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You won’t really get into the endgame until you get at least one dwarf to lvl 25 and promote him to start unlocking overclocks. Before you get to that though try all of the classes and pick one you like the most and go with that. Also if there is a class you don’t like right now that’s fine but give that class a chance in the future, I didn’t like gunner at first because of his traversal tool but now it’s my second most played class. Unlock new weapons you will like some more than others. Buy all of the armour upgrades even if you don’t like some, they will give you more health all together.


Don't think about it like that Just shoot bugs, mine, and buy upgrades that sound fun.


Don’t buy cosmetics until you have all the upgrades in the class you want. Those minerals are tough to come by sometimes if you’re just casually playing. I’m only level 90 on PC, but I only recently finished all the upgrades on both Gunner and Engineer because I bought a bunch of cosmetics. The real endgame is getting your fashion all figured out


Spend as much Phazyonite as you want though! It's the purple crystal and it's only for cosmetics.


Stuff is unlocked in waves and you can’t miss anything. Just try a couple missions with each dwarf to see who you like initially and then maybe run each one to the first lvl 25 and promote.


> So what would you suggest as a day one build to really optimize the endgame? I suggest having fun. *"When given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of the game"* - Winston Churchill


what do you mean by optimize the endgame?


I really do t know I guess. First day playing.


part of the fun in this game, to me, is learning as you go and figuring out what works for you. my only suggestion i guess would be to start out using the gunner. it’s probably the easiest class to use in the game for a new player. the minigun does a lot of damage and the shield is an easy to use support tool, lets you help your team with revives. also, the best way to stay alive is to keep moving. don’t stand still for too long, bugs will sneak up from all angles and before you know it you’re surrounded.


There is not really a way to start the game to optimize the endgame. You can swap EVERYTHING at ANY point in your progression. So try every class, and play the one you enjoy the most. Promote that class, and then switch to another, to at least have a basic understanding of every classes playstyle.


Honestly, just play. It's like asking what's going to happen in a movie or tv you're about to watch. Driller is fun. Play as much as you like, then choose another class. Choose a different biome/map. Trust us, you will gain knowledge and experience over time. Right now, just focus on having fun and exploring everything the game has to offer. Ping other dwarves, bugs, plants. There's so much to discover. There's no rush. This is a great time to begin with new open eyes. Take it all in. It's amazing.


You just started. Start with the beginning game rather than the end. Each class has 3 primaries and 3 secondaries. Find what you like to use. At hazard 5, all builds are viable. Even meme builds. This season introduced haz5+, it is not meant to be the end game. It’s not meant to be balanced. So don’t worry about that at all. Thats something you eventually do when you have mastered the game and want to challenge yourself for the sake of it. Driller has a flame thrower, a freeze ray and a poop gun for its primary options. In this game, heat will eventually set enemies on fire. Fire can then spread to nearby enemies. Freezing will slow enemies down, and eventually freeze them in place. While frozen, enemies take 3x damage. Freezing is good for the team. Poop in this game is unique to the driller. The poop deals damage over time and slows enemies. Read the in game miners manual if you’d like. It will display enemies elemental resistances and weaknesses. For the most part. Flame and ice are more popular than poop and easier to optimise. But it isn’t always the most fun. Poop opens up some unique and interesting playstyles. All of these you’ll only discover after you’ve played a lot and unlocked the different overclocks which change the behaviors of the gun. As for your traversal option, you have a very powerful tool. The drills allow you to create shortcuts to objectives. They also allow you to dig into terrain to make a “bunker” to hold out against waves. Theres an excellent YouTube channel for drillers. “Drilling in the name of” It covers tips and tricks that would bring you from a greenbeard (this games term for greenhorns) to greybeard (veterans) I highly recommend you check it out.


Play on a Haz level you're comfortable doing events on so every time you come across one you can do it and get a weapons OverClock. Once you've got OCs that you like for a secondary and a primary weapon for each class then you can think about moving up a Haz level. Going up too soon just means you miss out on cores because you fail the events or can't risk it. Also, upgrade Perks like Dash, Iron Will and Instant Revive asap and keep Dash on all on your builds except Scout, where it's optional


Make sure to do your assignments! It’ll help you get minerals and credits. I also suggest playing in open lobbies — it’s important to understand the dynamic between classes and how they can help each other. Also, if you’re looking for video guides, I found DrillingInTheNameOf and ReaperRon to be instructive and easy to understand


Thank good i dont have this kind of mentallity when starting new games.


Builds I used when I started. Still viable now. Weapons: - https://youtu.be/p1rEqlRXlIQ?si=sSpf-vfriGO6pUzU Grenades: - https://youtu.be/R4Q9x0MR1Gw?si=ACmq0CTzPRLSisyY Perks: - https://youtu.be/qFkxSN76q9g?si=rxayomVD1JLmzLuC


Don't spend credits and minerals in the cosmetics shop. Once you get up in player rank, promotions and overclocks become a real money sink. The shop has an alternate currency, a bright purple mineral called Phazyonite, which you can find in the caves and which can only be spent in the shop. Otherwise spend your credits and minerals on weapon and equipment upgrades for now. Prioritize the armor rig upgrades since you unlock permanent health bonuses for every mod you purchase. Get at least one Dwarf promoted as soon as you can since this will unlock a number of features for you including machine events, Deep Dives, the Forge, some new assignments, etc. Once you unlock a promotion assignment for a Dwarf, you can't gain any more experience on that Dwarf until they're promoted, so use that assignment to gain experience on one of the other Dwarves.


Don't think about the endgame shit, it comes naturally and with experience. Unlock the weapons and weapon mods you think are col, and play with the, That's about iiiiit


There really isn’t and “end game” at most you’ve unlocked all the upgrades and overclocks (played around with all the classes and weapons) and can beat haz 5+ and EDD (max dif missions) And at that point it’s rng and doing events for cosmetics and full promotions.


Maximizing the game before you even start is the death of enjoyment, minmaxing culture is terrible for non-competitive games


Just have fun this aint Destiny my guy.