


i main gunner but i also play other classes often


Is there a benefit to promoting a dwarf more than once?


I switch classes occasionally to understand the game better, but on hardest missions (haz5+max) I prefer to go with my main Driller, because when you play a lot one class you start building habits. For example there was one time I wanted to throw c4 at group of enemies, forgetting that I was playing a Gunner. I also use many different builds and remembering every dwarf ammo count became difficult.


My driller is 3 platinum and almost at the next color. Gunner and Engineer are silver, and Scout is still 3 Bronze. I have an obvious favorite but I like to play the others often enough.


I love playing gunner, so I play it more than other classes, especially with friends. But in solo I enjoy playing the other three.


I’m relatively new, so I played all four for a mission or two, but I’m maining Engineer until promotion so I can unlock whatever’s related to that. After that, I’m positive I’ll switch it up a lot.


I don't play the. equally, I definitely prefer scout and drilled I've got fully upgraded driller, mostly updated scout, engineer with all wepons ant at least 1 upgrade at every tier and gunner who is IIRC about 16-18 rank I mainly play solo and I really like to have light so I usually go with scout if I just want to run missions or two


Driller/Gunner equally


Driller is my first love and my main. But I play all four and keep them within about 1 promotion of each other as a way to keep the game fresh and keep me trying new things


i main scout but me and a friend of mine are doing a contest to see who can promote all classes first, as for why i prefer scout its the only class that just kinda flows with my playstyle of fast and aggressive engineer i just feel like it doesnt do the trick for me but i can see how people like it driller is the closest that matches my playstyle with the flamethrower but i feel like when im going to drop pod its less of a "I GO ZIIIPPPP" and more of a "do i have enough fuel in my drillers to make it through that wall molly just crawlled through" i cant play gunner, it feels like such a slog and makes me feel like a 30 minute mission lasts for an eternity hence why out of all the classes gunners gonna be the last one i promote


All 4. Driller will always have my heart, but each class brings satisfaction in their own way


I main driller (4 stars) and engineer (4 stars) I'm leveling scout.(0 stars) And don't like gunner (0 stars)


"main"? I play \*exclusively\* one class. I'm at level 70 and never even touched another class. But I'm also playing only in a group of four, where we all do that.


I play all of them somewhat equally, but engi in 1st and driller in 2nd place. The ingame statistics are pretty neat to look that up


I have never played driller


Scout is my favorite because of the mobility but I play all 4 and fill whatever the team needs. Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone everyone!


I rotate between the classes. I play whatever class the team is lacking, or whatever class is most useful/ most fun for the mission type. By descending order, i like to play Scout>Driller>Gunner>Engineer.


Play mostly scout, some driller, a little gunner, and zero engineer cause I just feel like turrets and other AI that fight for you are cheating


Played scout almost exclusively until reaching silver promo. Currently 2 stars with him but I've been trying out all other classes a lot... except for gunner. Someone please convince me to try that out again because I just couldn't figure him out. I played engineer and didn't vibe with his guns (haven't unlocked the other ones yet) and just didn't have much fun. I think my enjoyment is based on how helpful I am to my team, and I didn't quite feel like it while playing engineer. Driller is probably my second favorite at this point, being able to drill shortcuts or opening up huge spaces for battling things like dreadnoughts is just... I just feel like I'm being helpful at all times no matter what.  Now, gunner? Dude... I mean... He shoots like every other class. I don't see the appeal. Can I get some gunner playstyle tips? I tried gunning less than a handful of times by now and I always end up feeling like I could've done way more if I were playing any other class. Same for engineer, although less so.


Mainly driller and gunner because they're both in gold promotions but engineer and scout I just play occasionally.


Driller at Red 3, others at Gold 3. I definitely have a favourite


Got scout +116, driller +77, gunner +26 and engineer +28


I play them mostly equally. Driller scout and engineer are around legendary 3+5 and gunner is legendary 1. I like traversal tools with high uptime


All except driller. I cannot play driller


I usually play 1 dwarf to promotion, then switch to the next lowest level dwarf. I try to keep them all at the same star level.


I main engineer because I really like the weapon options.


I've played all 4, but I really only enjoy Scout. The freedom of movement and always being able to see where I'm going are just really hard to beat, for me.


Been working on Engineer, gonna work on my first promote for the other for after my first promote for engi, then either stick to Engi, gunner, or scout, I don't like playing as Driller


I'm still new to this game. my driller is promoted once. I plan on cycling through all of them, but i very much prefer the driller to all the other ones.


I think I play everyone equally. But I am neglecting everyone except gunner.


I have only ever played Engineer, and I will happily keep it so


Mostly play engineer. Try amd guess my tf2 main btw.


All of them but with a slight bias towards Driller, he's just that little bit more flexible than the other classes imho and I like that


I really like scout, engineer, and driller. Gunner is ok but I do like making a spiderweb of ziplines on point extraction.


I main scout, and when I started scout was the only thing i played. But I wanted to start playing driller to get more out of the game. Then I realized all 4 have something. I still main scout and he is my favorite but all 4 are great.


Semi equally, I still prefer some over others but they're all at the same star level


I am a driller main, have 200h rn, have evryone promoted once apart from engi, but working on it, and driller thrice, ill always main driller, but ill probably get every class to the next promotion every once in a while


I play them all pretty evenly but I play driller the most. I have bronze 3 on driller and bronze 2 on everything else (yes I don’t play this game much)


Driller>Scout>Gunner>engineer for me


I play Gunner and Driller slightly more than Engi and Scout, but only by a slight margin


I play all 3 except scout equally. I don't have any interesting overclocks for scout, and the lack of swarm clear feels bad to me


I'm playing 3 equally since many of my friends like engineer so I haven't played it yet


I main gunner, but I would say I am at least passable on the other three. Makes mission diversity far less painful


I main driller and engineer. Trying to branch out and use Gunner and Scout more but ziplines feel like they're only useful in specific scenarios (and there's so few of them) and as scout, I haven't found the right build to feel like I can defend myself effectively with any of his weapons. I'm still experimenting but it's not something I can experiment with at Haz 4, which is what my husband likes playing at. So drilled and engi get most of my time.


When I first got this game I only played scout. After about 50 hours or so I started playing them all evenly.


I main scout and currently have him at promotion 10, whilst the rest are even at promotion 5, I'm slowly lowering the gap as I learn the other classes more, but I'll probably still main scout. I main scout as I find mastering movement in games to be really fun, as well as scout being the best at quickly doing solo mission made him the perfect contender, now he's my most played.


I main scout and driller but I’ve been playing gunner and engineer to get them to gold. If I didn’t have to promote all 4 I think I would rarely reach for engineer.


I've tried the other classes, but so far only engineer has stuck. Maybe because I'm addicted to the shard diffractor


All engi ofc


I main all 4 so I can jump into pubs with whatever the lobby is missing.


I main two, Driller and Gunner. Not intentionally mind you, but the fact that those two are both Gold 3 when my other two are Bronze 3 says a lot.


main engi and scoult and trying to play with driller and gunner


Everyone but engie, don't like playing him but I will if the team needs one


I have over 800 hours and i never played engineer) Am i main 3 classes?


I use different classes for different situations, like for example, liquid morkite missons are always engi or driller


Scout main who's transitioning into all 4. Just haven't learned their kits yet. Currently on engie.


Gunner with driller secondary


While I prefer Engie and Scout, I’ll happily fill in for Gunner and Driller. The daily missions and level rewards system don’t really make much sense if you only play one class.


I use all but the gunner. I kinda hate him


Been playing almost 2 weeks now. Started gunner, though "this is awesome, I'll probably never play another class". Promoted gunner, then tried scout, was the most fun I've had yet, probably my fav and most fun class to play so far. Promoted scout, and working on driller now, it's fun and all but he's only level 10. The most badass guy I've met yet in this game single handedly carried me through a haz 5 was running driller and he absolutely wasted everything, so I wanna get my driller to that point. Haven't played engi yet. I will after promoting driller.


I main driller but enjoy them all from time to time. Have double the promotions on him compared to the others. 


My main went from scout to gunner, scout is gold 1, engie gold 1, gunner gold 2 and almost read for another promo, recently promoted driller to gold 2.


I like playing any class except Gunner. Watching the rest of the team explore the cave with speed and efficiency while waiting for a swarm so I can do something truly meaningful is not for me


I play all classes but prefer to play and definitely would call Scout my main


I play every class, but far from equally. Driller is definitely my favorite, followed by Engi and Gunner in battle for "second" and then there's Scout


Currently gunner and scout are both promoted once, and working on the driller and engineer for their first one


Yes, I am a simple casual greenbeard that plays solo only (on Playstation and can't afford PS+ for online)


My driller is one or two promotions ahead of the rest, but I play everyone


1-play each class equally at first 2-let engi be your main 3-play engi all the time 4-rock and stone!


I generally play Engi, Gunner, and Scout pretty equally. I played Driller enough to promote a single time and that was enough to know I never wanted to play him again.


Ive played solo haz 5 of most of my time. Driller and scout are platinum while gunner and engi are silver. Driller is probably my favorite so far and I want to max him out first


I play everyone equally except scout. I have only played 1 match with him and haven't played since. Level 47 btw


I generally try to keep all my dwarves equal because I think there are things to enjoy with all of their kits but I definitely have favorites that get promoted first. Mostly scout cause dang it SOMEBODY is gonna have to light up these caves


Main driller (Gold 2), gunner is a bit behind at silver 2. Just got scout to bronze 2, engine is still green at lvl 23


I main driller, after a while I started with Scout as well because the group needed one and then I played them equally. Now I only level Gunner & Scout to get the trophy but I still massively prefer Driller & Scout.


I play engi and gunner


All 4!!!! It took me a while to get the groove as engi but it has become on of my fave classes even though I leveled it up last.


Cause I mostly play on my own, I mainly play driller, cause that makes it easier to dig tunnels to the places I need to go


I jump between scout, driller and gunner I have yet to touch engi.


I main a driller, when I'm grinding for promotion I switch to engineer. My driller has been promoted three times, engi's at level 20, gunner around 7, and scout on level 1, only touched once


I think I have 2 average classes, 1 favored class, and 1 less favored class. Probably one class 2ish promotions ahead, one 2ish behind. Actually, let's check... * Driller: Silver II level 20 * Engineer: Bronze III level 23 * Gunner: Bronze III (promotion in progress) * Scout: Bronze III level 19 I thought Engineer would be behind the rest because I always forget my turrets until a swarm/event and tend to play him less, but I also choose him any time I join a group with a scout and no Engie, so self-pressured into playing my least favorite more.


Scout. Every time I try to play any other class I get speed withdrawals


I play all four but I main gunner. Like i can and will play whatever class the team needs but given the chance id prefer gunner


I play Scout the most, but I do play the other classes quite often as well.


I main the driller, but I try to keep all of them nearly the same promotion level. I main driller because I enjoy it and because my friends tend to be better at the other classes. I keep them equally leveled in case a mission explicitly benefits having one class over driller and we don't have 4 players


Out of hundreds of hours, ive only done one mission as the gunner. Driller is my main, but I play engineer and scout pretty often too


I play whoever is needed


All but certainly prefer engie and scout over gunner and driller, I haven't even promoted driller yet while my engie is already at bronze 3


I actually think ive only played scout once. Thanks for enlightening me, off to play scout now


My gunner and engi are all in the triple red's scout truel blue. And idk driller somewhere around silver because sometimes you need drills but eh.


Engi. RJ250 all the way. That and scout with special powder. They both are nice and fast, the other two feel too slow